Listen Up, Bookworms: Sharing Our Must-Read List For 2022! 


Do you have a go-to favorite book that you tell your friends about? Have you found yourself staying up all night, glued to the same book? Have you read the same book more than once? These are the signs that a book is just too good to put down and deserves to go on your ‘favorites’ list! 

If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking. 

Haruki Murakami, author of Norwegian Wood ( 

Here is a list of books that are favored by an array of entrepreneurs and successful startup leaders, and why they rave about them!

The book relays a ‘logical’ method around making decisions to help the reader continue to improve as an entrepreneur. 

Coach Yu has put the work of Ray Dalio’s, ‘Principles’ into action, and said the book successfully changed and supported the way he now delegates. 

If you’re a writer or an aspiring writer, this book is for you! It gives insightful teachings on how to be a great writer.

“This was a short book, very entertaining chapters that had a lot of ‘meat’. Every chapter had a takeaway. That book really inspired me to write my own book.” – Jeff Sass

This book tells the story of a powerful business idea. If you want some inspiration for your next big idea, read this one.

“A good read, an easy read, and an impermeable format. It’s quite inspiring.” – Speaker

This is the perfect guide to help you write a book in 30-days.

“It’s absolutely fantastic! It’s one of the few books I’ve read, end-to-end, and has a very clear process on writing a book.” – Coach Yu

Interested in finding more books to add to your list? Tune in to the session above!

  • TRANSCRIPT: Coach Yu – EP26


     Good to see everyone. The room is filling up quickly. That’s great. Uh, Dennis will be here in a moment and we’ve got another great topic tonight for the coach you show. So looking forward to that, once Dennis gets here, I’ll start bringing people up on stage too. So you can hang out and get ready to ask a question or leave a comment.

    And I just wanna remind everyone is we’re waiting for Dennis that this is the coach you show on start-up club. Uh, we do this show every Thursday evening at 5:00 PM Pacific time, 8:00 PM Eastern time. And this is part of start-up club. You can find the recording of the coach, you show, and many recordings of coach U shows, which is the website for startups.

    And you can also find the replay of this show here and you’ll find replays, uh, in [00:01:00] start-up club. And you’ll also find replays in the profiles of myself and Dennis after the show is over. So you can always find and listen to your favorite coach use shows again and again and again, and don’t forget to share them.

    If you found some value, Dennis. Welcome. Hey Dennis. Welcome. I was on mute. Yes, that’s an amateur. I know. Thank you everybody. I’m so glad you’re here. You know, Chandler bolt told me last week that books change lives. And I thought at first that was maybe like a marketing ploy because he run self-publishing school and he’s got a whole program on how you can write a book, just like our mutual buddy Warren Whitlock, who’s written 17 books and a lot of our friends had it published.

    But the best knowledge and mentorship and training I’ve ever had was from reading books. Cause I felt like I was having conversations with people who I could never actually get [00:02:00] ahold of because they’re dead today or they’re just too important, a lot of autobiographies and a lot of biographies. And I’ve been very picky in terms of the books that I’ve read 4,500 and the course of my life.

    Some of you guys may have read more or less than some of you guys will have recommendations, which I want to hear you share. But today I want to talk about what some of these sacred books are because there’s

    things that were books that were printed before Gutenberg, right. Or knowledge that existed before Gutenberg, which is what like 1450 or something like that. Because that’s knowledge that has, that has stood the test of time that it’s not social media news. And I asked you like, what percent of your time, what percent of your input is from.

    That’s the latest, cool thing on social media. That might be funny versus stuff. That’s stood the test of time for, you know, 600 something [00:03:00] years. Right. That’s, that’s pretty awesome stuff. So I want to share a couple of books and I want you guys to think about what is it that has really made an impact. So don’t just give me a book review.

    Don’t just say I really liked this particular book because another friend recommended it. And a lot of other people like this book, but I’ve never read it myself. I want to know about a book that you’ve read, cover to cover. Maybe you’ve read it multiple times and what is, and don’t, don’t go into this whole book review thing, but you know, one sentence, what’s the summary of that book.

    And what was the personal. Impact it made in your life. So the impact it made in your life with not just to cause you to realize something, but what, what is the thing that’s happened? Right? What is the measurable result that has happened for you? Okay. Does that, does that sound good? And Jeffrey’s going to help us moderate.

    I want to get as many people on stage as possible. Be ready to hit the hand raise button and the bottom. Right? Does that sound good, Mr. Jeffrey? That sounds great, Dennis. So, so [00:04:00] why don’t we start by you telling us one book that influenced you in that way, and then maybe I’ll share one and then we’ll start getting some more from the folks in the audience.

    I’m a big fan of Ray Dalio. One of the 10 richest men in the world founded the world’s largest hedge fund and he started or wrote a book called principles and it talks about how you can logically make decisions and get around the blind spot. That you might have so that you can continue to improve.

    I’ve used it to help in our hiring process, because I used to hire, because I thought I knew who was competent or not hiring people that were just like me. And I found that by having, by questioning your own assumptions and realizing there’s so much, you don’t know that you ended up getting a better product and you end up being able to delegate out things that you used to do yourself.

    So principles by Ray Dalio guys, go get it. Awesome. Awesome. Um, there are so many, um, books that I’ve read that I, that I learned from that influenced me. But since you asked for something that really, um, [00:05:00] inspired you to actually take action and do something, I’m going to mention a book that I read by Steven Pressfield, um, called nobody wants to read your shit.

    Great title. And, and it’s just a wonderful book on writing. You know, if you’re a writer or an aspiring writer, there are some great books on writing, including on writing by Stephen King. That’s one of the best, but Pressfield’s book. And he’s a very well established writer of both business books and, and, um, fiction as well.

    Uh, and this was a short book, very pithy, very entertaining chapters, but a lot of meat, a lot of really, almost every chapter had a clear takeaway. And that book really inspired me to write my own book. And when I wrote my book, um, I modeled the chapter structure, you know, short chapters, one or two pages, making sure that each chapter contained a takeaway point, um, really was modeled after his book and the [00:06:00] inspiration of reading it.

    So that was a significant one for me. Fantastic. How about Thomas Hawkins in the orange next.

    I’ve read. I’m old, older than most everybody here. So I’ve read a lot of books in my life. And so I’m going to bring up one that I most recently, uh, read and how it impacted me. Uh, it’s a book called the Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. And I met, uh, Bob Burg at, uh, uh, in Charlotte at a automotive mastermind group that I was in.

