Episode 21: *Hits Play*

What kind of domain name will you choose for your startup? We’re ready and we’re eager to get stuck in! On this week’s show, we met some fun startup names, but can you guess what they do? Meet: Burybadreviews.com, Pieces.app, and Kam Media Studio Fameconference.nft.

Who out of our panel hosts will win this week?

Our game rules:

  1. We invite you up on stage
  2. Tell us the name and domain of your company
  3. We will then try to guess exactly what your company does as well as provide beneficial tips and feedback on your company name/domain

Bury Bad Reviews Burybadreviews.com

Page went with the obvious and said the company was an online review site that encourages “very bad reviews.” Sharyn dug a little deeper and went down the food reviewing route. Sharyn also picked up on the dreaded radio test, as all of our hosts thought the domain was ‘verybadreviews.com’ and ‘berrybadreviews’ rather than ‘burybadreviews.com.’

Did Jeff think the domain was a “bury bad name?” 


Jeff jumped on the ‘.app’ extension and relayed to the speaker that he was a little jealous of the extension. But what does Pieces.app do? 

Page went with a staffing company. One that puts the “pieces of the puzzle together” and brings together the right people with the right companies. 

Jeff picked up on Page’s puzzle description and went full circle with a puzzle game. 

Kam Media Studio Fameconference.nft 

Sharyn picked up on the NFT domain and went down the sports route. Sharyn believed the NFT allowed fans to show support for their favorite sports personnel. 

Jeff thought the company was a conference event that aims to attract influencers and leverage them in the NFT space.

Page on the other hand thought that ‘Fame’ was an acronym… was he right? 

Did the radio test cause too much turmoil? Tune in to find out!

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