Using Video to Build Your Brand with Rob Burns

Why is video so important for scaling? Rob Burns is the founder of and has joined us in our weekly Ecomm room to teach us all the facts about how to create a video, what to put in the video, where to launch it, and how long it should be running, all in the name of the human attention span! We salute you, Rob!

Rob’s company is split into two separate parts, the first is an Ecomm, Amazon-based Ad space which hyper-focuses on that Ecomm niche. The second works with larger brands, creating larger documentary videos by matching the correct core values and demographics to the brand. The two sides to Rob’s company make him an expert in the field of video!

There is an 80% increase in using video over an image, so now is the time to get your digi-creative plan together to create your very own video.

A picture says a thousand words and a video says a million


Capture the three demographics

As humans, we all learn and take in information differently, some people are readers, some people are doers, there are also watchers and listeners. So, as entrepreneurs, targeting each learner can be a challenge. 

However, with video, you can entertain all demographics by using captions and write-ups, audio, and visuals to cater to each person – yay video!

How long should the average product video be?

Rob says the product video should be around 45 seconds to a minute / a minute and a half because as technology has advanced, our attention spans have decreased and will continue to get shorter and shorter. “The average attention span of a human is nine-seconds,” said Rob. The market for visual and audio wants the information now and at the touch of a 45-second video making it a challenging landscape for entrepreneurs.

Another factor is that there is now a lot more competition out there in the video world, where many platforms and companies are competing for the same time and concentration from its consumers.

Everything’s a story

How do you tell the product’s story? We want to know who is watching it, who are the people you’re going after? What are their interests? And what is their lifestyle like? What is their age group? Anyone who is selling something needs to ask these questions in order to deliver the correct content to the correct audience and market.

The benefits

Talk about the benefits, not the features. This is where many fail at producing and creating a product video. What you say in the video has an impact on whether consumers feel they need it. Don’t be so fixated on your journey when creating the video because your consumers will only care about whether your product will make them look better, smarter, faster, stronger, more put together, you get the drift!

“Focus on being very benefit-centric.” Unless your features are “really unique” then you could probably brag about that in the content too, however, if they fail to benefit your consumer, leave it out. 

We’re talking four to five benefits at most and see those benefits as sub-sections of your video to guide you from start to finish.

Showing more than telling

Norm mentions it is important to demonstrate the product in a way where consumers can relate. By demonstrating the product, the consumer will picture themselves using the product and decide if they need/want to buy it. 

Demoing the product and not doing a lot of talking puts the product in the user’s mind’s eye. These videos tend to do better than videos that include talking.

Explore other platforms 

TikTok is a fantastic platform that has exploded in the last two years. Rob reminds us it is important to understand each social media platform before putting out Ad videos and pushing content. Get in the know first or fail at getting the likes and views.

  • Read the Transcript to the Audio: EP16: Using Video to Build Your Brand With Rob Burns

    TRANSCRIPT: Ecomm weekly: Using Video to Build Your Brand With Rob Burns. EP16 (10.21.21)

    [00:00:15] . we’ve got a great topic today. We’re going to be talking with. Burns a about video, how to build your brand, uh, not only on Amazon, but right across e-com, there’s so many ways that you can really build that brand up and, uh, take advantage of it, especially for fourth quarter.

    [00:00:33] But, um, before I get to that, I just wanted to introduce me. Uh, my name’s norm Ferrara and I have a podcast called lunch with norm, uh, the Amazon FBA and e-comm podcast airs every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Um, again, today’s topic is going to be, uh, really about how X, how to accelerate your video, how to accelerate your sales using video, the room will be recorded.

    [00:00:57] And if you have any questions, uh, please raise your hand and you’ll be welcome to the stage. If you don’t want to record a be recorded, please don’t raise your hand. Um, let’s see. I just see somebody raising their hand. One second. I’m just going to make somebody a moderator. Rachel, I just made you a moderator.

    [00:01:21] Okay. Um, as for today, the speaker is going to be Rob burns. He’s been on the, in the room before he’s going to provide some really excellent information. And if you like what you hear today, make sure you follow the panelists and the speakers. And if you want to get. More really great entrepreneurial information.

