Episode 22: Does Your Domain Name Have Game?

In the session, our hosts got into a phonetics discussion and gave advice on leaving your pride at the door to our guests this week. 

“We believe as brand marketers that if your domain name can give an indication of what you do, the goods or services you provide, it can be an asset to your company.” 

Our game rules:

  1. We invite you up on stage
  2. Tell us the name and domain of your company
  3. We will then try to guess exactly what your company does as well as provide beneficial tips and feedback on your company name/domain


Sharyn flew the radio test flag and noted that the name was a little too difficult to find a lead. Page then spun the wheel and went with an NFT. Jeff picked up on the ‘ai’ extension and went with an app. He believed ‘Wagoo’ was an app that helps you find someone to walk your dog for you.

“If you’re going to make up a name, you should go with the ‘.com’ extension” – Page

Crimson Cub crimsoncub.com

Up first is our host Page! Page loved the alliteration of the name and went with a cannabis strain. Jeff also said, “I’m a huge fan of alliteration.” Jeff believed the company was a cute name for children’s clothing apparel.

Sharyn swooped in with a cryptocurrency that is related to endangered species.

Dreamx Dreamx.com

Our guest host thought the company was a social network platform like Pinterest where users can save certain products that they wish to have. Sharyn went with a dating app that allows you to find your dream connection. The ‘X’ in the name stands for ‘connection.’

Who was the closest? Did you guess correctly? Tune in to find out! 

  • TRANSCRIPT: The Name Game – EP22


    Welcome everyone to the name game. We’re getting ready to start in just a moment. Just going to wait for a moment for my co-hosts page Howe and Sharon Coniac to join. I’m going to let them know we’re live now,

    letting them know where live and we’ll get started in just a moment. Thanks for joining us for the name game. We do this show every Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM Eastern time, and it’s kind of a fun show. Um, the format is pretty simple. Um, in a moment, we’ll start bringing people up on stage who raised their hand, and when it’s your turn to play the name game, all we want you to do is tell us the name of your business or startup and your domain name.

    Tell us what you do, [00:01:00] because that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to try to guess part of the fun is of the name game is we will try to guess what kind of business you’re in, just based on your brand name and your domain name, and why do we think that’s important? You know, it’s a very crowded world out there.

    It’s very competitive to get people’s attention. And we believe as, as brand marketers, that if, if your brand name and your domain name can give an indication of what you do, what’s the good or service that you provide, um, that could give you an edge and make it easier for people to find you. So it’s, um, it’s really one of the things we think is very valuable when it comes to branding your startup.

    So that’s what we do in the name game. And don’t worry after we take our guesses, which sometimes go off in a lot of different directions, but after we take our guesses, you’ll have a chance. To tell us how we did and tell us a little bit about your business and what you actually do. And then we’ll give you some feedback on the branding and the [00:02:00] domain.

    So that’s how we play the name game. We appreciate you being here. Um, we do record this show. So we have recordings of the name game over@startup.club, which is the website for startup club. And of course we have replaced turned on. So you can go to startup club here in clubhouse and actually listen to the replay of this room.

    So we appreciate that. So if you do come up on stage and play the name game, keep in mind that you’re being recorded, both for startup club and for replays here in clubhouse. So with that, I will let, uh, Paige and Sharon introduce themselves. And I, of course, I’m Jeff sass and I’m happy to be one of your co-hosts this evening.

    So, Sharon,

    hi, Jeffrey. Good to be here again. Um, thanks for running. Session of the name game, and I am Sharn Pontiac. I’m a brand strategist and story coach. Um, my intention of being up here to [00:03:00] help you is to help you with your brand story. If you, if you have, uh, you know, are trying to come up with a name that’s going to communicate to your end user, your audience, um, something about yourself in a way that really comes off as, as genuine and unique, this is the best place to test it out and, uh, to give you options for taglines and other help in that manner.

    So, uh, you know, give all of us up here, a follow and check us out and, um, hopefully we will be able to give you some good. Um, thanks Sharon. And while Paige is introducing himself, if you’re interested in playing the name game, raise your hand, we’ll start bringing. Hey Jeffrey. Hi, Sharon. Good to be here. Uh, my name is Paige, how I’ve been, uh, investing in companies for the last 25 years.

    I both helped companies raise money as a, as a stock broker and principal of a broker dealer, [00:04:00] and also listened to a lot of proposals, um, working for a family trust. I would screen people who were looking to raise money. And so I’ve seen a lot of companies at the startup phase and, and help them with their startup period.

    And then I’m also a domain name investor. I’ve been doing that for 20 years and I’ve helped hundreds of companies get a good domain name. And that’s a lot of times down at the same time as a branding decision. So look forward to hearing some wonderful stories today. Jeff and Sharon. Thank you page and thanks everyone for listening.

    So please, if you’re interested in playing the name game, go ahead and raise your hand and we’ll bring it up on stage. Usually by now we’ve got a bunch of contestants, so let’s go, don’t be shy. And remember, you will get a chance to tell us a little bit about your business afterwards. Um, while we’re waiting for people to raise their hands.

    Paige, what are, what are some of the trends you’re seeing now with regard to domain names and brand names? Are you seeing more businesses [00:05:00] starting with an exact match domain? Um, or are you seeing a lot of disparity between the name of the business and the domain? No. I think the trend seems to be back much like you predicted, you know, toward natural language names, especially if they’re short, especially if they’re powerful, even if you have to go to a secondary TLD for instance.club, for instance.io.

    And then just the last, probably five months, we’ve seen a lot of.xyz pop-up and Shopify, uh, has got a parent company and they’re now renaming it. Block dot X, Y, Z. And that’s not Shopify. Oh, whoops. Okay. Those are the same company. Anyway, your rights square became blocked that XYZ, I dunno, began with an S [00:06:00] and M.

    And so that’s shed a little bit of light that the XYZ extension, which originally was thought to be for millennials and kind of took on a number of different lives, um, seems to have gained some traction. So the way I always talk to people about it is maybe a two word, um, dot com is about the same as a one word XYZ or, you know, club or something like that.

    But it does seem to be tilting toward, for instance, domain club, you know, we’re domain.club. And I think that that would be probably better than domain club.com. Um, but those are, you know, those kinds of, some of the decisions that are being made up. Yeah, I think it’s interesting page. What happens, what happens with domain extensions is over time, they tend to take on some meaning based on the use cases.

    so.org of course took on the meaning of non-profits. And typically when people see a.a.org, they [00:07:00] think nonprofits.io has been popular in tech spaces. So a lot of tech companies have used our been, you have been using.io.club. Of course, you know, when you’re dealing with community and membership club makes a lot of sense.

