The Future of Web 3.0

Web 3.0 has reinvented the way we connect with others through virtual communities, creative experiences, and unique digital identities. Joining us to discuss the future of Web 3.0 is Jarrett Albritton, a specialist in connecting people to opportunities for success in the metaverse and simplifying complex technology so it’s accessible to all. He is helping others answer the question, “How do you take these experiences and services from the real world and be the first to create them in these metaverses?” 

Web 3.0 is just the evolution of what we already know as the internet, but more immersive through VR technology, AR.. you can explore different storefronts, properties, etc.

Jarrett Albritton

Potential to Grow

Since the metaverse is a constantly evolving work-in-progress, the opportunities to make an impact or find success are endless for new and established entrepreneurs alike. Positive trends show projected growth and expansion, and getting in the game sooner rather than later might pay off in the long run. Jarrett suspects that the early investors in the land, services, and currencies are going to have the opportunity to have bitcoin-like appreciation when it comes to the space’s potential right curve of revenue. 

If you’re already a business owner wondering how to transition to the digital world, start by observing similar companies already established in the metaverse to get a feel for the niche and your brand’s space. Web 3.0 is new to everybody, making for a strong community of like-minded entrepreneurs to collaborate and ask for advice.

Real estate in the metaverse  

Have you considered buying, selling, or investing in real estate in a digital reality? Jarrett noted that right now, there’s no barrier to entry and opportunities everywhere for startups. Ownership is important at this point– considering the predicted trends, jump in quickly and watch it appreciate in value as bigger companies start joining the spaces and collecting prime real estate. Plus, these properties and land in the metaverse can be rented out as short-term rentals, for additional revenue. 

Check out this article to hear more about using tokenization as a means to invest in physical property. 

Next Steps for Web 3.0

The exciting and opportunistic world of Web 3.0 doesn’t come without its own growing pains, though. First of all, no one can be an expert on such a dynamic concept– it’s going to be hard for even established brands to make the switch. Not to mention, it’s massively heavy in terms of equipment and bandwidth, meaning it could end up being a business investment. As the public adopts this technology, it will be more of a mixed-reality experience, with physical and digital realities coexisting, as the intermediary steps around connecting and education are taken.   

Additional Resources 

Jarrett shared valuable recommendations for resources to get started, learn more, and build your brand in the metaverse. SuperWorld’s AR feature allows you to tour virtual construction sites and properties by scanning a QR code. The professional networking app Entre connects you to the people and resources necessary to succeed in Web 3.0. And of course, Meta is going to play a vital role in introducing people and helping popularize this tech across the world. 

Listen to the full session above for even more advice to jumpstart your career in Web 3.0!

  • Read the Transcript

    Serial Entrepreneur – EP62: The Future of Web 3.0


    This is going to be an exciting show today. I can tell you that this topic is of big interest.

    To me. It’s been my life to, uh, learn, learn the internet. I started my first business called internet direct in 1993. And we’ll call that version 1.0 was a dial up internet. Uh, we started with like 9,600 bod and we went up to 56. K. That was absolutely fascinating. Seeing the internet take off in the nineties.

    And then the two thousands we saw broadband and the rise of cloud company. And now we have web three. And so I’m just going to kick it off right away. Like, to me, I’m a little bit confused about what web three is. So could you help us unpack it and let us, you know, give us some definition of what it is because it seems to mean a lot of things, different to a lot of things.[00:01:00] 

    Hey, what’s up calling. Thank you so much for having me and a shout out to the startup club. If you’re not a member of this club, make sure to click the greenhouse at the top, follow it, and definitely make sure that you check out the carousel rooms, a lot of quality content in this club. But, um, yeah, so my super is really just breaking down.

    What can be a very complicated, you know, um, theories or terms or, you know, technology and a way that is very simple. So, I mean, web 3.0 is just the evolution of what we already know as the internet, except it’s instead of it being just, you know, websites, it’s going to be more immersive via VR and AR technology, virtual reality, augmented reality.

    So you’re going to be able to explore different, uh, storefront, uh, different. Properties different services, but instead of it being on a browser where you type in to either URL, it’s going to be, [00:02:00] uh, via an avatar in, you know, a virtual reality environment. And so your avatar will be able to walk over to, you know, uh, let’s say Amazon is a website.

    They can have Amazon warehouse where you can purchase, um, items within the warehouse, the same way you would, if you physically go into a target. So it’s basically taking the real world and the internet and kind of, in my opinion, like combining them in a virtual reality setting where you can do all this, um, transaction build these relationships like you can on the internet, uh, The metaverse, which is a VR version of the world, basically.

