How To Create 15-Second Powerful Videos

You need your exit in your mind before you even press record!

Coach Yu

Let’s get to the point! 

In today’s session, Coach Yu discussed and practiced the ‘15 second video’ stunt. We learned about the three important components to ‘getting to the point’ and gave the mic to you in the audience to have a go. 

The three components

The *key* to 15s videos is breaking it into three components:  

1. The intro

The intro is your initial statement, what is the video about? This is your chance to hook people into what’s coming next! Be strategic and catchy!

2. The body

This is where the bulk of the work is, say what you want, do what you want! But remember, you only have 15 seconds to get your point across! (And you’ve already used a few seconds in your intro).

3. The exit

The exit is your closing sentence, your conclusion. Your exit is your call to action. 

This is the time for your viewers to take action! Many people fail at this part. The exit is considered the most difficult point out of the three components because you want them to do what you’re telling them to. 

  • TRANSCRIPT: Coach Yu – EP21: How To Create 15-Second Powerful Videos (11.11.21)


    Hello, and welcome to the coach you show. I’m going to get started in just a moment. Remember the pin link is where you can find the recordings of the Coach Yu show in many other shows, and you can also sign up for our mailing list over at Startup.Club and get informed of special events and speakers at different shows that are being recorded at startup club.

    Just like this one. Hello, Dennis. Hello, Jeff rein. Hello everybody. Welcome to the coach. You show.

    Welcome Dennis. It’s always good to see you every week for the Coach Yu. I’m glad to see you guys every week. And every week we have a new topic, something that we’ll teach and then open it up to you guys for live exercises. And today, and the coach you show as part of the [00:01:00] I wanted to introduce 15 second videos when I was on CNN, live in front of three and a half million people arguing with mark Zuckerberg.

    I flopped and afterwards the host told me, basically, Dennis, you suck because you don’t know how to get to the point. You’ve gotta be able to make 15 second bites statements when you’re a keynote speaker or you’re giving presentations or webinars 45 minute, one hour presentations is completely different than being able to do 15 second snippets telling the story in 15 seconds.

    So today’s an opportunity for all of us to practice doing this. I see we have Dr. Jermaine here. He’s our hero. No pun intended. Claude is here. Other friends of ours are here. So in just a moment, we’re going to open it up. For you guys to practice 15 second videos. The key in a 15 second video is breaking it into three components, the intro, the body and the exit.

    So the intro is [00:02:00] how you get attention or your initial statement, the body, you can say whatever you want in the body. And the exit is your closing sentence. And what George Howell told me, he’s the counterpart to Anderson Cooper. He just retired. They’re both big time on CNN. He said, the reason why people ramble and they struggle when it comes to speaking impromptu or being on TV or making a Tik TOK video really is they don’t have the exit.

    So let’s say I asked Jeffrey a question. Hey Jeffrey, what is so cool about these pet rugs on Pata? And Jeffrey starts to answer and he starts to talk about this rug and that rug and how they’ve grown and whatnot, but then he doesn’t have his exit. And because he doesn’t have his exit in this theoretical example, Jeffrey would never falter because he’s a pro speaker, but let’s say that, you know, he kept talking.

    If he doesn’t have an exit, then he will just keep rambling. And you’ve seen people where they’re in trouble and they keep rambling and you’re thinking, my goodness, just stop. [00:03:00] Right? So the key is you have to have your exit within the first five seconds. So in your intro, you have to already know what that exit is.

    So to buy time, to be able to come up with the exit, you can actually pause for a few seconds, or you can say Anderson, that’s a great question or something like that, just to buy yourself some time, if you’re on live T for TV, for example, but if you’re making a Facebook story, tick-tock story, Instagram story, Snapchat story, 15 seconds, cell phone, selfie style video, you don’t get the benefits.

    Of being able to use filler. So in that case, you have to have your exit in your mind before you even press record. And I think that’s what scares most people, why they’re intimidated and pressing the red circle is that they, they’re not sure what to say, but if you have the exit and the exit will be a call to action, that’ll be I’m Dr.

    Jermaine ware and I help heroes help other heroes. [00:04:00] Right. Come see me in Indianapolis. My phone number is one, two, three, four, five, whatever my call me now for a free 15 minute consultation, let’s see what you can do to make what we can do together to make you healthier, whatever it might be, your call to action.

    Contact me, fill out the form. Let me help you get healthier. Let me give you the five tips on how you can do whatever, right? So if you have the exit, then you already know kind of what the body is and then the intro can be anything that’s a hook. Anything that’s interesting. It could be as simple as. Did you know, there’s three things you can do to improve your metabolic health right now.

    One, two. And if you want to hear the third one, come check out my blog right there. I’ve got the intro, the body and the exit. You guys ready to do this? Ready to give this a shot live in 15 seconds. I didn’t bring my all horn, which I would squeeze at the 15 second mark for anyone who goes over the limit.[00:05:00] 

    But who’s game for this, hit the hand raise button in the bottom left and is going to moderate you no need to give a whole intro about who you are and your background and that kind of stuff. Just jump right into it. Right? Jeffery, we’ll call your name. Yep. And you go into your 15 second video and we’ll chat about it for a moment and then we’ll bring up the next person.

    So who wants to be the brave soul to do a 15 second? You know, the funny thing is it takes 15 minutes to talk about a 15 second video. I used to get a lot of crap because you guys probably know me for the one minute video and the $1 a day. And we have all these courses that go on for hours about how do you make the ideal one minute video?

    And people would say, Dennis, the one minute video, why do you go for a whole hour to talk about a one minute video? Shouldn’t it take just one minute? Well, the funny thing is that the shorter, the video is the harder it is. It’s easy to speak for an hour. [00:06:00] It’s pretty hard to speak for one minute. Cause you got to get right to the point.

    You have to know the structure of it, and it’s even harder to speak for 15 seconds. If you think about that seems counter. But you have to know exactly where the exit is in a 15 second video. And in 15 seconds, you actually have quite a bit of time. You can say a lot. And some people they think, well with 15 seconds, I’m gonna have to talk as fast as I can.

    As many words as I can possibly know, breath in between. No, you can actually slow down. You can have intonation, you can pause. You just have to choose two or three really good sentences. And that’s all you really need. Well, who wants to give this a shot? Jeffrey? You want to be our first? Well, we have, we have some on, I hope I pronounce it correctly, but we have some on, on stage.

    So Simon you’re a first, a first taker. Okay. So, uh, is there any topic, any topic I want to talk about? No, just go for it. Go for it the minute you talk, your mate, you’re on [00:07:00] your go. The minute you speak a word. That’s good. Uh, I’ve got, uh, I’ve got a solution for the people to actually have access to that organic food.

    And right now, like you said, hard to find organic food, but once you looked at the ocean, uh, uh, people that are going out to hunt for new meat, which is organic, actually organic food. So if you really want to get, uh, have actresses, a proper organic food, you can contact me and my company to supply you with the proper people.

    Oh, I messed it up. So that was about 20 seconds. Um, yes, the man. Good job. I remember you came up, I want to say two months ago, maybe three months ago. So think about the three components. There’s the intro, which is your hook. There’s the body, which is a statement or two about what you do, or some interesting fact that you want to share.

    And then there’s the call to action. So you could say, did you know that [00:08:00] organic seafood is not hard? In Australia. And here’s the process on how we collect this and distributed amongst certain restaurants is actually quite affordable. I’m some on contact me so you can be healthier. Right? See how there’s three parts.

    There’s something to get their attention, some kind of interesting fact or statement and then a call to action. So do that and you can make 15, second videos all day.

    Great. Thank you so much. Who else wants to give this a shot? I’m telling you that 15 second video. I know it’s audio in here. The irony of all this, but being able to communicate in 15 second sound bites is the key to succeeding in social media. When Jake Paul and I spent all this time together, making videos, teaching young adults, how to do videos on Tik TOK, Snapchat, Facebook, whatnot.

    The guy is snappy. He’s so good. [00:09:00] I would say, all right, Jake, now encourage them in 15 seconds to get the personal branding guide. And he would say, guys, personal branding guide is going to be your key to being able to grow your business and get your influence out there and learn how to do it right now, download our personal branding guide, go get it right.

    Or something like that. Right. I’m just approximating how Jake would be. And then I said to him, that’s pretty good. One more time, try different angle. We’d say if you’re a young adult and you’re trying to build your YouTube channel, I’ve got the exact process on how, what you need to do to be able to get more views and influence because there’s a chicken and egg.

    And the thing is you gotta be known. I’m going to show you how to do that. Step-by-step come get our personal branding guide, right. And just on and on and on and on. And you don’t have to be Jake Paul or Gary Vaynerchuk. But when you watch the pros and action, the reason why these people who are influencers and I don’t mean the Paris Hilton kind of influencers, I mean, people who are well-known in a particular category.

    [00:10:00] It’s because they’re able to communicate in these soundbites, really the difference between the people who are really successful entrepreneurs and those folks who are probably just as smart and work, just as hard is their ability to communicate and motivate in these little soundbites. So I encourage you guys give it a shot, wants to give this a roll, hit the button, the button, and raise button in the bottom, left CJ Miller there.