    And in recent days, a lot of the crypto companies have taken on a.xyz extension. So when square who’s, who I think is leaning towards moving towards supporting a lot of crypto currencies and that business decided to rebrand the parent or holding company block, um, they chose. Uh, dot X, Y, Z, I believe because it will indicate more of a movement towards that, that crypto, um, side of the fence.

    Um, so when you’re thinking about your domain name, you want to think about the extension and what additional meaning that extension could potentially add to the words you put to the left of the dots. So really interesting stuff. Thanks for that page. So let’s get started playing the name [00:08:00] game. Let’s go to Frank first.

    Frank, just tell us the name of your business and your domain.

    Multiple businesses. Is it fine if I get, well, let’s start with one and then, um, if there’s time, we can do a few others after a few other, for sure. So. My company is called . Um, we build apps and, uh, Wagyu is basically, oh no, don’t tell us that. That’s what we’re supposed to figure out. Just telling us the name and the domain name.

    And then let us see if we can glean all the things you were about to tell us just from

    sure. Uh, my domain is what goo.io and I’m guessing I should exactly you’ll have a chance to tell us. So wag goo is the company and why guru [00:09:00] dot I O M.

    Uh, well, do I, oh, um, well he just told us these an app, so that gives us a little bit of an unfair advantage from that the vertical, but I don’t know that I would, so I was going to go with wahoo. I was going to go with, um, I believe isn’t there, uh, um, Hawaii Gooby for something like that. I’m a vegetarian, so you’re asking the wrong person, but the name sounded familiar to me.

    So it was wondering if it had something to do, uh, with, with me or beef. Um, but now that it’s an app, I’m really kind of at a loss for why GU I GU what would that be? Um, maybe it’s an acronym, the spelling, maybe that, is that, is that cheating or is that fine? Jeffrey? No, actually I’m clarifying the spelling is great because I just assumed it was w a G U.

    No. No. So it’s not actually, yeah. [00:10:00] WGU would be for the beat. It’s actually w a G w so w a G w. Okay. Thank you for that. Sharon continued. Um, that’s still puts me in the stalling frame, um, with the two W’s, I mean, what, the two O’s why I go. So, uh, so one thing that one comment I will say is that, uh, if you’ve been in the room before you’ll know that that means that we’re not passing the radio test, which is that you have, uh, a clear connection between the spelling and what people hear.

    People would listen to it and think one thing, and the spelling would be different. So, um, wow. I think I’m just going to pass because I don’t really have anything more than that, that I can. Yeah, Sarah. And I think that’s probably the, um, the easiest thing. And I think a lot of companies that have raised money in the past five or 10 years, especially if it was easy [00:11:00] to raise money, or you had such a good relationship with the firm or, you know, a good business plan where you had a track record of being a successful entrepreneur.

    And it sounds like you do Frank, then it’s kind of easy to say, you know, you’ve got the first meeting because of your credibility and it’s easy for you to say, this is what we’re working on, and then we’re going to call it, you know, why goo? And I think that. You know that that’s okay because you’re going to spend the money to brand it.

    And then you’re going to spend the money to try to attach your brand, you know, to that company. I don’t really have any sense of what you do when I hear Wagyu, but if you’ve got the strength, either because of talent or money or something to get past that that’s great. But what you’re hearing from us is we won’t know what your company does.

    Hopefully that’ll lead us to say, well, what do you do? But sometimes I can just skip by it. But in these cases on the name game, I spin the wheel and I got crypto [00:12:00] branding, agency cannabis, and the fourth one is going to be, I don’t know. So I’m going to go with NFT. You’re have a bunch of characters with Wagyu.

    So I’m going to go, I’m going to go a Frank and give my guests, and then you’ll be able to tell us how we did. So I’m going to go in a slightly different direction. I agree with what Sharon said. So you definitely, and you sense this yourself because when Sharon started talking about beef, you felt the need to clarify the spelling.

    So you do have that issue where you’re always going to have to make sure people know that you’re talking about Wagyu w a G O O, which of course makes me think of Mr. , Mr. Magoo, who was spelled similarly with the two owners, but now I’m dating myself. Um, but because, uh, the. Moves me down the tech space. And you sort of clarify that by telling us it was an app.

    So I guess the.io indicates it’s something with technology. So you’re an [00:13:00] app you could have also considered a diet app, as you may know, there’s a.app extension, and I’m going to say wag goo, um, I’m a little bit biased here cause I actually am the COO of a company called pod.com in the pet product space.

    So when I see wag, I immediately think of dogs wagging their tails and Wagyu. So I’m going to say wag goo is an app that helps you find someone to walk your dog for you. So it’s kind of like Rover or maybe a competitive competitor or potential competitors or Rover where if you’ve got the Wagyu app, um, you can connect with someone nearby who can walk your dog for you.

    So that’s going to be my guests for wagyu.io. So Frank, now you can tell us what.

    Perfect. Uh, you guys did absolutely terrible. You guys are terrible guessers. I’m not going to take, I’m not going to be [00:14:00] discouraged. I’m just kidding. Uh, or I gurus, uh, actually. Can you, can you guys got a poor connection? Yeah, so, uh, well I grew was actually a Portsman too, so it’s like a combination of two words.

    Uh, and, and in the logo and in the branding and in the name it’s, it’s always attached and what’s underneath. It is basically what’s good. And, and, and the two O’s are basically circled with little eyes. So it’s like eyes that are looking out and, and the idea and the ethos behind it is, is, is that’s that’s, that’s the company, uh, we’re underneath it.

    I have multiple different products that are apps actually, why isn’t a, uh, an app in and of itself. So I think that’s why I allow the name to be as is, and very simply what goose what’s good. So we’re always looking at what’s good and sort of how to, uh, make things better. And, and, and, and we have our eyes as the two O’s our eyes sort of [00:15:00] on, on, on, on, on, on opportunities.

    So very interesting. So, so what’s good, but without the age kind of like what’s up, what’s good. Like what good, like, you know, like, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think, you know, you brought up some good points in that, that the visual representation and the logo helps a great deal, obviously, because when you see why goo with the eyes, you might, you might think of it.

    Yeah. Why I, and then of course, if you have a tagline that has the words what’s good in it, like, you know, we make apps for what’s good or whatever it might be. Do you have a tag? Correct? It is actually, what’s good with a question mark right underneath the Wagyu, uh, may. Yeah. So I think that when you see the whole package is something that’s potentially very brandable Sharon, her page.

