Episode 15: Ready, Set, Go!

‘The Name Game’ is a lot of fun, well, we think it is! Our hosts Jeff, Page and Sharyn try to guess your startup from your company name and domain name. In the last session we met Fromaggio fromaggio.com, Weed Made It weedmade.it and Inteleq inteleq.org. Our hosts were impressed with the list of startups in the session and were eager to get their hands on some of the products, some of these definitely got our tummies rumbling!

Can you guess the company before our hosts?

Our game rules:

  1. We invite you up on stage
  2. Tell us the name and domain of your company
  3. We will then try to guess exactly what your company does as well as provide beneficial tips and feedback on your company name/domain

Fromaggio fromaggio.com

Jeff dived right in with guessing Fromaggio to be related to cheese. Jeff thought Fromaggio to be a company that allows consumers to buy international cheeses from all over the world. 

Page went down the NFT route. 

Sharyn was a little light on what she could guess as the obvious were taken by her co-hosts, so she decided to go with an online site for “cheese lovers” to talk all things cheese and upload curated cheesy recipes.

The hosts LOVED the Fromaggio name and congratulated the speaker on his domain. Our hosts thought the name has a “classic feel” to it and thought the brand could be a crazy success.

Weed Made It weedmade.it

Page picked up on the ‘.it’ in relation to Italy and questioned the name on how it’s said. He thought that consumers could get confused between ‘maid’ and ‘made.’ After stumbling over a few thoughts, Page went with a custom-clothing company, where consumers can pick various items of clothing to create a garment. 

Sharyn also picked up on the radio test problem and questioned the ‘Weed’ over ‘We’. Sharyn thought the ‘Weed’ in the name related to a cannabis company. Jeff was running along the same lines… 

Our hosts recommended the speaker to be careful and ensure that his consumers hear the name of the company correctly or fall short at the radio test.

Inteleq inteleq.org

Page went with an artificial intelligence company that uses bots to solve complex problems or help companies analyze their data.

Jeff also thought the company was an AI space where AI fans can come together to learn about new AI products and tips.

Sharyn, however, went with an online schooling platform focused on higher education learning or the ‘gifted and talented’ demographic.

So how did our hosts do this week? Tune in above to find out! 

  • Read the Transcript to Episode 15: Ready, Set, Go!

    The Name Game: Ready, Set, Go! Ep 15. (10-20-21)


    [00:00:16] Let me tell you how we work the name game. If this is your first time. Joining us here on startup club. The name game is a lot of fun. At least we think it is, but basically you’ll have the opportunity to raise your hand and come up on stage.

    [00:00:29] And when you do, and it’s your turn to play, we’ll ask you to tell us just the name of your business, the name of your startup and your domain name. Don’t tell us anything about what you do. Part of the fun of the name game is we will try to guess what type of a business you’re in based on just the name of your business and or your domain name.

    [00:00:49] And we think that’s important because it’s a very competitive, very close. World out there and we’re all competing for attention. And if you can give an indication of what business you’re in, what service you provide, what vertical you serve from the name of your business, we believe that can give you an edge and make it easier for the right people to find you and remember you.

    [00:01:10] So that’s what the name game is all about. And we’ll give you a chance to pitch your business a little bit. When you tell us what you actually do, and it’s a good chance to practice your pitch in that regard. And then we’ll give you some advice and talk to you about, you know, how you chose your name and maybe make some recommendations of, of a different way to look at it or a better name.

    [00:01:29] So that’s how we play the name game. Um, I’m joi ned with my cohost Page, how and Sharon Coniac and I will say. Show is recorded. You see that red dot up above. So if you do join us up on stage and participate in the name game, you are giving us permission to record you and recordings of this episode. And all episodes of the name game can be found over@startup.club, which is the website for startup club.

    [00:01:53] And you can sign up for our mailing list to be kept informed about this show and other special events happening here on start-up club. With that, I’ll shut up and I’ll let Page and Sharon say hello, and then raise your hand if you want to come up on stage and play and we’ll start bringing people up while Page and Sharon say hello.

    [00:02:11] Well, hello, Sharon. Hello, Jeff. Jeff, I did guess for you a couple of times last week. Um, and so I wanted to give people two options and then you were terrible. I got to tell you, I couldn’t believe some of the things you done. Thanks for that page. I did listen to the recording, so I appreciated that when you did.

    [00:02:32] And I just want to remind everyone when you do come up on stage, your microphone is hot. So please mute yourself as soon as you come on stage and don’t unmute yourself until we call on you to play. Thanks, Sharon. Welcome. Hi Jeffrey. Hi cage. Good to be back this week. I am happy to offer some additional help, maybe a different perspective on things.

    [00:02:58] I am a branding and the story coach. And I often, um, chime in with some little tidbits about taglines and marketing and messaging. So I’m happy to help on that. Awesome. Well with that, why don’t we get started? Um, we’ll dive right in and start playing the name game. Remember, just tell us the name of your business and your domain name.

    [00:03:19] Don’t tell us what you do until we ask for the big reveal. So Michael, welcome to clubhouse. We see your a party popper and welcome to the name game,

    [00:03:32] Michael, you can go ahead and tap that mic to unmute yourself and tell us the name of your business and your domain. If you want to play.

    [00:03:41] Okay, we’ll come back to Michael. Let’s go to doctor next doctor. Welcome to the name. Thank you. Uh, the name of my business is from Maggio and the domain is for maggio.com. Wow. Well for maggio.com, that’s a great name now. I believe I could be wrong. I believe it means cheese, right? It’s from Maggio cheese.

