Top 5 Tips for Starting Your Airbnb Business

I hate hotels—so much so that for a while, we started using Airbnb when traveling for the additional privacy they offered. But I hated aspects of the standard vacation rental house, too—third-rate beds, cheap second-hand frying pans, and random notes from the owner saying, “Please don’t touch the meat.”

In my book Start. Scale. Exit. Repeat, I share how my hatred for hotels and vacation rentals led me to start my own vacation rental company—Escape.Club. With competing services now, like VRBO and Expedia’s own vacation rental options, it’s fair to say this business model is here to stay.

But before you go out and grab the first property available in your town—or start renting out your basement—you should first invest in learning what makes a successful Airbnb business. Over the years, I’ve connected with other successful “Airbnb entrepreneurs” to figure out the top tips you should consider when starting up your own vacation rental empire.

Continue reading Colin C. Campbell’s Full Article on Forbes.

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