Hyper Drive Sales Strategies with Jim Bennett

From an early childhood Jim was thirsty for success and after starting his first business, a lemonade stand, he has since gone on to create and develop nine successful companies by “doing his own thing.” Jim has built his establishment under the foundations of playbooks, scripts, role play, and daily huddles, and during this one-hour long session he tells us all about his methods.

Here are the 5 key strategies to build company culture:

  1. The Playbook:
    Jim’s philosophy is to hire people alike, those who are competitive and enthusiastic, those who are eager to get down and dirty and get stuck in. His mantra is to hire college athletes and create a ‘role play’ system for each employee to follow. The college athletes bring energy, ambition and drive to the company and eventually become a key asset to companies. 
  2. Scripts
    Role play and scripts create structure within a company and builds employee confidence when adhering to and following a script. It is a smart tool that keeps everyone on the same page, to work as a team, and continue to make money in similar ways.
  3. A daily sales huddle
    It is important to host a ‘daily sales huddle’ with the team to keep your eyes on the prize, and the prize being that of success. Bringing the team together daily helps  redefine or re-focus on the company’s goals and also squashes any minor issues or problems manifesting within the team and the business.
  4. A daily point/reward system
    Acknowledging your team’s daily work and achievements by inputting a ‘point system’ for each task undertaken builds and holds momentum, as a drive for success. By setting incentives for employees in the company to win prizes and opportunities to be held as the ‘winner’ withholds the passion for success creating a sense of competition and encourages each employee to achieve at their best. An incentive system also makes each employee feel valued and seen.
  5. BANK
    BANK, Blueprint, Action, Nurturing and Knowledge, is a strategy to understand how the customer likes to work to have a high advantage in doing business with them. Understanding your client’s needs and consumer behavior will be extremely beneficial to create an easy, fast-flowing connection, and to build a relationship. 

 Listen to the full session above to hear all about the college athlete hiring technique!

  • Read the Audio Transcript of the Episode 'Cracking the Culture Formula with “Huge EO-Guy” Jim Bennett

    From an early childhood Jim was thirsty for success and after starting his first business, a lemonade stand, he has since gone on to create and develop nine successful companies by “doing his own thing.” Jim has built his establishment under the foundations of playbooks, scripts, role play, and daily huddles, and during this one-hour long session he tells us all about his methods.

    Here are the 5 key strategies to build company culture:

    1. The Playbook:
      Jim’s philosophy is to hire people alike, those who are competitive and enthusiastic, those who are eager to get down and dirty and get stuck in. His mantra is to hire college athletes and create a ‘role play’ system for each employee to follow. The college athletes bring energy, ambition and drive to the company and eventually become a key asset to companies.
    2. Scripts
      Role p

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