    And right now web 3.0 is in its infant stage. This is like, you know, the, uh, the, the internet, internet, boom that happened, you know, when people were buying domains, that’s what the Metta versus except instead of design domains, you’re buying real estate. And then there’s so much [00:03:00] innovation in terms of how do you utilize this, uh, real estate?

    How do you take services you do in the real world and be the first to create them in these Metro verses. And, um, another way I kind of look at the metaverse too, is like clubhouse. Clubhouse is the version of the metaverse. We can be in Africa. Somebody can be in India, somebody can be in China, but we’re all in this space, transferring energy, having conversations, building relationships, we can do business transactions.

    And that’s what the metaverse is. Instead of this being a static, avatars has pictures and profiles will have, you know, um, avatars where we can have individualized clothing that can be, you know, bought and sold like an NFT. And, um, you know, basically now I can go to the club and have a bunch of avatars around me in the club and I can walk up to you Colin and check out your profile and we can have a conversation.

    And then from there, yeah. Do [00:04:00] business together. So there’s a way to really just connect the world and, um, you know, have another world outside of our physical world. And, um, you know, some people are scared of it. Like, oh my God, people are going to be just stuck with goggles on, in their house and it’s going to be black mirror.

    But at the end of the day, the way the internet has changed our lives in terms of flattening the world and, you know, helping create globalization and the ability to really make transactions and relationships anywhere in the world. That’s what the metaverse is. Except it’s going to get more immersive.

    It’s going to feel realer over time. Cause I like to look at it as. The metaverse right now is in the Atari version of the metaverse like a stick and balls hitting back and forth. And if you think about video games where they’re at now, they’re super realistic. And, uh, you know, versus an Atari is so different.

    That’s what the metaverse is going to end up becoming. Um, and it’s going to be very, very, you know, uh, exciting when it becomes that, but the people that invest in the [00:05:00] land invest in being a service provider, invest in, uh, the currency that supports the different Metta versus are going to, in my opinion, have the opportunity to have like Bitcoin type of, um, uh, appreciation when it comes to, uh, the, the right, the upper right.

    Uh, curve of, uh, revenue that’s possible in this space. Um, and that’s why, you know, have these conversations are important because nobody knows about the metaverse outside of Cleveland, clubhouse and Twitter. So to be in here, we’re very privileged. And, uh, that’s why, you know, I’m down at consensus in Austin, and that’s why I’ll be an NFT in New York city at the end of the month, because I want to be around the people that are building the next apple, the next Tesla, the next microburst Microsoft in the metaverse.

    And unlike the industrial revolution back in the day where only, you know, a Rockefeller or a Walton could really take advantage of. Everybody can have access to this. Everybody can buy land. [00:06:00] Everybody can say, you know what, I’m going to be the first, this and the metaverse all you have to do is, you know, get, get, get around the people that know what they’re talking about.

    Uh, figure out, uh, your space and your place in it, and then, you know, execute and, uh, sky’s the limit. So hopefully that was helpful. Um, that’s what the, yeah, it’s very helpful in that, in this show in particular, we have done a number of episodes or

    guest network, just search for entrepreneur serial entrepreneur club. Um, but what’s interesting about these technology innovations and you were touching upon this. That’s where the opportunity happens because you know, big corporations, they’re, they’re pretty conservative in nature. Where we as entrepreneurs, we, as startups, we can get involved in a lot of these technologies early on, and to be quite Frank, I have, that’s how I’ve made my [00:07:00] career.

    Um, starting an ISP in the nineties, a cloud hosting company in two in 2012. So whether it’s a technology shift or a regulatory shift, there’s opportunity for startups everywhere. And so I think you started talking a little bit about that opportunity. Could you, could you expand on that? Like, like for instance, last week we did a show on tokenizing real estate and it just, the bells started going off thinking about all of the different opportunities in this emerging space.

    And it was just incredible, uh, thinking of the opportunities now is that part of the web three as well, tokenizing real estate, this democratization with these coins, is it all connected? Uh, Vincent. I just want to give Jared a minute. He’s our guest speaker. We’re going to open it up for Vincent, for sure.

    We want you, you know, giving us feedback and asking questions too. We’re going to open it up. Just give us a, I just want Jared to [00:08:00] get, uh, cause he is our guest speaker to give us a few minutes to talk us, talk us through. Yeah. So I guess it’s debatable. Right. Um, one thing about this space is anybody that says they’re an expert, you know, look at them with a side-eye.

