Episode 17: We All Know What Wednesday Means…

No, it’s not the day we wear all pink, it’s our favorite show: The Name Game. 

Your brand is strong only if you associate a strong name with it! If there is a disconnect in the name of your brand you will eventually miss out on opportunities. In the session, we met Proof Prints proofprints.com, Tex Strand texstrand.com, and Copper Seed Safe copperseedsafe.com who asked our hosts Page, Jeff, and Sharyn for advice on moving forward with their companies.

[A name] that means something to you, may not mean something to someone else.

Sharyn Konyak

Our game rules:

  1. We invite you up on stage
  2. Tell us the name and domain of your company
  3. We will then try to guess exactly what your company does as well as provide beneficial tips and feedback on your company name/domain

Proof Prints proofprints.com

Proof Prints is planning on going in a new direction. But before the speaker gave an insight into which direction she planned to take the company, hosts Page and Sharyn took part in guessing what her company was, based on its previous name. Page had a go at guessing what the company was and thought it sold “limited edition prints” saying that the alliteration of ‘proofprints.com’ sounded great.

Sharyn went in a different direction and thought the company was a clothing print company but was curious as to whether ‘proof’ was an acronym for something else.

Tex Strand texstrand.com

Page thought the company was a consulting and engineering, professional solutions, and technology-based company that helps people expand on what they already have/know/created.

Sharyn went in a similar direction and said the company was an IT support company. Sharyn surprised us with the name tag ‘never get stranded again.’ Sharyn gave a back story to her thoughts and said that if a consumer’s IT is failing and they need help, they can reach out to texstrand.com to be back up and running.

Page heard the name with a ‘ch’ and thought the company was named ‘tech strand.’ Sharyn also thought the name was spelled with a ‘ch’ and noted that the radio test is something the speaker needed to consider.

Copper Seed Safe copperseedsafe.com

Jeff joined us on stage and thought the company was a special safe that kept planted seeds safe; he believed that the safe was made from copper to preserve each seed.

Page went down the cannabis route and thought the company certified cannabis “to be safe.”

Sharyn joined Jeff’s idea and thought the company preserved seeds and prevented them from being genetically modified.

Tune in to hear who was right and the story behind each company name!

  • TRANSCRIPT: The Name Game EP17 (11-4-21)


    Hey everybody. Welcome to the name game, and it is Wednesday night, six o’clock Eastern. Hi, Rachel. Hey Paige, how are you? Good. Wasn’t sure if I should have started. So thanks for starting it. And I got it from here. Alrighty. Thanks everybody. Welcome to the name game. And we do this show once a week and start-up club.

    And it was a, the name game was actually invented by Jeff sass, as he was traveling the world, talking to people about how to name their startup and their company. And one of the things he found was people are sometimes having to reach so far down [00:01:00] into the unspell of. Unpronounceable unremembered trouble names that sometimes there was options for your company where you could get a good domain name, I taking irregular regular name.

    And so that was kind of the name game. And in startup club, we’ve changed it to be where you share with us the name of your startup or your business or your product even, and the domain name that you’re using. And the reason that’s important is. The internet has really taken away a lot of the old marketing and distribution channels.

    And many times you’re just sending people to your website and how the first impression that that website gives the ease of remembrance of that website. The ease of using your email and everyday correspondence, um, can be important in the success of your business. So we try to just take a look and contribute.

    Kind of [00:02:00] a disinterested third party. You know, you may share the name of your company with people that you know, or inside your company. And they’re going to, they’re going to obviously want to, you know, affirm that you made a good choice and then you may share it with other people that you, you know, you may not know.

    So we try to come at it from people that have looked and evaluated thousands of companies and their brands. And maybe just give you some insights, uh, some directions you may. So that’s the name game. And in a second here, I’m going to invite people up to be a speaker. And if you’re a speaker, then you can tell us the name of your company and your domain name, and then just hold off right there for now.

    And then what we’re going to do is, uh, whether it’s Jeff or Sharon and myself, we’re going to talk about what we think our perception is of what your company is or what your company does. And we hope that that gives you some insight [00:03:00] into what your name and your domain name are currently portraying. And then we’ll give you a chance.

    So don’t feel like if you don’t say what you do at the beginning, that you’re out of luck, we’ll give you a chance to say this is what our company does. And I think you have a chance then to share what your company does. Uh, you know, who knows, who might be listening, you might be able to develop some valuable networks with partners or.

    Um, other people that are listening in the room. And I think that we’ve, we’ve heard over the past, uh, uh, six months, just some wonderful ideas and ideas that have made me think of different ideas. So hopefully you guys get as much out of the, the name game as I do. Um, and we’ll start here in a second. I want to wait for Sharon to join.

    And maybe I just can’t add speakers. So hold on Jeff. This normally at the helm and he’s got this down to a science, [00:04:00] so I’m kind of stalling right now. Let’s see, I’m gonna invite a couple of people up so we can start filling the queue. Now you will see a red dot up at the top, and that means that we’re recording.

    So we are recording the name game and this’ll be available on start-up dot club. And you can listen to past episodes of the name game to get different branding stories that have been told in those episodes. And I think that, um, I think that in that regard you could, it’s kind of like taking a whole semester’s worth of a branding masterclass, um, on one website, it startup.club.

    And not only can you hear the recordings of, of the name game, but the other shows that have been on a startup club and you know, it really is a chance to kind of get a, a pretty good education instead of bins watching the latest accident, adventure or drunk. You can [00:05:00] binge listen to programs that will help you with your start-up.