    I was wondering Frank, uh, actually, why you didn’t go for a more [00:16:00] phonetic spelling? Um, I guess you we’d still have the radio test issues, but uh, why you perhaps didn’t go for something like a w a H G U D or good or something like that. That was much closer to, uh, you know, to, to what you were actually trying to communicate in the, in the title.

    That’s a great question, actually. And I think it’s, it’s actually super related to, to this, this room, which is brandability. So, I mean, I think it’s quite important. Two things are quite important. Actually. Three things are quite important to me. One is visually how you see the name and I’ve I’ve I’ve explored, or I did explore opportunities to add sort of a morphogenetic field to it, but it doesn’t look right.

    Uh, when you see why GU is w a G O O it’s a lot more clean, um, it’s, it’s something people can pronounce now the understanding of, of, of, of, of what the word is, uh, that’s something, I guess, like [00:17:00] I try and tackle with the what’s good underneath and, uh, um, I guess you could say. Uh, finally, I, I, I sort of, it’s not really about the phonetic side to it as much as, uh, I wanted a word, uh, that was catchy, that was memorable.

    And at the same time, not used almost like a created word, because that allowed me opportunities to purchase domains and also, uh, sort of, uh, create, uh, uh, a brand in and of itself, uh, from the name being sort of, you know, something that is not an actual word in the dictionary.

    Yeah. I think that, I think that, I’m sorry, go ahead. Share.

    I was just, I guess I was just going to, I hear that I still was sort of curious why, even if you didn’t pull the full phonetic spelling, why you dropped off the [00:18:00] D. That that’s sort of just like tripping me up. Cause I just feel like you’re missing the opportunity there. Um, and really forcing a lot of times we talk about, or I, at least I talk about in the branding space, like you’re forcing your customer to do a lot of heavy lifting to make some connections.

    And that’s not always the best way to position yourself. Again, this is just my personal viewpoint, but it’s very difficult to make your customer do all the heavy lifting and make all the connections for you. Even with the eyes eye to me, I don’t know that it would, it would take me to the place that I needed to go.

    Yeah. And I’ll share that. I mean, again, Frank, I think you’ve got the energy and the intelligence and the motivation to maybe make this work. So everything that we share is just, you know, like if you had, you know, if you were trying to go from a score of 95 to 98, you know what I mean? I think you’ve got, but I think what you might want to think about is normal.[00:19:00] 

    If you’re going to make up a word, you want to go with the.com. So at least you’re first in line with your made up word. So you’d be wagyu.com and you should be able to get that or maybe get it for some payments of a hundred a month. For two years, I haven’t looked. And then when you go to the IO, you should put a lot of expectations on yourself, to my opinion, like, to be able to have what’s good.io, even if you didn’t use it.

    You know what I mean? Because at least you have something on the left side of the dot what’s good. That makes up for the fact that you have the third or fourth best on the right side. So then what you have is you have a brandable on the left, so the.com and all the other ones and that good or walk. Good.

    I think that’s just branding. One-on-one do you want to take some are closer? To what’s good by [00:20:00] either giving them the why or the good, you know what I mean? But I’m not sure if you’d given me either one, but again, this is just shooting for the ultimate. So AB testing, I think is where you want to go. You want to be able to take wild, good IO and then get a couple other domain names or a couple other brand names and put them next to each other and even dancing, you have to pay people a dollar to have 50 people tell you what they think.

    I think you might be really primed to do some AB testing so that all the work you put into your app, all the work you do into that might be multiplied with the best name. But I really do wish you luck. It sounds like. Thank you so much. Uh, I just want to share something funny that I tell my friends, like, I guess in business, uh, I sort of have this, uh, masochistic side, which means like, um, uh, feedback that goes again, maybe like, you know, how people [00:21:00] sort of don’t want to hear something that they may might not want to hear now.

    I love it. I, I I’m, I’m encouraged by, right. I mean, right now what’s happening is a super great exchange of value. So I’m, I’m, I’m really grateful. Uh, I don’t feel in any way, uh, upset, but I just want to also emphasize why GU is not a product, right. Why it is just the name of my company. So like, if you think like of tick talk, for example, uh, you might not know the mother company and the mother company’s name is bite dance.

    Right. And it’s spelled really weird, but like that’s not nor here nor there. I mean tick-tock is what matters, not bite dance. So I hope I can emphasize, like, why is it really? Yeah. Yeah. So I got that, Frank. So I have a question for you and it’s great discussion. So understanding that where you’re choosing for the, the, the holding company, so to speak, or the parent company, this very brandable angle with and the eyes and what’s [00:22:00] good.

    And all that stuff. How will you, or how do you intend to tie that in to the actual product names, right? Or do you, so yes, bite dance and bite is spelled BYT E like computer bites, um, for bite dance, Tik TOK. Is, is there a primary app? Like how are you going about the naming of your products, underwear goo, and is there a connection between them and what.

    Yeah, I would say there definitely is a connection in terms of sort of, uh, like the cute little, maybe witty, uh, approach to naming. Um, if I, again, I don’t want to take up there, there are other people in the line, but if it’s fine, I can share maybe, uh, a sort of, uh, product underneath why. And I think, um, we’ll make sure that we get to everyone who’s on stage.

    I think hopefully people who are listening agree, [00:23:00] this is kind of an interesting discussion and a look at the whole naming and the thought processes you went to. So maybe share just one of the, the products underwear goo so we can get, yeah, gladly. Uh, one of the products is actually, I’m going to spell it out and then maybe you guys can do with it as you, like, it is a.

    Are you sure you’re not helping you on Musk name is children. So, so let me just save some time here. Hey, XYZ. I mean, if you write it down and you try and pronounce it, uh, you might be able to pronounce it are able to pronounce it as axis. Um, and, uh, basically, uh, I don’t want to reveal too much of the product, but access basically takes you from point a to XYZ to the end product.

    Basically, it’s, it’s, it’s a, uh, a sort [00:24:00] of an app that connects. So maybe that, that, that sort of, uh, and, and I have no issue with people pronouncing it XYZ, cause that’s also equally memory memorable, but yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s an example. Ideas not good. Maybe.

