Marketing Video Editing On a Budget

Editing video is time-consuming, expensive, and requires a skillset and equipment that other marketing approaches don’t. Then, why do companies continue to produce expensive, high-quality videos for advertising purposes? More than half of marketing professionals consider video content to have the highest ROI of all content. That promising return, coupled with the ability to repurpose video content across platforms means video marketing is here to stay. Fear not, Coach Yu shared his advice to easily and efficiently produce quality videos for your startup.  

Social media trends are constantly changing, so it’s crucial to always be taking notes of what is working for other brands.

While you could hire a video editor, Coach Yu said that it can be hard to find someone with a similar style and keep them. Plus, if you’re producing high volumes of video content, it can get pretty pricey to outsource work. With the help of the right tools, you can edit and produce your own videos to market your business, spending minimal time and money. 

Social media trends are constantly changing, so it’s crucial to always be taking notes of what is working for other brands. Consider your target audience and how they are going to see your work and work backward from there. This way, you’ll be able to tweak videos for different platforms or to reach different demographics. Pro tip: Here are some ideas to create powerful 15-second videos!

Now that you have the bones of a good video, let’s share some programs that make your home office feel like a production studio. There are so many tools and platforms to produce and edit audio, video, and text marketing campaigns. Coach Yu’s recent favorite is Descript for transcribing and easy edits alongside your video. is a great option for team projects, making collaboration easier and more immediate for high-volume work. Another great option for live recording is, which makes “smart notes” or summaries of transcriptions, too. It might take some trial and error to see which platform works for you, but once you get the hang of editing your own videos, it’s a no-brainer for small businesses. 

Listen to the full session above for more tips to boost your video marketing efforts!

  • Read the Transcript

    Coach Yu – EP34: Marketing Video Editing On a Budget!


    Hello and welcome to the Coach Yu show. 

    So today’s topic. Editing video is painful and expensive. This past weekend, I was looking at some video projects and there’s one of them where I spent a whole week making a course on how to start a social media agency with Karen O’Brien and some of the top people that were young adults and doing social media marketing, and it took us seven months.

    To even get those videos out, just painful. And we went through multiple editors, spent a lot of money. We had these different freelancers. We had some internal people. We tried on it and this is the thing that I see all the time and friends of mine, they’ll say, yeah, I got a guy who does video [00:01:00] and that person will do video, but then maybe they’re freelancer, then there’s another one.

    And then they flake out and then it’s in the people. I know that. Do it. Well. They have full-time video staff. My buddy Bradley, who runs Lightspeed he’s in town here just a few miles away. And he has a few people on, all they do is process his video and his podcast and the people that are actually producing the video, or actually they’re holding the camera are often the same one.

    That are editing the video, which for those of you guys that are video editors or video producers or strategy, you guys don’t want to edit the video. So just to ends up being the edit, the video is this painful, awful thing that nobody seems to want to do that you can hire people on Fiverr or whatnot, but that doesn’t work out all that well, as you guys know, you could try to do it yourself.

    To save money or whatnot, but then that’s a horrible thing because now you’ve recorded all these videos and then you got to [00:02:00] edit it yourself and you’re tired. You don’t have time for that. So it just ends up that editing the video is something that nobody, as far as I can tell, wants to do, but in the.

    Six months. There’ve been a number of cool AI driven tools that have made it so easy to edit video. And I wanted to share what some of these are that I’ve found and also hear from you guys, what you have found the first one. And this is kind of funny because we’re in clubhouse and here we are talking about video.

    I would pull up a demo and I’d show you how to edit something. I’m not a pro video editor. I hate editing video, but I would demonstrate it here, but let’s talk about it. Have you guys heard of this tool called de script? It’s incredible. It was started out four years ago, five years ago to help podcasters edit audio.

    And so you would just suck the file in drag it in. And then you could edit it, just like [00:03:00] editing a Google doc so you can copy paste and move things around. And that was nice and handy. It would get rid of ums and AHS and clean up sound. They have this new feature called studio sound where it, I kid you not, it sounds like you are in a studio.

    You can be on your laptop and there’s noise and the cat. Laptop sound is horrible, but you run it through studio sound and it sounds almost like you don’t even need fancy microphones. In fact, it’s been so good that the last few weeks, instead of using the road, NTG five and other microphones that I have in our video studio, I’m literally recording from the laptop, which those of you guys that record video, you guys know what the number one thing is that kills video, right?

    Bad audio. So. It fixes these things, but what’s happened in the last few months is now you can edit. The video, you suck in the video and you can edit the video. Like you’re editing word documents, you’re moving words [00:04:00] around and it’s editing the video at the same time. And then you cut different sorts of clips, export it to Instagram or tic talk in different formats, add the word art and transcripts and all sorts of different effects, all in just a couple of clicks, which is crazy.

    Even though that’s cool. And there’s AI that allows us to do things like overdub, which is probably my favorite feature of all the different video editing tools. And everyone’s incorporating some element of this where you can deep, fake and have, like, I could have an interview with Jeffrey sass and say, here’s the 12 things you need to do to edit video in 2022.

    But then Jeffrey’s so talented. He comes up with actually 13 things, but we don’t want to be recorded the thing, because let’s say we recorded a bunch of trailers saying. Jeffrey and I have the 12 things you need to do in 2022. We just edit that. Now we say 13 things, and it’s such a hit in 2022 that we want to repeat this thing in 2023.

