Excelling at Public Speaking

Everybody is a public speaker. Just by opening your mouth, you are a public speaker. However, to be a good quality speaker that lands gigs, it is your knowledge, authority, and such factors that pave your path to speaking requests. 

What actions can influence the possibility of becoming a valuable speaker and landing a gig?

  • Show people you can speak

Demonstrate what you know rather than just saying it. Put content together to show your strengths as a speaker, such as by recording a five-minute speech on your mobile device.

Recording your speeches can accommodate you in evaluating your strengths and weaknesses as you listen to yourself back. You can learn to pace yourself and find importance in talking slower yet louder as you transform fear into excitement.

  • Build a network

Believe it or not, we live in a small world today, so it is of great value to remain in good connection with other speakers. Building a network helps you build authority as a speaker.

Remember: When establishing advantageous connections, don’t aim your focus on what they can do for you, but what you can do for them.

If you can create authoritative content, as well as connect with other speakers in the industry that endorse that content, you will grow authority as a speaker and therefore organizers will book you for gigs. You want people to get people to reach out to you!

It is important to acknowledge that event organizers are not seeking the most creative and jaw-dropping speaker. They’d rather book a solid, low-risk speaker that is reliable and has a good standing with other speakers, in which they receive positive feedback. 

Listen to this full session above to achieve greater knowledge and understanding of such actions that you can take to excel as a public speaker!

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