    Actually the, that was the pronunciation that I got Frank, uh, surprisingly since I had the incorrect pronunciation, I guess earlier, um, is that, uh, do you have a domain associated with that one? And if so, what’s the,

    yeah, I purchased the one that was available for me was XYZ dot coal. So I have, I have that domain name. I think, I believe I have a few others. I have to double check, but xyz.com. The is the one,

    I guess not XYZ that XYZ or ADA at XYZ, but I’m interesting. So I think it’s, um, [00:25:00] clearly you, you focus on the brandable side. I know that Sharon Sharon, is there anything more. Oh, no page. I was interested in what, interested to what you hear to hear what you said about. Gotcha. Well, Frank, you gave us some leeway because you hinted that you’ve got the maturity and confidence to say, Hey, let’s mix it up.

    You know what I mean? I’m looking for metal to sharpen metal. And because of that, I’m going to share something with you. That smart people who cared about me shared with me. And hopefully those that are listening to the show either now or recording can take it to heart. And I only mean this in a positive way.

    I feel like there’s a part about some people and you might be heading down this path where you want to get almost like a compliment or credibility or prestige out of your company to you because you thought it up. And I think that is awesome. And if you make it work, people are going to [00:26:00] say, man, you made that work.

    You know, there was no meeting to the word wagon. And you made that worth something, there was no meeting to a XYZ and you made that worse something. And I think if you do it, you’re going to get those props. You know what I mean? You’re at some point sometimes, but sometimes if you had like a board of directors who were responsible for maybe shareholders or all the stakeholders of the project, they may say to me, Paige, we don’t really care.

    If you get a bunch of props, cause you thought of this name, we’ve got to do what’s best and we need something that communicates. A little bit more what the company does or not have our TLDs all over the place with an IO or a co-worker com. So again, I’m not saying, I’m just saying for everyone listening in a general sense, not as specific to Frank, sometimes you have to really [00:27:00] say the company comes first, a B testing, what is the public want?

    What do, um, the, the vendors and the investors that I’m going to be seeing? What do they want? And sometimes the, I thought of it and I want to make it happen so I can prove to everyone that I made it happen. There might be times, especially if you can take it outside money where you need to be ready to let that go and not hold onto it too tough.

    But again, I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Yeah. And actually, if I could just, um, sort of riff off that idea that Paige has had. And when people, if you think about some of the really big nameable brands, um, or you think of names that have become sort of like in the part of the lexicon, like apple or Google or Kleenex or bandaid, um, those kinds of things didn’t, there was a lot of money that got behind [00:28:00] behind those before they became part of the lexicon of the, of the language.

    Um, before they moved into that sort of, you know, this Uber brands that they are now and, you know, two pages. It’s just a cautionary tale, that there’s a lot of money that has to change hands between you and the consumer or who whomever your, your end-user is before that you move into that, you know, upper stratosphere.

    So that’s just sort of the cautionary tale that we’re suggesting that maybe, you know, that something that’s more, uh, brandable and more, um, easier to understand it and to sort of like make the connections for sometimes help you do some of that heavy lifting at first. And then you can move into that, you know?

    Great. Well, thank thank you for that Sharon and page. So Frank, thanks for sharing all the behind the scenes [00:29:00] stuff. Hopefully this was interesting for you and make you think a little bit, um, let’s move on. So we want to make sure we give some other people a chance, but thank you so much, Frank, for playing the name game.

    Let’s go to, can I, I’m going to send you guys the messages in your, in your back channels. Just, just want to say that. So absolutely no problem at all. And thanks again. Let’s go to Sonya, Sonya, tell us just the name of your business. All right. Jeffrey, the name of my business. It’s Crimson Cub and the domain name is Crimson cub.com.

    And can you S w it’s Crimson? I got, what was the second half? Uh, it’s Cub? Um, like a tiger Cub Crimson Cub. All right. I think Sharon went first, last night. I said, Hey, do you want me to go first? And what’s your, your domain Crimson Cub.

    Well, I think you have a good domain name. Uh, I have a lot of names like this. About four years ago, I took the list of most popular [00:30:00] animals and our most popular colors and most popular animals and put them together and kind of built up a stable of these type of names of color animals. And, um, and I think where you were able to go here is.

    You know, had taken a lot of names. They might’ve used tiger or lion or bear, and they may not have put in Cub. And so I think you’ve done a good job of being creative to get an animal that, that maybe not everyone’s taken. And then with your color, you kind of went a little bit. I mean, obviously everyone would love to have red, black, and green and the primary colors, and then went with the pink globally.

    You know, a lot of people, you know, what that, what that is, whether it’s wine or red or something. So Crimson cub.com with the alliteration. I really liked the name. I’m not sure I’m going to be good at the name game here, but I think in your case, the name’s almost good enough to make me want to say, what do you do?

    So [00:31:00] I’m going to spend the wheel NFT cannabis branding agency, and I’m going to go cannabis. I’m going to say you’re a cannabis strain, Crimson cub.com. Jeffrey. Okay, I’ll go next. I, you know, I, I do, I’m a huge fan of alliteration, so I really love alliteration. Um, and, and anytime words come together, uh, in writing and speech and everything.

    So I do like the Crimson Cub alliteration. There are two words that go together. Interestingly, I feel like it’s a children’s clothing line, so I’m going to go down the apparel path. And I think that Crimson Cub is just kind of a cute name for a line of, of children’s apparel. So that that’s going to be my, my guess.

    I like it. I’m not exactly sure if I’m right in terms of what you do, but I like the name. Uh, I’m going to [00:32:00] take this the wheel spin, and I’m going to go with crypto because, um, Because I’m at a loss for what else? It might be. Uh, I’m thinking that maybe, yeah. It’s something in the crypto, the crypto space.

    Um, Hm. And maybe it’s an cryptocurrency that is related to maybe, um, Hm. And endangered species or something like helping out in the, the, the idea of like the world wildlife fund sort of, uh, vertical. Thank you, Sharon. Um, Sonia, what is it that your company does and tell us about how you all right. Thank you.

    Well, first of all, thank you. It’s, uh, especially from page, you know, hearing that validation that, [00:33:00] and from all of you, even from Jeffrey, uh, it’s great because. A lot of effort to come up with the domain name, especially one where.com was not taken. Shannon was Shannon is actually closes to what we are planning to do.

    We are still an MVP. Crimson tab is a new age collaboration platform for the creator economy. We want to get brands and creators together and our core platform. It’s going to have flavors of crypto. So cup coin, that’s what we’re thinking. That’s what we will call it. Um, it’s going to be one of the primary currencies in which people can transact on the platform.

    And at the same time, we want to create this, uh, this platform where creators, especially the influencers. Who are creating a lot of digital content everyday, like on Instagram alone, you have half a million pictures being posted every single minute. [00:34:00] So the influencers who are responsible for the bulk of it, we want to help them mint.