    But instead of repeating it, we just go [00:05:00] to the existing audio, highlight the words we want changed and then type in 2023 and magically Jeffrey sass. And I are saying 20, 23. And there could be, I could say I really liked. Eating fried chicken and pizza with my buddies, Eric and links. So, but then maybe for some reason, I really like Jay and Carla and other folks.

    And I want to change that. Then I could say, I really like eating pizza with Carla and Samuel, and you can edit the past. You can edit things that didn’t, you didn’t say, right. Or you’d like to say differently, or you want to mass personalize something I’ve been doing with. You guys might think differently of me after this, but I’m going to tell you anyway, is personalized greetings.

    So it could be agency clients of ours. And I could say, Hey, what’s going on Bo? I wanted, I was looking over your March report. [00:06:00] You drove 23 leads and spent $2,000. And so far it’s looking pretty good. You should check out your campaign where you’re thinking and dancing on Tik TOK, because those ones are doing the best right now.

    And anyway, check back in next month. You know, I hope you and the kids are doing what, you know, something like that. And then I could take that and edit it. And all of a sudden I can say, Hey, Tanya, I hope your March reports doing well. W or I, you know, I thought your numbers are looking good. And I saw you doing 37 leads and we spent 3000, $200 and whatnot.

    And here’s some things that I noticed. So it’s not just the video editing, it’s the deep faking and everything. That’s part of this process of processing and editing and distributing video. Because what is video, nothing more than a container to be able to build relationships with your community, your customers, your employees, you want to train them up.

    You want to delight them. You want to sell them. You want to do whatever. I see there’s tools like de script that have like [00:07:00] 12 different features in one, I’m not doing this as like a paid promotion or some kind of affiliate deal to try to promote these tools. I just want to show you. How most of the most painful things like transcribing, like maybe you’re using Autodesk, AI,, whatever dragon voice, your favorite tools are.

    Those things are all built into these tools. I don’t even use loom or zoom anymore for screen recording or whatnot. I just recorded directly into D script. There’s so many different tools and you can see they’re all converging into one. Here’s another example. A lot of you guys have seen that were on Tik TOK.

    And I grudgingly dragged, kicking and screaming came into tick-tock because everyone was telling me that was the next hot thing. And people were making videos and it was teens. I have some friends that have 6 million plus fans on Tik TOK. They’re still driving for Uber because they’re not making any money, which I think is [00:08:00] funny, but they’re getting popular and they’re viral.

    And they’re editing their videos themselves on their phone using the native video editor insight, Tik TOK, because of the effects, which you can also see in Snapchat with the lenses. And you can also see an IgE reels where you’re selecting video and you’re creating different cuts and different sorts of effects and all kinds of non-pro ways to edit video.

    If you are like me and Jeffrey and you want to monetize and you want to engage and you’re not trying to win an Oscar, then the flat easiest thing that you could do is use the native tools that are built in the tick-tock and Facebook’s tool that are built in the de script. Cause you process that for you process your podcasts and videos and zoom calls in there and integrate with or whatever your other favorite tools are.

    I see this convergence of video. That is needing to be built into the tools that are [00:09:00] processing video in some other way, because it reduces the friction because the engines that are hungry and suck in video, like, you know, Facebook and Instagram and Tik TOK and Snapchat, the social networks all make it easy.

    I’m wondering when YouTube is going to allow us to just suck in video and handle all this stuff automatically. Which they don’t yet, but Google’s always been a little bit behind when it comes to social media, as you know, in the last 15 years or so. So one to see, what do you guys think about that? I, I still have a number of VA’s in the Philippines.

    I still work with professional video editors who work on the strategy of things and more on understanding what the shots are and what we’re saying and the creative, but the actual video. I think that’s a thing of the past now soon, it’s going to be like, Jeffrey. Do you wash your own dishes or do you have a dishwasher?

    [00:10:00] Ah, I have a dishwasher, but I often wash my own dishes. Cause there aren’t always that many, but I think what’s interesting, Dennis too, is what’s changed. And part of this revolution in, in the ease of the video editing tools has also been driven by the change in. Consumer acceptance of lower quality video.

    The fact that we’re all used to watching video on our phones, watching user-generated content for all these years, watching things that are jump cuts and not perfectly put together and accepting that. And. Liking it more because in many cases it seems more authentic, more realistic. That’s opened the door for all of this to happen because it doesn’t have to be what we used to call broadcast quality, right there.

    They’re the things that, that CNN broadcast on the news. Now, when it’s reporters Chi-Ming in from their phones, that was virtually illegal 30 or 40 years ago, it did not meet broadcast [00:11:00] quality. Find by the FCC, if you put that stuff on air. So the, the acceptance of what we consider acceptable video to watch from all these sources has changed.

    And I think that’s really been a contributor to opening the door for all of these interesting tools to, to evolve. You know, the shift, I think was four or five years ago when we moved and it could be a mobile thing or social media thing, but the shift of vertical video. And do you remember when YouTube, for example, started promoting YouTube shorts so that people who just put shorts out there, but all of a sudden get millions of views on reused, recycled, crappy video.