    I know you want to give this a shot data deed. Account-based marketing. Oh, Justin’s here. Got Justin onstage with just before Justin goes, Dennis, I just want to save it. The advice you give about knowing your exit is really important for any type of storytelling, whether it’s 15 seconds or 15 minutes, if you’re going to tell a story, you want to know what that final moment is going to be.

    What’s the exit, what’s the emotion, the effect you’re looking for at the end. How do you want your audience to feel. When you stop [00:11:00] telling that story and that’s, that’s really just good storytelling. So knowing that exit is really important, um, for 15 seconds and even longer stories. Um, in fact, any communication, any time you were talking to somebody, anytime you’re writing an email, anytime you’re composing a tweet, you can use this three-part formula.

    Think about the long form story that Jeffrey told a few weeks ago about when his daughter cut off her finger and he had to drive back from the hospital to find the piece of flesh and bring it back to the doctor to sew it back together. And now our hand is okay, you can use the three-part story. Right.

    And how, you know, how Jeffrey gave his daughter a hand? Absolutely. Yeah. was the fingers. You know, I started with her being born with, uh, all the things as every parent looks for it. And I ended with the. Yeah. So he, he looped it all the way back around, but think about how many different ways you could have done the [00:12:00] ending on this crazy story, about a parent who cares for his child, who’s in the emergency room and part of her fingers gone.

    And I got to go, go back to the kitchen and figure out where this piece is or wherever it was. Right. He could have ended by tying about talking. Just like you said, when the daughter is born, make sure she’s got all 10 fingers, 10 toes. He could have ended it on. And that goes to show a parent will do anything for the love of their child.

    And what about your child, right? Or here’s my guide on how you can make a one-minute video and be a compelling storyteller, or here’s an example of our three-part Hollywood story arc, the hero’s journey, or there’s so many different ways that you can do an ending. You can drive people to contact you to a blog post, to schedule an appointment, to watch a video, to learn more about a particular time.

    To click on the link below. That’s the one I hate, by the way, when people say and click on the [00:13:00] link below to learn more and I’ll see you on the other side. Well, with social media video, there’s often no link below. It’s just following or clicking the heart. And the link is an often below on Tik TOK. It’s on the right side.

    Most people are looking at the navigation in white on the red, on the right side. So that being said, right, if you have the exit, the other parts are easy to figure out the intro and the body, Justin.

    Mr. Justin Knowles, cl mobile minds. Yeah. Yes, sir. Welcome. How’s everybody doing? Hope I don’t cut out. I’m on a back road here, a traveling, but I’ll simply go ahead and go. My target is funeral home. So timer go, Hey, funeral home owners. Did you know that you have 6,600 individuals coming in and out of your funeral home and following your horses?

    I am Justin Alz. And I’m going to show you how to capture those individuals so we can be a more relationships. So they don’t have to [00:14:00] guess what to do and who to turn to when death occurs in your community. Fantastic. Jeffrey. How long was that is about 1917 seconds. Yeah. Right on. And you know, it’s actually okay.

    If you go over 15 seconds, the reason why we say 15 is that 15 is the length of an Instagram story. Anything longer than that, and you can’t really. Is an Instagram story. Tik TOK said that the ideal length is between 15 and 22 seconds. But if you don’t say 15 seconds, then people will say, oh, it means 30 seconds.

    And if he’s telling him, try to keep it under a minute, pretty soon they go for two minutes or three minutes, we’ve done the one minute video live exercise. Like we have here in clubhouse and webinars at conferences at masterminds, in live trainings. And most of the time when people come up to give their one minute video, they go for two minutes and they don’t realize how fast that time goes.

    And you might think that it felt like [00:15:00] 15 seconds for your story, Justin, because the time goes by so fast, but you’d be surprised like if you’re on TV and you’re answering in sound bites, you typically have a two and a half to three minutes slot where you’re on local TV. That’s about how long the segments are, but you might think it feels like it goes by an IM in a blink.

    I was on CBS evening news. And they’re asking me questions about mark Zuckerberg. Cambridge Analytica and stuff like that. And I had barely gotten started and the TV host said, well, that was in the, we broke for commercials. And the host looked at me and he said, yup, that was three and a half minutes. It goes by so fast.

    Doesn’t it. He looked at me smiled. And he said that in maybe 10 seconds while I was exiting the studio and five seconds later, and he says, and we’re back into today’s news. You know, this car accident happened in the weather is high. The stock market went up and down and blah, blah, blah. And I’m thinking, wow, he just [00:16:00] communicated to me.

    What I felt like was an hour of conversation and deep empathy, where he was looking at me and he smiled, you know, kind of winked yet. That, that moment took only 10 seconds. So think about how you can recreate something without having to have. To say so Justin could open. So his opening was great and interesting factoid.

    Did you know that 6,600 people follow these horses around? Imagine if more people were following you and they saw you as the trusted source, I’m just knowledge. And I want to help you grow your funeral home and that’s it. Right. Got it. Okay. There you go. Good job, Justin. Good to see you again, man.

    The suggestion I got to hang out in San Diego at traffic and conversion summit, and we made a few, one minute videos together, which is great. Interesting, especially on how he decided to serve funeral homes is his [00:17:00] niche, which is a whole nother, crazy story, but so awesome. Who else wants to make a 15 second story?

    Live, practice, public speaking, you know, you’d have to pay $50,000. To go to one of these public speaking masterminds. I’ve been to some of them like the ones with Brendan Burchard or Roger Love, or these sorts of people. They charge a lot of money to go to these things, to get private coaching, you get a free right now in clubhouse fire.

    You I’d raise my hand and go for it. What’s the worst that could happen. Yep. Raise your hand. We’ll bring you up at tennis. You know, it’s interesting. Cause the other advantage of 15 second videos in particular is it’s really not enough time if you do it right. And just get to the point and follow as you suggested your intro, your body and your exit.

    There’s no need to do any editing. There’s no time to do any editing. It’s really just. Looking right at the camera. So you’re connecting your eyes with the eyes of the viewer and [00:18:00] getting through those 15 seconds. Nice and clean. Whereas as soon as you get into longer video formats, then you have the added piece of, okay, I made a I’m there.

    I got to cut that out. Or do I need to do some editing or what do I want to add to it? 15 seconds. It’s really just, boom, boom, boom. Make your point. And you’re done. So for video, it’s a great, it’s a great time. Two days ago, I flew into Los Angeles to meet my client, David Solomon, who sold a billion dollars in LA real estate.

    He’s selling $200 million a year of luxury homes. And we got together to make probably a hundred, 150, 15 second videos. So the people who are looking for beach front property, luxury homes in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills or Venice, right. They know that he’s. He’s the guy who sold the homes to the executives at Snapchat or Google.

    And because the [00:19:00] lady that runs Snapchat bought three houses from him, then the other executives on the team also bought houses from him and the other executives from tick-tock and Google and other folks in the LA area, in Santa Monica, they would all, all these tech executives you can imagine in the last two years, how tech companies have really risen and monetized, these folks are putting money in the real estate.

    And so they’re contacting my client, David Solomon, and he would think that someone who’s selling, I think we toured four homes and the average home. Maybe $5 million. There was one that was $11 million, which isn’t much like you would think of $5 million home would be some monstrous kind of thing. But this house, this house has $5 million.

    Are you kidding? Yep. That’s what it is. But when we first started doing this a few months ago, he would keep starting over and starting over [00:20:00] because I would point my cell phone at him. I had the road wireless go clip to him so that we get good sound. That’s the key, you know, the best video, the most important part of the video is the audio.

    Most people don’t know that. And I pointed him and I’d say, go then he’d say this home behind us sold for $2,000 a square foot, the highest it’s ever been sold in Santa Monica. I’m David Solomon. I’m going to help you find, or I’m going to help you sell your home for the highest amount of money. Contact me.

    Let’s figure out the best angle to sell you. Right. Something like that, the intro, the body and the exit. And we did this in front of each of these properties, some of them that he’s listing right now, some of them where he has existing clients, a lot of them, these tech executives, these are second homes.

    They fly down from San Francisco. They don’t want people to know that they own a bunch of these homes, but some of them were willing to talk about their homes and what it was like working with David and what the [00:21:00] ins and outs are of finding the right properties and the different sorts of features that people care about in a second home or an investment home, or why this particular part of town is so safe, that you’d even have your be comfortable having your grandma staying there.

    And as we were touring through these homes and I was recording the video, following him around with my iPhone pro max 13, you could hear his knowledge. You could hear. How he knew all the neighborhoods as we were driving around in his escalate, he was pointing at different houses. And he said that house there sold for 11.5.

    This complex two years ago, the builder was about to run out of money, but I told him he needed to put a top floor patio. And that’s what made that sell so well. And then this home sold to this guy who also bought this other house, who also is the chairman of Redfin ventures, or who also has this and that.

    And then this construction over here means that this part of town is going to be like this. And then the guy who owns this restaurant [00:22:00] also owns this warehouse over here. So you could see, as we were just driving through west LA, he knew the thing like the back of his hand, he told stories about his mother who was in real estate for 25 years before he even got into real estate and started selling real estate.