    Um, so I’ll call everybody up. Hey, Sharon, I see you there. Sorry, I didn’t invite you right away. Welcome to the name game. How have you been I’m substituting for Jeff here. Um, what’s going on? Hi, Sharon. Hey Paige. Good to see you again. Um, I know Jeffrey’s going to try to join us later, perhaps, so I’m happy to help you run.

    The room and get people, um, in the spirit of the naming game that we do. And just to remind people that, you know, your brand is so strong. Only if you associate a strong name with it. So, um, people oftentimes will throw out a name and think, oh, this is easily recognizable, but, um, oftentimes there’s a disconnect and it’s really important to make sure that.

    Your brand is recognizable from [00:06:00] not only like a product standpoint, but from a name standpoint. And the story that you tell with your brand, um, you know, really has to like play through on every aspect of it, whether that’s the name, whether that’s the domain, whether that’s the tagline and they all have to be cohesive and they all have to be very, um, you know, intertwined with each other.

    And if they’re not, that’s where we can get the disconnect and that’s where we can lose customers. And then we can lose opportunity. Well, thanks, Sharon. I certainly appreciate that. Um, a metaphor that I think we’ve probably used in the past would be if you opened up a storefront of a boutique or a store in your local area and everything looked great about your company and your interior.

    Where your sign goes, you’re just kind of plastered something you got to Kinko’s, you know, with some scotch tape or something, you know, it all plays into it. So I liked your comment about how everything plays in, you know, it is related to everything else. Well, last time I was [00:07:00] the host, we only. Didn’t have enough people to fill up the show.

    So I just want to encourage you if you’re here listening to the name game, this is a time when you can share the name of your company and your domain name. And I just wanna encourage you. I think Shea, I think Sharon, we’re pretty nice. I mean, we just try to tell you what an outside person might think and hopefully it’s been helpful.

    So hopefully we haven’t dissuaded anybody, uh, from coming up.

    There you go. So, um, let me check and see how we’re doing. We’ve got a great audience tonight. Uh, thank you for joining us for the name game, and let’s talk to Ari and hopefully I’ve said that correctly and welcome to the name game. What is the name of your company? And then what is your domain? Hey guys, thank you so much for even having me up on the stage.

    I really appreciate what you guys are doing for all of your listeners. It’s, it’s an amazing resource that [00:08:00] we’re all, you know, getting a chance at. So I appreciate it again. Um, so the name was, uh, proof prints, but as I’ve learned more about NFTs, I think, um, my project belongs to. As an NFT, more so than prince.

    And so I just want to drop prints from my name. So it’s proof prints, but it’s going to be clothing that translates into NFTs as well. So all we can’t give us any hints though. So I’m just gonna, I’m gonna, you are gonna get a chance to share it with that’s. Okay. So before you, before you went the other direction, You were proof prints.com.

    So we may just talk about that and then we can talk a little more about what direction you wanted to go in. The proof prince is on is not a bit like, well, it was available, but I don’t like prints and I don’t own it because I wasn’t quite sure about it. The name. And this is early on in my [00:09:00] project. So, um, but I know proof I need in the name.

    Uh, but it’s but anyway, go ahead. Sorry. All right. So Sharon, why don’t you share, I’ll share what I think about proof prints, even though we know she didn’t go with it, but maybe we’ll see if that can help her and we’ll do it with an eye toward what she might want to get. So proof prints, if you would have shared that with me, it’s funny because when I don’t know what to guess, I usually have a.

    We’ll I span a virtual wheel and I either guess cannabis or NFT. So I might have got this one. Right. But I’m proof prints. I would’ve said it was probably because I have a background collecting baseball cards and the idea of a proof, meaning a one-on-one or the, the artist rendering that was used to make multiple.

    You know, copies of something. I think I probably would’ve gone in that direction with print proofs. So maybe I would have said one-on-one, but I probably just would’ve said limited [00:10:00] edition prints, print proofs.com with a little alliteration of the two piece. And I think I would have liked it. Print proofs.com.

    How about you? Um, I think if you went in that direction, so as we’re, as we’re dealing in hypotheticals, I probably would have gone with prince being clothing, like, um, you know, Jakarta or checkers or polka dots being a print. And so I would have gone with a clothing print, um, and thought that I was curious as to whether proof was a, an accurate.

    For something else or to stand for something else. So that’s the direction that I would have gone in. All right, Ari. Now you can tell us that you’re going in a different direction and how did we do for one? And then go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. I’m so sorry. No, and then let us know what direction you’re in and maybe we can help you in that.

    Yeah, so you’re actually both, [00:11:00] right. Um, it started as a clothing line only. Um, but I recognize how impactful CRE you know, turning this project, in addition to the clothing, be an NFT that they, you know, any purchasers received the clothing. So this is a huge undertaking, but I do think I have a brilliant idea.

    Um, and so I know proof I have to have in the name. Um, and if you take a look at my profile here on clubhouse, you can see what I’m kind of doing with it. Um, it’s P R O F, but the O O is actually like the percent sign. So that’ll be like the, the, the image of our brand, like, uh, like the icon of it. Um, but.

    Again, I don’t like prints now because of the NFT aspect of it. I think it’s more like art now. So like [00:12:00] proof art, but anything that I’ve come up with, it has already been taken and costs a lot of money. Um, I also, my last name is gold and that’s going to be part of like the, you know, the whole artist name as the artist.