    And, uh, so, but I didn’t stumble on his book until more recently. And the Go-Giver is a parable. It’s about how, how you get success in life by giving more. And when you give, when you’re a giver in business and in life that you’ll automatically receive. And, but it’s, it’s a easy read and it’s a good read and it’s in a parable format.

    It’s, uh, it’s quite inspiring, but what, [00:07:00] how it impacted me more is that because of reading that book, I got involved in searching a little more and I got involved in a mastermind group that meets weekly, similar to our office hours. And, uh, and I’ve made a lot of connections there and connected with a lot of people that have helped me in various ways in my business or personal life.

    Uh, just being involved with this group of people, uh, with Bob Burg. So that’s how it’s really impacted my life. And, and, uh, so that’s the second mastermind weekly mastermind group I’m in besides with, uh, coach you in the office hours group. And it’s these kinds of connections that do impact your life more so, and in this particular one came through because of that book that I wanted to recommend.

    So. Amen Thomas. And I’m so glad that you’ve used books as a way to build relationships because we’ve had special guests. We’ve been super lucky to get these cool people on that have shared their books. And Thomas has made it a point to reach out to these folks. And [00:08:00] he’s actually gotten a contact gotten on one-on-one private zoom calls, which has then led to other things, as you know, I want wanna, I want to take turn, take turns, giving book recommendations.

    Actually we have, we had one who disappeared. How about radar? You hear

    Rita. Are you here to give us a book recommendation? If not, we’ll just keep moving. Right? If you’ve got a book recommendation, hit the hand, raise button and Jeffrey will, we’ll let you up and let you down. So the next book I’d like to recommend that I believe everyone should. Is your book, the book that’s inside you, that is your life experience.

    That is your expertise, the book that you have not written, that you’ve put off writing that you know, that you could write, or maybe you thought you, most people think they only have one book in them. So they want to wait and wait and wait until there’s the right time. But I would challenge you to write your book now.

    And if there’s gaps in your [00:09:00] knowledge where you feel like you don’t know enough, you can always interview other people for those particular components. Because the people who are really knowledgeable tend to be too busy. And they’re not going to write that book. So you can certainly, you know, make a collage.

    What is the word, not a collection, the word where you have the, you bring together a bunch of people into a compendium, right? So I’d say that’s my favorite book, but really my, my friend, sorry, I got a bad internet connection where we’re coming here from just outside of Managua, Nicaragua, but published by Chandler bolt talks about.

    How you can write a book in 30 days and it’s absolutely fantastic. It’s one of the few books that I’ve written a written read, excuse me, end to end, and is a very clear process on how you write an outline, how you build out that outline into the book, how you test it, how you promote it to make sure that for example, you put it out for free on Kindle, have people buy it for penny, then make it $10 or whatnot, the whole process, and to end on how to become [00:10:00] well-known and find out that really you should write a book, even if you don’t think you know anything so published by Chandler bolt.

    And I think we have laying here links a frequent attendee. Welcome link,

    please. Not onstage she’s in that followed by. Oh shoot. I’m sorry. If you want a couple onstage. My bet. This is Dennis getting blind. I see core. You’re all the way in Nicaragua. So it’s hard to see the clubhouse stage from there. Uh, I’ll give another one if you want. This was a really, um, enjoyable book, but had a lot of great nuggets in it that I read, um, over the summer during my summer vacation.

    Um, and it’s called that we’ll never be. And that’s written by Marc Randolph. Who’s actually here on clubhouse every once in a while. I’ve seen him speak in a few rooms and that will never work is the story of Netflix. Um, mark is actually one of the co-founders of Netflix. Most people read about [00:11:00] Reed Hastings as the CEO, because he’s currently involved.

    Mark left the company a number of years ago, but he actually founded Netflix with Reed Hastings. And it’s a great story of entrepreneurship, of serial entrepreneurship of the obstacles, uh, that one encounters breaking new ground and making some big decisions that a startup is nimble enough to be. That the big companies miss.

    And of course, you know, with Netflix, you know, blockbuster was the leader and the video rental space and had every opportunity to, to go into streaming and go the direction that Netflix went and Netflix made some pretty bold choices early on, um, that literally led to the demise of, of blockbuster. And today Netflix is one of the most successful, uh, entertainment companies on the planet.

    So it’s a great read. Mark is a great, uh, personality, um, and he reads the audio book himself. That’s another thing I do recommend if, if [00:12:00] you listen to audio books and I often jump back and forth between the audio book and the written book, uh, on my Kindle so that they can be in sync, always listen to the book.

    If it’s written, if it’s narrated by the author, it’s always a better experience. And mark does a great job of telling his own story. So I highly recommend, um, that book. Wow. I’m going to have to add that to my Amazon on top of the stack of the other books that I don’t have, that didn’t work. Awesome. We see you learn so much all these new things.

    Let’s just keep going back and forth with other books that we have. I’ve got plenty, cause I’ve read quite a few. I want to mention Marriott. And it is the autobiography of J Willard Marriott. When he started off as a Mormon boy, doing cattle drives in Utah in learning about entrepreneurship. He got involved early in a and w which then was the beginning of the American drive through public, the restaurant on wheels.

    If you will, which then he parlayed into the Marriott hotel [00:13:00] chain leveraged his connections and ability to organize. Make relationships happen. And that started things like LSG sky chefs, which you see does a lot of the catering for across a lot of the airlines at the different airports. And now Marriott has a slew of different businesses and they own a ton of real estate.

    And I think it’s an absolute, fantastic story. And it tells me that even if you see these other companies that look so big, they were once small. And if you can hop on these trends before they become really big in the same way that right. And w they saw. Hamburgers and root beer during the summers when it was hot, but people didn’t want to buy the root beer, ice cream floats the winter.

    So he turned around and sold other things. Right. See seasonal items. Like there’s things you sell when it’s raining and there’s things that you sell when it’s sunny. And so he was able to change those franchises and expand his franchises. You guys may have seen Ray [00:14:00] crock, who is the guy who made McDonald’s popular.

    He wasn’t the founder of the McDonald’s brothers did that, or the other journeys of the kernel, right? With Kentucky fried chicken, where he started in his seventies, believe that. And are the other stories of people who have started businesses with the average age of these entrepreneurs being in their midfield.

