The Name Game: Episode 2

We are back with another round of “The Name Game!” If you haven’t played this participative game with us before, then here’s the basic gist…

  1. We invite you up on stage
  2. Tell us the name and domain of your company
  3. Our goal is to guess exactly what your company does as well as provide beneficial tips and feedback on your company name/domain

We heard quite some creative names this time around, such as…

  • Hover Haus/ Is it possible that they lead a service of aerial photography to assist real estate agents?
  • Uneako/ Maybe this could be a fashion label that stands out from competitors with its unique and unmatchable style?
  • Cancer Visit/ Are they a service that allows people to visit cancer patients, in an effort to provide comfort and encouragement to those struggling?

You may be surprised to hear the ultimate goal for some of these companies!

We were able to provide entrepreneurs with helpful constructive criticism on their domains, such as for…

  • Zero Hunger/ If this company’s intentions fall down a path of conducting more nonprofit work, then the suffix “.com” may not be the most beneficial choice. Now if “.org” is already taken, are there other possible suffix choices that could better align with the purpose of this company?

To hear all of these companies’ true goals, as well as receive some valuable feedback, listen to the full session above!

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