    So just to be clear, I’m not claiming myself to be an expert in web three. I just have a lot of conversations around it. I’m very curious. And, um, you know, that’s basically it, but when it comes to, um, tokenization of real estate, um, yeah, I would say that’s, uh, that’s. That’s a, that’s a, that’s a, a portion of what went through he is.

    Um, because tokenization, basically, it’s just allowing your web three environment to have its own blockchain currency, et cetera, uh, to increase transparency. And also if things are resold that we’re going to contract, we’ll make sure that you get your percentage automatically. Um, you know, as the asset, uh, moves.

    In the future. Um, but you know, when I [00:09:00] think about weapon porno and real estate, I’m more so thinking about the real estate of buying a land and building properties in the metaverse that you can rent out the way you would rent out a short-term rental, um, and the way that you would, you know, you know, buy land and, you know, the school district and the shopping mall in the football stadium get built around it in the real world.

    Your property increases in value because everybody wants to be there through proximity. Um, that’s what I think about with real estate, but one cool thing in real estate is just augmented reality. Uh, just think about going into a construction site and being able to pull your phone out and, you know, uh, browse puts your, uh, camera over a QR code and.

    Quickly, you can put your phone to different, uh, areas of the construction site and see what it’s gonna look like when it’s built out. Um, like the, uh, I guess, uh, [00:10:00] the, what’s the word in real estate, um, you know, the base, the staging, the staging of the space, like using augmented reality to stage the space, you can do that with super world right now.

    Um, so there’s like so many cool little variations of use cases when it comes to, you know, web three and augmented reality. Uh, but tokenization of real estate is going to be dope because you can, you know, make it a property in an Ft. And, um, through that, you know, um, as thin as it sells over time, instead of you just getting the profit one time to get the profit every time it’s sold.

    Um, so hopefully that was, that was clear. I think it kind might’ve went all over the place. I think it’s great. And you know, this actually just kind of occurred to me. Like, I feel like people are really trying to get very particular and specific about these, even though I even asked to [00:11:00] like, what are the use cases and business models about the metaverse?

    You know, it just occurs to me just thinking about this that is broader than, um, we’re ready to go as a society or whatever. Like every time I hear people talking about the metaverse, they immediately go into the shopping experience. My gosh, social media isn’t even there yet. Like, that’s just the honest truth.

    Like social media, if you looked at the proportion, that’s just interaction and content is far out, weighs the amount of, um, commerce. So. I don’t know, like, I’m just putting this out there as a question for people. There are so many usages and, um, I feel like the first stage might be just like this freemium and this free play.

    And like you mentioned, like the real estate, which by the way, I would call [00:12:00] Amex, it’s a mixed reality. Actually, I’ve a relative who works for apple. Like that is what they’re actually doing with the first launch or MMR of their, their glasses. They have even stated that very publicly, like it’s going to be a mixed kind of experience in the beginning and.

    You know, I, I just feel like, yeah, people want to jump to like, doing all these cool, like coming to shop in my little universe, but I don’t see it working for most people that are just starting off. I think it will be hard enough to have it work for somebody like Nike, let alone just like jumping to that.

    I think there’s a lot of intermediary steps that are around just connecting and maybe learning. And I’m curious about your thoughts on that, Jared talk to you? Yeah. Um, you know, I think, I think, uh, I think, I think [00:13:00] Metta Metta has a mixed reaction. Right. But I think the fact that Facebook is so known and that they are, you know, uh, supporting, I mean, uh, providing the Oculus goggles and, uh, they’re making it like seamless to feel like, okay, I play these games in this, uh, in these goggles.

    And then I can go into these communities. I think metal will have an important factor in just onboarding the regular person into the metaverse and just making them feel comfortable about wearing the goggles and, you know, being able to interact with friends, uh, with their avatars and, uh, from there, once they start understanding that, okay, there’s other environments that are out there, uh, that are a little bit more trustworthy.

    Cause I think most people are a little worried about like, Is, uh, you know, Metta gonna fish on my, you know, data and everything like that. Like they’ve been doing, uh, and, you know, tampering with elections, et cetera. So I think people aren’t really comfortable with Metta, but I think Matt is going to be important and it is [00:14:00] important in the sense of they have the marketing power to really expose the metaverse.