    [00:04:10] I think it is. So I’m going to guess, and I’ll just dive right in here and then I’ll let Page and Sharon go that, uh, for maggio.com is a great place to order cheeses of the world. So you have that little international flight. With the, the foreign, uh, word for, for Maggio. I believe it’s Italian, but again, I could be wrong.

    [00:04:33] I’m an uneducated American who speaks only one language, unfortunately. Um, but I’m going to say it’s, it’s a cheese shop, you know, online cheese shop, lots of international cheeses and, uh, for maggio.com is a great name as far as I can see.

    [00:04:50] Well, Jeff, I was also thinking, uh, she’s related. And since you took, uh, the obvious one, I’ll go with my standby. I’ll say this as an NFT project, uh, 10,000 different cheese characters, uh, each a different type of cheese, um, And they’re personified in NFTs. And so this is an NFT project and you come to the land of, from Maggio, which is where all the cheese, uh, NFTs live.

    [00:05:26] So I’ll guess that one, that’s a pretty cheesy a suggestion there page Sharon. Well, um, since I have the last spot and you guys already guessed everything, I’m a little, I’m a little light on what I can guess here. Um, although I’m going to obviously go down the same vein in terms of cheese, but I’m going to say that it’s a site for cheese lovers to post, um, recipes that are centered around cheese and maybe some curated, um, curated recipes and curated content that are, uh, you know, cheese, heavier cheese.

    [00:06:12] Doctor, tell us a more about for maggio.com. I love it. Uh, you guys all kind of touched on aspects of the business, but it’s a, this, this one’s a little tricky because it’s the first to market product and it’s, we don’t sell cheese per se. Um, we don’t sell NFPS. We sell the world’s first smart home cheese maker.

    [00:06:38] Think of it as like an espresso machine, but for cheese, you basically, or in the milk and you add the cultures which we sell and it can make almost any type of cheese either.

    [00:06:58] How do I get one great question. So for maggio.com, it’s F R O M a G G I o.com. And, um, yeah, we had a very successful Kickstarter campaign and now we’re set to deliver and just a couple months and, um, yeah, it’s very exciting. Uh, we’re going to revolutionize the cheese world. That sounds like a great project now from Maggio.

    [00:07:30] Is that the correct spelling of the word for Maggio or is it kind of an alternative spelling? All right, so Jeffrey. Touched on you, you were getting, you were getting there with the title. So to say cheese and French cheese and French is format, right. Um, and she’s in Italian is for Maggio. So this is a combination of the French format version, the Italian for Maggio.

    [00:07:57] That’s how we came up with the name and, you know, the way we’re branding it as, as a product that’s going to be, you’re going to be able to make a European level, um, cheeses from, from your own home. Well, it sounds like a great, um, great idea for a product, especially now, when more people are spending time at home, we all know what happened to bread makers and bread making, you know, The heart of the pandemic.

    [00:08:23] And I’ll have to say cheese, you know, since you brought it up, just a funny story from my childhood. You know, I still remember to this day, when I was in, um, fifth grade, which would have made me about 10 years old. So quite a few years ago, we had a cheese party in the classroom and every child in the class was assigned a different cheese.

    [00:08:43] So we brought in about 30 different cheeses, everything from the obvious American and cheddar to the smelly cheeses and unusual cheeses. And then as a class project, we also made cheese. So we had cheese cloth, and we did everything that your machine does, but we did it by hand in the classroom. And I have to tell you, it was one of the most memorable and interesting experiences of my.

    [00:09:06] Elementary school education. Cause I still remember it well and talk about it and it, and it gave me a tremendous appreciation for the varieties of cheeses and how they’re made and where they come from. And it was a really a great learning experience. So, so you made me think of that. So thank you for that.

    [00:09:26] Thanks for sharing that. Oh, sorry doctor. I was wondering if you had a tagline or, um, what your marketing messaging, this is shaping up to be.

    [00:09:40] Um, we don’t have a slogan, uh, per se, except for the world’s first smart home cheesemaker uh, and the way it works is it’s, it’s all, it’s very much an IOT product. It’s all powered by a mobile. So you can basically create recipes and share them through the app. Um, it is very flexible, so you can, you know, you can make a classic cheese or you can, you know, play around with the custom cheese settings and create something totally new.

    [00:10:10] So that’s, um, that that’s, that’s, that’s the concept and the way we launched it was through Kickstarter originally. And then Indeigogo, and we’ve, we’ve gained a lot of momentum, uh, since then. Um, so that’s, uh, yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s been our strategy, really? The product has, um, you know, we, haven’t done a lot of advertising.

    [00:10:33] It’s it’s really, um, taken on a life of its own and it’s gaining a lot of, uh, momentum and we’re about to sit down with some, uh, investors. Uh, so if people are interested in either the product or investing, then feel free to, um, DME and just one other thing, Jeff, thanks for sharing that story. That’s a beautiful story.

    [00:10:56] And I wish I had the same experience. My growing up in a small town in, uh, north of New York city. I didn’t, uh, you know, I was mostly exposed to a Kraft singles and kind of processed cheese and the way I thought up from Maggio’s after, um, university, I moved to France and spent, you know, almost a decade there.

    [00:11:18] And that’s how I really gained an appreciation. But that’s wonderful that you got that, um, uh, outside of, outside of Europe in the U S so, you know, congrats on that. I, I had to, I had to go abroad to get that, that kind of experience. And, you know, I came back to the U S and try to share, share that, share some of the lovely things that I discovered in, in France, um, and make that kind of democratize that let’s say through, through for Maggio.

    [00:11:47] Great. And actually that was in the New York city public school where I had that. For the record as well, a page. Well, just, you know, really a great way to grab your brand and it has such a classic feel to it, you know? Uh, you know, I almost feel like people would say, oh yeah, I’ve heard of that company they’ve been around forever.