    [00:01:44] Make sure that you go up, click the green house beside start-up clubs and you’ll get some notifications as he, my buddy, Mr. Colin, Campbell’s on. Yeah, norm. And I just wanted to come on and introduce you because everybody here in the audience, if you haven’t seen norm speak before, he’s, he’s incredible. His knowledge is incredible.

    [00:02:04] Uh, we run multiple e-commerce companies and he. One of the individuals that we rely on to help us succeed. We run the Ellingtons and we run potluck calm. He runs a great podcast. I’m looking forward to hearing this some recording, cause I have to jump over to another meeting norm, kick it off. Thanks, Colin.

    [00:02:26] And um, you know, you can give me back that $20 anytime. Um, all right, so let’s get started. Rob burns. Is it an incredible entrepreneur? Uh, he has been in, I don’t even know how long he’s been, but he’s worked with all the greats in the e-com industry. Anyways. Uh, Rob, where are you, sir? Just push that little microphone.

    [00:02:57] I think he just trying to mind my fingers were super gold, so I couldn’t, uh, the button wasn’t working. So, Hey, Rob your volumes down just a bit. I’m not sure if you can increase it or if the mic can be placed a little closer, but anyways, maybe it’s just my phone, but Hey, why don’t you introduce yourself and what you do?

    [00:03:20] Sure, sure. How’s how’s that now? Perfect. Cool. Cool. Yeah. So, um, I own a company called, uh, video telepathy and, um, and we actually kind of, uh, uh, just recently we kind of split into dependent into two different two different parts. And the first part is we do, um, I I’d say about 90% of our business are just specifically e-com.

    [00:03:43] Um, and Amazon. Product videos and marketing videos and ads, and, and really just kind of hyper-focusing on that mark on that niche. And then the other half, we’re actually doing stuff where we’re working with, um, larger brands and we’re, and we’re doing more kind of, uh, uh, short documentary style videos.

    [00:04:04] And, um, and, and mainly what we’re doing is we’re attaching, um, people that are doing good stuff, uh, that really matched that demographic for that brand. And, and we’re doing a video series for them. And then, and then, and then it kind of attaches to the brand and that’s, you know, and it’s really more of a brand building than a sales video, you know, on, on, on the other side, we’re really focusing on sales and conversions.

    [00:04:31] And then the other is really more brands where it’s like, you know, any anybody that’s 30 years and younger, you’ll usually. You know, they, they investigate their corporation and they say, well, Hey, you know, w you know, or do these people stand for the same things I stand for? And so this is, you know, pretty much becoming kind of mandatory, um, where, where we do that, where we kind of make that, that, that demographic match, where, you know, say maybe it’s a cosmetics company.

    [00:04:57] So we do a series of, of little stories about. Uh, girls and body image or, you know, things like that. And so then that kind of makes that connection. And then, and then there’s kind of stuff in the middle where, you know, we will take a sales video, but then we, you know, we, we still kind of put that ethos and that branding and inside of the sales video.

    [00:05:15] So that’s a, uh, Uh, a long explanation for probably something could have been a lot shorter. So, so, uh, one of the things that I don’t usually do this, but we’ve got a great crowd listening right now. And if you’ve got a team, a marketing team or anybody, who’s a VA, this is probably the room that they should be listening to.

    [00:05:40] So you might want to invite them in because we’re going to get into different types of videos. What type of videos are going to be. Retails, especially during fourth quarter. So there’s just a bunch of information. And so if you want them to learn about this, this is the time this is the room that they should be listening to.

    [00:05:59] So Rob right off the bat, let’s talk about using video right now. Well, I mean, especially, and so, so this grip is also a very, very e-comm centric, right? It’s not just Amazon. Um, Yeah. Probably more e-commerce than Amazon. Yeah. Yeah. Well, especially that, um, um, I think Google, eh, uh, you know, they’ll, they’ll issue these different marketing reports and, and, and differences statistics, and they say most people now, and I’m not sure the exact number, but most people will watch a video before they purchase a product.

    [00:06:39] So literally anybody that’s actually selling. Or anybody that has a client that needs to know information, um, you know, uh, if you need to somehow build, you know, lower that trust barrier so that people kinda know who you’re about and what your products are about, then videos are probably a good option for you.