    They are creations that they create on a day-to-day basis. All the digital creations as NFTs the NFT isn’t crypto in the creator economy. That’s the space that we are going to be in. Um, that’s why we came up with the, with the name. Well, to us Crimson Cub, the alliteration, I thought my entire team there are about 15 of us, so I can’t take the credit.

    We all thought that it sounded cute. And yes, Jeffrey you’re right. Um, in a couple of instances where we had these, we were trying to come up with our logos and then my designers, they came up with some cute pup faces and we also had claws and whatnot. So when we looked at the cute top faces, we said, well, this really makes the brand look like it’s a children’s brand.

    And then when we looked at the claws and the claw marks, we [00:35:00] said, oh, this feels like the bank brand is about wildlife conservation. And so we came up with a very different logo and it’s a gradient logo. So it looks, well, it looks, it looks different. It is like two C’s connected with each other. Um, To that effect.

    Uh, why did we come up with the name? But it was a huge effort trying to come up with a domain name. Our first branding for the domain for our company was actually in six and we thought we could just pronounce it, like in sexy. So in there were, we did not get very, we got mixed feedback for that, uh, in six E I N and the number six, and that was a short form for influence.

    And we also thought insects. He just sounded cool, but a lot of people were not able to grasp that name. So then we moved to Crimson Cub and for us Cub symbolizes the next gen because the creator economy is really popular with gen [00:36:00] Z, a group of millennials, and the next generations that are. The generations that are going to turn into lions and tigers in the near future.

    So that’s why we thought that that name, Crimson tub it’s, uh, it’s playful. It symbolizes youthfulness and hopefully it will get people to ask us, okay, we liked the name. So what do you do? And thank you page for that validate. Yeah, I think that one, it shows that the work you did really pays off to have a broad group, even if it was just your team and their close contacts, you know, them, each one of them asking a couple people they knew and you kept at it.

    Um, you know, you, you got one name and then you said, but we think we can do better. So I think now some people listening may say, but page Crimson, Cub, that doesn’t mean anything. Just like what good doesn’t mean anything, but I’ll say that the one difference says, Hey, [00:37:00] if you don’t just hold on. If you know, if I don’t know how to spell Crimson, If you say Crimson Cub, I’m at least going to know how to spell it.

    If I have to send you an email back. So yes. I still need to ask you what you do, but at least I also ask you fell it. That’s not criticism, Frank. I’m just stating the difference. I was getting those tones, um, because, and, and yeah. Way to go being creative, define the color animal, having the calm. And then I like your little thing with the Cubs growing up.

    I think it gives you some brands.

    Yeah, I think I agree. I think, um, you know, it’s very interesting. And when you describe the business and your plans for Chris Crimson club, current Crimson Cub, excuse me, I have, as the co-founder and COO of.club domains, I have club always on my mind. So that was a Freudian slip there, Crimson Cub. Um, I think, uh, you’re on the right track.

    So I agree with [00:38:00] page, uh, And to your credit, we tried searching for Crimson club. It was not available in any with any TLD. So, so even for crumbs, no, it’s great. Well, thank you for playing the name game and we wish you the best of luck. It sounds like you’re on the right track.

    Let’s go to Marie, uh, uh, your, your name’s cutoff in your profile. So I’m looking at Marie paresis. Marie, welcome to hello, Jeff. Thank you for having me here. So my company name is dream dreams. Dreams is the company name and the domain name is dreams.com. What’s the first part dream.[00:39:00] 

    He’s the domain name. You spell the domain name?

    E D E E M X.

    All right. Well, Frank, are you still with us? I’m going to let my spot go to Frank. If you want to be a guest contributor, what do you think dreams is that how I say it? Dreams. What do you think they might do if you want to play? If you want to be a guest host Frank. Cause I feel bad, but I said, I said some negative.

    No, no, no. I was, I was purely, I was, I was, I was kidding. I’m just laying. I just wanted to include that. That’s cool. No. Okay. Take a guess on this one yet. Is it? I’m sorry. Who’s who’s speaking. Is it. Mary P yeah. Can you pronounce, can you spell the name dreams? [00:40:00] Okay. Yeah,

    drinks. Um, I’m first of all, I love being a contributor. I’m very excited. Okay. Uh, I think, uh, what comes to me is, is, is sort of a, um, a way a platform, maybe a social network, uh, of, of, of maybe, uh, um, let’s say like a Pinterest where you keep, uh, you save certain, uh, things that like you wish you could have, or like, you know, uh, basically like, like dream things, you know?

    So, uh, that’s sort of, what’s hitting me like a platform maybe where, uh, Yeah. Where, where, where you can sort of, uh, [00:41:00] uh, in a way, materialize your dreams on a digital platform. All right, Jeff, I use my phone a friend and I’ll go with Frank’s guests. That’s our, all right. So, so one thing I would say, Marie, um, you, you know, you pronounced it dreams, but it’s dream spelled dream X.

    So my first recommendation would be, I would leverage the dream X as the brand, and I would always pronounce it dream X, not try to make it sound like the X is replacing, uh, in S so and people trying to make it called dreams, because we’ve talked about the X factor, um, before on the name game. But because you have, you know, brands like space X and many others that have used that X, X, men, et cetera, you know, A recognition point to using that accident makes things stand out.

    So I think that if you’re spelling it, D [00:42:00] R E a M S. I think you want to pronounce it dream X, because I think dream X a, then people will know how to spell it. They won’t get confused with dreams with an S or a Z or any other, you know, letter at the end there. And B I think that X has that X factor. So when I think of a brand or the company as dream X, it moves me into a more, um, technology X factor mode.

    So I would guess that dream X, you know, it could be, um, um, a coaching service or, or, or, or a consultancy that really helps you, you know, turn your dreams into reality. Um, you know, by leveraging that, that X factor kind of thing. So it steers me in that direction when I think of it as, as dream X, as opposed to dreams, spelt uncon, unconventionally.

    Um, so that would be my guess. I hope that makes sense.[00:43:00] 

    I’m going to go with, um, it’s a dating app or a dating connection, and that it allows you to find your dream connection. That’s the X, the X is for connection. So it’s a dating app or dating platform that allows you to make the connection, um, with the, your dream person, the person you’re most, you feel like your most compatible.