    [00:12:07] Or it almost seems to be like some of the, you know, like if you had like a cycling Jersey with that on it, it would be like, oh yeah, they sponsored teams in the, in the tour de France on the tour to Italy. You know, it really does have a nice, uh, classic feel. Uh, it’s funny. I am not a cheese person. Uh, anyone in my family will tell you.

    [00:12:28] Um, but I think, you know, I think you’ve really got a chance and I just keep hearing someone saying to me about this product, you know, it’ll change your life. You know, that type of thing where I think the idea. Ilan or stretching out to dinner experience, you know, to make it more participatory for lack of a better word.

    [00:12:48] Um, you know, I, I just think that you really met a terrific need. I think you’ll have a lot of success, so terrific. And thanks for sharing it with us. I look forward to watching how you progress. I w I agree with you totally page on that in terms of the sort of traditional feeling of it. Um, it’s feels both traditional and cutting edge at the same time.

    [00:13:08] And, um, I think that with the advent, or not necessarily advent, but with, with the new popularity of like Chakota rewards, which pretty much you can get anywhere and everywhere she’s has sort of, um, really had a little Renaissance itself. And so the market opportunities for you, I think are pretty big.

    [00:13:27] Yeah, it’s great. So a great way to start the name game tonight. We wish you great success with, for Maggio and then for maggio.com. I hope to walk into someone’s home one day and see one in use and maybe taste their cheese. Although right now I’m vegan. So I don’t eat regular cheese, only vegan cheese. It makes vegan cheese by the way as well.

    [00:13:48] So thank you all for your, you had me at it makes vegan cheese also. So I’ll have to be a customer. Thank you again. Uh, let’s go on to Mel, Mel. Welcome to the name game, and either Page or Sharon, you go first this time since I grabbed the easy answer last time. Hello, good evening. So, um, my name of my company and how it’s spelled are two different things, but the name of my company is we made it.

    [00:14:17] And how is it spelled? W E E D dot D e.it. So it’s, we’d made it. Yeah, but it’s the, I it’s, Newmont’s on, on it for the sake of the company, but yeah. Well you’ve given us some hand smell. Um, so we made it and then we’ve made. And did you say it’s the.it? Yeah. So it’s like, there’s a dot between each of the words.

    [00:14:52] Got it. So you actually, and we’re able to get that domain name made that it, and then you put your own, uh, WWII before it. So I have, because the, literally the company is still very fresh. I haven’t been able to get the domain yet, but I’m looking to obtain that soon, like in the next two. Gotcha. So I T I think is the extension for Italy, but it is, it’s not restricted to people in Italy.

    [00:15:19] And a lot of people have used it for different, um, what are called hacks, meaning you stretch across the dot and you can say things like, you know, made it, and then I’ll just spend a second. Well, I’ll wait until the description of talking about the third levels. So we made it, we made it when you said it was spelled a different way.

    [00:15:37] At first, I thought I was going to go with, like, we made it like M a I M a I D like a housekeeping service. Um, you know, like we made it, we made your bed, we did your laundry, we made up your house. Um, but then when you spell it, And looking, I’m going to take a hint from your picture, which I think is allowed.

    [00:16:00] So I’m going to say that you’re a custom clothing company where people can pick their different, it’s kind of a, like the 3d printing of clothing where they can pick different parts of it, and then you make a custom clothing for them. So that’s what I’ll go with. We made it and I’m, I’m, I, I probably letting your picture dictate a little bit of that, but, uh, Sharon, what do you think, um, I’m actually wondering about the radio test here, because when I heard you say it, and then I heard you spell it, I wasn’t clear about that.

    [00:16:34] Cause I thought it was, I wrote it down as weed, w E D as in dog. Um, so I was going to guess that it was a cannabis product, so, um, I’m just going to stay right there and say that that was the spelling, the pronunciation that I heard. And then it’s some, uh, cannabis related.

    [00:16:54] I heard it the same way Sharon did. I thought it was we’d made it, which was a good play on, we made it and we’d made it. Um, so I was, I was right there with Sharon. So maybe did we spell it correctly or incorrectly and, and tell us what you do, Mel. So, uh, you did spell it correctly in 30th. There was a little problem with the, uh, reception there.

    [00:17:17] And so essentially my company, I make a cannabis concentrates, um, solventless, and, uh, my, I make ’em infused of avocado oil, coconut oil and all those kinds of stuff. And, uh, I make a hash infused, um, butter. And so all the concentrates I make are solvent free. So in that way, when people are using them, they don’t have to worry about any harmful chemicals that weren’t able to be perched out and just able to help people be.

    [00:17:48] Um, and measured users of cannabis.

    [00:17:55] So Sharon, you got it, right? Yeah. So I think that’s, um, a really great idea and I love the sound of the name. Uh, I think that, because we often say, does it pass the radio test, which means, you know, and I’m stealing this from you Jeffery, but if you can, um, spell it correctly and hear it correctly, or if there’s some question as to letters or combinations.

    [00:18:19] So I guess the thing would fall to your tagline or any supporting messaging that you would have, um, to make sure that when you say it, people are very clear. Yeah. I think obviously when it’s red, um, there won’t be any question that it’s weed, but I think when you say it, you have to put that extra effort into, to emphasize the we’d make made it as opposed to.

    [00:18:42] Doing a quickly where someone can think it’s just, we made it. But I do like the, the playoff of we made it because after you explained what you do and having the natural approach and kind of the homemade, um, trusted approach to these, uh, cannabis products, I think we made it, you know, gives you that sort of natural feel.