    Right. David grew up as a sales person, learn how to sell houses, learn what the keyword. You know how he got started. Here’s another story. He found expired listings. He went to a Tom ferry seminar with thousands of people where they were talking about expired listings and expired listing is when a real estate agent puts a home up for sale, but they don’t sell the home because maybe the seller had ridiculous expectations or because they didn’t stage it properly.

    Or the agent didn’t take the time to take proper pictures or market it properly or use the network, or they didn’t know how it was a high end home with owner paid features that are expensive. They didn’t know that that was the [00:23:00] $5,000 shower head we were in the kitchen two days ago in one of these homes in Santa Monica.

    And he said, this is a $3,500 faucet in the sink. And I said, what? Yes. What, well, why is that? And he went into detail about why this was such a fancy faucet. And he said, most agents, they wouldn’t. They wouldn’t know like this, that he said, this particular house has a million dollars of improvements in it.

    And it was just a regular condo, as far as I could tell it had a view of the beach, of course, and it had a master bedroom that had these folding doors that opened up into the living room. And you could separate out the master bedroom and living room, or you could open it up into this big open sort of area.

    And that was a really cool feature, but most agents wouldn’t know how to do that. They wouldn’t know how to turn on the lights to show up properly. They wouldn’t have a professional photographer. They wouldn’t know to make sure to get the place ready, the music running, you know, the vibe there before the [00:24:00] potential buyer shows up.

    The second showing that we went to, we went to a second showing that day, and this is a Silicon valley person that you would recognize that was buying this house. We can’t say who had. But he came, the, his agent came the first time, checked it out. And then he came the second time and decided he was gonna just go ahead and buy this, this house.

    And it was neat seeing a guy like that in action. And we captured these moments behind the scene driving on the way where I said, David, where are we going? Well, we’re heading over a mile and a half this way to this particular property. And what’s unique about this property is this, this and this. And then I’ll say, okay, now the buyer’s going to arrive in about 10 minutes.

    What are you doing? Well, I’m getting the place ready. Right? I’m opening the windows. I’m turning the lights on. I’m making sure this, this and this are in place. You know, we’ve gotta be there ahead of them. Uh, this particular building, the real strict about masks. So all of us, we have to make sure we have our masks on and we have to make sure this and [00:25:00] make sure that, and then afterwards we’d say, okay, great.

    You just showed the property. What was the key to driving that kind of sale? Well, I knew that this guy was buying it for his. And his daughter really cares about privacy or really cares about this particular feature of making sure that it has a second master bedroom that has a full bath instead of a half bath.

    And this particular property meets all the features that she’s looking for, that she’s not going to find in another house, right? This is, I was able to find this particular property negotiate with the owner, blah, blah, blah. And I thought, well, okay, that’s really interesting how he’s able to personalize the experience.

    So I captured probably 150 of these moments as he’s, as we’re following them around and having a day in the life of what is it like being a luxury real estate broker. And he has a whole team. We drove by his office and he said, yep. That building over there, the whole top floor is mine. And I don’t even go into the office [00:26:00] anymore because my staff takes care of all the details of managing the listings.

    Super high end properties that have owner financed or owner paid for improvements. I’ll be there to show, but we have listing agents. We have buyer agents, we have seller agents. We have a marketing team. I have several admins. We have other people that do these different things. And this is how we’ve been able to run as a machine because one agent, no matter how hard they work, they could work.

    24 7 is not going to beat a team. So I just went through about, I went through about 10 different, 15 second stories with you just now, just so you can kind of see the flow of how these all fit together. I have a question for you the a hundred or so 15 second videos you created with the real estate agent.

    So how is he now going to utilize those to his benefit? What’s what’s the distribution, the sharing strategy, the platforms. What, how are you going to put [00:27:00] those videos? So first off, they were all recorded on my iPhone 13 Promax and I brought $15,000 of camera gear with me. We didn’t use it for various reasons.

    And I find that other pro geographers are saying the same thing. So we are capturing these and I was coaching him. I was kind of off camera coaching him. I brought a pro videographer coming in to help film behind the scenes as I’m helping David film to show what I’m doing, to be able to coach this guy.

    So we collected all of these different scenes. I’m coaching David on. Okay. I want you to walk into the house, right. Walk into the house and then motion, like wave at me. Say, come, come on, come along. I’m going to show you what’s inside this house. Right? Of course he says it better than I am because I don’t know anything about real estate and I’m coaching him through these different scenes, making sure that those three components are always there and.

    There’s some kind of intro hook where there’s usually some motion. So Tim waving us in like welcome. He’s opening the [00:28:00] front door saying, oh, hi, come on it. Right. You can imagine what that looks like. Welcome to this house. It’s a, it’s an amazing five bedroom, 4,500 square foot house, beautiful views of Santa Monica, the properties adjoining joining sold for 5.5 and $6 million.

    This one is newly listed and here’s some really cool features about this house. Let’s go check it out. Right? So I’m coaching him through these different snippets, all about 15 seconds long. We capture all of them. They’re on my phone because I have an iPhone I’m paying for iCloud. So it’s automatically uploading to apple.

    So I’m paying the 10 bucks a month. It’s automatically uploading to Google photos too. So that’s another 10 bucks a month and I’m paying another 10 bucks a month to upload to Amazon. All those videos get uploaded when I connect to high speed wifi. And then the video editing team notices. Oh. There’s another 150 videos inside the shared folder.

    We use is our shared folder email. So any of our [00:29:00] video team members or other VAs that want to get access, they don’t have to individually get access. We don’t have to upload files. We don’t have to manage individual file sharing kinds of things. Everyone knows. If you have access to access, to blitz, then here’s how you get access to all the client stuff, all organized by these different folders, because we’re using Google drive and Google photos, which are not the same thing.

    We know that Google is auto-tagging. So it recognizes David Solomon and any picture or video with David Solomon in it it’s automatically grouping. So we don’t have to create a folder of David Solomon. We don’t have to create a folder of Santa Monica. We don’t have to create a folder of all of the videos that were created on November 9th, 2021 or whatever day it was.

    Right. Which is two days ago, it’s automatically categorized by Google. Then our video, VA’s see these different videos. And there’s probably 200 some [00:30:00] videos in there of which I’ll say 60 are usable. And the reason why there’s maybe 130 or so, that are not usable, is that’s when the client is saying and welcome to this particular property, I’m going to show you, what’s interesting about this kitchen and the thing.

    And then he’ll say, oh, crap, or the airplane flies over. And he’s like, ah, no, I let’s restart that one. Or he stutters, or there’s so many retakes. Don’t be scared of having retakes. If you find you screwed up, pause for two seconds, then go again. It’s only 15 seconds. Just go again. And so our team, no. They can watch them and see which ones are retakes.

    Therefore we ignore them and which are the ones that we’re going to stitch together. We have templates on how we want to format these videos. So that way we don’t have our video, VA’s trying to be all creative and come up with stuff. That’s brand new. We don’t want them spending 40 hours editing a one minute video, which happens to us all the [00:31:00] time with new video.

    VA’s where we say, look, you need to use the process. You need to use the templates we have. Here’s how we do the lower thirds, which is showing their name and their title and their company. Here’s how we do the closing bumper, which is showing the phone number and showing their address, right? Link clicks so that we can drive the leads.

    We don’t have to invent a new one every single time. It’s all template driven. When those videos are lightly edited, by the way, you don’t transcribe anymore. We used to transcribe on the short videos, but we found that the social media networks, they do native transport. And with too much transcription, it slows it down.

    It costs more money for us to do it. There’s more opportunity for error. We just use native transcription. It is true that native transcription, they don’t know acronyms. They often get certain words that are wrong, but it’s okay. People don’t really care because they know it’s auto transcription done by Snapchat, Tik, TOK, YouTube, whatnot.

    Then we have a team that picks those up. [00:32:00] They pick them up out of the finished video folder. We have a raw video folder when they’re done and they pass QA. The QA is done by someone other than the video editor who worked on that video. We don’t want the same person QA and their stuff, because then they’ll just say, oh yeah, it’s good.

    But we also don’t want the video editor to not QA their stuff. So we always want everyone to QA their own stuff, but then to pass QA, another video editor has to look at it and say, yep, it meets our checklist. We have a one page checklist on QA. That just looks for the most basic sorts of problems that we see all the time.

    And that way we don’t have to keep looking for the same mistakes every single time. There’s 10 mistakes that these video VA’s make all the time. And we have training on how to correct it. We run our video VA’s through this training. So they get certified before they even touch a single client video. Yet they’ll still make these mistakes.

    So we still have to QA it. Even the ones that have done a hundred different video edits, we have to still run through this [00:33:00] QA. So just, just know that if you’re managing VA’s, this is something that you need to do. Then when it’s in the finished video folder, we have a team. We call repurposing and the repurposing queue, which is run also by VA’s as they take those videos and they cross post it into Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and blog posts and all these other kinds of networks.