    And I’ve been one of the piers that for the longest time, I would argue saying, Nope, you know, video needs to be landscape when you’re taking pictures or whatnot, don’t hold it vertically. You need to hold the landscape. And all of my professional seminar, autography for video producing, you know, red camera, [00:12:00] $90,000 in camera gear, sorts of friends would say, and now when I go to a photo shoot and it’s for a marketing campaign, I was in LA a few days ago.

    At the opening of Gold’s gym in Glendale, where they did all kinds of new stuff, they brought in these influencers that were big on Instagram to show their muscles and work out really kind of intimidating being next to these people that were really big. And we shot most of the stuff on cell phones, believe it or not, because that’s what we were going to repurpose into social media for.

    And for Matthew, Johnny sack, who’s the CEO of escape fitness. And he was showing new equipment that he had there, but I thought, wow, we’re using cell phones and we’re not doing a lot of video editing. I’m not running it through premier and after effects or final cut pro or whatever your favorite tools are.

    I found the videos that have done the best, and I’d love to hear what you guys think [00:13:00] are ones where. I didn’t edit them at all. There’s like, if you look at the most popular video that I’ve had on Facebook in the last five years, I’ve done a lot of professional and studio video, you know, as a CNN live and in Atlanta and their headquarters did video there, or it could be creative live or it being Instagram’s headquarters where I made video all over the place.

    But the video that got me the most reach and engagement was when I was in downtown San Diego. After social media marketing world at a bar that had a mechanical bull and it was just a crappy cell phone, video, not edited at all of me on the mechanical bolt. And for some weird reason, I was able to stay on that mechanical bull over a minute.

    And normally people are thrown off the thing like, like really pro buff looking dudes are thrown off the thing in like 10 seconds. But for some weird reason, I was able to stay on this mechanical bull for like a minute. [00:14:00] And that thing got whatever, like a hundred thousand views and hundreds of people liking and comment commenting on it, which, you know, who knows you could say it was the nature of the video, but I think it’s because it was raw and it didn’t look like a commercial.

    So all you guys here who are entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches, small business owners, and you’re creating video, not because you want to win an Oscar or a Grammy, what does the Grammy music and the Oscar’s video or whichever one you’re trying, you know, When a video award, right? You’re not trying to be will Smith and Chris rock or whatnot.

    Then you’re making video that is going to get attention that is highly unedited, or at least looks unedited. When I was at that video shoot, there were folks with some fancy cameras. This is the one in LA and they were holding them sideways to simulate. What a cell phone does. I thought, well, that’s weird.

    Why are they doing. And it’s because they’re trying to go for the unedited [00:15:00] jumped, cut, social media, simple word effects, not even perfect lighting, but still very good sound effect. So I think video editing is almost going to go away except when people want to escape and go into the movies and then they expect something really.

    But even the big brands you’d expect Nike to come out with a new commercial and it’s highly cinematic. There’s a bunch of stuff they’re putting out there that looks like some random dude just shot it. Right. Because that’s, what’s working on social media because that’s what these influencers are putting out there.

    Isn’t that cool. What kind of opportunity does that make for all of us that maybe you don’t want to be messing around with editing video, maybe the answer to editing video, being painful and expensive and using these tools. Maybe the answer is just to not even edit the video. That’s what I’m thinking.

    Just slap a caption on it. Put a couple of words on the title cart, you know, the thumbnail and you’re done, you know, call to action at the end, run it to a lead ad.[00:16:00] 

    Again, I think, um, Dennis, it’s gonna depend on what the intended use is. And I think what you’re talking about with, with vertical is really interesting because you want it. If you’re going to produce a video, you really have to think about how is it going to be consumed. And if you know, it’s going to be consumed mostly on a mobile phone, then the vertical format makes the most sense.

    Um, if you know, it’s going to be consumed in a theater on. You know, a hundred foot screen or whatever, or IMAX theater, then, you know, you need to shoot it differently. Um, and that, and that’s, what’s changing now. People are understanding, you know, where it’s going to be consumed. You know, it’s not video, but in the audio side, I once had the opportunity to have lunch with econ.

    When I was in the music industry, where west we were at south by Southwest long story short, I actually started Acorn’s Twitter account for him. And for many years, the first person, because I followed myself as soon as I set up his Twitter account. But. Well, he was telling me back then, which, which was kind of fun is when he went into the studio to [00:17:00] mix a song, a new song, he actually didn’t use the high quality, super expensive, big studio speakers.

    He actually had them mixing. To his cell phone, he’d listened to it through the speaker of his cell phone to make sure it sounded good there, he didn’t care that it sounded good on the big studio speakers. He wanted it to sound good on a phone because he recognized that a large percentage of his listeners that’s how they were going to be listening to the song.

    So you want to think about how is the video going to be consumed and produce it for that consumption, you know, over the past year, You guys don’t know this, but you’ll see it. Hopefully in a few weeks I’ve been making videos with Jake Paul on the financial freedom movement and you’ll see it launch it.

    Financial freedom, with all these. Choose your own adventure videos. We think is in the Jake Paul style, there’s 300 scenes and he and I do all kinds of stuff. And we had blue who’s his [00:18:00] main videographer shoot the video to try to be as true to Jake Paul as possible. Of course I brought five or six other people to help shoot the video just because I wanted to capture other angles.

    And the funny thing is that when you look at Jake Paul stuff, it looks like it just came off of someone’s cell phone. Cause it did. Off to the side of his house. He has this one video studio that has lots of cameras and lots of cool stuff in there. And most of it is just sitting there because they’re just using their cell phones.