    Which I think is fascinating. And I just love seeing these people tell their story in their voice as an autobiography. And what I’d like to do is take a trip just like I am in Nicaragua, bring a book or two. And I feel like I’m going on a personal journey with J Willard Marriott. If you go into a Marriott, the older Marriott’s, you’ll see, there’ll be an oil painting of him and one of his sons and they they’ll have an architectural blueprint unrolled.

    And it’s kind of like this welcome, like, yep. This is our family. We’ve expanded this thing. And whenever I see that we stay in Marriotts all the time. Not that that’s my favorite chain necessarily, but if you want to learn about entrepreneurship and what it’s really like, not what these social media people are [00:15:00] putting out there.

    Check out Marriott. I bet you can get it on Amazon for 99 cents. Cause there’s so many copies of it out there before I have another recommendation. I wanted to just say to all those in the audience, please raise your hand and Jeffrey were ringing up and, uh, share. Uh, don’t be, don’t be shy about doing that.

    Cause we can all learn from something that somebody has to say and or somebody read. And you may have a book that, that none of us have even heard of and could get a lot from. So please contribute to the group and raise your hand. Cause we’d love to hear what books you’re reading. The one I want to recommend is actually one that was recommended by Dennis.

    I don’t know if it was in here and start a club or an office hours, but it’s an easy read. It’s about 208 pages. I just went back to my good reads account to look at what I’ve read in the last couple of years. It’s a book called a billion hours of good by Chris field. It’s got a blue coverage, a paperback, but what was interesting about it and I have not applied it yet and [00:16:00] because I saw it, I’m going to go back and look through it.

    It’s basically talks about a billion hours is equivalent to 114,000 years, but that’s how much good we were going to do together. Just 14 minutes at a time. All it takes is 14 minutes a day, uh, to, to do something good. And it’s talks about how to, how to do that. Ha how ideas, how to come up with something you can do good just in 14 minutes.

    So it’s, uh, it’s really kind of a feel-good good book, but it was really a practical application. I remember reading it and of course I sat down and started the next book and now I’m going to go back and, and implement that now that, uh, uh, I ran across it, uh, tonight. So that’d be a good one to look at and it’s, uh, uh, it’s on Kindle for not very much money, but it’s, uh, it’s a great book.

    So thank you. Great. Uh, Annie Annie. Welcome. Did you have a book recommendation you wanted to share? Um, so I mean the in marketing Theo, and [00:17:00] then, so I constantly need to learn some new marketing messages besides of the, um, digital marketing. Um, I find that a lot of, um, traditional marketing messages are also useful that people might be really focusing just on digital because it’s trending in the heart.

    Um, so in that space, in the marketing space, I really like, um, Jay Abraham’s book, um, from mediocrity to millions. Um, so someone told me like, I should read Jay Abraham’s book a while ago, and then I start to look into it and find it’s a really, every page has value. So basically. Yeah, someone that doesn’t understand marketing at all.

    And I want to have, um, you know, like a lot of startups that don’t have a enough budget to do marketing and they left lack of experience. I seen that it’s a brilliant book to read [00:18:00] because, um, each page provides a case study. So pretty much after you finish reading the whole book, um, you can figure out any industry, um, you know, how to do the marketing successfully, uh, was a very low budget.

    Um, so I find that book very inspirational. I also read other books from Jay Abraham, but I think that why and stuff it’s the most important because a lot of people. Are good with the Siri, but lack of execution ability and that book touches both the theoretical aspects and also provides a case study. So you can actually just wonder as a marketing.

    Yeah. And this is incredible, Jay. Abraham’s incredible. How has you applied that in your life? Well, I have a lot of clients that knees, um, you know, they have very low budget, but they have a very ambitious goal. So if I, um, deal with a client that have a [00:19:00] budget, like in the technology, they used to have a hundred K to a million budget for a few months.

    Zen there’s a lot of ways to explore, but with. A limited budget and mycelium budget. How can I achieve the extraordinary result for them? So you can’t really do the traditional way sometimes. So that, um, encourages me to explore more different ways. Um, sometimes at no cost at all, sometimes I’m very low cost, but deliver very efficient or result.

    So that’s the reason how I started to read that books. So the helps me almost every day. I don’t directly use a case study, but every case touches a certain industry. So by understanding the principle, um, through the case studies, you can become a marketing expert very quickly. So that is, uh, what I like about that book, Annie, your volume seems to be low and I didn’t hear the title of that book.

    Can you repeat the title of Jay’s book and do it slowly so I can write it [00:20:00] down? Thank you. Yeah. So it’s uh, um, it’s not a new book. It’s Cod from mediocrity to. So he has other books, but I find this one especially useful in a practical from mediocrity to millions. That’s great. And I just wanna remind everyone, um, you can write down notes like Thomas is doing, but also we do have a replays turned on and, um, you can always go back to the replay of this show afterwards.

    And in replays you can tap on a person’s, um, profile and it’ll go right to them speaking. So you can literally just tap back and forth between us and write down the books that are being recommended when you listen to the replay, just, just as a suggestion, can I also ask a question? Um, so I’ve been joining this specific room for quite, quite some time and then find Jeffrey Dennis.

    And also sometimes I also see Thomas here very inspirational. So since I’m in the marketing field, um, I [00:21:00] wonder what kind of book do you recommend, um, that is both practical and theoretical and inspirational, not at the beginner level, but at an investor level. There’s so many different areas in marketing, Annie, that now in intersect into marketing strategies, marketing has been around so long that it now blends into other parts as you know, with, you know, technology and finance and operations.

    So give me a specific problem or particular field, and we’ll give you a specific book recommended. Um, I’m looking for marketing strategy, maybe focusing on digital marketing strategy, but not at the beginner level more at advanced level to help me explore all different possible marketing strategies.

    Focusing on helping the company’s revenue level is below 50 million. So is this more B2B and more startups? This is from zero to one, [00:22:00] which has, uh, Peter teal. And if you like watching videos, there is something that almost nobody seems to know about, but I think is absolutely incredible. It’s free. It’s a YouTube series and it’s from, I believe Stanford business school and it talks about apologize.

    Hang on a minute for the sound. And it is a 10 or 12 part video series. I want to say it’s called startup school. I need to I’ll I’ll figure out what the link is in the, in the footnotes. When we transcribe this, we’ll figure out what that is, but it is lectures from the greatest folks in Silicon valley, like the CTO from Facebook or the folks who founded Uber, or I think they even got Phil Knight to come in and lecture, right.