    [00:19:02] So I think that the challenges, a little bit of the radio test, as Sharon said, and getting that thought it, as Page said, and I think Page, you wanted to talk more about domain hacks and putting together the different words. Yeah. I think what I wanted to share was just as kind of an educational thing, if you own a, you can have what are called double dots, that you can have names where you have Ms.

    [00:19:28] Case it would be weed.made.it, and. What you have to make sure you own is the last two. Um, the last two words made that it, and then you can put whatever you want to the left of it. So if I own paids, how I can have, I am.page, how or shop.page, how, or I can create anything. I want to the left of, of the domain name that I bought from one of the registry.

    [00:19:57] So I just wanted to kind of introduce that in your case. I think there’s a, there’s a little bit of radio test. So I would just stick with the weed, weed, weed, made it.com. Um, and I think that’s going to be the easiest way for you to reinforce what your company name is. It’s going to be in your email, and I would get it before someone listens to this show and decides that they want to get it.

    [00:20:21] But I would go do that as soon as you can.

    [00:20:26] Uh, thank you for the advice and yeah. Um, the we’ve made it, uh, yeah, so the tagline is, um, just that simple because yeah, when you see it in print form, you understand, or, you know, that is, it is, uh, you know, a cannabis company. And I appreciate the information about, uh, the double dot and those kinds of hacks, because I will look into the very quickly.

    [00:20:49] Great. Well, thank you so much melon and good luck with we’d made it. And, um, I’m not in a state where it’s legal for me to use your products, but maybe one day I’ll get to try them out. Uh, thank you very much. Let’s go to, and I hope I pronounce the name correctly by Hayden, by Hayden. Welcome to the name game.

    [00:21:13] Okay, we’ll come up there. You.

    [00:21:18] Hi, Jeff. I paid Sharon how’s everything. Uh, my brand name is intellect. I N T L E Q. And the website is intellect that org.

    [00:21:33] Could you give us that spelling one more time? I N T E L E q.org.

    [00:21:45] Okay. I’m Sharon, I think it’s your turn to go first. Oh, I was hoping you wouldn’t call on me first.

    [00:21:56] Been Sharon, if you, if I have some thoughts on this one, go ahead. Um, so intellect, um, I almost wanna intellect intellect. I’m gonna say it’s a. Artificial intelligence company and you use different, uh, uh, bots and different machine learning to, um, solve complex problems or help companies analyze their data, um, through an AI interface.

    [00:22:35] But I do have some thoughts on the name as we get going, but just in terms of my guests, I’m going to go with AI and machine learning, uh, intellect.org. Jeff, what do you think? So I was thinking, so it’s intellect LEQ. So, you know, dot org has, has gained, uh, the reputation of really, um, standing for typically a nonprofit organization or something.

    [00:23:03] That’s doing some social good. So because you chose the.org, you have a, you have an unusual space. Um, to the left of the dot, which means you might’ve been able to get a different extension than.org if you wanted to, because it’s not the normal spelling of intellect. Um, but you chose a.org. So I’m going to think that you chose a.org for a reason.

    [00:23:25] So I’m going to say that, um, intellect.org is an organization. That’s kind of a resource. I like what Page said about the whole AI kind of stuff that LEQ for intellect gives that impression. So I’m going to say it’s kind of a, uh, maybe it’s even kind of a budding trade association for businesses in the, the AI or artificial intelligence space.

    [00:23:54] So, so if you’re looking for resources and information or building a company in that space, intellect, doc.org is a place to go, or perhaps an association you want to become a member of. That’s going to be my, uh, my guess. Sure. I was thinking a little bit down that road. I was thinking that it might capitalize on the online education models that are happening, uh, like the, the charter school models or the Kate K-12 models.

    [00:24:21] But this might be more, um, focused on say either I’m between higher learning or, um, or thinking more on the, um, what we would consider or what, what we call at least where I live gifted and talented, which is, um, you know, kids who are, um, honors and higher bar, um, more critical thinkers than maybe, you know, your usual public school model has.

    [00:24:54] So I was thinking that maybe it was going towards that end of the online schooling on the Montessori end or that kind of.

    [00:25:06] Great. Well, how did we do,

    [00:25:11] uh, perfect. Actually I’m surprised. Well, intellect is a software solution, which is health, safety environment and quality management. And, uh, you know, uh, our mission right now is to help companies to build a safer and healthier workplace and, um, save companies from fines and penalties with relying on our software solutions.

    [00:25:46] So, uh, our 10 years goal is actually to save a billion lives and actually help companies save a thousand lives each. Then I see no reason why this is not a possibility. So. In safety field, we have education training management, and, um, and also Page was perfect on, on the lighting. We use AI for, um, for our analytics, for, um, making decisions, especially in, um, I was safety solutions, health solutions.

    [00:26:29] So we have business intelligence dashboards and thank you for sharing. Thanks. Didn’t we have someone last week, Jeffrey, that was, um, in the, in a not last week, two weeks ago in a very similar, um, vertical that was forklift training. Or am I rendering remembering something? Uh, there was some sort of health training thing, but I, I can’t remember what the name was or when it was.

    [00:26:59] Um, but I wanted to ask a question to, to by Dean, um, given that it’s a software company and I assume you’re a for-profit, uh, company. What was your thinking behind choosing.org? Um, was that intentional? And did you want to give a certain spin to the feel of the.

    [00:27:24] Well, actually it was because our vision, um, I think, um, that’s why we choose that. Or, you know, most companies, when they start a project, still the vision and mission are changing during time. So, um, so our main focus was on, um, bill is safe here and healthier workplace for a company. So that’s why we chose that org.