    I go on shoots all the time. And just because I’m feeling, maybe I don’t want to say nervous or anxious, but somehow whatever the word is, like, I feel like if we’re going to a video shoot, I’ve got to bring some of my most expensive. And lenses and lights and microphones, just because other people they’re bringing in these big pelleting Pelican cases full of equipment.

    I got to bring equipment too, but then when we actually do the shooting, I don’t even pull that stuff out. [00:19:00] And I’m like, why would I check all these bags with all this equipment? When all I really need is the iPhone 13 and erode wireless go to because the best videos are the ones you make. And so we capture them on stage.

    When we’re moving, the iPhones have built in camera stabilization. So you don’t have to worry about a lot unless you just don’t know how to hold a camera and it’s super shaky, but you’ll see, it’s actually built in there’s tools now that will, you know, apple supposedly has the best camera, right. And the last three years they’ve changed their wording.

    If you notice every time they released their new iPhone, they don’t say they have the best camera. They say they have the best camera system. And what that means is camera system is not just the hardware. It’s the AI that processes low light, low light, the AI, that processes where the face is that does portrait mode that does the new cinematic [00:20:00] mode.

    So cinematic mode is nothing more than pretending that you have this lens that can do. Right. Do you have the zoom lens that can blur the background? Well, that’s all being done with the AI. Isn’t that neat? And so when you have three cameras, they can triangulate between each other and figure out what exactly is going on.

    So video editing is now being built into the system. One of my friends, who’s one of the top folks in SEO yesterday started using this camera. Webcam and it has AI. That’s built. I forgot the name of it. I think this is what happens when I’m getting old. They need an AI that helps me remember the things that I saw and it, you use it on your zoom calls and whatnot, and it automatically detects the light and makes it look more natural, automatically changes the background to be whatever it is.

    So you don’t need the fake green screen background. It does all sorts of things. It’s [00:21:00] almost mad. Luna Luminant or what’s it called lumen something pretty neat, but this, this, I consider video editing and it’s doing it live just like de script. We’ll do the transcription and do other sorts of effects live while you’re doing it.

    I think the gold standard is deep Tom cruise, which is the fake Twitter account. It’s not Tom cruise, but it’s all deep fake. And it looks just like Tom cruise. And it sounds like Tom cruise that is done by a professional actor who looks kind of like Tom cruise is an impersonator, but then they do all this editing where they map on Tom Cruise’s face onto this dude, which takes them a lot of effort to produce this stuff.

    But it’s soon going to be an app on your phone that will do that for you automatically. So you won’t be able to tell what is real or what is not. And I can produce audio in VR. That is convincing enough. And unless you knew, you wouldn’t really know if it was [00:22:00] Jeffrey sass in me or not. Isn’t that scary?

    Like I asked you guys right now that are in this room, do you know if this is actually Dennis or not? There’s no way they can know for sure. And that’s why, you know, creates all sorts of legal questions too, because how do you allow. Images digital images and video to be in, and now even sound recordings to be evidence in a court of law when it’s very difficult to know if they’re real or not.

    She used to be able to tell a few years ago because the AI would leave certain telltale marks. So you would look for example, that the hair. And the AI doesn’t know exactly what hair is. So it would make these weird split end sorts of things, or the weird, the way they do the ear lobes or you’d look for these certain details where the AI just wasn’t smart enough.

    Now the AI is well there’s AI that is there to try to bust the [00:23:00] current AI. Right? So AI to detect when AI is in place. Which the feds have developed a bunch of stuff, which you can imagine. And Facebook and Elon Musk, and these guys as part of the open AI foundation foundation, where they say the number one danger to humanity is AI, right?

    You can literally Google it and see that they talk about this. Well, there’s AI. Now that outsmarts the AI that is there to police and detect which videos are actually fake or not. So this is a. Cat and mouse cops and robbers game where the AIS are each trying to outsmart each other. And so now when now no one really knows what is real or not because the AI’s are all trying to outsmart the AI’s that you’re trying to detect, whether it’s AI or not.

    And the funny thing is that this AI is nothing more than an extension of this video editing that we were talking about before. So if you’re still using garage band and final cut pro and other sorts of tools, [00:24:00] You can, but I think those are all going away in the same way that Canva is not, is replacing a lot of the fancy stuff that we were doing in Photoshop and illustrator and other sorts of tools.

    It literally is just kind of built right in the AI is built into Amazon photos and Google photos and whatnot, where it says, Hey, here’s the collection. Pictures of you and your friend on this day, five years ago, or here’s a collection of all the beaches that you’ve been to. It loves showing me pictures of me eating food and beaches.

    Like the AI knows kind of what I like to do. And it built these compilations, you know, Facebook has this thing that used to be called memory. And it would surface these things like seven years ago. Oh no, that was an ex girlfriend. Why are you bringing this up? Oh, five years ago. This thing happened, you know, you celebrated doing this one thing, some highlight moments.

    So the AI was trying to figure out what it thought highlights were, but it was goofy and awkward and would pull up things that you didn’t want to [00:25:00] remember. And now they’ve changed it to this day. You can go there now. And it’s pretty smart about finding highlights. So I’d ask you Jeffrey and everyone else here.