    Um, I’m just going to speak cause I’m Pedro now for one second, I just wanted to say to Sonya about her name being Arab. I didn’t understand what was the name? It was, uh, your, your domain was Crip, Crip, Crimson address. Yeah, you see, I saw everyone sort of, uh, um, um, complimented and I’m sure it’s a great name.

    I just want to tell you who might be useful for you to know sort of from this side of the [00:44:00] world. Like my vocabulary is, is, is, is relatively decent, but I didn’t understand the meaning of the word, so I didn’t have any idea of what it meant. And I’m going to sign off page. I sent you something in your back channel.

    Thank you guys. So say a Frank Good luck and I’ll connect with you. Yes. Thanks, Frank. Um, yeah. Interesting. Just to, to, to just wrap up what Frank said, obviously. Knowing the region you’re targeting and whether the name you choose and the domain you choose has relevance and or alternative meanings in different regions is definitely something to consider.

    You know, if you’re a localized business, you can go in one direction. If you’re trying to be a global business, then you do have to be concerned with the global recognition of your name. So Frank did bring up a good point, sorry to detract from Marie. Let’s go back to dream X or dreams. Um, I think we all gave our [00:45:00] guests.

    Um, Marie. Okay. I think was the most close dream. I will agree with you, Jeffrey, I think will be a better name, dream eggs. We are. We come with the name using dream. X

    extended reality. So Duramax is a company that developed solution of embedding augmented reality, virtual reality, and also mixed reality technology in Africa. So that’s the, that’s the company. That’s what we do. And how do we come with the name? First of all, the company name was, [00:46:00] I had a contraction of. In real life laboratories.

    I came up with this name when I was second year of university. I was

    trying to give my due to build my company in augmented reality in my car, in my country. We are for the moment, the only one company in all those augmented reality and everything stuff. So the goal of remake is to connect with how we need to be. How do we connect human with nature using, uh, with our first, first nature by introduced the data [00:47:00] 2016.

    I do TEDx. I was speaker in a TEDx conference and here it’s been that we all came in by looking the word in 3d, but nowadays we are taking those screen. And my goal is to reconnect your men to 3d aspect of the world. But by including the data, we all possessing me. We are all possessing everyday. So that the company, that’s what we do and how we came up with.

    So, um, thank you for sharing that. And, and it sounds like, um, you’ve got a lot of passion for what you do and, and, um, I’d be curious to watch your TEDx talk. That’d be great. Do you have a tagline that helps explain that the X in dream X is really getting [00:48:00] into, um, extended reality, AR all the things you talked about, uh, tackling right now, the tagline right now is the new world sees the new world.

    Sharon, what?

    Um, I, that’s certainly an interesting tagline. I’m wondering, and I’m, I was kind of waiting for page two to chime in on this. I was wondering, um, if you’re in that space, why you didn’t choose the.tech, um, Extension to give yourself a little bit of help in terms of, uh, making, you know, clarifying what it is that you do.

    Okay. You were asking why we use the take. I didn’t take about the tech you see here in Africa. Uh, people [00:49:00] have these things to look for a name. When you say name right now that we look our needs using the.com extension.org extension and the.net. So, uh, in order to not confuse people, we do not use.

    Yeah, I think you’ve got a terrific idea for a company. And is your domain name, dream x.com spelled correctly, D R E a M x.com.

    The same way I spelled it. D R E a M x.com. Okay. So I think that’s a terrific name. I was thinking, I was wondering whether having another word with [00:50:00] XR might, um, serve you better in that. If someone was looking at a list of companies presenting at a pitch Fest or at a technology conference that the XR, it might, um, Mike really point someone who was in that space to you.

    And the second thing I was thinking, although I think dream X is a terrific name and having the.com is a great.com domain name. Second thing I was wondering is whether geographically on the continent of Africa, I know there’s thousands of languages, you know, even to take each country and say it only has one language isn’t true, but I know sometimes there’s root words that can mean things like life or heart, or, um, you know, a lot of what you’re trying to be, you know, this virtual, this virtual world that would people want to do.

    And I just wonder if you might, along with dream X, think about, you know, in, in the English [00:51:00] world, if I could be like Veeva for life, Viva XR that are really powerful, emotional word with XR might be the other one that I would consider, but your domain names, great pre-mix dot com will be very memorable. So.

    Thank you, Maria. I hope this was helpful. Yes. Great. Well, thank you everyone where we’re here at the name game, which we do every Wednesday night at 6:00 PM. Eastern time here on start-up club. We’ve got about nine minutes left, so let’s get to Barry and then Regina. And if we have time, we can bring up one more person, but let’s see how it goes.

    So, Barry, welcome to the thanks so much. I’ve been back channeling everybody. Um, it’s so funny. I was just, uh, back with Frank and told him that he should try to get his name on, um, urban dictionary because that would be so cool. Anyway, um, I, um, [00:52:00] the memory circle@thememorycircle.com the memory circle. I think Sharon, it’s your turn again?

    Okay. The memory circle.com. I’m going to go with the memory circle, the memory circle.com. Um, I’m going to go with that. You provide services to maybe, um, the, maybe the older community or for more of like a memoir writing or a memoir kind of maybe not only just memoirs, but being able to preserve your memories so that, um, they can be used by, you know, future generations and, um, it’s could be, uh Hmm.

    Yeah. I’m going to go with an app, a platform that [00:53:00] is centered around preserving your memories for future generations. Page. What do you think? The memory circle? Oh, your last. Okay. Then I’ll go. So the memory circle, well, first of all, it’s long, but it’s three good words that are easy to spell and easy to remember.

    So I liked that the memory circle and, and you’ve got the matching.com domain, which is great. So good work there. Um, you know, when I think of circle in this context, I think of a group I think, of, of, of, of, you know, people sitting around a circle together, whether it’s a campfire or a therapy session I envisioned.

    So I go with. To think that the memory circle could be a therapy office, um, really focusing on, uh, Alzheimer’s patients and people with, with memory [00:54:00] issues or memory disorders. But if I have a, a relative or even myself suffering from the early onset of, of, you know, memory loss, um, I would want to be going to sessions at the memory circle, um, to engage with other people facing the same thing, other families facing the same thing.

    So I’m going to go with some type of a therapy group or office, you know, focusing on, on people or families facing relatives with memory issues. Well, I’ve got to go with something really exciting, cause I’m looking at your picture right now and it’s really exciting. So I’m amping up my answer because you look excited.

    It’s the memory circle anyway, which I really liked. And like Jeff said, it’s three words, but I’m a fan of the, the, the, I think. Works really good. Especially with an email address, you know, barry@thememorycircle.com, you know, that’s locked in [00:55:00] someone’s memory. I think, you know, you don’t have to really go, what was that again?