    [00:07:07] Sorry. It was my fingers that time. Uh, I heard a stat and this comes off of and they were talking about images compared to video. And there was a 480% increase in engagement using video over an image. Yeah. And that’s the thing too is, is we’re all, we’re all a little bit different. You know, some people are visual, some people are auditory, eh, you know, some people just like to read.

    [00:07:38] And so, um, and, and a lot of times too, that’s why, you know, you’ll see a lot of the old school direct response sales copy, and it’s, it’s, you know, it’s, you know, a million words it’s because people, you know, the, the people that, that like to just to read and investigate, they’ll just kind of keep going down that rabbit hole and the longer that they’re, you know, the reading that stuff.

    [00:07:58] And so, um, but with images, yeah. Uh, you know, if, uh, if. You know, a picture says a thousand words and a video says the millions. So, um, and, and a video is good because, you know, if, especially if you, you know, you put the captions in there, so then you’re actually capturing all of those, all of those, you know, three different kinds of demographics where, you know, you have the visual, they can listen to it.

    [00:08:22] And then, you know, also, you know, the captions will draw people in, you know, so if there are, they want to investigate, you know, just by reading, then they can do that too. So catches a ride. When I, when I think I’ve become videos, I’m thinking of product videos. So first of all, uh, product videos, how long should they typically, how long would the average product video?

    [00:08:44] V yeah, it’s really, it’s really gone down. So if you’re talking about a product video, just where they’re wanting to know more info about the product, um, you know, and not like, you know, something like a VSL or, you know, something like that. Um, I would say. Six years ago, a five to eight minute product video was, was doing great.

    [00:09:09] Um, now I would say 45 seconds to a minute, a minute and a half, uh, are really the sweet spots as far as video is converting. And it’s just, um, one is, I think there’s more videos, so there’s more competition and. To people’s attention spans are just, they just keep decreasing and getting shorter and shorter.

    [00:09:33] So your attention span of Goldfinch. Yeah. Yeah. That’s stuff that, yeah. Well, was it, uh, uh, the tip span of a goldfish has nine and the average human’s attention span is like eight seconds now. Crazy. But now you have your own studio, but this is just in general. This is a podcast. So I don’t want anybody thinking that this is, you know, just targeting Rob Robinson, the business.

    [00:09:59] When you, when somebody wants to send you a product to do a product video, first of all, what type of information should they give? Yeah. So we’re, you know, um, depending on the, kind of the V kind of video, um, we really look at it because even though, you know, even though there may not even be any talking in the video, um, everything’s a story.

    [00:10:25] And so you want to figure out, like, how do you tell that? How do you tell that product story? And, um, so. We wanna know, you know, who’s watching it, and this is for people that are, if you’re just, you know, you want to create your own stuff, um, you know, you really, really want to understand like who, who are the people that you’re going after and, and you know, what are their interests and, you know, what’s their culture like, and what’s their lifestyle like, and what’s their age group.

    [00:10:50] And, you know, all, all of the stuff that you would use to create, you know, a customer avatar and, you know, Anybody that’s anybody that’s selling, anything really needs to do that. Like they need to figure out exactly who is that ideal customer, you know, how old are they? What are their hobbies and, and all that good kind of stuff.

    [00:11:07] So, so that’s super important. Um, You know, and then, you know, as far as your product, you really want to, you want to talk about the benefits, not the features and it, this is something that most people, um, when you first start marketing or they first start doing video stuff is, you know, they’re, they’re so enamored with their own personal journey.

    [00:11:32] And all of the features and all the technical stuff and all the things they went through to get that product created. Um, and the reality is nobody cares. Like absolutely nobody cares. People, people care about. Uh, you know, is, is this a good match for me? You know, how is this going to make me look better?

    [00:11:51] It’s going to make me stronger or faster or smarter or whatever. And, and that’s really what you need to focus on. So you need to focus on being, you know, very benefit centric. Um, and then, you know, maybe a little bit of your features, you know, if there’s something that’s, you know, kind of uniquely, you know, that’s technical about it, like, um, Like I did.

    [00:12:13] I just bought a, a solar generator cause we do a lot of remote shots and stuff like that. And basically it’s just like a big, giant electrical battery instead of having a LAR large noisy generator. And, and for us, because we just had a lot of gear, like we needed a certain number of different plugs in different ways that we can charge it.