    And they also will boost for a dollar a day for seven days against that target audience. The target audience is a saved audience that we’ve already built inside. Facebook ads manager already inside Tik TOK already inside Twitter already inside these other channels. So we don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

    We want to make it pretty much idiot proof. When we’re boosting posts, when it’s a real estate agent or it’s a service provider, we just target their geography. We used to do micro targeting people who are higher income or their [00:34:00] moms, or they live in a certain zip code, or they have a certain preference or they like luxury real estate or Sotheby’s because they’re more likely to buy things that are high end or they like wine or the beaches, or we used to do all sorts of crazy kinds of.

    But now a lot of that is illegal. A lot of it is not allowed. And Facebook made an announcement two or three days ago that they’re eliminating most of interest targeting. And you’re going to see the same as true on Twitter and LinkedIn and tick tock, tick tock already took away all the interest targets except for the most basic ones that don’t even matter like lifestyle ones, because the algorithm is going to do the targeting based on who engaged, engaged with your content.

    So the repurposing team posts to all the different networks and then we’ll boost for a dollar a day. If it’s an important piece of content and we have a way of marking what is low, medium, and high authority, we have an authority scale, a 30 point scale determining. So that way it’s not subjective on whether we think it’s high authority content, we’ll put more money [00:35:00] against it.

    And then we have another team. Finally, that looks at the performance of these. Which has organic plus paid and the ones that are working well, we’ll put more money on it. The ones that don’t do as well, we just let them run up. So $7 over seven days, or sometimes it’s $20 a day driving leads for example.

    And then we have, what’s called our greatest hits. Greatest hits are the evergreen content that will work really well. So evergreen is non-property specific. It is not specific to an event it’s not your black Friday sale. It is something that you can use forever. It’s telling a story, it’s saying every morning, I’d like to stop here for coffee because Sheila knows exactly what I like.

    And I’ve been, you know, I’ve known her for years or blah, blah, blah. It’s telling stories. It’s talking about who you are, how you got started sharing your expertise. Hey, did you know that these are three common myths about migraines that you need to drink? A [00:36:00] lot of water that if you’re in the dark that go away, that they have, the chiropractor can help you with.

    Well, I’m a chiropractor and I can help you. I’m Dr. Jermaine, where I have this particular certification come, come see me. Right? So that process is what we call the content factory. It’s taking the raw video that comes off of the phone, running it through templates that are governed by a process. So that VAs virtual assistants at every step in the process can do their part of the factory.

    So no one VA can manage every single skill in the assembly line in the factory, but with six different roles, which is the number of roles we have in the factory, we can crank out content at scale. These VA’s are using tools. So there’s automation that we use. So there’s automation that allows us to post allows us to edit videos.

    There’s tools like de script with overdub that allows us to correct and use AI voice there’s tools that will do transcription there’s tools that. [00:37:00] Edit, according to templates and tools that will write books off of the content that we create, which we covered in clubhouse a couple of months ago. But those tools don’t substitute for certain things that humans need to do.

    And I feel that the humans are one or just one step ahead of the robot and the same way that the Uber drivers are just one step ahead of the self-driving cars. Self-driving cars are almost there, but we still need humans and marketing automation tools do all kinds of stuff, but we still need humans, right.

    Even though I’m an engineer, I recognize that there’s a limit to what software has. It’s kind of a 50, 50, it’s not all software and it’s not all humans. We need a mix of those, the most human part that the AI will never be able to replicate. At least it will be the last thing to be replicated is our ability to tell stories.

    And that’s what we’re talking about here today. That’s what I want you guys to get more practice. Maybe you don’t feel ready to. Right here. Maybe you’re working out and listening to us on clubhouse. Maybe it’s [00:38:00] like a podcast, but at some point I hope in the next 24 hours, you’re going to want to practice making 15 second stories.

    And you’re going to realize everything you do is the 15 second story telling your wife how your day was at work. That’s a 15 second story. Hopefully no call to action. Like, and now please make my dinner, right. Maybe, maybe the ending is, and how was your day? Right. But either way, you can still use this three-part format.

    I’d encourage you to see that. Being able to communicate in this three-part format is the framework for all sorts of communications. You can use it in the zoom meetings with clients. You can use it talking to prospects. You can use it training team members. You can use it in your ads. It’s not a Facebook or Tik TOK or Snapchat specific format.

    It’s how do you communicate? And bring people to a certain point, Dennis. Yep. Dennis, first of all, thank you for sharing that process. I’m really glad I asked that question because that was really, [00:39:00] really interesting how you’ve broken it down into a process that can be scaled and replicated. And at the core of that, of course, as you said, is the person telling the story.

    We haven’t had a lot of people who wanted to come up and tell the story here, live when clubhouse, maybe they want to think about it a little bit more and think about what their intro, body and exit is going to be. So why don’t we do this then is why don’t we say, if you’re listening to this show either now live or in the replay recording and you want to actually create a 15 second video, post it on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook and tag it with hashtag.

    Coach you 15 and we’ll look for them and we’ll add your videos to the blog post that, uh, for this episode. So people could see how you did after you had time to give some thoughts with Dennis wasn’t. That is a great idea, Jeff, and we’ve been collecting hundreds of our favorite stories [00:40:00] and we’ve been grouping them by category.

    So category is real estate agent chiropractor, orthodontist, you know, e-commerce seller like whatever it is, whatever kind of profession, whatever type of business you are, that’s the category. And then also by geography. So people who are in LA or Boston or Dallas or San Antonio or whatnot, and then we also categorized by the skill.

    So what is it that they are talking about the subject matter? Is it about your health? Is it your heart? Is it, how do you learn to play the guitar? Is it, how do you cook a delicious steak? Like Gordon Ramsay, these are all topics. And our hope is that we assembled this directory of all the videos that our friends have created so that you can come in and say, all right, I am a e-commerce person selling supplements on how to [00:41:00] fix your metabolism.

    Okay, cool. Here’s all the other ones that are kind of like that. And you’ll see that Facebook has an ads. Library. Tik TOK has an ads library. Twitter’s sort of has an ads library. LinkedIn doesn’t have one, but there isn’t an ads library that covers how to create these kinds of videos. They just show examples.

    So we want to pair the training, like what you have here with these different examples. So you can put these together and don’t think it has to be a video. The video of course, is the most powerful. But let’s say that you wanted to take baby steps because making a selfie video is kind of scary. You get that feeling in your stomach.

    Like, oh my goodness, I gotta press record. I don’t know what to say. I’m going to push it off. I’m going to stare at that record button for 10 minutes, because I’m too scared. Depressed. Then write a LinkedIn post using this framework, use four or five sentences. That’s worth about 15 seconds worth of speaking.

    If you will. And tag me tag Jeffrey tax startup club. [00:42:00] Right? And we can also assemble that. There’s so many different ways to tell stories. If you can tell a story, if you’re willing, not, if you can, you, of course, you’re able to, if you’re willing to tell a story, you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

    Think about that. That’s why we’re here. We’re not here to be entertained. I hope you’re entertained. We’re here to grow our businesses. We’re here to put our brands out there. So the people identify with who we are and that’s why people buy it. Don’t buy what you’re selling. They buy who you are, you know, that star Simon Sinek start with why.

    So it looks like we’ve got a couple other folks that want to volunteer their stories. Yup. We’ve got hit tested, Chris, let’s go to,

    it’s actually changed his mind. Let’s go to Chris. What’s up guys. Thank you so much for inviting me up here to speak. So it’s, it’s really funny, Dennis, that you mentioned a lot of things when it comes to baby steps and starting with a [00:43:00] why, because, uh, I own a videography business here in Seattle, Washington.

    And the biggest thing for me that I like doing with my clients is obviously I can create video to help represent who they are as a business and as a product, as a service. But it’s the educational aspect to help them understand exactly what you said, the why behind what they’re creating. Um, the reason why I kind of dive into.

    As because of COVID, COVID push everyone into a rebrand and everyone started at zero. And so it forced everyone to understand that videography is such an important tool now more than ever. And so I love helping my clients understand not just the why behind the creating content, but helping them to overcome that fear of stage fright.

    And so I’m because of that, I’m creating some, um, courses that help with that. And I have a theater background, so I’m taking everything that I learned from my theater [00:44:00] degree and applying it to all of my clients to show them, listen, being on camera isn’t as hectic and as chaotic as you think it literally is conversation because you want to be a pre.

    A relatable figure for your business. You don’t want to be a salesman. You want to be someone that’s having a conversation. And so it’s so funny that you mentioned all of that because that’s exactly what I’m doing. And that’s exactly what I love too, to help my clients in, within all of that, when it comes to content creation or just being a comfortable in front of the camera.

    Fantastic, Chris, you know, we like to practice what we preach. So I’d like to hear you give your example of a 15 second story. Choose any topic you ready? Yeah, let’s do this. Alright go. All right. So when it comes to being comfortable in front of the camera, the biggest thing that you need to do is highlight your personality.

    Be you, you [00:45:00] have this God given ability, those God given talents that you have, don’t hide it. If you talk loud, be loud. If you talk with your hands, use your hands. That’s, what’s going to stand you out. That’s what’s gonna make you be on top of your competitors because you are relatable, you’re personable, and that will make your content a lot more repeatable.

    And that’s exactly what you want to get your product or service out to your target audience. So you can drive in leads that obviously will leave.