    He founded Nike, absolutely incredible where you’re hearing it from the mouths of these other folks. Actually, there’s another book you should buy. It’s called start up [00:23:00] founders. And it’s also a book of maybe 15 plus interviews of the people who started a lot of these tech companies that went to a hundred million, a billion or more.

    And what I like about, sorry, it’s not start, but it’s called founders at work, man. And what I like about books, like. Is that they are from the words of the people that have done it because a lot of us have misconceptions. And once you see the practical reality of the squiggly up and down sideways journey of going from zero to a million dollars, it is not a straight line, but you see what it’s like.

    It really helps you. It gives you motivation, but more practically it shows you what are the kinds of issues that you need to be dealing with in growing the company. And very rarely is that related to optimizing marketing campaigns. Right? You talk about being at the advanced level. That’s what you’re looking for.

    Annie. It’s all at the advanced level. I’m sure Jeffrey can tell you this because he’s taken [00:24:00] from small numbers to big numbers. It’s about having the right team. And then when you have the right team, how do you organize the process? I mean, you could use attraction, you could use these other sorts of methods, but yeah.

    Founders at work and then there’s that Stanford startup. I can’t remember. I think I’m just getting old. I’ve got to find that, that video series and that’s the same video series that Peter teal used for from zero to one. The one book is caught from zero to one. The other book had just caught a start-up that sorry, it’s called founders at work.

    And it’s a story of startup founders. But the key is it’s not someone writing a story. Like you could buy the book on Steve jobs or these other people, but it wasn’t written by Steve jobs. I’d like to, I like to hear it directly from the founders themselves. And this is true of any area of expertise. I love reading autobiographies instead of biographies.

    I love reading non-fiction I read very little. [00:25:00] Because I want to hear it directly from the person who has done it. I don’t want to hear someone else try to summarize because in the act of summarizing, they lose things. Even if they mean to like somehow hearing. They’re like, even if I can hear their voice, that’s better than reading the words because there’s something about their word choice about the way they think about the cadence that when you read their words, as they you’re like reprogramming your brain into the way they think.

    Exactly. Okay. Hmm. That’s, that’s really helpful. I’m going to get into that too. Um, so I wonder, um, do you have any marketing person that you follow? Like, you know, like yeah. Any of you, have you ever read any of Seth Goden? No, not yet. So Seth go. And so it’s, it’s, it’s not going to be, um, you know, the digital strategies and, and, and technical, um, block and tackle, but, but he will make you think very clearly and very differently about how you [00:26:00] approach marketing and what are the things that will be effective.

    Um, his most recent one is called this is marketing, but many of set’s books are really inspirational for anyone who’s a marketer. And he also has a very good blog that he posts a very short posts on a daily basis that are worth reading, and he will make you think as a marketer. So I highly recommend his books as well.

    Okay. Thank you. Our look into that. I find that like at this point, marketing become very important because this last year, the cost of when you want to do advertisement on Google and Facebook has almost doubled. And then a lot of companies, especially in my area and like a lot of startups, they are dealing with operational costs to increase, including both the supply chain, um, you know, sometimes also labor, um, inflation.

    So it has a really tough situation for all of [00:27:00] these companies. Hey Annie, if I may interrupt, I think you’ve got a fantastic topic. This sounds like something that we should put in another room. Right. But for the sake of time, enjoy, I’d love hearing from you. And I’m so glad you’re here. I think it’s fantastic.

    Right? When I see your name pop up, I think that’s great. But just for the benefit of everyone else’s here, I want to make sure we’re keeping with the room topic, which is sharing our favorite books. And certainly we can suggest other topics, then we can have them. Right. I mean, I’d love hearing what other people have to say for topics, but just for the sake of that, we’re taking this and we’re turning it into articles and it’s good for SEO.

    We want to make sure when people come in and they read the transcription about what our favorite books are, that they hear about the books. Yeah. Fantastic suggestion. Thank you, Annie. Chloe, did you have a book recommendation? Oh, um, I thought I could maybe ask a [00:28:00] question to get a book recommendation. I’m not really sure how this really works.

    That’d be fine.

    Oh, I was wondering if you had a recommendation on a book to improve, uh, physical health and mental health, specifically how to deal with anxiety, depression, and chronic pain or any other topic that is similar.

    That is a big topic, Chloe. This is Dennis here in the orange head. This is going to come slightly out of left field because you wouldn’t imagine that it would come from one of the nation’s leading cardiac surgeons, Dr. Phillip vulvodynia, but he just released a book and I got an advanced copy and I’ve read it.

    It was not only engaging, entertaining, informative, but it’s helped me realize other things on the linkage between mental health and physical health. Right? A sound, mind, sound body. The ACX shoe brand is actually animal Sonic or know, six tiger. [00:29:00] Excuse me. And his book is called, stay off my operating table.

    And it’s interesting how the root cause of mental health can be traced to just a lack of nutrition or it’s like being one nutrient off. Right. Have you heard Chloe of. Psychosomatic or like, if you’re not feeling well, then if you’re physically not feeling well, that affects your mental health and how, how, you know, your physical and your spiritual and your mental and your, your financial health, like all of these things fit together.

    Have you, have you seen that? A lot of the stuff out there on that on wellness? Uh, I haven’t really researched a lot into it. I got some blood drawn in order to, um, um, check if my nutrients are fine and I do have some deficiencies, but I haven’t really read about the topic now. I think you’ll find it’s an eyeopening, at least for me.

    Cause like you could, you [00:30:00] know, John asked RAF is one of the best he is arguably the top. Brain scientist out there. He’s in San Diego and he’s written two or three New York times bestselling books. And you’ll see how there’s a lot of people in self-help like from Tony Robbins, all the way, traced all the way back to the people to do S or NLP, or, you know, Bandler with frogs and the princes or landmark.

    Right. And I don’t have any hate for any people who are in any of these kinds of groups, but you’ll see, they all follow a common framework, which most people will just dismiss as being motivational speaking. But I really do believe and have used the techniques that Tony Robbins has in his books. I mean, if you’re willing to.

    Ignore some of the bad things about L Ron Hubbard Dianetics is an incredible book on how you can read. I am not a Scientologist. I have a lot of friends that are Scientologists. [00:31:00] If you stay with the book, right. Dianetics and you look at the principles of how the mind works and you treat the mind as the machine, just like science, treats everything like a machine that you can examine it, that you can fix it.