    Um, so. You know, the artists to be listed as gold. So I could put gold into the name somehow, but everywhere that I kinda put it, I’m not confident enough in the name. So those are kind of just some things to work with. And if you guys have any ideas, you know, moving forward, I appreciate it. So I’m actually curious, Ari.

    What, why you keep going back to proof has to be in the name. Can you tell us a little bit that. Um, exactly what Paige was saying about how it’s limited edition. Um, that’s a vital aspect. Um, and in reality, my project is all in the marketing. Um, cause you know, everybody’s done limited [00:13:00] edition clothing, but the marketing is what’s important.

    And of course I can’t, I don’t want to explain too much about that part of it, but, um, I just, I have to have proof in the name.

    Gotcha. So, um, one I followed you and, uh, I may escalate, I’ve got an NFT project that I need to have someone do some custom printing for. So w I’ll talk to you about that later, but I think that I will say the word proof as much as I know what it means. It may not carry well. I kind of liked your little percentage sign percentage sign.

    I’m not sure if it’s. And fits the official shortner. And what I mean by that is, you know, a lot of kids these days, and I am not one will start writing their name without the vowels or, you know, different companies. They’ll kind of do that as an edgy thing to do, and I’m not [00:14:00] sure. The proof has, has become where everyone knows it as those two things, you know, I think it would be different if it, if it was, they used to have a language called Leete that would redefine certain words based upon making ease, threes and fives, SS and stuff like that.

    So I think you’re going to have a lot to do to teach people proof and then teach them that the percentages are. And I know you said print proof was expensive. Sometimes you can find it where you can buy it on monthly payments. But I think that there’s another site out there it’s called dot D O T O. M a T O R.

    And you can just Google it if I’ve spelled it wrong. And what you can do there is you can put in like 15 words on the left-hand side and like 15 words on the right hand side and it’ll combine them and then search for the domain. So you could put like on the left side, you know, proof meant [00:15:00] rare design, stuff like that.

    And then on the right side, put, you know, clothing, fashion, and, and maybe something pops up that gives you an idea. And that’s one of the places I go to. Yeah. And you could do it in Excel too. I think, you know, you could put 15 names across the top and then 15 names on the side and then combine them or something, but it just kind of gets the juices flowing a little bit on how certain names go together.

    Um, print proof, you know, I don’t like print anymore because of, it’s not originally the idea. The project started as a street wear company, but now that I’ve lost. More into NFTs. I recognize how much bigger my project could be when I incorporated and as an NFT, um, it like really the possibilities are limitless and of course every idea sparks a new idea.

    Um, but I recognize that prince is [00:16:00] now limiting, you know, my brand’s potential. So it’s more like art, like proof art. Oh, I’ve tried, I’ve tried so many different things, but everything that I personally can think of has been taken, but, you know, it’s just my next idea. Like, it’ll come I’m sure. But everything that you’re telling me is, is extremely helpful.

    So I think that website is going to prove to be, like I said, very helpful for me. So thank you so much for that. What about, have you thought already about the, uh, idea of taking PR U F for. The double though. Right? So the double of thing, um, is because of its being limited edition, it looks exactly like how a real proof on art would be.

    Um, so I need it as the, I want it as the percent sign. Um, it coincides. You know, the marketing of everything about my brand. So I do need, I want it like that. That’s kind of how my idea [00:17:00] sparked. Um, so it’s definitely part of the project. So it has to be, uh, that, that person, so. So my only issue would be then just recognizability.

    Like, um, if you, one thing it’s really important to always realize or to think about when you’re starting out very new on the branding process. Is that something that means, uh, if it means something to you, it might not mean something to other people and to be very careful about making sure that your intended market is.

    Really dialed into what it is that you’re trying to communicate. Um, if, and I’m not suggesting that this is your situation, I’m just sort of giving this as an overall question. And that is that, you know, make sure that everyone knows if they’re going to see that percent sign, what it means to them and make sure that, um, you know, it’s kind of gotta be this ubiquitous thing where no one’s going to get confused.

    Like, oh, percent means [00:18:00] maybe something like I originally thought. I was thinking like, um, ABV I was

    proof green. And so I wasn’t really thinking about your product or your vertical, that, so it’s really, really important to sort of not get bogged down with, um, your personal intention and to make sure that everyone else is really on point with what you want. No, I definitely appreciate that. And, and I agree wholeheartedly.

    Um, but I do know that the, the, again, the point in the marketing of my product will, will show why the PR you know, it’s a percent, so of course, nobody will recognize it until they understand what I’m selling. Um, but once they do anybody in limited edition or NFT world would understand. And [00:19:00] w which is, would be the customer.

    Yeah. Fantastic. Well, thank you for being willing to go through that. And I, I really, you know, I encourage you that you’re doing a great thing by putting your idea out there, um, strengthening it, strengthening yourself on your story and your message. I hope just in sharing it with us, you know, you’ve got a better chance to share your message and, and I wish you a lot of luck.

    Um, I’m going to expand, um, because we lost Jorge here. Um, Let me see if I can get them back. Uh, I’m going to expand on one thing that you shared and, uh, and I truly mean this as a compliment. I think there’s a chance that your new ideas have grown bigger than your original idea. And if you stay married, Sometimes as a founder, you need that passion and that strength that I will see this through.