    [00:12:31] And so that, you know, is a feature that’s really more of a benefit, you know, because for us, we’re looking for something very specific. So if it’s some kind of a technical thing, then, you know, you maybe want to. At a couple of features, if they’re unique, but in general, you really want to focus on the benefits and how it’s going to make somebody’s life better.

    [00:12:52] And, you know, so for a 45 second to a minute and a half video, four to five benefits at the time. And, and then, and then when you focus on those benefits, you know, look at each one of those benefits is almost like a little mini sub section of your video, because then you can break those out and maybe slice them up into micro ads.

    [00:13:13] And then you can find out which benefits people are purchasing from. Um, and, and that way, you know, the next time you create a video, then you can focus more on that benefit a benefit. Then the other benefit that you thought, so you thought, well, oh, well, It makes me grow taller. That’s what everybody, that’s the reason why people are going to buy, you know, and instead it was like, oh, you know, it makes it, it makes my hair shiny.

    [00:13:32] That’s why people bought your product or whatever. So I don’t know if there’s a product that actually makes you go to all have shiny hair, but if there isn’t. But, uh, anyways, yeah. What you were talking about? Uh, what I like about it too. I really wanted to do it themselves. I don’t really recommend it, but if you want to do it yourself, you could get a table rotating table, put your product on it and decide if you’re an Amazon seller.

    [00:14:00] Anyway, Shopify, you have the. But it’s more common in Amazon that you have five bullet points and your bullet points for the most part should start just exactly like you said, benefit leading in per feature. And all you’re doing is highlighting. Those benefits as the video’s going the very short video, it doesn’t have to be fancy.

    [00:14:21] But the other thing I’d like to add to that, if there’s an opportunity to show somebody, um, using the product or a lifestyle, you know, just, just showing your demographic, I’m not going to show a catalog. When you’re selling bullies dogs, you know, but, uh, that’s one thing that at least on the Amazon side, I’ve seen convert a lot more when you have lifestyle and the benefits.

    [00:14:46] Are there any other things that we should consider? Yeah, I mean, th that’s actually a great point and maybe you can expand on that. We can expand on it a little more is, um, I would say on, on a, on an Amazon video, especially because we don’t, um, because they’re, they’re super anti direct response and anti hype-y or salesy.

    [00:15:07] So a lot of our, uh, the stuff we do on the Amazon site is really, um, focus more on demoing the product and not having a lot of talking. And so, um, and it turns out. Those actually convert a lot better because what we focus on is actually putting the product in the user’s minds eye. Because if, if you think about the, you know, the average Amazon buyer, they’re, they’re kind of surfing around and looking at these products and they might have four or five of that, the same products.

    [00:15:36] Pulled up. So if there’s one that has a video and it’s basically kind of doing the thing that, that, that person is, is looking to do, or, you know, for, for a product, then they’re like, oh yeah, I can, you know, I can see myself, you know, riding his mountain bike, you know, you know, offer you these, you know, of the top of these, the Sierra Madres or whatever, you know, kind of thing.

    [00:15:59] And so, you know, then, then they’re imagining using that product. And so then they’ve, they’ve already. You know, made that connection and, and decision. So, so that, that would be, I would say a huge, huge focus is really focus on, on shooting the video in a way so that people imagine themselves, you know, being the PR person in the video and using the.

    [00:16:25] One other, and this could be a whole other podcast is copied, you know, just, how do you write copy for a video? How do you get engaged? But, um, would you recommend that at least at the beginning, and you’re trying to save money, would you still go to Fiverr or Upwork or wherever? Um, or can you take a stab at it yourself?

    [00:16:52] As far as. Yeah. For, for the video short video. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, you know, for the, for, for demo stuff, really, you know, just focus on the benefits and then, and then, you know, try to visually show those benefits. Um, as far as being a copywriter, that’s really, you know, every everybody’s so different. Um, You know, I, I think there’s basic fundamentals, um, in copywriting and, and, um, you know, kind of the things like we were talking about, like, don’t, you know, don’t focus on, um, uh, features, you know, focus is more on benefits and, and, and really, you know, kind of, you know, you know, building it into, you know, maybe a three-part art or something like that.

    [00:17:40] So, um, I, I, I would say. I would say, yeah, you know, maybe half the people could, could take a stab at it. And the other half, you know, they’re just not, they’re probably not inclined in it, but it might be better to have a copywriter do something like that too. So one of the things I’m, I’m curious to hear what your answer is going to be on this social media platforms.