    [00:27:55] So you felt it, it, um, expressed a higher mission than just the company’s products or services? Yes, that’s right. So I wanted to show that our region is more important than anything in the management of this busy-ness and whatever. Page. What do you think about that as a strategy and a use case for Dr.

    [00:28:24] Well, it’s interesting. And thank you for sharing with us. I’ve I had never heard the acronym. You mentioned the H H S E Q. And so I’ve learned something today about what I’m sure is a tremendous amount of spam that happens in that area, on those things and, and what an admirable goal to, to save, you know, a million lives.

    [00:28:45] And I think that, um, That one of the things you get into with the.org is that people are going to think you’re a nonprofit. And then secondly, you’re going to lose some traffic to intellect.com. And I noticed that there are quite a few companies using that word. So when you do your trademark, I think you’re going to want to make sure that you’re unique in terms of the goods and services that you’re selling, that you might be doing it in this workspace training place where someone else may be using the word for something else.

    [00:29:20] But I wanted to get back to kind of the origins of the name game, Jeff, which is when you feel like you have to choose a brand, that’s a made up word. It can be enormously attractive once you’ve established yourself, because then you can try to make it a. And I’m going to say household name, but I mean, a name in your industry.

    [00:29:40] That’s well-known but you certainly face an uphill battle at the beginning because it will be the strength of your company, your products and services that introduces cause you won’t have that thing to fall back on where you just say to somebody, our company’s intellect.dot org and that they know right away what you do.

    [00:29:59] And I guess that’s kind of the essence of some of the early work that you had done Jeff with the name game was the, the burden of picking a made up word. If you’re well-funded and you can spend the money. Um, seeding that word into your environment. It works, but if not, there’s a little bit of an uphill battle.

    [00:30:19] And so if I were you, I would get the intellect health, which you mentioned in your profile as the.com, because you may find over time that people really want to hear that.com you know, that, that they want to, that they just somehow, um, you know, you’re losing some, some efficiencies or that you could keep the intellect.org as maybe a, um, generic place where you have white papers and education and things like that, as opposed to your commerce, but kind of got, gets back to a lot of what you did, your early work with the name, game, that picking a made up word.

    [00:30:59] It’s great. Once you establish yourself. Right. But you do have a little bit of an uphill hurdle at the beginning because you’re having to do all the lifting for your brand name. I’m sorry. Oh, I was just going to say that I can’t, um, I can’t second, what you said more page in that, uh, oftentimes especially in the, in the brand game, um, people feel like it’s fairly easy to get your name put into the lexicon, um, of the language so that people are referring to it like Google or Kleenex or band-aid.

    [00:31:35] Um, but if you look at any of those companies and you see the traction that they had to, um, develop over the years, they either had to be, um, incredibly disruptive in their industry. In order to be able to grab that sort of interest and push themselves into the lexicon, or they had to build it a very slow build, pushing that Boulder up the hill for a very long time.

    [00:32:00] So, um, I totally agree with you page that a made up name has a really, um, long road to, to go to, uh, if they want to be able to, you know, get that kind of brand recognition. And if they’re not either well-funded or highly disruptive or, um, just sort of, you know, somehow, uh, our lightening strike in their industry, then that can be sort of a, you know, a deaf difficult road to hoe.

    [00:32:31] Yeah. Um, totally agree with both of you. And I think also page makes a good point. You know, we always think in terms of having one domain name, but it’s not, you know, that’s not a hard and fast rule. So I like pages idea where, where you could have intellect health.com as the primary business website. And you could still have intellect.org and even maybe at some point, make that into a foundation of sorts that, that supports the cause and has resources and is more about, um, the mission than your business and have a separate domain, um, for the business side of what you do.

    [00:33:06] So. Yeah. And I think the intellect I’ll just throw out there too. There is a, a country code, tld.ai. And I don’t think you’re as much AI as I guessed, but just to throw that out there to anyone who might be in that situation, um, it’s, it’s kind of a quirky one. They used to literally, I think, uh, write your request for a name on a chalkboard or something and send a carrier pigeon with your registration documents, but it’s better now you can buy it at a lot of registrars.

    [00:33:37] So there is a.ai. And then the second thing is I think that there may be a chance that your intellect tells and that you talked about the intellect is your series of products. You know what I mean? And, and that there isn’t as much. I have a dependence on the name. Cause you’re introducing it to people as the name of your product line, as opposed to maybe the name of your company, but good luck.

    [00:33:59] It’s certainly worthwhile work. Great. Well, thank you for that. Thanks for playing along next up for the name game. Thank you very much. Yes, you’re very welcome. Very welcome. Hope. Hopefully it will. It was helpful. Next up we have William William. Welcome to the name game. Hi, how are you doing? Um, uh, the name of my company is brand new business and they’re the, uh, URL was brand new business.org.

    [00:34:34] All right, my turn. So this is, I think a record for the name game. I don’t believe we had two.org in a row ever before, so I don’t know if that’s, um, a signal of anything but brand new business.org. So. On the one hand, it’s a great, uh, name because you can understand it and spell it, you know, brand new business.

    [00:34:55] I don’t think anyone’s going to make mistakes about that, understanding it and remembering it. But at the same time, it’s, it’s pretty broad. Um, and again, because it’s a.org, I’m going to lean towards the, the association or nonprofit side. So I would say brand new business.org is a resource for, um, startups, entrepreneurs, SMBs, who are starting a brand new business and need some help, maybe a brand new brand new business.org.

    [00:35:29] You can find information about grants that might be available to help you start your business and things like that. But I’m going to go with kind of a, a resource for new businesses.

    [00:35:43] I’m going to go down on the bone for us on this one. He did. Right. Um, I’m thinking I was going to actually sort of stay a little bit in that lane and talk about it as an incubator. So, um, brand new business.org is an incubator or a, um, an innovation company that allows people who have brand new businesses.