    How do you, how does the AI determine what’s a highlight or if you were building the AI at Facebook, how would you determine what would show up for on this day without embarrassing? You know, the Mrs. By pulling up the picture of this other woman, like, oh, who’s she. Getting people in trouble. Well, you know, obviously the reason why it’s gotten so good, so fast is because the massive amounts of data that’s available for it to analyze now all those images and people let’s see, what does hair look like?

    How does hair flow? What are natural colors, but dentists from a marketing perspective, think about where this is heading. Um, you know, Look at cameo, right. You know, Cammy, and now you can pay 50 bucks, a hundred bucks and a celebrity. It’ll do something for you when their phone, and you can use it for business if you pay a little bit [00:26:00] more.

    But imagine if the next rendition of that is all using deep, fake in AI. So actors can license them. Likeness voice, et cetera, to a platform like that. And all of a sudden, if you wanted to have we’ll stick with Tom cruise, since you brought him up, if you want to have Tom cruise promote your business right now today, that’s way out of your price range.

    Most small businesses could never do that. But imagine if you could, for a much, much smaller fee license and you. A digital version of a celebrity. That’s, that’s not indistinguishable from the real celebrity. You can type the script that goes into their mouth and they can build in certain protections in the AI.

    So you couldn’t make that celebrity say something offensive or something that they wouldn’t want to be seen saying. So they can have parameters that are consistent with their brand, but you could go onto this platform, any business and for a nominal fee relative to the real actors. Yeah, a celebrity [00:27:00] spokesperson that’s entirely fabricated, entirely digital, entirely made from AI, but your audience wouldn’t know the difference.

    It creates huge intellectual property opportunities and challenges. Now imagine that we have the metaverse right and we’re inside mark Zuckerberg, horizon worlds, or all the, you know, these different AI sorts of places where you’re wandering around in 3d sorts of worlds. Now imagine we had a Jeffrey.

    That was going around inside de-central land, which is one of the top places people wander around and have virtual property and then the will Smith avatar. And let’s say it really was, will Smith was wandering around in this 3d world, comes up and slaps the crap out of you. Jeffrey, can you Sue him for assault because he slapped your virtual avatar.

    That looks just like you. And his avatar, you know, the virtual we’ll slap the virtual Jeffery and the AI is making that whole scene happened or did it really happen or did [00:28:00] it not, or is it just a video game or is it like some woman was in decentral land and apparent. Six or seven dudes came up to her and sort of groped her and whatnot virtually.

    So she had to pull her Oculus goggles off or something like that. And then she wrote this whole thing about how she was raped online. Well, does that really count or not, or all these crazy sorts of situations because it’s the same AI that’s detecting your face. And identifying them inside social media.

    Cause you know, that’s a handy thing kind of like that it’s convenient. The AI is determining these are friends of yours and say, oh, is this Jeffrey Sasso? Yeah, it is. Okay, cool. It’s the same AI that is powering these video editing tools, which is making it super powerful. The same AI that’s powering take talk, which is the ultimate video editor app.

    As far as I’m concerned. Which makes these addictive should be made illegal. It’s so addictive, [00:29:00] viral experiences. So that system’s gotten so smart. Like you said, Jeffrey, because of it’s ability to identify and learn from so much data and so much behavior to understand what your secret guilty pleasures are, that now it can construct more things that never actually happened, because it knows what you like.

    So if it’s learned what you like. Who’s to say the V the AI couldn’t improv and it starting to stuff that never happened, but Nabisco wants to sell you more chips, avoid chocolate chip cookies. So it puts your favorite actors in your favorite type of situation. And in my case, I love watching dunk videos and magic tricks and golf shots that you’ll see on my Tik TOK.

    I love seeing things like this and the system learned really quickly. Now Nabisco can show me. The my favorite sorts of people eating chips, Ahoy cookies. Now a double the chocolate chips and encouraged me to buy, right? This [00:30:00] video editing has to eventually is approaching. Is it being influenced by where the money is?

    I just find it fascinating that a lot of this friction, where we used to edit our own video and mess around and all these different tools is going away because. It’s in the financial economic interest of the platforms, the social networks in particular, to make it frictionless for us to do that. Hey, I’d love to hear what you guys think.

    And you guys here editing video or using these different tools. Have a story to share. Go ahead. Hit the hand, raise button in the bottom there. Jeffrey. We’ll let you up. And we’d love to hear from you. Yeah, we’ve got one person up already. We’ll go winning my good, sir. Michael. Hello. Hello, good evening. Um, thank you all for having this room.

    Very insightful. Thank you for also inviting me to the stage. A lot of great [00:31:00] Jules and Jim, the guys were dropping on us. So thank you so very much for that. Thank you, Michael. Mr. WOGO winning. I won. What brought you into this world? I, I saw it. I, I saw Jeffrey, um, uh, I just thought the room pop up and it’s like, I gotta get in here.

    I’m actually. So, um, we’re, I’m actually in, involved in a docu-series that we are producing. And I wanted to ask a question because, um, in regards to, in regards to this, you know, we’re utilizing, um, subtitles and I wanted to know. Um, and this can be a lot of subtitles, you know, because, uh, we’re speaking Portuguese, French, Spanish, and Chinese in the docu-series.

    And like, I wouldn’t know if you guys had any information. Yeah. On, uh, some software. We, [00:32:00] my friends, you guys using a software, but we can’t export and 4k with the one that she’s using and to put it in through premiere and Adobe, like manually is kind of tedious. So I was wondering if you guys had any experience on it or, you know, you know, directions where I should look or that kind of stuff.