    And I will see my idea through, you know what I mean? And that’s what it takes, [00:20:00] but at the same point, you see it and I can, I can taste it. Like I know that like, but also as a caveat and this is why having a user group or a networking group or a close knit group of three or four, You know, entrepreneurs that you you’re with that know you sometimes then it can also be the one thing that you have a hard time yielding on, and that hurts your project.

    Um, because you know, you’re, you, you know, you hold onto it too long because your idea might get bigger. Then your original one, you know? And so I just want to throw that out to you, keep this as your working plan, keep going at it. You’ve got great determination and creativity, but at some point in time, if you remember back to this conversation and you’ve got people saying, we’re going to fund the company for $40 million and this, that, and the other, but we want to go in a different direction.

    Just be willing to yield maybe because your idea may have [00:21:00] outgrown your original thought. So that’s just what I was throwing in. No, I appreciate it. I definitely hope, uh, but 40 mil. I appreciate it.

    I followed all of you guys. I really, again, thank you guys so much for taking the time to help all of us down here in the audience. All right. And come on back and let us know if you do decide when they absolutely, you’re going to see a lot more of me. Thank you. All right, Wesley, how are you? Welcome to the name game.

    And when you do come up to be a speaker and I invite you up, you are, uh, your mic is on. And so you’re, if you could mute it, if you’re not the current speaker, but Wesley you’re up. And if you could share with us the name of your company and your domain name,

    tech strand.com. Well, I love the fact that you have the name and you have the pure.com. Cause then even though you did say it [00:22:00] twice, because I think you’re the type of person that said I will do exactly what I’m asked, uh, the rest of the time you ever talk about it. You never have to say it twice again because it’s just assumed you’re tech strand.com.

    So strand, I’m going to go. I’m going to go with tech strand.com, tech strand.com. I’m just going to, I’m going to go for man. I’m hedging. My bets here, consulting and engineering. And the idea is you pull on the strand and then that brings about so many other new ideas. So you help people with professional solutions and technology from the idea that.

    They bring a little bit of a strand and then you expand on everything else around it. Tech strand.com. What do you think, Sharon? Uh, I’m going to go in a similar way, but I’m going to go [00:23:00] with it support so never get. Um, so I’m going to just throw a tagline out there and like never get stranded again. Um, so that you have this idea of, you know, if your it is falling apart, um, and you need some help, you reach out to tech, strand.com and they’re going to get you on the right path, get your software up and running, get your hardware issues, taken care of.

    Um, that’s where I’m going. All right. Well, text strand, Wesley, how are you? Welcome to the name, game. Hope you’re having a good day. And what is text? Well, text’s brand is T E X S T R a N D. And it is primarily geared towards, uh, textiles in the, uh, hemp space, uh, sustainable textiles and sustainable, uh, materials.[00:24:00] 

    Gotcha. So I guess I heard tech with the C H and it’s texts, which made me think that I use so it’s T E X. Yeah. Sure. And then it became text, but not for Texas, but for a tech. Textiles textiles. There we go. I knew you said it. Boy, my short-term memory is going. I gotta lay off the NFTs. Um, so textiles and then strand being the fiber in him.

    So text strand, I think it, I think your logo’s going to be really important and maybe even your tagline. Hey Sharon, what do you think about tech strains?

    Um, yeah, I think we’re talking about radio test here. So T E X and T E C [00:25:00] H um, became an issue for us. And, um, what happened to your wheel page? You usually go with, uh, cannabis or some sort of product and an Ft. And I know, but this one, I thought I knew, I thought it was pulling on the strand of, you know, the tech.

    You would try to be too clever for your own good in England, they have like the strand and then you came up with stranding somebody, and then we got a completely different one, which was him. But anyway, go ahead, Sharon. Um, no, I was just going to say that’s, uh, I like that the texts for textile though. I think that’s the only thing that may be a little bit of a limiter because.

    Would I think in most people’s minds texts would be Texas, like you said originally, or I I’m from Texas. So it could be, it could be either. It could go either way. [00:26:00] Yeah. Yeah. I think the other thing I might share with you as you think about different names and you may run with this one for a long time, I mean, you may get great feedback is you’re almost saying the same.

    Thing twice. What I mean by that is as opposed to maybe an adjective noun or one verb acting on a noun, you know, that Tex is textile and that’s kind of a synonym for clothing and fashion and stuff. And then the strand is kind of clothing related. So you almost have two parts of your name relating to the same thing.

    And maybe it doesn’t give you a chance to, um, get into, usually when you have two words in your name, you get a chance to talk about. What’s a little bit of differentiation. Like if I was cars.com, that would be awesome. But if I couldn’t get that, but I was great cars.com. At least I [00:27:00] had a chance to talk about what a little bit more about what my site was about, but I’m not sure with tech strategy.

    Tech strand. If you’re not just saying you’re about clothing twice, but your logo can fix a lot of that. Um, but I wish you luck. I think you’ve got an hopefully a great chance of success. Well, thank you calling her and I’m not, but you can’t have one without the other, like you said, you’ve got to have a strand of yarn to make textile.

    Gotcha. Well, super well, I love the fact that you’ve got the.com. Yeah, you’ve got a great email. You know, I think visually the more you can get your spelling and your logo, then people will have your email and your. Instantly, you know, from your, from your logo and, uh, and having the exact match there, and it’s short, people can type it in.