    That was a 38 seconds, almost 30. So w what do you think Mr. Chris, of, of your 15 second video or store, you know, the whole thing about it is it’s still a grown process. I’m still learning. I’m still adapting, but, you know, I’m, I’m confident in what I do, and I’m confident in how I can help people, but, you know, that’s why I’m here, man.

    It’s to, to grow, to, to grow in what I love and whatever. Good job, the key here, you, [00:46:00] so you make the same mistake that I make all the time, because you’re so passionate. You want to encourage people to tell their story, but you got to have the exit. So when you start speaking, when you don’t have an exit, you’ll have run on sentences.

    So that’s kind of what you had there. And all of us do the same thing. So to be able to speak in powerful soundbites, know exactly where the exit is. So you just like that, right? I knew what my ending sentence was going to be. And the funny thing here, I’ll just say this all in love, Chris, you know, this is that the people who usually struggle the most with making video it’s videographers, the people who struggled the most with making great social media content or the social media marketers, it sounds ridiculous.

    It’s like the divorce rate of this, of the marriage counselors is super high, right? Or the pastor’s son is the one who gets in the most trouble. But I find that video working with videographers, getting videographer, videographers are good. [00:47:00] I’m generalizing here, but just, this is not completely true, but it’s mostly true.

    Videographers are usually good at coaching the client. So they’re good at actually getting the end result of telling the client what to say of comforting them. Most of it is just getting the client comfortable so they don’t freeze up in front of you. But the funny thing is that when you put the, when you put the videographer in front of the camera, it changes a little bit, doesn’t it?

    I put a lot of videographers on camera just to see what happens. And it’s, it’s interesting. Cause you were gonna say something, I even questioned whether the term videographer is relevant anymore because, because video and videography, that’s the tool, what you are as a storyteller and you happen to use video is the means of telling the story.

    If you say you’re a videographer, it’s almost like it’s only just talking about the technical side of it, right. The equipment that you use. But, um, I think we’ve gone [00:48:00] beyond that because the, the equipment to create video has been democratized. I mean, we all have, you know, I’m holding in my hand right now and iPhone that has the capabilities that, you know, when I started my career.

    And many years ago, I was paying $550 an hour in a studio to be able to do the things that I can do for free, that just were embedded in my iPhone. So, you know, I wonder about the whole idea of being a videographer as, as opposed to a storyteller who uses video. You know what frustrates the heck out of videographers.

    And I’ll just say it because I’m around the office all day is anyone who has an iPhone. They now believe that they’re a pro camera guy, right? They believe they’re a videographer. And I see wedding photographers being run out of business, especially cause COVID hurt them. You can imagine because weddings got delayed, but there is something to be said about any like Jeffrey’s [00:49:00] point, anyone with a cell phone can collect videos.

    And I’ll just say one thing and I’ll throw it out there for some thoughts by you guys. So we’ve been on some high end photo shoots by some big brands that you’ve heard of and they’ll spend $50,000, a hundred thousand dollars on something that is filmed cinematically, like a masterclass by people who really know what their.

    People who are vying for awards in the industry awards like the professional and video radio, TV, this kind of thing. And they produce what looks like a fantastic commercial it’s technically shot the right way. It has a script, all these pieces. And then Dennis comes along, says iPhone, even an old iPhone films, a short little video doesn’t even have proper sound, no lighting, no effects.

    The video stuff is done by VA’s in the Philippines making $5 an hour using after effects and premiere [00:50:00] and consistently our selfie style cellphone videos out perform the professionally made videos in terms of sales, click through rate conversion rate, average watch time. All of that is isn’t that crazy?

    What are you doing? Well, Dennis that’s because consumer behavior is changed. So my, my first job out of college, which long time ago, I graduated college in 1980. So I’m talking 40 years ago. My first job out of college, I had to supervise film to tape video transfers. So I would sit in the studio and this is how you would take a film that was on 35 millimeter film and transferred the videotape.

    And we had to, everything was done manually, but nothing was computer computerized. You had to do two guys. One guy was in the video room. One guy was at the switcher 3, 2, 1. They had to hit the button at the same time to lay the reel down. And I had to look for scratches in the film and defects that we had to edit out.

    Because back then there was [00:51:00] something called broadcast quality and you were not allowed. It was actually finable by the FCC to put it. Video on broadcast television that was not quote, broadcast quality. So broadcast quality meant it was shot with professional cameras. It was edited properly of jump. Cut, a jump cut, which MTV made de rigor a jump cut was not considered broadcast quality.

    You could not put a video on air where you cut from two scenes together. You know, two scenes together with the same framing, the same camera angle. That’s a jump cut. Um, today. Normal today, you can turn on a network television show and see zoom videos being used. Reporters are using their I-phones from the field.

    So the consumer acceptance of what’s what’s good video has changed dramatically. And that’s exactly why your point is, is spot on. People are accustomed to seeing [00:52:00] more natural, more handheld stuff, more stuff shot on, on, um, uh, mobile phones, et cetera. So that’s become the norm. And so that performs better because it’s more normal and more accepted.

    So it’s been fascinating over these 40 years to watch things shift from what was literally illegal 40 years ago, to being more accepted than what was used, what used to be called broadcast quality. Wow. That’s incredible. A few weeks ago, I was on a two day video shoot. We rented out the penthouse suite in the cosmopolitan.

    You guys may have seen some of my stories on Facebook and we had this successful entrepreneur who paid for this whole thing. I can’t imagine how much money he spent for everything to have this whole crew come in and interview him in a masterclass style, which is kind of popular nowadays with videographers.

    And I didn’t tell the client this, but I thought it was horrible [00:53:00] because the number of cameras in his face and the lighting and all the people, there were probably 10 people involved in producing this video, getting the lighting and the sound and sneaking cables around and making sure that whatever stuff’s not running out of batteries, it’s all over the place that it’s really kind of intimidating.

    And unless you’re a professional on TV, Comfortable spokesperson that would spook out most people, the ordinary person, if they were sitting in one of those seats and there’s all this equipment in your face would freak out and freeze up and not be natural. And what I found, and I took that entrepreneur aside later, and I said, Hey, how about you?

    And I just try some videos out here on the balcony. The funny thing is that they shot this thing inside the penthouse where it’s big, but because of the way the lighting was, you couldn’t see that we’re up 60 stories high. I [00:54:00] said, why don’t you and I, Brian, just hanging out on the balcony for a minute and make some videos, some little 15 second videos, those 15 second videos in the break time outperformed these professionally shot videos.

    Not because I know better about, you know, aperture and lighting and f-stops, but he was. And it felt like a normal conversation because he was just looking at me. I said, look at me and I’m holding my camera off at a 45 degree angle. Don’t look at the camera. I know I’m holding my arm out to the side.

    Don’t look at the camera. Just look at me. We’re standing out here on this crazy balcony, overlooking Las Vegas. Let’s talk about how you grew your business. Let’s talk about how was your flight coming over here? What’s it like staying in the penthouse suite? What’s your favorite place to eat? What kind of food do you like or tell me about that celebrity you’re hanging out with, you said you were in LA and you’re hanging out 50 cent.

    Whoever was, what was it like hanging out 50 cent. And what did he do? Or what was [00:55:00] that other thing you told me over dinner? Go ahead. Like tell me that again. That was interesting. So capturing those moments and being able to empathize with the client and get them to relax. I’m sure Chris will agree with this.

    The pro videographer not pro because of their equipment and having five cameras around their neck, but the one who can generate results. As in sales and conversions is the one who knows how to extract the story out of the client, which is what I think Jeffrey saying. And that’s what I found too. I don’t know anything about all this.

    I have, I have so much crazy camera equipment. I don’t even know how to use it. Right. I’ve had other friends who’ve come in and they, they want to shoot full manual. And they say that there’s things that are wrong with my settings. Okay, fine. But I know how to get the story out of somebody. And one of my favorite tips, and this is how we also pull out 15 second clips.

    I’ll bring someone onto a podcast and I’ll ask them a bunch of questions. Ideally, not the same questions that everyone else is asked. That’s [00:56:00] why I do a little bit of research. Cause you want a fresh interview and we do the introduction at the end because then I already know what it is that we talked about.

    So I can with high energy, be able to talk about those items and challenge them. And then I’m, we’re recording the whole. So we didn’t stop recording, but we’ll say, okay, now the podcast is over. Now, we’re going to record some intro bits, and I’m going to challenge you with different statements and you make a statement.

    I make a statement, we go back and forth promoting this. Like, I’m so glad to be on the coach. You show. Did you know that the three reasons why your gut is doing this is because of this? So we’re just going back and forth. And in variably, this leads to discussions about things that happen that are typically not being captured by the camera.

    And it’s that stuff that is after the official podcast, where you get the juiciest bits yesterday, I was on Jake gallons podcast. I drove, I drove to the arts district in Las Vegas, and this guy’s a big crypto millionaire guy owns all sorts of NFTs and this sort of thing. And I was on his [00:57:00] podcast and the best conversation was before the podcast and after the podcast and shame on him because I don’t think he kept the video rolling because if he kept the video rolling after the podcast, The juiciest bits.