    [00:36:09] And I’m going to guess that isn’t very specific vertical, and I’m going to say tech because that’s so hot right now, still, um, that people who are in tech and want to start up a new business. It’s an org. It’s a, I’m sorry, an incubator. Well, I think you’ve done a great job of communicating your business. I am going to stay in the same area, but I’ll do a little different spin.

    [00:36:33] One of the things I’ve seen a lot, uh, for new businesses is resources to help them get government money or government grants or government funds or take advantage of government programs. So I’m going to say it’s brand new business.org. We help connect you with programs. Um, and, uh, and, and certainly your name already gets me thinking about what I think your business is.

    [00:36:59] So I would probably, if I heard it say, tell me more Williams. So tell me more. Okay, thanks. Um, yeah, very close. And that’s great feedback to hear just hearing it cold. So thank you for that. And what it is is, um, uh, in the, in the, in the business of growing businesses, people are not necessarily connecting branding and their new business development.

    [00:37:24] So there is a little bit of a twist here, but has a plus sign. And, um, most of, most of the people who I’ve, I’ve been in the, uh, marketing and branding business and the new business development, uh, for quite a long time. One of the biggest problems is you have the salespeople doing sales and you have the, and you have branding doing branding with all the digital marketing.

    [00:37:49] So they’re not combining they’re not working together. The reason it’s dot org is because that is the organizational side of it. It’s the side that we’re where we’re training, helping, helping smaller businesses and medium sized businesses to learn how to market professionally. But, um, we’re actually creating products that are software as a service.

    [00:38:12] Off of this. So, uh, the first one that we created was, uh, LinkedIn plus. So we’re helping people to use LinkedIn to bring in leads to their business, uh, in, uh, an optimized way. And so we actually own LinkedIn plus.com, uh, as a, as a sub-brand to this. But the, the reason it’s a.org is the majority of what has to happen in, in our industry is to, is to help train people who don’t have the big resources of a big company.

    [00:38:41] And they’re running a brand new business, or they’re building a brand new business in order to, you know, um, to get some information.

    [00:38:53] I like, uh, like that. So I also thought then, um, there was a little bit of a play on the word brand. We went in a certain direction because brand new together as a phrase, but from the marketing perspective, you’re also. If I understood correctly also in a position to help people brand their new business and deal with the marketing side, the branding side.

    [00:39:13] Is that correct? Yeah. Well, it’s basically connecting the two, so, um, there’s, uh, there’s a lot of work that’s being done by most companies now, uh, on their brands. So they building their brand and, and then they go out and they try to sell their brand. But there’s very little connection between the two and this actually happens all the way up the line to, to large companies.

    [00:39:35] Uh, they, they are, have the same goal, but they’re running in parallel paths. So the system that we’ve created, which is kind of a three part system of developing the top of the funnel, nurturing those, those leads in the middle of the funnel, and then closing at the end of the funnel in, uh, in the terms of proposals, that those connections.

    [00:40:01] Don’t happen, even at the, even at the highest end of the marketing and new business development, uh, we tend to be focused on the AEC community, which is architecture, engineering, and construction, uh, because it’s an area that is very fertile. It’s an area that I came out of working for large firms like Gensler and, and some of these larger companies.

    [00:40:25] But, uh, we’ve found ourselves working more with tech companies who are, who are trying to build their companies and brand their companies and also get investor in conference. So the new business side has bled into helping firms get their investor income as well.

    [00:40:49] Well, William, I think you’ve got a great, you know, idea of what you’re doing and obviously you present it well, and I think you’re going to be successful. I just want. Like you say, hearing it cold weather, the, the name really matches, uh, what you shared it, it does, as you say with the brand, but it almost points to something much bigger, you know?

    [00:41:10] And, and I, I hate to say like, oh, that didn’t seem like it was all that brand new business title word could be, you know, but, um, that was my first thought. I did send you a back channel message. And if you’re familiar with clubhouse, you have a little paper airplane, you can click, um, and I’ve got an alternative that’s available for you in.com that, um, you know, I never want to spend someone else’s money, but you, you might want to look at it and take a look.

    [00:41:38] Um, cause I think it would really upgrade you, um, and matched your social media handle. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate that because it has been, it has been a big question mark, from a how, how people are responding to it. Usually I’m talking to somebody or usually I’m sending out messaging. Hearing somebody react to it.

    [00:41:58] Call it has been, has been terrific. And I really appreciate it. Great. Well, thank you William, for playing the name game. That’s what we’re here for. And hopefully it was fun and valuable for you. Um, next up, and again, this is the name game you’re on startup club. And as a reminder, we are recording this show.

    [00:42:17] So if you come up on stage and participate, you’re giving us permission to record you, and you can find those recordings over@startup.club, which is the website for a startup club. Next up we have K four BD. Welcome to the name game.

    [00:42:35] K four. If you’re there and want to tell us the name of your business, unmute yourself. If not, we’ll move on to the next contestant. 3, 2, 1 go. Next up. We have cult and K four, if you flash your mic later on, we’ll come back to you. Cult. Welcome to the name.

    [00:42:54] All right. We have a cult of people who are beautiful, a cult. It will come back to you as well. Let’s move on to Allie, Allie. Welcome to the name game.

    [00:43:10] Hello, Allie. Welcome to the name, game, uh, minors as the end, uh, objects basically launched a, uh, a new app. Very confused my business, and I launched it in the app store. You can see on my profile. Yeah, but don’t tell us what, what the app does. Just tell us the name of the app. And if you have a domain name, tell us a domain name and then we’ll try to decide or guests what the app does.