    They can text it when you’re at seven letters. I think you’re still in the room where you can text things. [00:28:00] People don’t have to try to always forward. You know, someone gave me a, Hey, go to text strand.com. Tempted to try to forward that as opposed to typing it in, but good luck, Wesley hijab. Okay. Let me, let me chime in real quick.

    I, I caught the tail end, but I did hear the discussion on tech strand and, uh, hi everyone. Sorry. I’m late. But, um, since it’s a hemp base, you know, you’re making stuff that are, that are sort of hemp based. Did you consider doing something with the word hemp, like hemp strand or something along those lines?

    Because the textile as Paige sort of alluded to. The text, the word strand, when you know how clothing is made, sort of implies that it’s textile already. And so the differentiator of your product, it seems like is, is on the hemp side. And maybe there’s a way to work that into the name, which will make it less confusing and also easier to pronounce it.

    Well, it’s not only limited to just hemp, but also [00:29:00] bamboo and other renewable, uh, materials used in the textile industry. So I’m not just limited to, um, you know, it’s canal, bamboo, hemp, uh, and renewable. Plants renewable stream, but if there a word, you know, I I’d say maybe spend a few minutes with the Saurus and play around because if there’s a word that represents all those plants that are used for, um, fibers and clothing, or if there’s other words, um, that might get it across.

    More directly. Um, you might want to play with that a little bit because that just the X, T S T together is, is always going to be very hard for people to hear and spell. And, and remember, it’s, it’s just a hard combination of letters when you put them together in, in my opinion. Well, [00:30:00] thank you for your opinion.

    And I really appreciate it. Yeah. Jeffrey, I totally agree with you. And I just want to throw one more thing out and that’s, um, I think, you know, It’s a page. This point you might be missing an opportunity, uh, if you don’t take the renewable or sustainable angle, because that is a hot up and coming, um, market, and there’s a lot of opportunity within that to sort of play with it.

    And obviously you could play with your logo and incorporate things in your logo that. Uh, I was thinking of like, um, the T is, looks like a piece of bamboo and, you know, the S is, would be a piece of like hemp rope or something like that. So you definitely have the opportunity. Take it in that direction. Um, and to Jeffrey’s point about, you know, the, the X and the S T together, um, being a little bit difficult, maybe you have an opportunity to play with the [00:31:00] renewable sustainable thing and take that in that direction.

    If you look at the logo that that I created, because I do my own graphics and including the one that you see here, when you look at the Bain company logo, when you see. Uh, at tech strand.com, you’ll see at the bottom, there’s a number of lines and they differentiate in various colors of green to represent.

    This was just my own, you know, design to represent that each one of those lines represents a, uh, you know, as sustainable.

    Yeah, I really liked the logo. I think that it does hint at that inner working and just, there’s just a positiveness to it, um, of having all those strands work [00:32:00] together. So I think you’ll, I was asking myself, I wonder if I liked the strand or the text better. And I think I liked the strand the better. So if I.

    Doing creative consulting for you. I might lay out some choices, even something as common as strand Knology or strand Neville, or, you know, strand something. But, um, I think text strand is going to work for you until something knocks it off the top. You know what I mean? And you’ll know it when you see it.

    So thanks for sharing Wesley and thank you all so much for all y’all’s opinions. It really means a lot. Gotcha. Hey, um, I’ve got a private message here, Jeff, um, from somebody who joined on the bottom, it says, hi, I’m mark. First time, caller, long time listener. Name of our company is. Uh, what do you think? [00:33:00] Oh, that was a very bad joke in another meeting of the word.

    Um, that’s pretty funny. Yeah. So that’s, uh, I don’t know if he talked about it at the beginning of the show, but obviously in the naming world, that was the big news. The big news of the week, which of course mark, who sent the message is clearly mark Zuckerberg. Who’s who’s in the audience somewhere. No, he’s not page as being very clever as page always is, but yeah, I mean, they, you know, Uh, one could argue it’s a little bit better than alphabet.

    It’s shorter, easier to spell. What do you think? W what do you think? We’d say if, uh, if mark from Palo Alto, uh, popped up and said Metta, and, uh, we have metta.com. Uh, I think I would probably say that, uh, you’re a technology company and you want to be in the metaverse and I wonder if I would have said something.

    You know, you’ve got a great short name, but there’s a lot of other [00:34:00] companies with that name out there. Um, so, you know, hopefully your ambitions are grand enough. I probably would’ve said something like that. Sharon, what do you think you would have said with, uh, with meta at metadata com? I don’t know, page, I think that you might’ve gotten schooled when you said that to the Kohler.

    So we might’ve had some issues with that. But I think, I think that metaverse has been in the zeitgeists long enough. And especially recently that you probably would have said, well, you’re definitely going to be a tech company with something to do with some aspect of the so-called metaverse. I think that pretty much would have been a given right.

    Yeah, I think there’s another part of Metta that’s so wide open that it could have been used for a clothing brand, a fashion brand that cannabis brand NFT, um, you know, almost anything, um, because it is a CVC V and you know, a lot of people have used it for a [00:35:00] lot of things. I mean, if you had a T2 it Emmy TTA, we even had a basketball player change his name to Metta world peace.

    So, um, It’s uh, I actually was doing some research the other day and found out that there used to be a key on the keyboard of old computers, where we have the windows key. Now that used to be the medic key. And, uh, and so its roots go back quite a long way. Well, actually it still exists. The trademark logo.