    And what’s the potential is in that setting. Uh, the scary thing though, I think for people is the wallets and the crypto and connecting your crypto wallet to metaverse environments and all of that. That’s where the onboarding is going to be a little tougher. Uh, the understanding of what NFTs are and the theater of the security around wallets.

    And will my wallet get drained? Yes. Those steps, those intermediary steps. I think that’s where the growing pains are happening. That’s where people are getting a little confused, but when it comes to this, putting on the goggles and roaming around different environments, I think med is going to be an important, uh, conduit to kind of educating people on baby steps.

    This is what it looks like. And then once they really start liking it, then they can learn more about like sandbox and crypto boxes to central end. And these other spaces, uh, that may need a little bit more [00:15:00] advanced, um, knowledge, uh, to move around, uh, hopefully that. The question, but I think that’s kind of what I see the evolution right now is, and if you do know web 3.0, and you can be a tour guide for, uh, folks that want to get on, on the platform, I think there’s going to be a huge place for you.

    If you know how to build property or rent out space. I think there’s going to be a huge, a place for you. If you can consult companies like Nike on you know, how to build a metaverse environment, how to, you know, make their clothing NFTs and how to go to market, which they’re already doing. But like, so Nike is already there, but you know, other companies, I think there’s going to be a big place for you.

    So, um, you know, if you’re in this audience, uh, and you, you’ve learned about the metaverse, you have a lot of value to those that have no idea about it, and you can be that conduit in that onboarding. And I think, you know, there’s going to be a lot of revenue opportunity for those that can bring them in because there’s going to be a lot of revenue opportunity once they’re in there and the space [00:16:00] becomes, you know, uh, more adopted over.

    Yeah, I think that’s a really great point, Jared. Like what is needed now are those folks that can really help people, you know, build out their strategy and the first steps of their platform like that is, you know, perhaps where the money is, um, so to speak, you know, and we all know that none of us know what it really is and how to really go about it.

    So there are a lot of learnings. I agree. No, I think in the early stages of the, you know, the early nineties, it was all about gains communication, sex, gambling. These are the drivers that drove the internet in the first instance. And I wonder if that will be repeated with web. Yeah, I think so. I think what you see in the real world and what you saw on the internet is all going to be repeated on web three, [00:17:00] ultimately.

    So it’s not something that I think we should overthink. It’s just more so like, all right, the world world was this. Then we got the internet that changed our lives. And now we were able to do this and what we’re able to do in the world world, that we were able to kind of emulate in the internet. We’re going to be able to emulate it even more realistically in the metaverse and.

    But the point in the chat, when I say like people outside of clubhouse and Twitter really don’t know about the metaverse, I mean, that’s not accurate, right? Like, of course there’s people that know about the metaverse that aren’t on clubhouse and not on Twitter, but the majority of the folks that do know about the metaverse that know about crypto and NFTs, that’s where we congregate.

    We congregate and a gate on one of those platforms. LinkedIn is obviously the biggest professional network in the world. So yeah, there’s going to be a lot of web three knowledge and web three networking there. Um, there’s an app called entree, which is a web three professional network that I think is going to be a great place to have proximity to, um, you know, web three professionals, [00:18:00] but ultimately.

    Um, in terms of the frequency of conversation around web three and the metaverse, there’s no other place that’s really having it the way that social audio is in particular in the startup club and clubhouse NFTs club and clubhouse, and then Twitter spaces is really ripe with it. So, uh, just to answer in the chat.

    Nothing’s literal that I say in the sense of nobody knows outside of it. I’m just saying like these we’re really lucky to be in this environment. Having these conversations app comes in straight from these conferences. The fact that board a yacht club was. Basically burst and the clubhouse rooms, uh, and now it’s, you know, multimillion dollar, um, you know, uh, corporation, I guess you can call it.

    Like, we can’t take that for granted. And we got to just understand how lucky we are to be in these spaces and to be early [00:19:00] adopters, um, and embrace the moment. Um, so yeah, that, that, but it ultimately though, yeah, everything that happens in the world world that happens on the internet is going to happen in the metaverse.

    The question is, um, who are you going to be? The first people. To bring it to the metaverse and have it be super adoptable and, um, kind of the, the, the go-to version of, you know, that reality in the metaverse and that’s the opportunity that we all have. And it’s kind of like the gold rush everybody’s rushing to figure out, all right, who’s going to be the first to do this, that and the other.