    [00:18:02] What social media platforms are converting the best on video? Is there one specifically. Yeah. Well, I mean, yes and no. So, uh, I think, you know, every social media platform is so specific and that, um, depending on your product, you know, you may or may not fit in that niche. So, um, Yeah. If you want to be an influencer, um, you know, tech talks great tic-tacs is blowing up.

    [00:18:31] And, and when I first saw tick-tock, I’m like, well, this is it’s cool. It’s interesting. But I can’t see how we can do this as a marketing tool, but there’s tons of people. I mean, you know, foodie people doing recipes and then, you know, using our products and the recipes and things like that. And, and so, um, or say, or, or if you’re a crafty person, so tick talks good.

    [00:18:49] You know, if you’re doing some kind of a craft thing, but honestly, Pinterest. Like a lot of people don’t use Pinterest videos and, and Pinterest is huge on people. Like, do it yourself, craft people, things like that. Um, you know, if it’s something, you know, maybe it’s a fitness product. Um, Know, also like YouTube pre-stripped videos where, you know, you could, you could target, you know, you could maybe have a supplement and you can target other people’s fitness channels.

    [00:19:18] That, that may be those potential users that, um, are, you know, are there, you know, that, that are, that would use that particular product? So I think, um, I mean, I guess the short answer is. Is is yes. I mean, social media is awesome. And I think, but you should really look and understand what that, you know, what that channel is about.

    [00:19:41] Um, before, you know, before you really start, you know, putting, you know, putting your, your, your time and money running ads or pushing. Okay. So just before I get to the question, I just want to reset the room. We’re talking about building or using video to build your brand, especially in the fourth quarter.

    [00:20:00] Um, we are going to be talking about a couple of other video types that you might not have considered. Uh, if you like what you’re hearing today, like the information, please follow the speakers. Just follow them. If you want to get notified, ring the bell. And if you want to get really great entrepreneur, And you should make sure you follow.

    [00:20:20] Start-up just go up to the top, click the green button. And the last thing I have to say is if you do like to, uh, if you want to come up and talk on the panel, um, raise your hand, you will be recorded if you don’t want to be recorded, don’t raise your hand. Okay. Tony. I know Tony, how are you, Tony? What’s your question.

    [00:20:42] Hey, Norman, how are you today? Um, just a great, uh, you know, conversation you’re having. And, um, my question is, um, I love video. And, but I realized to do a good job. It can really be time consuming. You know, my personal assistant started off as a video editor and that’s what he still is good at. But if I get him to do that, it’ll just take up so much of his time.

    [00:21:08] And my question was, do you have any tips that sort of speed up the process? Um, um, so we can get more done. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. That’s for me.

    [00:21:23] You know, one is, I guess, the equipment. So, you know, the more you invest on just faster video editing equipment, um, that works, um, depending on the software. ’cause we shoot like super high, like we’re shooting in 6k, but if we were to add it in six K I mean it, to get it done in the time that we needed to do it, we need like a supercomputer.

    [00:21:46] This is like processing is like crazy fast. So what we do is we work in something called proxy mode and that helps quite a bit. And basically what proxy mode is, is it, um, depending on the software, whether it’s, you know, premier to Vinci or, or final cut or whatever, you, you know, Sony Vegas for whatever, um, Uh, a lot of them have something called proxy mode.

    [00:22:07] And what that does is it basically gives you, um, a visual, visual representation of, of the work. Um, But, but it’s using low Rez files. And then once you finally, you know, you’ll finish the edit then and render the video, then, then it’ll take all of that, that work you did, and I’ll render it into, you know, your, your high resolution file.

    [00:22:28] So that way, you know, you’re, you’re not working with 6k files, you know, which would be like in terabytes, you know, we’re working in and, you know, um, 10 80 files, you know, That you know, or maybe, you know, 35 gig or something like that. So, um, that’s how we do it, but, you know, we’ve, we’ve got kind of a Beastie Beasley set up.

    [00:22:49] So, um, I would say probably for, you know, the average user, that would probably be the fastest thing to do if you’re not already doing something like.