    Well, some of them can’t be public because we were talking, we were gossiping about certain people in the industry that can’t be there. But the most interesting things were actually after it ends because people don’t feel they’re under the pressure of the camera. So I challenge you guys if you’re on a podcast or if you’re interviewing other people or you’re with a client in a zoom meeting, consider with their consent recording, the whole thing.

    So that, you know, for internal purposes, you say you’re recording everything for the VAs, for other team members who couldn’t make the meeting, but pull out little snippets and then later go back to the client or whoever it is and say, Hey, you know, out of our conversation, we pulled out these particular clips.

    We put them in this one folder, what do you say? We just use them. I think you said some really insightful stuff. And 99% of the time they say [00:58:00] yes. And that’s when you capture those authentic 15 second moments, you don’t even need to have an end date. Ideally you do, but you can cut and paste. We can mix and match from the other content that.

    I hope you guys found that helpful, you know, Dennis, it’s, it’s funny, you mentioned that because today I did a, uh, uh, two videos for a local company here who does cybersecurity and it, one of them was an introduction video. And with that introduction video, he had this big script written for what he wants to say.

    And it echoes exactly what you said. He kind of, it didn’t really go to the, to the feel of like having a natural conversation. It was more, since he had a script, he felt it was more, um, you know, memorization because it’s like, oh, I have this script. Here’s an introductory video. That makes sense. Um, when we came in, when I came in today, I kind of had them ditch the script and we literally just had a [00:59:00] conversation.

    That’s all. It was, it was just like a coffee shop conversation of like, Hey, that’s awesome. So you have a cyber security business. What, what do you do. And it’s that conversation piece, that human to human conversation that gave so much more value than a completely written script. And so the, the end product, which I’m still editing by the way, the end product feels so much more relatable, so much more personable because we just had that human to human conversation.

    And so that’s an amazing tip and an amazing, uh, uh, thing that you mentioned, uh, when you, when you sort of, that’s a great point, Chris, and I’ll leave 1.2 to follow up on that. And then Jeff, you can close this out or maybe we, oh, wait, we got, uh, yeah, we could do 30 to 52 15 second videos. Let’s do that.

    Alright, welcome. David Tyler, you ready to give your [01:00:00] story? Hey Dennis, I just wanted to, I just wanted to toss in, cause you were talking before about how, uh, essentially low quality of video is selling more than, than high quality video. Essentially. That’s kind of what you were saying before. Um, I I’ve spent my whole career working in broadcasting in radio and television, and I’ve been, I’ve been stunned by that, that, that same idea that, uh, especially on social media, we’re not talking about, you know, on, on the television itself, but on social media, low quality video seems to have a better reaction.

    And, and, and over the last few years, what I’ve realized is that in terms of social media and the general population, there seems to be an aversion to authority. So when people see something that’s too, well-produced on social media, People are more likely to think of it as a, as a, you know, a used car salesman, uh, that kind of a thing.

    So they’re not going to accept the message, uh, what, what you were saying before Dennis about, [01:01:00] uh, uh, you know, an iPhone video converting better than something that’s, that’s, you know, produced with thousands of dollars of equipment. I think that that’s, uh, that’s absolutely true. That’s interesting that you see it as I agree, I never thought of it as an aversion to authority.

    Isn’t like, screw the man, or this is clearly being produced by a mega corporation, but how much of it do you think kind of tying to what Chris says? It’s about the authentic moments where people have flaws. So we’ve done training with tic talk and they call it being flawed. Where people have ums and AHS and the lighting’s not perfect.

    Their hair’s not perfect. I’ve listened to David’s voice. You guys will agree with me on this. When David first came on here and started speaking, I thought, this is the voice of God. This guy has a radio voice. Wow. We say great pipes. I agree. A hundred percent. And there’s more by now and we’ll throw a second one in, in a world.

    And that’s one of the, that’s one of the things Dennis, in a world for us, we live in a [01:02:00] world that’s and that’s one of the things that, I mean, cause I’m doing, I’m doing a lot of voiceover as well for commercials and television stations and radio stations. And that’s, that’s also one of the things that I need to, it’s my natural voice.

    It’s not something that I put on a, I need to find a way to make my voice sound, uh, less. Authoritative, if you know what I mean, uh, to be, to become, um, to, to more, to become more real sounding kind of in the way that I’m stuttering and arming right now, uh, whenever it is that that I’m doing a commercial or a TV promo or something like that.

    So I struggled to do that because of my awareness that there seems to be an aversion to authority. I would say it’s an aversion to perfection, or it’s an aversion because your voice is too good. You sound like even you could be talking about something just off the cuff. I’m afraid you’re trying to [01:03:00] sell me something.

    Just like people who speak in a British accent, they can be talking about what the ADA McDonald’s and it’s going to sound like it’s from the BBC. Right? Right. So we find that people, people resonate. So the, these iPhone videos, they look trustworthy because it seems like something a consumer is producing and it is, and we intentionally will throw in the.

    Goof B roll sorts of moments, right. Bloopers. And we find that part of it’s to get people’s attention by starting with the blooper. But we also are intentionally trying to level the field, which we’re trying to do the exact opposite of what a commercial would be. Because when you see something that’s lit perfectly, you think that’s a commercial.

    I don’t believe anything that’s about to happen. In fact, people will just scroll right past that in social media, right? Oh, it’s commercial. I’m not even gonna stay to listen to what they have to say or whoever it is. It’s obviously commercial. Right? I think that one of, one of the, one of the charms of Gary V uh, and his social media is because it, it, [01:04:00] it, everything seems to be just kind of like off the cuff.

    I think maybe a couple of years ago, it was, he was one of his videos was probably one of the first ones that I saw of him sitting in the backseat of a taxi cab in New York city. And I went, wow, that’s kind of cool. He’s just sort of shooting it off the cuff. And, and because of that, I think it hadn’t.

    Yeah. And there’s F bombs are intentional because you wouldn’t see that in a commercial. Although I wouldn’t have the balls to do that. Cause I, I alienate the audience, but yeah, right on David. So glad you’re here. I’m glad to be here. All right. Stay on for a minute. I like hearing your voice. Okay. 15 seconds.

    If you want to hear it. Oh, okay. Yeah, let’s go in there and then we’ll go to, are you rolling in time? Okay. I believe that great communicators are great. Simplifiers it’s not about dumbing down. It’s about crafting a message to have the greatest impact. I’m David titer and I help professionals [01:05:00] connect ideas with audiences.

    You could drop me a line at David David’s. Hotter or one triple eight for David totter. You could be a late night talk show host in seconds. 18 seconds. David saw, sorry, little over on that one. That’s fantastic. Wow, David, I mean, you not only have the voice, you have the whole package on there, you know, it’d be awesome.

    You should run your voice. If you haven’t done it already through overdub on D script, and you could have David narrate anything in a way that people would even realize he didn’t actually do it. You’d have the AI train your voice. That’s that’s kind of scary. Cause that’s how I make my living right now.

    I know, but you got to control the robot, not be afraid of the robot, have the robot. I got you. Then find your business. You could, your business, David, then you can just literally type, type the sentences and the recordings would, and there’s only one [01:06:00] David you’re coaching a lot of businesses. Imagine if you could provide coaching, you could have like five David’s right?

    The logic that’s inside your brain. I imagine what percent of the stuff, and then we’ll move to Richard. What percent of the advice you give to clients is the same stuff that you say all the time. All right. Sounds like the AI is going to work really well. You just personalize it with the client’s name, their situation, this kind of stuff.

    And then that other 5% is where the real David comes in. And it’s not because you’re trying to automate everything. It’s because you want to be able to spend your time really focusing on the things that will personalize and are specific for that client. Instead of repeating the same stuff that you repeat all the time, anyone who’s a coach or consultant or an agency, you know, this is true.

    You spend 90% of your time repeating the same thing over and over again. Why not just put that into an AI? It’s just as good. Anyway, I I’ve actually been doing that. That’s, uh, I have a small business marketing course that all of my [01:07:00] small business, uh, clients go through before I actually start to, uh, to coach them.

    So it’s, it’s not AI, it’s not as sexy as AI, but, but still. That’s a great first step. And the next step is load your voice into D script and then tie in drivers at AI to be able to react to their particular situations in the story that they want to tell, because ultimately you’re helping people tell their story better, which is perfect for a combination of these AI tools on top of your course on top of your YouTube videos and public stuff.

    Exactly. Yeah. All right, Mr. Richard, you’ve been so hi Dennis. I listened to David and I’m thinking, you know, when, when I read Chris boss’s book about the FM late-night FM DJ voice, I’m like, Hey, that’s it. It’s right there. The, uh, well, let me give this a shot. Um, if you’re a small business owner, there’s only three things you need to know to grow your business, how to collect leads, convert clients, and great fans.

    If you want to know how to [01:08:00] do this in a environment where there’s no selling and no hard sell nothing to buy, meet me, Rick Bukert from Rogan marketing this Saturday morning at post YYC. And we’ll see you there. I’ll be the bald guy in the bright pink wine shirt. Love Calgary. Except when it’s called 21 seconds.