    That it’s observable. I think you’ll find that there’s a lot. And then I’ll give you a third recommendation, which I think Thomas will, will go with me on, and this is the Bible, right? This is the oldest, the most popular book of all time. I mean, how can you not mention the Bible when you’re talking about right.

    The most popular books in our favorite books? One thing that I found as good for me and other people have said is, you know, Proverbs got, has 31 chapters just read one chapter a day. So if today is the 13th, then read Proverbs 13. And it’s just the wisdom. From from the ancients, right. From Solomon and David.

    And you’ll find it’s true today, even from several thousand years ago. So I hope Chloe that gives you some, some help in some [00:32:00] direction. I’m curious to see Nick Thomas and Jeffrey, what do you guys think or other folks up here? What do you think? I thought that was great advice, Dennis, that especially ending, uh, bringing up, uh, the Bible in Proverbs.

    That was, that was good, but I, it it’s hard cause that’s such a wide open field. There’s, there’s probably a lot out there and you’d probably need to get a recommendation from somebody who’s specifically read something. So I think you did a great job of pointing pointer in a, in a good direction. And we’re not licensed therapists here, right?

    There’s a startup club and club. Speaking of startup club and clubhouse. And since we’re talking about books, I should mention that tomorrow at 2:00 PM, Eastern time here in startup club in the serial entrepreneur hour, um, we’re actually having Jeffrey Moore as the guest speaker. Jeffrey Moore is the author of some of the.

    Really most groundbreaking books in both startups and marketing for Annie, uh, crossing the chasm. He wrote an inside the [00:33:00] tornado and he is really the master of, of the whole, um, technology adoption curve that many startups have to deal with when bringing their product to market. So Jeffrey Moore himself, he’s actually coming out of retirement.

    Uh, it’s his first time on clubhouse and it’ll be right here in startup club, uh, tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 PM Eastern time. So I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that. Jeffrey, how did you get an industry Titan like Jeffrey Moore. I had many copies of his books crossing the chasm from 20 years. How’d you do that?

    Well, the credit goes to Colin Campbell, Colin who joined us here last week. Um, Collin has been engaging with Jeffrey through LinkedIn for a number of years. He’d never met him or spoken to him, but, um, he managed to reach out to him a few years ago and they’ve exchanged messages back and forth over the years through LinkedIn.

    And he just reached out to him. This goes back now about six or seven months ago and invited [00:34:00] him to come speak in startup club on clubhouse and his Mr. Moore’s first reaction was, you know, I’m not that tech savvy at this point. And I don’t know what clubhouse is and it’s no, and Nana, but eventually Colin was persistent.

    That’s a sign of a good entrepreneur to be persistent. And, uh, he eventually got him to commit to do it. And then finally we locked down a date and tomorrow’s. Wow. That’s like Michael Phelps, 20 years from now saying, Hey, would you like to go on a swim? And he’s like, ah, I haven’t really swam in a long time.

    Yeah. So we’re looking forward to this should be a great, uh, great conversation with him tomorrow at 2:00 PM here in startup club. Okay. Next up we have four colors, bit machine. It’s hard to hear. Yeah, that’s me. Uh, Hey, um, I’m uh, uh, I’m foreclosing Sterling. Uh, so I actually have two, uh, uh, book recommendations, um, or, uh, [00:35:00] books fed bread.

    And, uh, it’s kind of hard to pick, but, uh, you, you sparked my memory on, uh, uh, the purple cow. Um, and so, uh, if you haven’t read a book called the purple cow, it’s, it’s quite good. Uh, it basically, if I were to kind of sum the book up, uh, talks about how there’s just so much noise out there that what matters most isn’t necessarily having kind of, uh, you know, maybe, maybe you do have the better product, but you kind of what matters most is standing out.

    Um, and the analogy they give is, you know, traveling and, you know, uh, seeing all these normal cows, but if you saw a purple cow that I’d be interested in, you might take a photo of it. Right. So, um, how about how, um, so how that actually had a huge impact in my life, uh, Oh, maybe 10 years ago. Um, so I was kind of in college at the time, trying to get this really, really tough, uh, apprenticeship [00:36:00] in Boston.

    Um, they only accept like, like 2% of the applicants at this really, uh, uh, really famous, uh, consulting firm. Uh, and I had just read that book and, you know, in order to kind of get in, you have to write code I’m an software engineer. And, uh, and so they’re going to review code and I thought, geez, you know, uh, I gotta do something different.

    Cause you know, they wanted you to show how to do certain things, uh, coding wise. And I thought everyone’s just going to do these boring assignments. And so, um, I actually, I created, uh, I created a software application that simulated, uh, kind of, uh, people getting thrown out of buildings in these riots and book recommendations.

    That’s pretty cool. Oh, you have a purple car. Okay. You get a second one. Yeah. So Seth is great. You know, he was our chief culture officer at Yahoo 20 years ago. I used to run into him in the cafeteria. Yeah. He [00:37:00] sold his company Yoyodyne to Yahoo. So that’s probably why he was there. And he’s only there for like a year or two.

    And then he bailed out. I think it was because he took all that money from a couple of times. So, sorry, go ahead. Oh yeah. Yeah. W well, any long story short, I guess, uh, I th uh, th the cool thing was, is I actually got the internship primarily because, uh, or the, the apprenticeship, uh, primarily because, uh, I changed my mindset from just kind of submitting a boring application.

    You know, what, when I, you know, went in and they’re like, oh, how did you think about, you know, doing this. It was directly because I had read, you know, the purple count. I’m like, you know, when I apply, I got, you know, it doesn’t really matter that, you know, like everybody’s going to be able to, like, there’s gonna be a lot of people that can do the thing that I can do.

    I want to do something interesting. So I made this funny piece of software, uh, that, you know, uh, when the, when the car, when I knew the coders gonna read it, they’re gonna be like, man, this is a lot different. How does story involvement? You found your purple cow to make you stand out. Thank you. Yeah. [00:38:00] Yeah, exactly.

    Right. And then the second one that I would recommend is just the end of average. And I don’t ha I, I won’t go into detail on that one, but read the end of average is so good. It’s about not using, uh, data to kind of define, uh, people. It’s it’s a fantastic book. Awesome. Thank you. Uh, thank you for colors, some great suggestions and yeah.