    [00:23:00] And, you know, I had a followup question. Um, usually, um, like certain platforms like Instagram or tick Docker in the vertical and, um, YouTube in the horizontal. So. Which is the best way to film it. Should I film it with my camera or my phone? Like horizontal and then just kind of put it on, um, edit it for, um, um, the, the vertical platforms, because right now I find it too much, then I, otherwise I have to do like two sets of videos.

    [00:23:32] So are you talking about like you’re shooting with a camera or a phone with a phone? Yeah. Um, I, I generally shoot. Um, I read it. We don’t do a lot of phone stuff, but, um, when we do, like, I would say horizontal, just because, you know, then you can kind of use the rule of thirds so you could shoot it so that.

    [00:23:57] You know, whatever the subject is, is, you know, in, in a third, you know, to the side, um, which horizontally it’s still visually compelling, but then also, because when you slice it and you want it to make a vertical, then you can kind of center that and, and have it. So it looks, it looks, it fits a little bit better.

    [00:24:15] Um, I mean, everybody kind of does that different, honestly. I see a lot of times, um, And we’ve had clients say this too, where, um, they’ve run something like, like they ran, um, uh, something that was supposed to be horizontal. And then he ran it on a vertical format. So like say, um, uh, Facebook stories or something like that.

    [00:24:40] And it actually performed better. Um, Like I, I remember. Yeah. Cause they were running like a, like a square Instagram image and then they put it on Facebook and you know, so it looks a little bit different, but it fit the phone. It actually fits the phone a little bit better. And just because it looked a little bit different, it looked a little bit odd.

    [00:25:01] It actually, people watched it more and it converted better. So a lot of times too, I would not even be as concerned about that. Um, really fitting that, that foreign factor, um, perfectly because sometimes just the fact that it looks odd will, will actually help increase conversions and viewerships.

    [00:25:25] How’s that going to help you out? Yeah. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. One of the other things that, uh, I really liked when you you’ve done some work with, with us before, and I’ve seen some other types of videos that you’ve shopped for people. What I loved about. Is it solves a pain point.

    [00:25:46] Usually people see lifestyle which using the product and the product, it gives the actual product authority. So authority equals trust equals sales. And what I’m talking about is at the, um, the market review videos that you do, they blow me away. So I think some of your, like the higher end brands that you’re representing and what they’ve been able to achieve.

    [00:26:10] And what it is like, I mean, I’m going to let you explain, but basically it’s just getting the person on camera, answering four or five questions, getting their real reaction, and then using that to, to show, you know, either solving a pain point, um, benefits, uh, whatever it is. What are your thoughts on that?

    [00:26:30] Robert? What can you say about that? Yeah. Yeah. It’s so I think I was hoping I would avoid. Jumping into my weird nerdy brain science stuff that bores everybody to death. But. Hmm, the way we think really is it’s still, it’s still kind of tribal, like, like our brains, the way, you know, at function they function are, you know, we’re looking for, you know, you kind of imagined sitting around the campfire, you know, and I was like, oh, this Mastodon was chasing me.

    [00:27:03] And like, and, and because people tell these stories, it’s like, so don’t go into that valley or whatever, you know, the saber tooth tiger is there. And, and, and that’s how we really got our information. That was our. Or, or CNN, you know, back in the day. And so our brains are really kind of tuned up to that, you know, to, to listen, you know, to listen to this, you know, the advice and the experiences of other people, so that, you know, you can judge your, you know, your next move, you know, on, on, on what happened to somebody else.

    [00:27:33] And so that’s really where, where the market review video works, why it works so well. That we, and we used to get a lot of people and we still do where they’re like, Hey, can you just hire an actor and then film these testimonials? Um, because you know, we’re a new company or we just never bothered getting testimonials.

    [00:27:56] And can you just, we’ll just use actors and they’ll do the testimonials and. Yeah, it will be great. And we’re just like, no, wait, we won’t do that. And, and one is, it’s just unethical because they’re not real people. And two is it, it just doesn’t work because people just, they, they just know, like they absolutely know this is an actor.

    [00:28:17] And like, and it actually probably hurts your brand more. And so that’s how we kind of really came up with the idea for the market review. Video is like, well, we’ll just take the product and. We’ll just go out in the street and then so like say it’s a coffee product, so we’ll maybe we’ll set up. So a farmer’s market.