    Well, we’re not doing professional cinematic. You know, when Oscar kinds of videos, we’re here doing stuff to live on mobile phones and social media, the automatic transcriptions and captioning and subtitles we’ll use just inside D script. And we may run it through Jarvis to clean it up. Cause that will handle multiple languages, but we’re not doing.

    Yeah, de script. It’s ridiculous. If you guys sign up for it, I can give you guys the link, like hit me up. I’ll give you a link and I’ll give you, if you sign up under our link, I’ll give you our training on how to use it. We’ve been messing with the, for the last year and change. If you go to [00:33:00] the script and you look at the features, you’ll see that I’m featured on their homepage, which is kinda neat, but one of the product pages, yeah, it’s it changes it.

    It’s a complete game changer and I’m not saying it, you know, to try to make money selling the tool. It really is revolution. Business for us. Cause we do a lot of interviews and do a lot of zones and do a lot of podcasts and do a lot of courses. And it’s just been a Royal pain in the butt for me the last 10 years or so just dreading video editing.

    And now this past weekend, I stayed up a bit too late, just cause I got excited about some of these features I literally was using this tool that allows you to download YouTube videos. There’s different tools that will let you do that sucky into de script, having it process automatically, then repurposing that to Instagram, to blog posts, to YouTube, to our course platform.

    And it’s just, it was a joy. [00:34:00] I think I processed 30 videos in one day that would have taken a video editor, 20 hours, each times 30 videos. I literally was processing these things almost instantly. Just putting a bumper in the beginning and the end, cleaning the audio up, pulling the different highlights from when I’m interviewing other people, those instantly becoming new compositions.

    It really is kind of magical. It makes you feel to do this. I’m looking at it right now. It’s like description, but it’s it’s descript without the tion. Yeah, it’s a, it’s a great, great tool. I’ve been up. A paid subscriber for D script for over a year, Dennis. And the other amazing thing is I’ve, I’ve seen as, as you’ve seen, they’re constantly upgrading it and adding new features almost every time I open it up, there’s a new version with a tweak here and a tweak there and a new feature.

    It’s been amazing. You don’t. My favorite tool was before script framed. I love [00:35:00] because it was the professional video collaboration tool. So if you have teams of people and you have videographers that are shooting the stuff, and then it has to go back to the producers and you have multiple cameras and multiple microphones, you’ve got to sync together and you’re doing a real feature film or whatnot, and you’re doing it professionally, then

    As far as I knew the last three years, I thought that was mind blowing all the features there, where you could think together these different clips and you could comment right there. And the video editor, well was my favorite. So can the script, can you all do that the same way because we’re doing so we’re doing this docu-series and it’s almost like think of Anthony Bordain meets how to make it in America.

    So you have these conversations around culture. Okay, could we need, we need to be able to put stuff together and not just load our one editor. She’s like overloaded. Yeah. [00:36:00] This is a super common issue. So you now, the thing, the reason why I like was because of those features for video collaboration and they also built their own.

    Uploader. So you could go from the camera or your phone straps to the cloud, which would otherwise take forever trying to go to Dropbox and then importing them to these other tools. So native integration with premier and after effects. So for those of you guys like to edit video, you know what I’m talking about, it’s a pain in the butt for file management, right.

    But then they had integration with Which is transcription and you pay something ridiculously cheap, like 7 cents a minute, or you could still go to And what are they now? Buck 25 or two bucks a minute. So you have an hour of video. You got to pay 120 bucks to get that transcribed.

    That’s I mean, if, if you’re, if you’ve got a budget and all that, that’s not really a big deal, but I’m recording a ton of videos. I did four podcasts today. [00:37:00] I’m not going to pay $500 to get a transcribed. I used to get things edited through, is it can’t not campfire? What is yeah. Campfire and some of these other podcast editing services where they charge you 500 bucks a month or charge you $150 an episode to get the thing edited.

    That way all you have to do is record it and they will post it to social and do some lightweight stuff. But now. With and the other integrations, which are there’s tons of them. You don’t even need those services. And then you move to things like D script and it’s even better. So I can’t imagine, like right now my favorite tool is de script, but I think in a year or two, it’s going to be some of these other sorts of tools.

    If you go to my Facebook, you’ll see, I’ve been posting different videos where I’ll say something and it’s doing live transcription. Kind of like Mike, what you’re talking about when this documentary style, but then I’ll go back and edit it. Live I’ll record it, live, see the transcription pop-up live, as I’m saying the words [00:38:00] and then edit it and I’ll have ums and AHS.

    I’ll intentionally throw in ums and UHS, I’ll say, Hey Jeff, what’s up Mike. Um, and I wanted to see, um, are you free tomorrow for dinner? Um, you know, people are just terrible with ums and AHS and likes and it will cut them all out and I can change things around. I don’t think people realize, wow, what’s coming, Dennis, w I’ve spent just like going back and forth with our first, we’re doing three, we’re knocking out three episodes.

    We want to pitch it to a big platform, but we’ve done three. We’re doing three episodes. And the amount of time that I’ve gone through and taken out mumble, I’d like the ums and the eyes and had the talkie clip that out to this, to that. It’s, I mean, I spent like a whole weekend audit. It’s huge. And now you can do it in literally 30 seconds.