    And Seth Godin purple cows are a great suggestion. I mean his whole, um, his whole oeuvre, as we say, is worth reading, uh, Amar welcome. Do you have a recommendation? Uh, yes I do actually. Uh, unfortunately Chloe, I think, uh, left the, uh, it was a response, a book for her. Um, the book that I am currently reading is cleaning up your mental mess by Carolyn leaf.

    She’s a neuroscientist. Um, and for three [00:39:00] more than three decades, uh, she has been studying the root of disease and the root of elements and the root cause of our mental anguish and that the premises that if you can mind, if you can manage your mind. You can manage your health. And, uh, she teaches us ways to home in on the root, you know, what’s the thing that’s ailing you and to fix it, um, it doesn’t take 21 days to change a habit.

    It takes 63 days to change a habit. And so I thought that was groundbreaking for me and a fascinating read. Wow. As awesome. Hey, Mr. What, what happened have you changed and why does it take 63 days? Uh, so, uh, my I’m a, I’m a founder at the moment and, [00:40:00] uh, I am constantly going through change. Um, so it’s, uh, it’s not that.

    I’m not constantly changing. It’s that? Uh, what can I do to be more effective? I am facing challenges at the moment and I’m constantly battling through those, um, on the data, on the day-to-day basis.

    That’s great. Thank you. Uh, thank you, Amar. And thank you for that recommendation. I’m sure Chloe will, um, hopefully come back and listen to the replay and then she will find your recommendation there. So thank you for sharing that you should. I hope I pronounced your name correctly. Pioche did you have a book recommendation?

    Okay. Then we’ll come back to us. Um, Dennis. I can, I can give another one to, yeah, I’ve got another 20, if we want to go anywhere else. Who’s got one. Let’s go. When we just got, [00:41:00] yeah, this is what I just, I just listened to, again, I go back and forth between listening, reading, just to recently, it’s called living with a seal by Jesse Itzler and, uh, Jesse Itzler is actually married to Sarah Blakely, the founder of Spanx, and he is a successful entrepreneur on his own.

    And this is a book that’s both inspirational from a physical fitness perspective. And also from a business perspective, what Jesse did was he hired? A Navy seal to live with him for 31 days. And th the deal they made was that he had to do whatever the Navy seal told him to do. He wanted to be trained by a Navy seal.

    So this seal who, um, during, in the book, in the course of the book, he doesn’t reveal who it is, but I believe it was revealed that it’s David Goggins, who is considered, you know, just a physical specimen, unlike any other. Um, and he lived with him for 31 days, followed him [00:42:00] around for his, to all his business meetings in his life, lived in his apartment with his family and made him work out these insane.

    Workouts every single day, multiple times a day. But the inspiration is, it just makes you think completely differently about what we’re capable of physically and mentally. Um, when we put our minds to it and it’s also very entertaining, um, and he just, each chapter is one of those 31 days. He just goes through the 31 days and exactly what he did each of those days with the Navy seal, highly recommended, uh, inspiring and fun.

    It’s called living with a seal by Jesse Itzler. That is a great book recommendation. That’s all Jessie, last month in Atlanta, we got to hung out and his stuff is not only right on, but he’s so entertaining and he’s so humble. So Jeffrey, how did living with the seal impact you? What, what changes did you make in your life?

    Well, it’s interesting cause I, I, um, I’ve been good doing CrossFit for almost five years now. So, [00:43:00] so I’m into these kinds of intense workouts and a lot of what the seal did with Jesse. A lot of it, um, crosses over with some of the CrossFit exercises that I’m familiar with. So it just really made me think really hard about pushing myself more, um, when I’m in the gym and not just going through the motions or, or dealing with weights and movements that I’m comfortable with.

    Um, but really trying to be a little bit more uncomfortable and not just in the gym. I mean, part of what was interesting about Jesse story is, you know, he approached, um, his business a little bit differently after living with the seal for 31 days and realized, you know, the priorities we set are often not what really matters cause this seal, you know, literally.

    Lived his life differently than any of us live ours, um, but was happy and very motivated and very motivating. So I thought it was really fun and inspirational at the same time. Um, cool. That, you know, Jesse, I’m sure he’s fun to hang out with. Cause he was [00:44:00] very entertaining in the book. Jesse, super humble.

    The funny thing is that so many people use him as the way to try and get the Sara Blakely is the founder of Spanx. And I think I’m going to see Jesse again in August, where to mastermind in Costa Rica, where we’re speaking together. So it was just really neat to see people who are super successful, but they’re super humble.

    I want to share another book recommendation. This one you guys have maybe never heard of because most people will say the most popular kinds of books, which are great. There’s a reason why they’re popular. It’s called mind of Raven it’s by Bernd Heinrich and a Raven is unlike a Crow Crozer dump crows.

    They’ll get caught in traps. Ravens are so intelligent that they’ll swarm together and they have outposts that I have a hundred mile radius where they’ll communicate where the carcasses are. They’re so smart that they can mimic just like parents can sounds of doors opening. They can simulate someone’s voice.

    They can tease dogs, they can steal your [00:45:00] laundry. There’s so many different things. I’ve read three books on Raven bay. Just simple things like how they have a hierarchy and how they communicate. And you learn, for example, that Ravens, in order to show like who’s boss, they have what they call trousers, which are around like feathers that around their feet.

    And when they puff out, that’s the way of telling other Ravens, Hey, I’m in charge and they have a pecking order, which you guys have heard about with other birds and chickens, whatnot. And he also wrote another book, Bernd Heinrich on how animals behave during the winter, like winter world. And it’s amazing.

    It’s like a written version of David Attenborough and the way that’s made an impact on me is that in nature, I have a deeper appreciation for things that otherwise I might have just ignored. Like right now we’re walking through the main square here in Leon and there’s rabid dogs and. Chickens and random sorts of animals going around and you just stop and you appreciate these sorts of things because you understand [00:46:00] how these animals have to co-exist and the things that they do and the adaptations that they have.

    It doesn’t mean that when you believe in science and nature, that you can’t also believe in God, it’s, it’s a wondrous way to bring both of those together. So that recommendation mind of Raven, if you guys are into nature and you want to know when you see a bird, what kind of bird it is without pulling out to Audubon wildlife guide, I’d recommend that for you.