    [00:28:36] And then, um, people, you know, people would go by and he was like, Hey, do you want to try this copy? And we’ll have like five or six benefit based questions or maybe a pain point question that is solved and we’ll ask those questions. And then, you know, as we’re filming it, You know, they’ll, you know, we’ll ask them the questions and it’ll answer, and then they usually answer it more like a statement.

    [00:28:58] And so that’s what we show in the video. So, uh, an example would be, um, organic coffee. So we had a company that has organic coffee and, and traditionally organic coffee, I guess, is, um, thought to be a little bit weaker than, you know, some of the, you know, the, the industrial, commercially grown coffees and, uh, as far as taste and.

    [00:29:17] The, you know, these guys kind of saw that problem. Um, and, and also it was, it’s not super acidic. So, uh, you know, it was a harder on her stomach. And so those are the, those are the things that, you know, and also what it lets you do is, is other people can brag about stuff that you can’t. So if you’re like, Hey, we’re the best, you know, people like, yeah, sure.

    [00:29:38] Of course. You’re going to say that. Um, but if somebody else says, Hey, you’re the best? Or like, oh, well these people tried it and he said, And so, so anyways, so, you know, going back to that, Coffee analogy then B you know, because people thought that, you know, people generally think that organic coffee is weaker than, than regular coffee.

    [00:29:59] So they wanted to solve that problem and they also wanted to make it a benefit. So then they would ask this question and then, and so we would say something like, Hey, so, you know, normally, you know, so this is organic coffee and normally, you know, it’s kind of acidic and also, you know, people think it’s weaker.

    [00:30:14] So how do you think this compares. And, you know, people like, oh, wow, this is, you know, for organic coffee. This is, you know, this is, it’s really robust. It’s got a lot of flavor and it’s, you know, it’s almost kind of sweet and, and, um, yeah, and it’s, it’s great on my stomach. Like I don’t get that, you know, that acid feeling and.

    [00:30:30] And, and those are real people that are giving real testimonials, actually talking about your product. And they’re saying things, you know, that you want to say about your product, but you can’t really say because you know, it, it comes off as disingenuous. And so, so they just convert like crazy. And then what you can do is you have, you know, those pain points and those five or six benefit points.

    [00:30:51] And so you ask these questions and you ask these different people. So now. Whenever you can do is you and each one of those answers is probably, you know, maybe a 15 second segment. We try to keep things in 15, second blocks before we transitioned, because that’s kind of keeping around that general attention span area.

    [00:31:08] And so now you can take those 15 second videos. You can slice them up and you can make micro ads. So, so now you can run five or six. Based micro ads and you can find out like, what, you know, what are people responding to? You know, is it because of the low acid? Is it because, you know, it’s, it’s an organic coffee, so it’s healthy.

    [00:31:28] Is it because, um, you know, it’s, it’s, you know, it’s super robust. And then, and then the next time you do a video series or, you know, you, you write copy about your product then, um, Now you’re able to focus more on that because that’s what you understand. People are really interested in. It is. I mean, it’s so cool.

    [00:31:53] Um, again, I, I don’t have affiliates. I it’s no pitch, but if you want to see a couple that Rob has done, uh, go to video telepathy, uh, dot com and he has a section there and you can see what I’m talking about and why I love it. You know, you can build that authority. That’s so important, especially. If you’re a micro brand, you know, people don’t know us, they have to trust us.

    [00:32:17] And if they’re seeing you for the first time, they’ve got to get that feel good. And if they see other people in their demographic liking the product or solving a pain point, then they’re going to have that. And especially this is a whole other podcast or a room, but, you know, building that content that is also going along with it.

    [00:32:38] The other type of video or the other types of videos or rich media that is important, uh, that, that, uh, I’ve seen Rob put together too. So it would be kind of the product. The market review, and then he would take images and just turn them into either cinema graphs or plot or graph. And if you don’t, if you’ve never heard of that, you’ve seen them.

    [00:33:05] It’s a S it’s a, it’s an image that has just one part of the image. Very simple to do. There’s all sorts of software out there that can do it, but it grabs people people’s attention. And that’s what we’re trying to do, especially if you’re on Facebook and you’ve got all this stuff going and then there’s that cinema graph or plot a graph.