    [00:43:38] What you want me to say? The name of the, yeah, just the name of the app. We, now we know it’s an app, but tell us what the name of the app is called. Listen in live. Okay. And then outside of the app store, do you have a website for your app? And if so, what’s the URL, the domain name now website’s not ready yet.

    [00:44:03] So, uh, getting, uh, made right now, but it just is ready. That’s about, okay. Listen in live and we know it’s an app, so I think I went first, last time. So pager Sharon, it’s up to one of you guys. Thank you. It’s an ass in the profile. If anyone wants to download it, go ahead. Okay. Well, let us, let us guess first, and then we’ll give you a chance to say a little bit about it.

    [00:44:29] I’m going to go ahead and jump on that and say that it is, um, an app for you to listen into live music that’s happening around town, um, that it might be related to a particular hotbed of music area. You know, say, I don’t know, Austin, Texas, Memphis, Tennessee, uh, LA New York. Um, and you pick the area and then you have the ability to plug in and listen to live music shows.

    [00:44:56] Um, cause I do know that that was a, um, an area that was particularly hard hit during the pandemic, all live musics, you know, really came to a stop and we’re trying to, a lot of people are trying to get back to listen to live music again. So that would be a hot new, uh, way to make that happen. And it could get a lot of traction very quickly.

    [00:45:16] Yeah. Gotcha. Well, let’s see. I was thinking for some reason, a little more businessy, maybe. So I’m going to go with an app that lets you like record a conference call or a meeting where one person can do this, turn on their phone and kind of turn it into a broadcast thing. Um, and then I’ll have some comments on, on the, on app stores versus domain names and things like that later.

    [00:45:47] So I’ll go with a little more businessy. You can let other people listen in to whatever you’re listening. All right. So, um, I, I like both of your suggestions, uh, Page and Sharon, but I’ll go in a slightly different direction to, um, you know, live audio is becoming more and more popular here. We are in clubhouse and podcasts and everything else.

    [00:46:08] And, you know, there was a trend or there still is, I suppose, for live webcams all over the place, you know, where you can watch a webcam, that’s focused on a bird’s nest. You can watch a webcam on the beach to see what the surf looks like. So I’m going to say that listening live is an app that really lets you easily set up and or listen in to a live audio feed from a wide variety of locations.

    [00:46:33] So you might be able to listen in live at the beach. So instead of watching it and seeing it, you’ll just hear the sounds of waves or you can listen in LA. You know, in the park and you’ll hear people riding their bikes and making noise or listen in, live in a bar or anywhere else. So, so it’s both a, a means of setting up that audio hotspot, so to speak and also choosing and listening to ones.

    [00:46:55] And maybe even you can pull recordings from there to use in your productions if you need some background noise. Um, so that’s what I’m going to guess. So they have three different, um, approaches. Now you can tell us what does listen in life, the app do Allie,

    [00:47:15] oh three, you are wrong. So that what the app does actually, it’s just another Facebook. And so it’s not a face we’re going to Instagram, it’s another social network, but you can do everything well. Um, other apps does, and, uh, the only difference is between my app and they want that they don’t steal your private.

    [00:47:38] Privacy. And, um, yeah, it’s going to have more future like say cloud past future, like group chats, uh, library districts, you can follow people, uh, favorite message them, upload pictures, and there’s more features coming in. So I’m just ready to keep updating. So right now at the moment, it’s the first version.

    [00:48:02] So Ali, I had a question, um, why with the platform and why you would choose listen, because that’s going to send you down a very, very specific road. Um, so I’m curious the thinking behind that, right? The reason why I chose lifing in basic, like when someone goes live on stream, obviously you’re going to be listening to their conversations when someone speaks, you’re listening.

    [00:48:34] Yeah, I think, um, that’s true, but I think Sharon raises a great point because especially in the present time where you have clubhouse and you have Spotify and Facebook and Twitter and everyone else creating audio based services, the word listen is, is much more specific to audio. Um, and yes, when someone speaks and you’re watching a video, you’re also listening to it.

    [00:49:00] But if you’re talking about a full-blown social network, which I think is what you described, where people can post images and post video and have audio, um, listen is very specific to only one, one piece of that activity. So I think Sharon brings up a good point. Yeah. I think they’re obviously getting into a big market and I almost wonder if this is going to sound like I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth, but in the market you’re in.

    [00:49:28] You may end up with something brandable. I was almost thinking you’re listening live is L I L so you may end up with something like Lily or something that plays off that. But I want to just spend a couple of seconds on the idea of the app store. The app store is great. If, if there weren’t so many apps in it, then you could put your app in there and everybody would just go to the app store and they’d see your app and buy it.

    [00:49:55] And or download it and you wouldn’t have to do any work and you’d have all these, this huge base of customers. And I think where it gets challenging is when everyone’s now able to put their app in the app store and it’s very hard to stand out. And then the second thing is. On your customer as much in the app store because apple, they don’t want to share the customer.

    [00:50:16] So they’ll let the customer download your app. But I don’t know if you always have the ability to get the data on who your customer is or, or reach out to your customer as much as you would, if they had come to a website first and you were able to communicate with them and kind of own your customer a little better.

    [00:50:37] And I know there’s a lot of progressive web apps where you can, they can download the app directly from a website without needing to go to a store. So I it’s it’s I know the app store is great for scale because you can have, you know, a million downloads, you know, you upload it once and they download it a million times and it’s great.

    [00:50:56] But I would just say, yeah, definitely try to have your own presence so you can communicate and not always have to share the data. And then also a percentage of your revenues with apple. Not only that. Sorry about the response page. Like, um, actually I can actually see all the users and I could actually message them directly, like, you know, to all the users from advertising something and yeah, I’ll go.