    And that’s where the Medicaid come from. If you hold down the alt key and type oh 1, 5, 3, it it’ll give you the little trademark logo above the tab. And Shane with Wesley look at Wesley. I figured there’s probably 14 people in the world that would know the Unicode extension for the Metta ID that I just looked up over the weekend.

    Wesley that’s [00:36:00] fantastic. Well, I’m an old almond old school dude.

    All right. Well, Jeff, we had a small number of contestants today. I’m not sure this happened last time. My hosted. So I’m starting to take it personally or else. I don’t know if, when I’m the host, uh, everybody can come up or not, but, uh, well, all the UK, we haven’t moderated the showrunner. ISO only you can see the hand raises.

    I can’t see them. So it’s up to you to bring people up if they raised. Oh, I’m not sure I know how to make. Oh, there we go. You where it says make a moderator. That’s a great deal. And now I see there were some people with their hands up. I was wondering if maybe I couldn’t see friends, maybe they have, if they’re not friends of mine.

    Anyway, there we go. Hi Dean. How are you? Welcome to the name game. Well, thank you very much. Finally getting up the nerve to join [00:37:00] your stage. I’ve been working on a project since early in the summer, and it’s called copper seed safe, copper seed, safe.com. Well, fantastic. Welcome Dean copper seeds safe. Let’s see.

    I’ll act like I’m in charge. So Jeff, since you were a little tardy today, we’ll let you go first with copper seeds, safe.com copper seed safe.com. Well, the good news is I, the, the words flow well together. It’s a little bit long, but I understand all three words. And how to spell them. So I think it’s okay on the radio test side, but I’m trying to find a connection now.

    I’m not smart enough to know if copper seed is something that exists and there’s a particular meaning to those two words together. Like if, if there’s a certain seed quality copper seed copper seed safe. Oh, actually now it just popped into my head as I [00:38:00] set it out. You make a copper seed safe. So if people want to keep.

    They are seeds safe. And I mean that literally, because if you, you know, if you’re going to be planting seeds, I presume that if they’re not in the right environment and you’re keeping them for a period of time, they may lose their virility, so to speak or some other things. So maybe then maybe there’s some properties of copper that make it a very, um, good element to store and preserve seeds in like the supposedly some underground.

    You know, a underground bunker somewhere out in the desert that has samples of every seeds of every plant on the planet, so that if we have to recreate ourselves on Mars or after the nuclear apocalypse, it’ll all be there. Maybe that’s made of copper and you make a home version of the copper seed safe.

    So that’s going to be my guest, sorry for the lengthy reply. But.

    [00:39:00] Well, I’m going to say that it has something to do with cannabis because that’s what I went with with seeds, and this is certifying cannabis to be safe. Uh, so I got two out of three. I’ll go for cannabis, safety, cannabis, something around that. Sharon, you want us to go with those two? Are you having.

    Um, the only thing I was going to add to maybe Jeffries was like the heirloom portion of it. And that there’s a big, you know, movement to go back to the heirloom seeds and not be genetically modified and things like that. So maybe there’s a way that, um, this company sort of, this gives proof to the fact that this is a non genetically modified seed and it’s, uh, you know, safety.

    All right, Dean. What do you do at copper seed safe? [00:40:00] Those are first of all, very reasonable guesses, but not what I’m doing. I am making are I have, I’m making a solution for storing seed phrases for crypto currency. So the. There’s no customer service in crypto, and everybody has to save their seed phrases.

    I make little copper sheets that you can simply write on with a pen or pencil, and they’re fireproof, waterproof, permanent records of whatever important information you need to store.

    That’s really interesting. And then, then. But what happened, but it’s a physical piece of copper. So you still have the issue of keeping that physical piece of copper in a safe place. Is that correct? That is [00:41:00] correct. And it is similar to a sheet of paper. So you can store it any place where you might do that, whether it’s in a book or in your wall or in a safe deposit box.

    But the idea is that it’s not going to degrade or, uh, Get damaged. Well, it can get damaged. It’s not impervious to everything, but it is a indelible. Yeah, Paige, but I just want to say one thing and then I’ll let you go. It’s interesting. Cause you know, you don’t think that. Is, um, delegable the opposite of indelible, I suppose, but you know, I, I live in Florida and we get a lot of sunlight and I have, um, in my living room, you know, the sun comes in pretty brightly during the day.

    And I have coffee table books on the coffee table. And I recently noticed that like all the book covers are fading away of all these beautiful coffee table books because of the sunlight shining on them. So paper is not, um, permanent by any stretch of the imagine. [00:42:00] Well, Dean, I think it’s a great idea. I think it is a need, uh, I’ve gone through the process of creating my seed phrase and going through the different iterations of saying, well, if I write it down anywhere that it’s only as safe as I write it down, but if I forget it, then I’m going to wish I would have wrote it down, even if it was someplace unsafe.

    And just for those of you listening to share with Dean shared is because the idea of the de-centralized meaning no, Knows where my crypto is, but at least if at least eight to 12, computers can verify that I own it, then, you know, then I own it. Um, there is no, as he said, did a great job of explaining.

    There is no customer service. There’s no givebacks, there’s no do overs. Um, it’s it’s immutable. So I think the idea of doing it in copy. Was good. I would say for your company name, I just wonder if you’re so early with what you’re doing, that you [00:43:00] might have more success, even though you feel like you might need all three names of going with just two and then maybe having copper seed safe, be one of your products.