    21 seconds. Richard. Not bad. Yeah. Love it. Hey, try that one more time. See if you can get it down to 15 seconds. Cause in the middle there, I think you said with, without selling thing to it three times I stuttered. Yeah. All right. One more shot. If you’re a small business, there’s only three things you need to know to grow your business, how to collect leads, convert them into clients and then create fans.

    If you want to know how to do this, where there’s nothing to buy and no hard sell. Meet me. Rick Buker Saturday. At AWM till nine 30 at post YYC 16 seconds. Awesome. Fantastic. Yeah. Good job. [01:09:00] Right. It’s amazing how terrifying that is. Okay. Let’s go into that for a second. What makes it terrifying for you? Oh no, I think it’s, it’s probably the fear of screwing up.

    It’s just, you know, you’re, it’s an uncomfortable thing to do the first few times. And what would a screw up be? Stuttering? Did you die? No, I didn’t die. Uh, it’s just, you know, you’re you get conditioned that it’s supposed to be perfect. And, uh, I’ve I’ve, since I saw you, I forget a while ago, it was with Perry Marshall, and you were talking about Tik TOK.

    I actually set up the Tik TOK account and I’ve been going on and, uh, I have, I had one tick-tock I did, I literally screwed it up in the middle badly and I just went blended. Yeah. I got taught English eludes me and I kept right on going until the, and published it as it is. And I’m like, I can’t believe back.

    Who did that? Yeah. And did anyone mock you when you stuttered? Uh, no. No, but, uh, it was funny. That’s one of the ones that was actually had more likes than [01:10:00] once, because you’re a human like David and our other friends are talking to. Yeah. And yeah, I’m, I’m learning from it. I’m getting the point where I went.

    If I mess up, I just keep going and, and I’ll I’ll address. Yeah. I must messed up, but here’s the rest of the message and that’s that. So if you want it to be perfect, your lawn would be AstroTurf. It would be perfect green with no weeds. Well, it’s one of the reasons I live in a condo. So the door, there you go.

    There you go. Eat even, even max headroom stuttered, right? Yeah. Oh, that was intentional to sell more Coke for sure. Tricia, the job that was meant for, I love that show. Uh, I’m glad that people here got the reference. I was a little bit worried before I said I’m 47. You know, [01:11:00] I got you beat by 10 and a bit, my friend.


    All right. Next up we have Heather Hayven would welcome. We’ve seen her a few times here. She’s fast. Hey Dennis, how are you? Good. You want to give us your 15 second story? Oh, 15 seconds. Okay. Well, my name is Heather and Haven would crater at the female edge and I help women launch their business through their platform for podcasting.

    Ooh, that’s 15 seconds, I think. Was that it actually, Heather, that was only nine seconds. Like you got like six extra seconds to play with it. What are you going to do with those 600? I don’t know. So here’s what you do. So start with some interesting facts. Or an interesting question, which, which is what we call the hook.

    So three parts, right? The first part is that intro some, some sort of thing to cause them to want to hear more than the body and then what you do. Right. [01:12:00] And then the call to action. Okay. Okay. So do that for me. Is this craziness, how would you do that? If I was just saying who I was on the hook side, would you ask a question as the hook, like DUI one?

    Sure. Heather, would you want to launch the platform? Is that what you’re doing? Heather, you have a brand that you use and you post a lot of social stuff. That’s a detention getting brand. Why would you leave with something sexy boss? I wouldn’t know how to, how to start that though. How would you use that?

    So the easiest hook is to start with pain because people always identify with the pain or to start with an interesting fact. So in this case, we could say. Most people are afraid of podcasts because they’re afraid. No one’s ever going to listen. They don’t know what to do. I’m going to show you how to do that.

    I’m Heather Haven wood. I’m going to help you build your global influence, right? No problem. See, you asked a question or [01:13:00] a question, a statement there’s, there’s different ways of doing the same thing. So you made an all love here. So this is constructive criticism. The classic mistake that people make when they make any kind of video promo advertisement is they start by saying who they are.

    No one cares whether it’s Jeffery or Dennis or Heather, you need to get their attention, share some kind of expertise or something, some value to create relevancy. And then you can say, and I’m Heather Haven wood, and I’m going to help you be a bad-ass leader. Right. But if you start with, on Heather Haven with, you’ve not earned the right to their attention.

    So you say who you are. So you have a hook, right? Whatever the intro is, the body where you’re saying a little bit more about that topic, and then you have your call to action. You don’t want to try to teach the whole thing you want to do just enough. It’s like a movie trailer. You don’t want to show them the whole movie or summarize the whole movie.

    You just want to get [01:14:00] their attention with a couple key things, you know, in a movie trailer, they show where the car blows up or they show a couple of the key themes, but without trying to spoil the whole thing, right? So the 15 second video is a movie trailer. Right? Let me ask you a question with Dennis on this.

    This is really great. I’m just going to go deeper with this. This is great. So I’ve been like looking for like the formula of 15 seconds, right. And what I’m looking on, Tik TOK, and I’m doing these and doing research. It’s almost like one thing, one content piece, one. I don’t know how, you know, one piece it’s like, almost like you just got to bring it down to the kindergarten level and just state one little, knock it for professionals.

    Yes. Now the other people who are blowing up on Tik TOK, they’re doing singing and dancing and stunts and things like that. But for us as professionals and B2B and software and coaching, and we have expertise. So the whole author speaker, coach thing, it’s a different model. It’s [01:15:00] this three-part model where, which is what we covered in the last hour.

    You get the replay, by the way. It’s not, start-up that club coach, you show they’re all being recorded. That’s the red circle, right. You’re consenting to being recorded. Right? And you, you start with the hook, some something interesting, not about yourself, not promotional, but to show that you have empathy with them then, oh, Michael Sanchez is here.

    He is the king of Tik TOK and the king of all new kinds of social media. I would yield anything. I would say I would yield to it. Michael Sanchez has to say, but you have that intro. You have a body and then you have an exit. Now I think Michael’s got a five or six steps, which his is more sophisticated.

    Mine is simpler. He’s got a guide. He’s a lead magnet on how do you create a viral Tik TOK video, which goes through the same steps. But I think he goes like hook, intro. What is it, Michael you’re here. Yeah. I think that depends to be honest on the niche and the category and [01:16:00] or what your intent is behind the scenes.

    Maybe you just want to be helpful. Maybe you want to do a call to action. Maybe you want to position yourself as an authority. Um, the main reason why I hopped on though on stage real quick was I think one thing you could do to Heather is like, you don’t have to really necessarily say who you are and what you do.

    You can just kind of casually position in a way where it’s like, here’s three things that most lawyers get wrong. And then the next line could be like, look, I’ve been doing litigation for 15 years. Is the number one thing that judges. I like you’ve already positioned, like, I’ve been a lawyer for 15 years.

    This is what lawyers are. This is what judges hate. Like you’re kind of showing a history to it. And you’re kind of position yourself as an authority without having to say like, I’m Heather and I’ve been doing blah, blah, you can. But that is his point. Like nobody cares. Not yet. At least maybe at the end you can be like, you know, my, the way my name is Heather, if you want to follow me for more, I got you.

    And then that’s it, or whatever you might want to be. But, um, I have a lot of different variations, um, I think, oh yeah, I’m sorry. [01:17:00] No, I was just saying thanks to Michael for that and just restate that. Cause it was so good. Like here’s three things that lawyers do wrong. I’ve been doing X for 15 years, you know, here’s the one thing the judges hate.

    I mean that right there is a beautiful model. I just wanted to restate that for the room. That was like beautifully done because I agree with you. I don’t think saying my name makes it adds no value. Um, they just care about what can I do for them. That was pretty pretty. Oh, well, thank you. Yeah. I’ve been a work with a lot of like expert service people on Tik TOK and short form, like last year or so.

    So one biggest thing I’ve noticed, and Dennis, maybe you can talk to this too. There’s somebody on here? His name is boomer. He says his quote. He says you can’t give them too many balls to juggle. Just focus on one. I think the biggest problem I see with a professional was on Tik TOK is they’re used to like long form storytelling or copywriting where it’s like, here’s five ways you can get more customers, but then each one has like four [01:18:00] segments.

    So number one, run a business. Okay. The first thing you want to it’s too much. It just needs to be very compartmentalized. One off things and not be afraid to do like a series from itself. It’s like here’s three ways you can suppress a judge. Probably not. You might want to be like, here’s the number one way that I impress a judge when I go into the party room or something like that.

    And just, just do that one. That’s all you don’t really need to get. Over the top of I, and there’s too many people that I’ve worked with at least, or even witness, they want to say too much. And then it gets to a point where it’s like, what are you even talking about right now? Like I thought you were talking about the judge and now you’re rambling about a court proceeding that you might’ve had from like 10 years ago.

    It doesn’t add anything to the story. So I would definitely say whatever your idea is, look through it. And if I chop half of it off and be like, okay, we segment that a little bit better and a little bit easier to, to understand and comprehend.

    That’s a great dog. I said, it’s great advice, Mike. And I think when you [01:19:00] get into platforms like Tik TOK, where people are swiping through so quickly and you need to make that impact, it’s much better to, instead of where we were used to saying 10 things in one video. But instead you want to say one thing in each of 10 videos and spread that out, you know, and I think that’s, that’s the challenge and it’s a different mindset because we’re all used to saying.