    [00:51:24] I’m actually got everything in control, the whole app. That’s it. If they’re signing up, does I have the data as the email address in that? Uh, manipulate the data like Facebook or what they do, obviously I’m more different. I just like to promote the sure. Um, but to piggyback a little bit Allie, on what Page said, the other reason why you might want to consider, um, a website and I often recommend apps should have dedicated website, um, not, not.

    [00:51:55] So yes, you have, you have access to your customers through the app, but as you can see, even in your profile, picture your apps, not just available in one app store, right? It’s in several app stores also you’re limited to the amount of information and what information you can share in your listing in the app store.

    [00:52:12] If you have a dedicated website for your app, You can provide a lot more detail, a lot more information, more videos, tutorials. You can show which app stores you’re in, um, and have links to those app stores. So people who come to the website can choose the appropriate app store and as a social network and your case in particular, it’s likely that at some point there may be a web component, you know, just like even Instagram.

    [00:52:37] Now you can log on, on the web, on the desktop and see someone’s feed, uh, right there on the, on the web. You might end up doing that at some point too. So, you know, for all those reasons, I think every app should also have a dedicated website and a dedicated URL that they can control and drive traffic to and share more information about their app.

    [00:52:59] So I would consider that if I were. Yeah, thanks for your tips and advice. Uh, take that on board, but fingers, I just launched it like two days ago, so have a lot so much in my plate right now that I’m going to have to look into, is everything going to be like slowly step by step? Cause I just managed to like get this app out and it just is like a bit more working on it.

    [00:53:22] And then, then I’m gonna move on to what the, uh, uh, website and yeah, it’s just, it’s a lot when it comes to last network, there’s a lot to do. Yeah, no, we, we understand and, and, and congratulations on being so early on and having all the plans for it. And we certainly wish you the best of luck with listening live, um, and maybe come back to the name game in the future and let us know how it’s going.

    [00:53:46] Um, but thank you, Allie and William. Again, I have pronounced it poorly by Dean Mel and everyone who’s joined us tonight, um, on the name game, uh, we’re coming up on the top of the hour. So we’re going to kind of wrap it up now, but I think, um, some really interesting names tonight from, uh, from maggio.com to listen in live and to dot orgs in a row.

    [00:54:09] So this was a fun addition of the name, game, uh, Sharon Page, any final remarks from either of you

    [00:54:19] only, maybe that, you know, you’ll hear a lot in the news today about the metaverse and the metaverse has this idea of. A digital universe or the idea that there’s one digital universe where it’ll be different than the real world, you know, it’ll be the online world or the digital world. And what’s interesting is if you think about your brand and your branding, you you’ve always been, uh, trying to compete in the, the metaverse of people’s people’s psyche.

    [00:54:50] You know, what people talk about, what people do. And I think that, you know, your brand and your company name and your website is really your. Your name in the metaverse of, of, of everything that you’re going to be doing. It’s it’s that name tag that you were like, if you went to a mixer or something that says, hi, I’m this and people already start drawing conclusions about who you might be and things like that from that, because you can’t always present an image of you or your history, your resume.

    [00:55:24] So really your name sometimes is all you have to go on. But when I think about metaverse and how people are acting like it’s super new and it’s, it’s a new thing. I, I almost feel Def like companies they’re kind of in fighting it out in the metaverse for that scarce thing called attention. Uh, you know, that their customers have for a long time.

    [00:55:45] Yeah. It’s going to be interesting. Uh, this whole metaverse, uh, Facebook announced today that they’re going to be changing the name of the company. To better reflect the fact that they are going to be a metaverse company going forward, but even in the metaverse, it’s going to be valuable to have your own dedicated presence on the internet, outside of the mez metaverse with a custom URL that you own and control to get people to it.

    [00:56:11] So that if you meet someone in the metaverse, where are you going to send them? That’s where you’re going to want to send them. I think Sharon, yeah, I second, what you guys have all said, but I think it’s also important to realize that even if you have a great domain name and, um, you know, have some traction in the marketplace, it is a very competitive arena out there.

    [00:56:34] And so being able to create a story that is, you know, really compelling. Um, one, that’s going to get you noticed, well, that’s going to get you remembered and one, that’s going to have people really looking for you instead of you looking for them is incredibly important. And so don’t, you know, sell, even if you have these great names, um, don’t forget that other component of storytelling and the really experiential involvement to your customer base, because that’s going to move your brand much faster down the, um, you know, adaptation route than anything else.

    [00:57:17] Sharon it’s paid. Is there a way that people can participate and here people develop their stories and share their stories, uh, more on clubhouse? Well, thank you for asking page, actually Jeffrey and I run a room on Monday nights at six. O’clock called, um, lead with your story and you can come over. To, um, the room and we hot seat people, you have three minutes to tell your story to us, and then we give you some feedback, you know, where did, uh, where did you, you know, hit?

    [00:57:52] Where did you miss? Where could you maybe, you know, use some, um, you know, other experiences or opportunities to really sell your brand? So we love to see over there, if you want to come, go ahead and either follow, follow me and also hit the little icon. Um, and you’ll get notified when we open a room. Great.

    [00:58:14] Thank you for that, Sharon. And thanks for bringing it up page. And again, thank you for joining us tonight in this week’s episode of the name game, we hope you’ll join us again. We do this show every Wednesday evening from six to 7:00 PM Eastern time. And, uh, you can find the recordings over@startup.club, as I mentioned earlier.

    [00:58:35] And, um, we hope you’ll join us again. Thanks Page. Thanks Sharon. And thank all of you for spending an hour with us tonight.

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