    But I feel like. For your name? I feel like you’re so early on it, where safe seed or seed safe or something, lets you stay open to doing it other ways besides copper. You know what I mean? Um, but that right now to, to have to go to three words when you’re so worldly, it’s not like there’s thousands of companies doing what you do.

    Um, that the, the big thing you’re tying to communicate is keeping your. Safe. So, I mean, you probably looked@seedsafe.com and maybe it was taking them, maybe it wasn’t, but something that’s, maybe just two words, uh, might be easier for people to remember at this stage rather than all three, but you know, the copper is like you say, it’s what you do.

    So pretty neat. I’d probably get one. I don’t know. Do I buy [00:44:00] them online or do I, do I get them in a, in a store, like office Depot? Or how are you going to do. My plan is to sell them online. Currently they, uh, I do have a live listing on Etsy and I have a website where I plan to accept crypto and it is set up to use the Bitcoin lightning network.

    And I’m trying to find ways to accept other kinds of. Crypto as well. Well, fantastic. Well for the feedback, I, I understand that it’s long and that it is confusing because people are more used to seeds at this point. Um, so I will definitely take your advice to heart. Yeah. I think I would add to that too.

    Dean is, is maybe, you know, copper as Paige alluded, it is a very specific solution. But, but crypto on, I know it’s hard to get certain crypto words, but maybe something with crypto in it, crypto seed safe, even though that’s long too, it’s [00:45:00] shorter than copper, but that immediately then defines what kind of seed you’re talking about or, or, or Paige suggests maybe seed safe itself.

    So in other words, and that gives you the opportunity is I like what Paige said, you know, when you think in terms of your name, You also want to think in terms of the growth and future and scaling of your business. So if you want it to ultimately become a supplier of a wide range of seed, say. Leveraging different materials, technologies, concepts, um, taking copper out of the name.

    It gives you that flexibility. You know, I, I, one of the companies I’m involved with was originally called treat a dog.com and we recently changed the name to pot.com. We were able to acquire that domain and of course, as treated dog, we were limited in our growth. We could only do. Don products, but as paul.com, we had the flexibility to expand to other pet products.

    So, you know, if you pull copper out, the copper may limit you to compensate. I think that was paid [00:46:00] was pages point.

    Yeah, I think the other attribute of your product that you’re trying to incise is permanency or unforgettable illness, or, you know, something like that. So you could be like something related to that, and then underneath it, you know, keeping, you know, your, your seed phrase saver or something like that. And then, and then people would get both, but great idea, boy, we hear some really great and unique ideas.

    Um, on here and, uh, and I’ll keep an eye out if nothing else. Dean don’t overlook the fact that just by having people, people that are interested in it, you’re going to have a valuable customer list of people that have got wallets at some point in time. And you may end up doing just as well with that list as anything else.

    That’s very interesting page. And let me ask you. Or just drill a little deeper for advice on that. I’ve actually been considering not keeping any customer [00:47:00] information. I’m wondering if it would alleviate people’s worries that, uh, you know, there’ll be a target of hacks or something like that. And I’ve actually been thinking about assuring people that I don’t keep their information.

    Sorry, page. From a marketing standpoint, Dean, um, your list sometimes is the most valuable thing that you have. And, um, I th what I, there’s an interesting component there because, um, if you create, for instance, if you get, you know, 20,000 followers on Instagram or 10,000 followers on Facebook and 5,000 followers on clubhouse, if any of those platforms.

    Goes away. And I know people are like, oh no, Facebook’s never going away. But if it goes away or goes down, guess where all those people are [00:48:00] unavailable to you, but your list, however, the people that you’ve gotten to, you know, subscribe or that your customer base or whatever, those are yours and you own them.

    Um, just yourself. No, you don’t have to share them with anyone else. So giving away that opportunity seems to be, uh, would provide some limits to you that I don’t know that I would, I would definitely not recommend. I don’t know. You know, I could play devil’s advocate with that a little bit in this case.

    Cause I think in looking at the crypto space, as, as Dean indicated, there is, um, a large portion of active. Participants who are in there specifically because they like the anonymity of, of, uh, of a distributed system. Um, and, and that might be an attractive thing to them. And your points Jaron are absolutely right about the value of a list.

    If your goal as a company is to [00:49:00] continue to remark it and, and offer new products and services to your customer base. But if Dean’s vision is, you know, this is a safe. It’s secure, I’m handling it anonymously. And rather than, you know, once you buy it for me, I don’t care if you never come back to me again, I just want to get X percent of all the people in the crypto space to be using this product.

    And that’s a big enough pie for me without having to remark it remarket and reconnect with my customers. So just to flip, flipping the coin a little bit to, to look at it from both.

    Yeah, I think, um, you know, obviously whatever works best with your brand, you know, you could obviously have people just simply choose if they want to get, I just think you have a chance to be so neutral among different exchanges or cryptocurrencies because you’re offering kind of a side product. Where, where you can be, uh, endorsed or [00:50:00] recommended potentially by all cryptocurrencies.

    You know what I mean? Because you’re not a competitor. And so you may end up then being able to expand your product line to anything else that a crypto investor might want. But I don’t, I would not be worried about me giving you my information to order it because I’ve, I understand it correctly. You’re giving me kind of a cold, when I say cold, I mean, non digital.