    So I really liked, uh, the name, uh, it, it, because it’s the right spelling of a.com. It makes people think she’s probably been in business for years. You know what I mean? Because to get her perfect name and.com, she was early to the internet, you know, and I think it pervades that. So then what is it you do, I’m going to go with kind of a scrapbooking thing, maybe where you’ve got an app that you take your memories and you put them in the circle and then it spins them around and makes them into a, uh, some type of art or collectible that you can put on your wall.

    So some type of memory circle, but again, love your picture and can’t wait to see what it is. I biggest smile on my face. That’s so fun page. Um, the memory circle is very close to what you said, Jeffrey. I am the chief grief [00:56:00] officer of the memory circle, and I see people who have experienced loss of every incarnation, um, in groups one-on-one.

    And that does include people who, um, are experiencing grief for loss. And I also work with companies around creating best practices and policy for bereavement leave. Um, it was accidental and very quick that I grabbed the name because I was going to be a guest on a podcast. And it said, is there anything else that you want us to promote?

    And that came out of the keys and I was lucky enough in the next moment to go on Instagram and grab the memory circle and. I am a keeper of memories since losing my mom in 1993. Um, and I think that the ephemera and the idea of keeping the memories alive and also sitting shoulder [00:57:00] to shoulder with others who have experienced loss of any incarnation that’s, uh, that are like-minded, um, that’s where it came from.

    And it was really interesting to hear all the risks on how it was received and it’s new and, and other people have, have thought since I just became a certified grief counselor as well. It used to just be peer to peer, and now I’m certified. Um, think I’ve been around for a really long time. So I really appreciate.

    Uh, it’s great. Great, great job, Barry. Um, great name and if for all the reasons you said, and I think as you described your business and your focus, it fits very nicely. So, um, great job and, um, great work that you’re doing to help people deal with these issues at the memory circle. So thank you, Sharon. Do you think, do you think a tagline could really help take all the different memory things?

    Cause it’s such a good name and move it toward. Great. [00:58:00] Um, I was thinking that I really, really liked the name because it had such a sort of universal connotation, um, and being able to serve like, use the idea of memories and taking them full circle. Um, I’m curious what the logo is and what your, if you do have a tag on them, I don’t have a tagline, but I have a beautiful logo.

    Um, and yeah, take a peek, take a peek. Um, the website is really raw and it’s, um, like I said, I just got the trademark for chief grief officer. I am working on tagline, but I, I didn’t want to put myself too quickly into only being one thing, because I think it could be jewelry. It could be scrapbook. It could be any way that people want to preserve memory.

    Like you said, Jeffrey from groups, um, that have, um, memory [00:59:00] loss, uh, as, as something that’s going on to preserving the memory and keep sakes. So I wasn’t quite sure whether one tagline. Suited. I also have the memory circle monologues where I’ve just done an intake, like think the vagina monologues, but make it grief where we are collecting intake from, um, different people who are famous and, um, some that are assumed to be famous and they’re, um, descriptions of grief and, um, bringing them to a table reading and hopefully, um, off-Broadway so I don’t know that I’m, I’m really ready, but, um, I’m really open to,

    I took a look. I was thinking something like, you know, bringing grief full circle could take for those things together or using, or, or, you know, I don’t know. Something, I don’t know what [01:00:00] the verb would be bringing, using something like that, but some connection then if you use the full circle connection, um, and you use the grief, then you would tie it more in, um, more directly to the grief portion of it instead of the memory thing, which took us, if you recall, um, all of our comments were a little bit more down the memory lane.

    I want to say lane, but then sounds, but it takes us down that, that road, in terms of memories, instead of down the grief. So if you tied in the tagline and said, you know, bringing you’re bringing grief full circle or, or, or, or, um, I don’t know, re-imagining or something like that. I don’t know exactly what.

    Yes. I know where you’re, where you’re. Yes. And, and I think the interesting thing is that, um, a lot of people, um, kind of, like you said, [01:01:00] page have made mention that it’s not sad. And sometimes I think the word grief or grief circle or grief group or grief therapy can kind of make it seem like a place where like, you’d be down instead of up.

    So, um, sort of modern Greece.

    Um, I think you have memory and you’ve got circle in it and the logo is great. I really do like it. Um, what I was thinking is something along the lines of finding the blessings in grief. And of course in the Jewish religion, I’m Jewish, we often say when someone passes away, may their memory be a blessing, right?

    So you have that. And so something along like, you know, finding the blessings in grief or something, because you do want to maybe somehow get grief in there, but in a positive way. Um, but since you focus on grief, I think you do want to tie it in and maybe, you know, tying that angle of [01:02:00] memories and blessings.

    And you know, a lot of people know that even if they’re not Jewish, um, they’ve heard the phrase, they know the expression and they know the, the, the thought behind it, which is really what you’re trying to do.

    I do like the idea too, of maybe using that. I think I threw that out there. Re-imagining but if you like, re-imagine brief, if you, if you sort of like re retool grief in a different way, it sounds like that’s what you’re trying to do, uh, to use it as an actual tool instead of as, as you know, something that would, um, would hold you back.

    Yeah, I do use re-imagined often in descriptions of workshops or speaking engagements, so yeah, I’ve had, I’ve been round, round and round and hopeful, um, to land on something, um, that feels suitable for all of the incarnations that have. I really appreciate the feedback and I love the guessing because I love campfire.

    I love like the [01:03:00] intimacy of circle. I loved all of the words you were saying. I was writing down. No. Thank you, Barry. And thank you for playing the name game where we’re at the top of the hour. So we want to make sure we get to Regina. I know a few people have their hands up. Um, if you didn’t make it to the stage tonight, um, please come back next Wednesday.

    And if you’d like, um, send us a note in the back channel that you were waiting to get on this week and we’ll make sure to bring you up right at the beginning of next week, but we are at the top of the hour. So we’ll go to Regina next as our last contestant for tonight’s a name game.

    Great. So tell us the name of your business, which I think we see something in your, in your profile pic there, but tell us the name of your business and your domain. Yeah, it’s 9 1 9 4 7 I N d.com. And the business name is 1 9, 4 7. And I do have the bag lane I would like to listen. How does it tell him?