    This is Dennis, the orange shed, the Raven Nevermore. Thank you, Dennis. That was a good recommendation and Ravens are fascinating birds. Um, Dr. Claudine welcome. Did you have a book you wanted to recommend?

    All right. Maybe Dr. Claudine has stepped away up there. She is. Check the title, because I didn’t want to miss the title because it’s a book I read. Thank you. Thank you. I’m glad that [00:47:00] Dennis highlighted the Bible, which is beautiful because Bible changed in my life, changed in my thinking in my mindset.

    Beautiful. Even today. I, I love bye-bye. I love to listen to the preacher. We’ll talk about how we can make money through the Bible verses by Bible scriptures. Because sometime when I listen to them, I’m like I won. I never heard about this because I had it in different ways. So by bow is number one. And number two, it says the secret of the millionaire mind set by Dean Graziosi.

    Um, that is why I love this book by Dean Graziosi in his second chapter, the chapter, the chapter number two of his book, he talks about how people really focus in what they don’t know. And then when you ask people what they want, they will tell you that they, they never thought about. So when you ask them what they, they hate, people have this kind of lists, they will tell you everything in details [00:48:00] about what they don’t like, everything they hit, but when you ask them what they want, they will never, they will tell you that they didn’t know about that.

    So it’s made me understand the, how, uh, our human, our mindset or our thinking, or our blend, uh, help us to only focus in what we held, what we disliked instead of focusing anywhere to be like, or what we want, uh, which also, um, prevent in term of a manifestation, prevent us to achieve our highest, our highest level.

    Because if we focus in what we don’t have, we focus in what we don’t like. W w we don’t achieve a high level for exigency. If we focus in what we have are we’re focusing on what we like, and then we appreciate who we are and what we have. And then the last book I want to share, I love is my book, the power of social media, because I have learned how to use this powerful tool to help orphans in Rwanda.

    I manage it to change [00:49:00] lives of survivors of genocide in Rwanda, while I’m here in America, by sending experts who went there to wander from here in America, to train all friends out of accompanying trauma. And then our friends went on to create their own organizations to support. Typically there is a, there is to support the other survivors of genocide.

    Uh, one study showed that there is a survivor of genocide who came to our trauma healing center. They cut it. Off-roading the genocide in Rwanda. She spent more than 20 years believing that she will never, never, never, uh, do exercise because the professor is to tell her that she has to sit down because she had only one second arm in doing the genocide.

    So she has empty plastic fig. Um, so she believed that she would never do exercise in her entire life until our expert to, and from New Jersey to train them how they [00:50:00] can overcome the trauma. She showed our experts, showed her that she can do exercise with one arm she went on to train more than 200 or friends using the techniques that she learned in our trauma healing.

    And then she said, quote, Thank you very much, Christina, for allowing me to come to this trauma healing ever since in 1984, she never get an opportunity to do exercise. Now she can do it doing it. A combination of genocide in April. She, she, she will never be able to carry survivors of genocide because many people become so traumatized because they bring everything on, on TV.

    They will, they believe again, in this situation we went through during the genocide, but she said she would have used techniques to learn in our trauma healing to comfort survivors of genocide. So I was available was very, very happy. Thank you so much for sharing the books.

    I [00:51:00] saw what you did there. Uh, but it was, but, but we appreciate all the good work you do, um, to support, um, people who’ve had some difficulties. So thank you for that, Dan. Welcome. Uh, we’re getting up close to the top of the hour, but Dan what’s, what is the recommendation?

    Uh, thanks. One of them is a, the leader within us, uh, Warren rust, Dan, I’m not sure if you’ve heard of Warren or not, but, uh, it’s um, it’s a book called the leader within us and I don’t know if I can paint or not, but, um, it, uh, talks about mindset. So it’s, it’s interesting cause it combines mindset and, and life by design and tools for that, which I think are very helpful.

    They’ve been helpful for me. Warren’s a friend of mine too. He’s got an incredible bio, um, and lots of experience to draw from, you know, one of the things that was interesting, if I can just take one minute is you were talking about how the principles are the same and they go all the way [00:52:00] back in time.

    And I remember when I was first going down this path, you know, there’s thinking go rich. And then a friend of mine told me about the, um, the master key system, which was actually a man. Order, um, correspondence course that you’ve got a chapter a week for 26 weeks that talked about all the principles. And then I remember finding Ben Franklin 13 principles.

    So it’s really interesting how the, the messages is similar, but it seems to be tweaked and people grab it at different times, depending on how it’s presented. That’s a great point, Dan, not, not just about the principles, but, but in general, I mean, especially when you get into, um, business books, um, Everyone.

    If you cut through it, almost everyone is really saying the same thing in many ways or repurposing the same core ideas. But to your point, you know, what makes different books interesting is how it’s presented, how what’s the particular spin on it. The author [00:53:00] takes what is the voice they have in the way they presented and different voices.

    Different authors will resonate with different people. So, so we all get the same message, but we get it from different sources based on what we’re attracted to Dennis, what do you think? Do you agree with that 100% and you’re not going to find anything new under the sun, right? To paraphrase Solomon, there is one book.

    I’ll give you an example. It’s called Murphy’s law and it was written by a guy who has had more successful careers at the top. Then I know of anyone else out there. He was the CEO of American airlines. He was the postmaster general. He ran the LA. He ran the resolution trust company, which is at the time the world’s largest company ever with, which is the liquidation of the SNL crisis.

    And the idea of the Murphy’s or sorry of Casey’s law instead of Murphy’s law Murphy’s law is if it can go wrong, it will that if the toast falls, the jam side down is the one that hits the carpet. But the idea of Casey’s law is if it can go [00:54:00] right, it will. And I’ve been very cynical of self-help book of business books because they’re very faddish.

    A lot of them are cranked out by people. Who’ve gone to Harvard business school, which is fine. I have a lot of friends who’ve gone there, but I want to tie back to a core truth that that author has lived. That is actually from their direct experience. So they’re not just reading it like the principle itself could be great, but I just need to know for sake of being, having the shortest distance possible between me and the source of truth that they are, that they’re speaking from their experience.

    Right. Because once it goes to 3, 4, 5 levels, You really don’t know what’s going on. And if it wasn’t for Al Casey, I wouldn’t have worked at American airlines. I couldn’t even get in, I couldn’t even get an interview, but because he was my mentor, he got me in, I built a website and that’s what started my whole tech career.