    Uh, thing that’s, that’s, that’s analogs, it’s real world. It’s real life that I’m etching my password in real life, real texture into something. So it’s not like the, the copper safe pass thing that you give me has a digital thing on the back that it’s keeping track of it. Right. I mean, it’s just literally the physical seed phrase emphatic.

    That’s exactly right. It comes to you as a blank, smooth sheet of copper and you write in your handwriting on it. I, I can [00:51:00] see the value of keeping some information to make future orders easier because we do collect a lot of wallets. And I think people quickly find out that they collect a lot of wallets.

    Um, this is great food for thought, because maybe I can find a middle way to assure people that only I am keeping the information and the combination of Etsy and the crypto has been my current balancing act where Etsy and the credit cards keeps information, but the crypto I could do through a telegram or something.

    Totally private.

    Well, terrific. Well, Jeff, I feel like we’ve wound down our audience. We’ve had some, uh, terrific contributors tonight and, um, and I think that, uh, that we may be winding down and make this a shorter session. Uh, Sharon, did you have anything [00:52:00] else you wanted to share or anything else that’s been going on? I was actually going to, uh, offer you a platform.

    Cause I thought from the, uh, last week, I think it was, or the week before, um, we’ve been talking about extensions a bit and I know that that’s a powerful opportunity to extend your domain name. And I was wondering if you might want to speak on that for a few minutes and just talk about the possibility of extensions in terms of extending the, um, You know, the, the ability for you to take your name and take a component of your name out of that and use it as the extension.

    Yeah, great question. Um, and I talked about this quite a bit in domain club on different tops and rooms. So if anyone wants to follow me or join domain club, it’s kind of a, a, uh, uh, run by the same group that runs start-up club. And we talked about domain names and what’s been interesting about this whole meta [00:53:00] emphasis and domain names.

    Uh, and it was first we had ETA two then Metta versus it’s been interesting to see what the. And speculators do go after when a word like this enters into people saying, oh man, if I could get a domain name with that word, I can make a lot of money. So I’m going to talk about speculators. I don’t know if we’ve had as many companies start up to be medical companies or metaverse companies because of the Facebook announcement.

    So I wouldn’t say this is a great predictor of, of public behavior for, for like, if you could chart out the next thousand metaverse related startups, you know, what words would they use? I think that might take six months, but speculators are able to buy so fast that it was interesting to see them. First go, what I’m going to call horizontally, which means they were buying the word Metta dot and you had people buying metadata, horse metadata, [00:54:00] Haki metadata, Osaka, metadata, really anything, you know, and.

    And I think that most of them, I hate to say it. We’re probably thinking, oh, I’m going to buy this name and Facebook, Cisco buy it for me for a lot of money. And, and you’d say, well, if that’s what they wanted, they should have bought it at first, you know, but they have bought a couple for a lot of money. So, but I guess what I saw happen was the speculators went horrible.

    First. And then they went towards staying in.com, but adding a second word. So, you know, they went for metadata coupons and metadata bargains. And then after a while you had people going for Mehta, bargains and medic coupons.com to the point where now met up, plus almost any English word is taken. I ran almost 25,000 English words with Metta, and I think I only found four desirable names.

    So I think right now, if I, I think the past recommendation has always [00:55:00] been, you’re better off with two words and.com, then maybe one word and a new TLD, but the public does seem to like having the one word and then there’s these things that we call new TLDs. So if, if you’re marketing. If you have other things in your company’s marketing, they’re going to be strong, your technology, your people, your relationships, and you literally just need a functional name.

    I think the new TLDs. You know, and I think, but I don’t think they’re going to give you anything like the.com wheel, where you get prestige from it. I don’t think by being metadata online, people are going to go, oh my gosh, you got the online. That’s awesome. You know, you must be a great company. I think they’re just going to say, well, that’s, that’s what you chose to get, you know?

    And it may still be, uh, a detriment, but, um, you know, if the word on the left is good, I guess it’s okay. I’m not sure if that helped you, Sharon, [00:56:00] but, uh, that’s what I’ve seen happen this week. No, I think that was great. That was really important information. And, um, I, I told, um, Jeffrey and Paige that I was going to have to bow out a little bit early, so I’m going to do that right now.

    So, uh, it was a pleasure joining you for the name game again, and I’ll see you guys all next week.

    Well, thanks Jeff for another good name game. And, uh, let’s see, I think, uh, since, uh, I opened it, maybe you can close it and if you had any closing words or else we can wrap it up. Sure. I I’m sad that I missed the first few minutes, but I’m happy that this show and all the episodes of the name game are recorded.

    So I can go to start-up dot club and listen to the beginning of the show and see what I missed tonight. But what I heard was great. And as you pointed out earlier page, it’s always, you know, part of the fun of this game is that. Learning about [00:57:00] these interesting companies and interesting product ideas that people have.

    And as we always have, we heard a few really interesting ones tonight and they run the gamut, you know, different industries from, from hemp and other, uh, based clothing, uh, with, with Wesley to, um, you know, an interesting way to store your crypto seed. I mean, all this stuff is really interesting. So I’m always looking forward to the show and I encourage everyone to go to startup.com.

    The website for startup club to listen to past recordings of the name, game, and other shows that we’ve been recording for start-up club and also sign up for our mailing list. So you can be kept informed of special events and other things going on here at startup club. So thanks everyone. And thank you page.

    Great. All right, we’ll get to close the room out and then we’ll hope you’ll join us again next Wednesday at 6:00 PM. Eastern for another episode of the name game. Thanks.[00:58:00] 

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