    [00:33:26] And it’s just showing me. You know, a kettle pouring coffee. I’ve seen that from Rob, you know, um, I know I, I’ve seen a lot. That’s done with snow, you know, cinema graphs and a lot of graphs. It’s really, really cool. And fairly inexpensive. If you have to job. But then you take all of that and you break it up into repurposed content.

    [00:33:54] And I know like Tony, I think Tony. Yeah. Tony still here, you know his question about editing. You do this, Rob, you have a square for. A, um, a vertical and a horizontal, and it’s basically the same video or, you know, micro ad or whatever you’re doing. And it allows you to go on these different platforms, use the information and not at the same time, but you break it up over a period of.

    [00:34:23] You know, it could be rotating over three week period a month, but you’ve got all that content and that’s, you know, getting that into a calendar is so important. And I’m talking about hundreds and hundreds of pieces that you can do if you, if you do this right. If you have an editor that can go in, change the font, change the text.

    [00:34:45] Um, and especially with the, with the cinema graphs and Plata graphs, you have anything to add to that? Yeah. I mean, I think that’s, it is, is this, it’s almost like an infinite amount of content you can create. I think, uh, um, does a Gary V habit thing on is at a site where it’s like, you can take, uh, uh, you know, one piece of content and, you know, converted into this.

    [00:35:11] 67 pieces or something like that, you know? Or like you shows how to do it, or it’s like some crazy number of things, you know? And that’s just like from one little clip and so. Yeah. And, and it’s the thing is, is you always want to look at your social platform farms and, and, you know, w w you know, what’s the culture and what’s the demographic of, of each platform and then take those clips.

    [00:35:34] And, and cause the one thing I think is a mistake, a lot of people do is that maybe they’ll get some kind of robo software or like, they’ll take this clip and then it goes, oh, it automatically slices up. But you know, it sends it to every social media platform there is, but. You know, each, each, each social media platform, you know, speaks a different language and they, they speak to different people and then they have different viewpoints.

    [00:36:00] And so you really, I honestly think, you know, you need, you can take that one piece of content and slice it up into a million things, but you still need to think of, you know, who, you know, when you send it out because. You know, then you’re thinking about branding and not just, you know, not just sales or, or, or whatever, because you, you know, you want to try to keep your brand consistent and, and that’s, you know, a lot of people do get confused.

    [00:36:23] You know, what’s the difference between branding and what’s the difference between sales and, you know, what’s the difference between marketing cause you know, they all three crossover, but they’re all three, you know, they all three have different purposes, different reasons why you would want to do it.

    [00:36:37] Okay, Rob, I think, unless there’s any questions, I think that’s it for today. I hope everybody enjoyed the information. If you like, what you heard, please follow panelists. Um, Rob, thank you for coming on. How do people get ahold of you? Hey, thanks for having me on. Um, yeah, so you can just go to video

    [00:36:57] Um, and uh, if you have like a specific question, uh, Yeah, for me, you can just send an email to Rob at video telepathy, vid E O T E L E P a T H Y. We not easy name for an email. And, um, yeah. And I’m glad to answer any questions at all. And also too, like if you want, you can go to the site and you can actually schedule a time to chat.

    [00:37:23] Like if you’re interested in stuff and like we don’t ever try to pitch anybody. All we do every day is just answer questions, you know? So, um, you can do that too. Great. So next week, Thursday one o’clock uh, we’ve got another really interesting topic. Google my business. If you’re not using it, if you don’t think you can use it for a brand.

    [00:37:45] This is something you’ve got to listen to this. We’ve seen some crazy results. Being able to search engine, optimize our product, our content, our social media posts, everything that we post on the internet getting ranked. And we’ll show you some of the tips and secrets on how to do that. Not really secrets, but people just don’t realize that it’s available.

    [00:38:07] So we’re going to have. Uh, another really incredible person, Craig Darlene, come on from Darlene digital. He’s been handling some of my Google, my business accounts and he’s done some really great work. So tune in next Thursday on that. And thanks for joining us today. Uh, we’ve got a great community. Um, love seeing some of these familiar faces and, uh, come back next Thursday.

    [00:38:30] If you like, what. Please R w what you hear, please follow us. And don’t forget startup club for more entrepreneur entrepreneurial information. Make sure you click that greenhouse. All right, until next Thursday, we’ll see you later.

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