    Um, and you know, whoever, it really locks it down is going to have a lot of opportunity to, uh, you know, make money, but also impact the experience for the users. Yeah. You know, to that point, right. I think it is going to take many years because we know apple has very publicly stated and there [00:20:00] in my mind, at least a significant force here, you know, they’ve been working on this for years and they’re starting off with the first steps.

    So in a way that’s an awesome thing for people because. Let them solve the big, broader technology issues, because there are a lot of technology issues. We know it’s massively bandwidth and equipment heavy, you know, ergo investment heavy. So, you know, once some of these, you know, more notable technology players come out with this, whatever it is and device or a platform, I think then we’re going to start to see those opportunities.

    And I agree with what you’re saying, Jarrett, some of the early opportunities. You know, we know it’s, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realize are going to be people that have some kind of expertise and it will evolve very quickly. And it’s awesome. There will [00:21:00] be a lot of really cold niche and create a people that will be able to jump in and hopefully make fortunes and do very well.

    So for me, that’s where I find the excitement. If you were asking me today, like where to invest, I don’t know the answer to that question, but gosh, you know, I I’m, I’m just listening to all these sessions on startup club and other clubs trying to learn what I can and the picture’s starting to get a little bit clear.

    So, you know, for me right now, I’m thinking, yeah. You know, go it’s, it’s gotta be broad is probably going to be more like social media applications and, um, you know, we’ll start to learn and, um, you know, Correct course or whatever it is, or build on it from them. But one thing I just want to mention that I haven’t heard anybody mentioned in most shows that I’ve been in is, I think what’s really interesting about metaverse is it’s in many, many [00:22:00] ways I think is going to take out a lot of, um, you know, it’s going to level the playing force.

    And I mean, for individual people in terms of discrimination, like really you can be whoever you want and then authentic way. And I also think is going to be very interesting because like we said, there’s going to be all these niche, interesting plays for people who want to make money, rather, you know, whether they’re a merchant or a vendor.

    So it’s definitely something that I would love to hear the startup club members continue to engage in and see lots of sessions around. Yeah, we have to put a start-up club on the, uh, on the web three in the members. Well, it’s great that we have, um, uh, Giuseppe Vincent, Bianca and tour de LA porridge. One of my favorite characters.

    Uh, it’s great. We have you on stage, uh, if you want to come up on stage and join the conversation, you’re welcome to do so or ask a question of Jared. Jared is our [00:23:00] special guest here. He’s a, he’s a bit of a celebrity on clubhouse and, uh, you know, I like the way that he communicates topics and sort of breaks things down.

    Also, if you think the topics interesting at the bottom of your screen, where it says number 10, right now you can share this room and, uh, when you share it, uh, even if people miss it, they’ll, they can catch it, the recording of it as well. Giuseppe, you know, uh, I’ve seen you talk a few times. You always give us wise advice.

    Did you have a question for Jared or did you want to share with us some thoughts on the web three? Uh, question, I can, uh, have a 200 question because anytime I can increase my knowledge about what three is important and what that can share like falling is the important evolution of this moment. I use I’m a real estate investor since 1991.

    And I started one years ago to work, to receive the cryptocurrency blockchain cryptocurrency. I need to start my project with cryptocurrency real [00:24:00] estate, the metaverses and yes, I would like to know how can, how can find a company can follow him step by step, because I it’s not question of a trust is question of, is I don’t, I didn’t recognize who is the professional person or company can follow me for them.

    You know, starting from zero, I have found the property and it started with my project, with the metaverse and the real estate thing. It was up Giuseppe. So, um, when it comes to real estate in the physical world and how you can integrate web three, I’m not necessarily the expert on that. Um, nor do I know exactly who the right person is.

    Uh, I do know super world has that augmented reality feature where you can QR code, uh, and like have your phone basically look at the different parts of the construction site and see it staged. That’s the use case that’s happening right now, but when it [00:25:00] comes to really. In the metaverse. Um, if everybody goes to my Instagram and goes to my bio, um, I have a really dope resource on, um, you know, a lot of different aspects of real estate in the metaverse.

    So just a summary of some of the things that you will find in that document, you know, what is metaverse real estate? Why purchase metaverse real estate? How much has metaverse real estate worse, how to buy a metaverse property, where to buy metaverse real estate, how to choose which parcel of land to buy on the metaverse statistics on metaverse real estate risks and challenges of investing in the metaverse and big risks with potentially big rewards.