    It’s like search and replace. It’s like search and replace in a word document. Literally. It’s incredible. Yeah. And some [00:39:00] guests it’s embarrassing. We did our, we have a weekly paid membership. That’s. Wednesday, which was yesterday. And some people that I interview are just terrible with the ums and AHS, because maybe they didn’t go to Toastmasters or whatnot.

    Cause you know, people say I’m in awe when their mind is still thinking of the next word to say, but they’re still talking. Right. And one guy in a 45 minute podcast, I think he had 600 filler words. How do you even get that many? I guess it’s not that bad. He was the goodbye. It’s wonderful. Have you ever interviewed a French pur, a French speaker and native French speakers in English?

    Yes. They say my wife is French. And so of course my in-laws are French. You know, they do, they do this, they go Duncan, uh, Japan, uh, like, and it’s long. Yeah. [00:40:00] Yeah. I tried to script, it’ll cut it out of me. It’ll just be incredible. And the other thing too, is there’s different time frames where you have to get stuff out.

    So if you’re doing a podcast or a webinar or a documentary there’s stuff that can come out in a couple of weeks where you have the finished product and you put it on premiere, so people know, Hey, you know, tomorrow our episodes dropping on so-and-so, but sometimes you want to pull out social media snippets right away.

    And whoever you’re interviewing. We’ll want to have that the next day and often video editors. Can’t keep up with that because by the time the raw video footage is uploaded and they’re busy working on other stuff, it’s just a couple more weeks have gone by. So you miss the opportunity. So when you have tools like de script, you can use separate, you can pull out those compositions for social media and whatnot that are more.

    To have right away. And then the full episode, you can still [00:41:00] release in a week or two. And the thing, the reason why it takes a week or two is not because there’s a lot of stuff that happens inside the tool. It’s because of editorial and the way you want to frame things and kind of strategy, creative decisions that you need to make that are not because some videos.

    Editor is doing some low-level tweaks to the files, like cleaning up the audio or color correcting or that kind of thing. Um, so I joined this room. This is excellent. Yeah. Okay. Come back next week and let us know what happened. I will hit me up or post it post a little 15 second story or real showing what you’ve done.

    Like literally you can go do the free trial and check it out and see what happens. I think you’ll. Okay. Um, I think it’ll blow your mind and you’ll wonder why you’ve been doing all this other stuff beforehand. They should make us paid spokespeople. Thank you, Michael. [00:42:00] Thanks for sharing your story and good luck with the series.

    Jeff, you’ve been very patient. Did you have some thoughts on video editing or a question for. Absolutely. So I I’ve been, um, putting on, I used to put on events once a month and then when the pandemic struck, then I would start to record them. And then there was this one that was a great interview, but it was a, it was an interview.

    So there was my face and his face and my face and his face having to go back and forth. Right. So I had this, had this video. I just was dreading the ending because his, his camera was angled different than mine was because this was remote. So I had to, I got the Vegas pro and I would like zoom it, zoomed his picture in and I would cut between them and stuff.

    Hours upon hours. Cause to get a, now it’s a famous guy. So I was like, okay, this is worth it. But kind of wasn’t like, it was just ridiculous. Like if I could have just pointed it something like, okay, this head here and [00:43:00] that head there, make sure they’re about the same size and the same frame. And like when this one’s talking, you know, have them be, um, have them be the one that.

    And when the other one’s talking, have them be the one, the one in front and stuff like that, that would have been amazing. But anyway, I switched to weekly events, kind of pushing myself to like dominate that has gotten me a lot faster as video editing because I just, like, I like had to, I had to learn those, those, the, the, um, The keyboard shortcuts and that the little tricks that I had been avoiding before, because like, well, I can just click this.

    I know how to do it this way. Sort of a mentality getting out of that. I dream of having something that’s enabled that that can work with like, um, Google’s cloud video intelligence, API, and have it just automatically detect the scenes. Yeah. Dream of having things like this. What you’re talking about sounds, sounds really great.

    [00:44:00] I’ve gotten down to I’ll add a header at the beginning. I’ll add whatever they see. Some, I heard someone called a bumper. I don’t know it. Beginning of the video. Everything until the first lab starts and I’ll cut between the two labs. And then the second lab, when it’s done, I’ll cut off, cut it at the end.

    And I’m down to doing a lot less, um, time, but it’s still, I still have this sense. I want to have quality control. I want to listen to the whole. It’s like a, to prevent. So it takes me at least two hours, you know, to that’s Jeff. That’s where that’s where a D script comes in really handy because you don’t have to actually listen to the whole thing.

    It’ll transcribe it. And then you can search for the text you’re looking for. So if you knew there was a section that was talking about insert certain thing instead of the old days where you’d have to watch the whole video. And some of the good editing setups will let you fast forward and still maintain, um, the [00:45:00] voice.

    So you could still understand what people were saying. So you could find the right spot with these script, you do it, like you’re searching for something in a word document, and then it takes you right to that point in the video. So it’ll save you countless hours in what you’re doing. Yeah, that’s so cool.

    It’s kind of like what a friend of mine is telling me about what they do on. The Del tag, um, the moments in a video based on how the Twitch chat is blowing up. So if people are chatting a lot, then they’ll keep track of when that happens. Yeah. So then, then they can pull, pull out automatically pull out little clips of it.