    Yeah. And the other thing about the tick tock algorithm is it’s looking at completion time and people staying. So you saw Michael with his hook on it. My 15 years as a corporate lawyer, this is the one thing that judges absolutely hate. So that’s a click baity headline, which you can speak and have is in a video because it creates what’s called an open loop, the whole point of an intro or a hook you guys understand open loops, right?

    An open loop is, well, what happens next? So crappy clickbait creates open loops, but it doesn’t read it, but it’s just teasing people. An open loop. I did a LinkedIn [01:20:00] post and this works on every single social network. I did a LinkedIn post that got two and a half million organic views just on my profile.

    No ads, anything like that. And my opening line was. When, what was it? My class, something like my client got mad at me on, uh, when I, I forgot what it was. She was mad about something because such, such and such. So that first sentence causes people to think, well, why did the client get mad at me? Right. And then went on to, oh, I know it was.

    I said, I charged the client, got mad at me, even though I charged $10,000 for a hundred thousand dollars project. So that creates an open loop. So people are like, oh, well what happened? So you close the loop, but then when you close the loop, you want to open another loop in the next sentence. So I’ll say, and it was because she was trying to do this, but she extended the scope creep and she was doing, and then I opened another loop.

    So you keep opening and closing loops and that’s how you get people to stay on. And watch longer, but on Tik TOK, generally, you want to have these [01:21:00] things at 15 to 22 seconds. If you’re doing professional services, if you do stuff in a minute, I know what is it? Now, three minutes is the limit that you can have.

    People are not going to watch that long YouTube. You can get people to do that, but tick tock, Facebook, Instagram, you can’t do that anymore. And like Michael said, you should follow Michael, by the way, I think Michael, in my estimation is the number one social media hacker out there in terms of a B to B influence, get people’s attention.

    Understand what the algorithm will. I don’t mean hacker isn’t like break into your passwords. I mean, hacker is in the marketing, understand what the system needs to be able to get distribution and conversions. So if you’re not following him, you should click on his face and go follow him on all the different socials.

    Can I ask you a question to Michelson stays here or do you Dennis. Okay. So, Michael, um, you know, one of the things I, I would love to, we’re talking about esoterically right now, but is there [01:22:00] kind of a forum for authors, speakers or experts? Is there a formula for short form video? 15 second? Is there kind of like a formula we’re talking about it kind of esoterically one thing hook, but is there kind of a formula that you’re seeing consistently over and over again?

    I think it’s kind of, I mean, yes, but also no, which is like probably the shittiest answer you probably want to hear right now. Um, I would say yes, there is definitely for sure. But at the same time, I would say no, because I think every industry, every niche, every kind of ebb and flow that’s happening in the industry or in social or just in the news, kind of tends to lean different ways in terms of storytelling.

    But I think for at least 10. What are the easiest ones you can do is really just a stitch reply. Um, just think somebody is good piece of content and then just add your commentary on top of it. And then all you have to do is just talk about and reiterate the problem that they had a desire they were trying to hit.

    And then just kind of some results that you were able to achieve from it. So then it was time off 15 second videos. I can [01:23:00] stitch it like, dude, this is exactly what I’ve been

    last year. I made it so incredibly simple. Like I know that’s obviously not like the coolest storytelling kind of thing, but that’s something I think generally speaking, anybody can apply or as applicable. Um, from an author standpoint, I’m working with two authors right now and they’re both very, very different from what’s resonating.

    What isn’t um, one of them are women. Uh, I don’t know. I don’t think I can say her name cause I’m on the NDA, but, um, she had some really bad stuff happened. She went through a divorce, she found out she had cancer. Um, divorced the guy like basing took the house and everything and insurance. So she pretty much was like, I’m I might die and I’m going to be poor or whatever.

    She overcame it. She wrote a book about it. But a lot of, for content on say, talk, isn’t even so much about the book. It’s about our story, like what she went through in the moment. And then she relates it back to the book. Kind of like what Dennis was saying, an open loop where she’ll [01:24:00] be like, this is one of the most traumatic things that happened to me, blah, blah, blah.

    I wrote more about in my book. You can check it out if you want. Um, from that she said on her ticked off, she’s completely sold out she’s in Australia. And, um, she’s like a number one best seller right now because of just people on six dogs being like absolutely my story. Um, I know boomers in the room.

    Maybe I always thought boomer on the spot, but I think if boomer can come up, he’s incredibly good at storytelling. Like just kinda, I don’t know, speaking in a way that grabs people’s attention, but hopefully that answers your question. If you want, you can just be on me. I can send you a bunch of little like frameworks scripts that I have for authors.

    That can be helpful for you. Maybe. Thanks, Michael. I appreciate that. Alright. You guys are awesome. Today in the coach, you show, we have this weekly show Thursday at five part of startup club. Jeffrey sass is our amazing moderator who organizes this as part of startup club. And we [01:25:00] love to see all you guys today.

    We talked about powerful 15 second videos and how there’s three parts. There’s the intro, the body and the exit. And there’s so many different ways of doing this. I hope that you guys will catch the replay. I hope that you’ll look at other episodes of the coach. You show, because the common thread here is we want to help you build your brand.

    We want to help you get your story out there, whether it’s through Facebook ads or blogging or video, or being able to network with people like Heather or Michael or David, who has the voice of God, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. We want to bring everyone together. That’s what clubhouse is here for. And I’m glad you guys are here and I’m hoping that we can connect together on start-up that club.

    I’m hoping that you’ll follow the other people here can be salmon or Heather, David, or Richard Jeffrey, follow them on, on the Instagram and on the Twitter, click on their profile. And you’ll see that they have links to their other social media profiles and message them. In fact, clubhouse lets us message each other right here as [01:26:00] well.

    I just messaged boomer. I hope he hopefully he’s here and he’ll reply back or maybe come up on stage like Michael suggested any final words. Last words of encouragement for everyone else here in the room. And then Jeffrey we’ll close it out. Anyone can go in any order. I just want to add something. Um, you know, I’m just not learning that what I call the 15 second video and deep diving into that.

    But I will say someone that right now with podcasting was kind of going on with that is that, um, when our stand tick-tock has opened their API. And so what that means is that if you have an RSS feed and you can, you can create content even long form and then chop it up is that tic-tac not just open their API.

    So you’re going to be able to push out 15 seconds. And of course you have the 15 second, you can course then put reels to Facebook reels to short form YouTube. So my point to that is saying as one, encourage everyone and like myself to double down on short form video. It’s not going away. It’s here to [01:27:00] stay, it’s going to get bigger.

    Um, and so I just want to encourage the room for that. And Michael had just deemed you as well here, as well as Instagram. Thank you, Heather. How about the voice of God, David?

    Uh, what do you want me to say in a world? Uh, a final sentence, a piece of encouragement for everyone here, a piece of encouragement. Uh, I’ve been doing broadcasting for a lot, a long time, um, over 30 years now. And, uh, and still for me, just as I, as I hit record on a, on a video or anything that I’m recording, there is a little bit of, um, uh, I, I do get nervous.

    Uh, so for somebody who hasn’t been at the level that I am, or have been, uh, in broadcasting to, to get nervous, that’s completely normal push past that get past the first five seconds of whatever it is that you’re recording and everything will [01:28:00] be all right. Amen. Richard? Yes, sir. Final thoughts. I don’t know, thought it’s just a pull up my socks and keep making videos of know that H one I make will I’ll get better at it.

    Awesome. Thank you, Richard. It looks like Dennis finally exited here. He’s back here. He, uh, he fat thumbs, the leave quietly button. I think

    Richard gave his final thoughts. So I think, uh, we we’ve covered everyone. Um, Dennis, another great, great, great episode of the coach. You show here on startup club and you know, we’ve got replaced turned on now that’s a new feature. So if you enjoyed the show notes, And want to share it. You can go to start-up club, find the replay.

    It’s easy to share it. That’s going to start up club within [01:29:00] clubhouse, outside of clubhouse. We hope you’ll go to, which is the website for starter club. And you can see recordings of the past episodes of the coach. You show there. And many other shows that we record and post there and turn into podcasts and, and you can sign up for our mailing list to get informed of the other new shows and special events coming up on start-up clubs.

    So Dennis, a another great episode, really thankful for everyone who came up on stage and participated tonight. We had a lot of engagement tonight, which is why we went long, which is great, Dennis. I think it’s great that our longest episode is our 15th. The irony of it. You guys make your 15 second videos.

    You can tag Jeffrey or me or other folks, and we want to collect the best of them. We want to highlight you. You’ve got something great. You want to share? Let’s see it. The biggest issue we see is people not even making their 15 second videos. What a huge opportunity to leapfrog the competition, especially author, speaker, coaches.

    Love you guys. All. I hope to see you [01:30:00] all next Thursday at 5:00 PM. And if you have any other topics that you’d like to cover, let Jeffrey, or I know. Thanks everyone. Thanks, Dennis. We hope to see all of you on another episode of the coach. You show here at startup later. Goodbye.

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