    So I’m incredibly grateful for that. And he was right, right. The idea of Casey’s law is if it can go right, it will with an asterisk. If you have the [00:55:00] right connections, if you put in the effort, because he made connections for me, but if I didn’t follow through, right. He introduced me to, I had dinner with the living president of the United States.

    I got to have dinner with, you know, like a Margaret Thatcher or Colin Powell or people like that. I had dinner with her Keller. I’m not trying to name drop, but the idea that when you, when you can learn directly from and hear the words exactly from the person who has done the very thing, it means so much more.

    And I would encourage you. Everyone’s got a recommendation, just like everyone’s got. Whatever the body part is you want to talk about. And the best thing is to look for credible advice, just like what Dan had referenced with principles, where Ray Dalio says, listen to people who are credible people who have done that.

    Very thing they’re trying to give advice on, right? So if, if you want to learn how to build a billion dollar startup, you should talk to someone directly who has built a billion dollar startup. And if you don’t have the access [00:56:00] to talk to them directly, one-on-one then buy their book. Not what someone else wrote about Elon Musk, but talk to Elon Musk directly, or read his book and hear from his words directly.

    And that is what helps me throw away and filter out 99.9% of all the stuff out there. It might be good, but I only want to spend that limited amount of time. I have, you should only spend the limited amount of time you have. If it’s, if it’s for business. Focused on people. Who’ve done the thing, nonfiction, whatever you like for entertainment.

    And that kind of thing is great. But if we’re here talking about business, I’d encourage you to seek out people who have done the thing that you want, read their book and then talk to them. Okay. Okay. Good advice then. It’s good advice. We’re coming up towards the top of the hour link. Can you briefly give us your book recommendation and that’ll be our final recommendation of the evening.

    Okay, great. Glad to, uh, amen to, um, Dennis. Um, my book recommendation is very simple. It is inside each one of us is called the termination. [00:57:00] I found out from my personal experience, once they determined to do something and you, you carry out every single day. So you actually, you will get there without determination.

    I don’t care what book you read. It’s not doing good. Okay, well, thank you for that link. So you should Ling, you should write your book on determination and then we’ll make that the next recommendation after you’re done writing your book. Thank you. Ling Dennis we’re at the top of the hour. Any final thoughts, final marks, or do you have a final book you want to recommend before we close out?

    My recommendation is whenever you hear a book recommendation from someone you respect by that book, don’t even think about it. Have the Amazon app on your phone and go ahead and buy it. And you know that you’re never going to get to every single book that you buy, but it is one of the best investments you can make.

    And you don’t, you don’t have to be, you know, spiritual or psychic or believe in any sort of [00:58:00] thing to know that. If you look across, if you keep a journal or diary of all the books that you’ve read and when you’ve read them and what was going on in your life at the time, you’re going to find that, that book, even if you read that book multiple times, we’ll speak to you in a certain way and you’ll find it kind of uncanny.

    Now you have to have been, you have to keep track. If you don’t keep track of this sort of thing, you’ll never see. I mean, whether you believe it’s, God’s speaking to you or subconsciously your mind is trying to steer you towards a particular book, but if you have those books on the shelf and maybe, you know, while you’re having breakfast, you see these books on the shelf, you will, you’re you’re, you know, on the toilet and you read whatever it is.

    You’re going to find that you will naturally just somehow pull the book that you need at that time and trace that journey. I’ve got dozens of friends, who’ve done that exact same thing. And I want to hear for you guys that are doing that. Who’s, who’s doing that. If you’re doing that, is that working for you?

    And what’s happened. I know it’s working for you, and if you haven’t done it, I’d encourage you to start that habit right by those. [00:59:00] And when the time is right, you’ll find that you’ll just know what that book is that you need to have. And you’ll be so glad that you had it. And then like Jeffrey said, the way you take notes, the way you take action, the way you consciously think about how you’re applying it in your life.

    Maybe it’s the way you do your morning prayer or a goal setting or whatnot, your daily routine. Maybe it’s the way you journal. Maybe it’s the way you keep track of your fitness through an app. Like whatever. You’re like, I used the woop app where I keep track of these sorts of things. Think about how that fits for you.

    And I hope that our time today in clubhouse, or if you’re reading the blog post on start-up dot club is something very fruitful. And you look, you can look back on this and realize that just one small change, one small thing you heard from Thomas or Jeffrey or any of the other speakers here was massive because this Chandler bolt says books change lives.

    I’m coach you. And I’m so glad that you guys are here. Thank you Jeffrey so much for organizing this. Thank you for startup club. You guys are awesome. If you guys have other topics or things you want to talk about, we want to hear from you. Love you guys all. Hey, Jeffrey. Yeah. [01:00:00] And we could almost do another episode of this.

    Cause as you were talking, I thought of like three authors in books that I haven’t mentioned tonight. One thing I will say to end this since we talked about all these great book recommendations books are a fantastic gift. Seth Godin, who we talked about, he did an experiment a few years ago. Um, I think it was with Amazon directly and he and Derek Sivers and several other authors were involved where they only sold books in packets of five or more.

    So you couldn’t just buy one copy of the book. You had to buy at least five copies. It came as a bundle. And the premise of that promotion was, you know, if you read the book and you. Give it, you know, give it to someone else. You know, books are fantastic gifts. If you don’t know what to get someone for a gift, you can’t go wrong.

    If you get them a book that you’ve read and you can hand to them and give it your personal endorsement. And I remember buying one of those packets of, of Derek Sivers books. And I kept them at my desk in my office. And when I would have a [01:01:00] meeting with someone and I, I liked that person. I would literally, at the end of the meeting, pull the copy of the book out and hand it to them before they left.

    Um, so books are great gifts, too. Jeffrey. I just want to mention in what Dennis said that I’ve at least got $200 worth of books that he’s recommended. So FA if he followed Dennis and listen to his book recommendations, I haven’t read all of them and read most of them. And I haven’t been disappointed in a single.

    That’s great, Thomas. Thank you. And as a final reminder, tomorrow at 2:00 PM Eastern time here on start-up club, you’ll see Jeffrey Moore, the author of crossing the chasm and inside the tornado. And just one of the most recognized, uh, business, business authors there is. That is okay. Well, thanks everyone.

    We hope to see you again next week for another episode of the coach you show. Thank you, coach. You, you guys later love you all. Thank you. [01:02:00] Thank you everybody. Thank you everyone.

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