    But he also said there’s a, there’s some like heart rate monitor thing. I was like, what? I don’t know if that’s galvanic skin response or if they’re actually doing like a real heart rate monitor, like, like where are they exciting parts of this video of this video game stream and like automatically clip those.

    Like, what’s the part of the movie that made it. People all get so scared, right? Like cut that out automatically. Um, post that out to your social. It’s like the future is going to be neat [00:46:00] with stuff like this. Um, Jerry, well, yeah, yeah, definitely. So this stuff is going to be neat. I can’t wait for, so I think the script is a great step forward from your description of it.

    Yeah. Um, yeah, and if I had, if I didn’t have, like, I’ve got. What do you suggest in this situation? I’ve got a lab that people are doing and they’re doing that lab. So they’re watching my screen and then there’s also me talking or someone else presenting. Like, if you cut out the ums, you might also cut out the mouse, moving to click on the, some important button.

    That’s true. So then you’re, there’s option there to eliminate word gaps or. And plus when people are clicking on things, sometimes you’re just sitting there and waiting for something to load or something to happen. You don’t want people to wait there unless there’s some kind of explanation that’s occurring.

    So then you do [00:47:00] have to look at each of those on a case by case basis and decide, do you want to eliminate the words there? Do you, if there’s something that’s occurring on the video, so you’re right. I don’t think the AI is there yet, because that would be neat, but it’s coming, it’s coming. Of course, of course, if, if there’s no change in the, in the screen and there’s not a loud enough sound being made, why not?

    Why not cut it shorter, you know, have that part be automatically fast-forwarded eight speed or four speed, right? Like there’s, there’s some, there that’d be some neat things. So you could have the original version that’s slow or you could have the click for the fast one. Yeah. And now with people that are under 30 it’s okay to have jumped.

    I absolutely hate jump cuts because I think it’s sloppy and whatnot, but social media has taught me that that’s actually okay. And young adults, they don’t want to sit and wait for the gaps in the list. Yeah. Actually MTV was the one who really ruined us for jump cuts in the early days. And they started doing all the music [00:48:00] videos with jump cuts.

    Jump cuts was another thing that you would get fined for by the FCC. You could not have a video on broadcast television with a jump cut in it. That was not. Oh, shoot. I literally I’m showing my age, but what, when I, when I started out in, in, uh, in the entertainment industry in 1980, uh, things were a lot, a lot different and it’s been a lot of fun to see, to see it shift to where we are today.

    Um, you know, we used to do. A single camera. I used to produce a show called celebrity and we would interview a lot of celebrities and it was a single camera shoe because I could only afford to bring one camera man with me with a big, you know, dingy camera. So what we would do is the hostess of the show is Alison Steele.

    She was a famous female disc jockey. Yeah. And Alison was the host. So she would sit and we would shoot the camera because we only had one camera with us. The camera would. Shoot the celebrity that she was talking to from over her shoulder and closeups of the celebrity. And we’d [00:49:00] only do the one camera.

    And then afterwards, when the celebrity wasn’t there, we would shoot Alison, we turn the camera, face her and we would shoot her asking all the questions. So production assistant was writing down every question that she asked to celebrity. We would separately shoot her, asking the questions and get her reaction shots, you know, nodding your head.

    Yes. Shaking her head. No laughing a few times. And then when we edit it all together, you wouldn’t know that we didn’t have two cameras. No one would know the difference. No one ever knew and it made it go very efficient. So today it’d be a lot easier. Wow. That is awesome. I’d love to hear more about that sometime.

    Well, Dennis, this has been a great, uh, episode of the coach. You show interesting topic. It’d be interesting to come back and address this in two years and see how things have changed. I’d love to, and we’ll see the virtual Jeffrey and virtual dentists have a virtual slap off. Well, maybe that’s with Mike and the other jet.

    The audience doesn’t know, maybe they’re talking to virtual us right now. And actually [00:50:00] the real Dennis and Jeffrey are sitting at by the pool in Vegas, having a cocktail. That’s right. Well, guys, this is the coach you show. We’d like to cover an interesting topic every single week. I’d love to hear from you guys, which allows the clubhouse allows this sort of interaction.

    Love you guys being here. If you have different topics that you would like to hear about. Let us know, and we’re always interviewing and on the hunt for people that have really cool things to share. So that’s why Jeffrey and I are here. Thank you Jeffrey so much for volunteering your time. Thank you for startup club for sponsoring all of this and putting it on the website and the volunteers that are working behind the scenes to have the community and the content.

    The technology to enable us to be able to connect. So this is a completely volunteer efforts. I hope you guys have value. If you find value, if you do then, you know, follow the other people here that you liked that say interesting things. And mainly I want to thank my co-host Jeffrey. Who’s absolutely fantastic.

    He’s the COO of [00:51:00] So he’s a super successful. CMO of a well known growing SAS company. And I just love hanging out with him every week. So thank you so much, Jeffrey. Thank you, Dennis. The feeling is mutual and everyone please feel free to go over to start-up dot club. The website for startup club, you can find recordings of the coach.

    You show in many other shows and sign up for our mailing list to be kept informed. Startup club is the largest club in clubhouse. We’re closing in on a million members and we’re delighted to have you. Awesome. Well, good night, everybody. And so glad you’re here. I’ll see you guys next week. Thanks grant.

    Thank you so much. Thank you, Jeff. Take care. Bye bye.

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