    And then after that, I guess.[01:04:00] 

    Did you say that was your tagline? I would like to listen to how does this

    take pride? All right. Who’s turn. Is it. I’ll take a run. I’m trying to go through my history books about what happened in 1947. So I’m going to say in 1947, what happened? I’m just going to, I’m going to do the cop-out. Something happened in 1947. That’s very, uh, well-known to a lot of people besides myself and that you’re, um, it was, it was maybe an independence movement.

    So maybe a country I’m going to go with some type of 1947 independence and who wants to spell independence and a domain name or an email address. So 1947, I N D, which has a nice rhythm to it. So I’m going to assume that the 1947 is going to carry the day and you are a. [01:05:00] Then what do you do with it? I’m going to go with a fashion brand.

    Actually. I’m going to go with something that connects you with your community. That’s aware of the 1947 I N D. And you’re going to have clothing and fashion that represents that moment in history. So that’s

    all right. Page Sharon Page, you stole my thunder. That’s what I was going to go with. I was gonna go with, uh, maybe like a, a, an indie clothing, clothing brand. So the I and D was Indy and that it was, uh, a fashion or clothing brand that was maybe taking, um, independent creators, indie creators of, of, uh, maybe graffiti style or, or artistic style clothing, and, um, making it available.

    You said that’s a nice, I think that’s a good game. [01:06:00] Yeah. So I think, and I think w you know, because you put that logo in your profile picture, and it’s such a nicely stylized and design logo, and I see it looks like there’s a little dot there. That must be the R for registered trademark. So, you know, I think that the.

    Paige and Sharon, both, you know, going down that fashion or apparel line makes a lot of sense because seeing that logo with the registered trademark would imply that, that it intends to be used in a number of ways. I just don’t know whether the IMD is for Indiana independence. Uh, so I’m really curious to know.

    So I don’t really have another good guess besides what Paige and Sharon went, uh, besides what page and Sharon said. Um, but I definitely feel like that logo as receiving it is a part of your product because it’s a registered trademark and it’s very nicely done. So I know it’s a little bit of a cop out on my part, so I apologize for that.


    Oh, you guys were spot on actually. Um, we had a clothing brand. Um, so, uh, basically when I came to Boston, the first thing that I noticed in the airport is that they sell Boston merchandise every 10 feet. So many caps and booties, um, Mumbai airport airport has a lack, I mean, a hundred thousand football plus football per night, but not even a single ever made in the name of Mumbai.

    We have like 16 million people in that city. So that’s how we decided that we will make some pretty much nice. We make some city-based a much nice and also some things related to India. So it is 1947 India. And the short-form for India in 1947 is when we got the independence. Uh, that’s how we started.

    And, uh, and the tagline is. I love that. So not only is I N D India, but it’s also independence. And that date is, is representative that so very well done, nicely [01:08:00] designed. Um, I could see it on t-shirts in the airport. I had a friend as a quick side story. I know we’re over. I had a friend many years ago who made a lot of money until he got shut down by Aaron spelling productions.

    When the TV show Beverly Hills 9 0 2 0 1 was very popular. That was the zip code for Beverly Hills 9 0 2 0 1. So he came 9 0 2 1. Oh, sorry. Thank you. 9 0 2 1. Oh. Uh, so he came out with a line of t-shirts with zip codes for all different cities in that same style as the 9 0 2, 1 logo. And he got them in airports.

    You know, every city wanted their zip codes in their airports and he did really well for a really bad. Time until Aaron spelling productions shut them down for being too similar to their logo. But, um, as you told you a story in the airports and Mumbai and in 1947, you made me think, yeah, I think it’s really a strong brandable, [01:09:00] um, item for you because I was thinking more like, uh, like Levi’s and some of the other sort of big brands out there that have a, a number in there, the 5 0 1, or they also have like some of the other big brands that have like an established, um, as part of their logo and branding.

    And so that having that 1947 in there, I think really stands out as really, uh, Thank you so much and be got lucky. Uh, the, we got the dude recognition and also, uh, we, we worked with Israel to make a fashion merchandise, uh, as the first ever company to make official muster native studies, not for India, Indian space organizations going tanks.

    Yeah. I think you’ve, you’ve jumped onto the right combination in fashion of you didn’t have to absolutely invent everything because you’re [01:10:00] leveraging off a famous state in history and people’s pride for, you know, for that date. And I really think that, you know, it’s good, but at the same point, you know, it’s going to be your stylized example of 1947.

    I and D that’s gonna take. People that they’re wearing the right one. You know what I mean? I think you’re going to try to probably position your brand where you wouldn’t want to be caught in anything else than the, than the main one. You know what I mean? So having the domain name really establishes you as the one, you know, if someone was looking for, oh yeah, I heard that.

    Or I saw an influencer with that on, or I saw a celebrity with a hat on or a shirt with that, that having the.com is really going to make you look like domain one. Even if you have some knockoffs, I think it’s okay because you grabbed that pole position. So great luck. Great idea. We’re quite lucky. Yeah.

    Awesome. Well, [01:11:00] that was a nice one to end on. Um, I want to thank, of course my cohost Sharon Coniac and Paige Howe, and I especially want to thank all of the contestants who joined us on stage tonight to play the name game, and everyone who’s listening. I want to thank you for being here. Um, and hopefully hearing us have these discussions and, and getting behind the scenes of how some of these names and branding ideas came to be.

    And, um, the comments and suggestions we might have when, how to change or improve them. Uh, we hope that you find that valuable and, and, and it helps you make a different thinking around your own branding and your own choices of domain names. That’s the whole point of the name game. We have a lot of fun and we really appreciate it.

    And the most fun is hearing about all these interesting businesses. So tonight we had, you know, everything from. From memory, uh, you know, groups and grief consultation to a really cool, uh, clothing line in India. So it’s really been a great discussion [01:12:00] tonight. Um, Pedro, Sharon, any final remarks before we close out,

    I just wanted to say thanks again for another great room. And if you want to take this to the next level, and you’re going from your bro bro domain name, and you want to actually talk about, you know, how you’re going to brand yourself and your branding, uh, in terms of storytelling, join Jeffrey and I on Monday nights over, um, in the lead with your story room where we have, uh, people come up, do three minutes drills, and you tell us your brand story and we give you feedback.

    Jeff great show tonight, uh, for those of you that stayed with us the whole time, and it’s still listening tune in next week. Uh, if we have a show next week, Jeff, for a special Christmas surprise at the name game, and I’ll leave you with that. [01:13:00] Oh, I’m looking forward to that page. So I will definitely be here one week from tonight at 6:00 PM.

    Eastern time here in start-up club for the name game. Thanks everyone. We hope to see you again soon.

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