    Um, and it breaks it down in a very, uh, clear and concise way. Um, And it’s free. Uh, that to me is one of the best resources. And, um, you know, I definitely, at some point I want to put together like some sort of ebook, like, you know, metaverse for just the average person. Uh, but this [00:26:00] document in my Instagram bio is pretty, uh, it’s pretty comprehensive.

    And, uh, the fact that in 2021 metaverse real estate sales on four major platforms reach 501 million are expected doubled to a billion dollars this year. The fact that the average price per parcel and major metaverse platforms went from 1265 to 12,684. Like these are all really good trends that if you buy in the right environment in the right place, And you hold onto it.

    It’s going to appreciate because the Nike’s and the JP Morgans and the fashion weeks and everything like that are going to start coming into the spaces and then people are going to want to be in proximity. But, uh, for metaverse real estate, definitely check out the link in my bio. Um, my IgE for those on the podcast is Dr.

    J D O C T a J um, and great resource when it comes to, uh, real estate, uh, in the real world. Uh, I would check out the replay of tokenization of [00:27:00] real estate that’s in the startup club and it’s probably on call-ins, uh, profile as well. So Colin, uh, who were the folks that were leading that conversation that could potentially help Giuseppe?

    Um, actually he might even be an on last week if I remember correct, but, uh, that was actually, um, two experts we had on, we had Jenny, um, there was a lawyer out of California and we had, um, Uh, oh, geez. The name Daniel Fisk, right? Yeah, that’s right. And, and, uh, he actually worked for a $2 billion firm where he’s, uh, they’re tokenizing a building in Miami Wynwood, a 10 story building.

    And so these projects are starting to happen. This, this is something that, that is, is taking off. Um, I’ve also seen, we had, uh, another guest on who I was Kerry Purcell and she, I can’t remember the name of her company, but if you search Kerry Purcell, startup adopted, she actually has technology [00:28:00] where she builds a metaverse for communities and she’s done incubators and other types of environments here in Fort Lauderdale.

    We are friends with the gentleman who started fat village, fat village is Fort Lauderdale arts and technology. And they’re actually trying to design. The, uh, or put their whole community into a metaverse now understand what’s happening here. They’re tearing down the whole pretty much everything and they’re there, they’re building a 2.0 physical 2.0 fat village.

    It’s a $500 million project, but you can begin to imagine, let’s say I want it to go to Wynwood. And I wanted to see the art at Wynwood and walking through a metaverse. Um, and seeing that, that would be pretty cool, especially if you were thinking about doing it in advance. So I don’t know if that helps out just that be at all, if we’re on the right track or if there’s any other thoughts.

    Yeah, no, I think what you said are some great [00:29:00] resources and, uh, by the way, in terms of, uh, like real estate in the metaverse, I brought up Bianca because she actually, uh, builds out environments in the metaverse and she’s like a consultant for brands and, uh, folks that want to develop spaces. And then she also has places where if you want to throw in a bit of the metaverse you rinse them out.

    Uh, so she can definitely talk on this topic as well as anybody. Um, so I just wanted to shout her out, you know? So Colin, if you want to throw her some stuff yeah, yeah. Beyond Vincent. I know I promised you an next, but, but we will, we will get to you. Sorry about that had said, but, uh, Bianca, Bianca, since we’re on the topic, do you want to throw your 2 cents in there?

    Yeah. Just remind me what the question is. Um, so I make sure I’m okay. Sorry, Jarrett. Yeah, no, we’re just, uh, we’re talking about just, uh, metaverse real estate and, um, either applications for real estate in the world world with the metaverse or applications in the metaverse when it comes to metaverse real [00:30:00] estate.

    So, you know, either topic, uh, just, you know, whichever you feel comfortable with. Sure. So I have a resource, um, does all my Instagram bio, um, for like easy events that people can be, uh, that people can throw in the metaverse. So think about just any type of like consumer activation branded. Conference seminar, anything pretty much you can do on zoom, air meet or happen.

    You can pretty much go in the metaverse. Um, the, the, the key differences, creating spaces that are immersive, that people can engage with each other. They can be whoever they want, um, and just really fun. Right? And so what you’ve seen during the pandemic is that a lot of people were trying to reach out to their audiences, their customers, or clients through some of those other, like I’m going to call them 2d platforms, right?

    So zone where they were just watching people. And so what has happened is a lot of people are exhausted, right? They have zoom fatigue. They don’t want to get on these [00:31:00] meetings anymore and come to these spaces. And so being able to convert your experiences, especially around events is a really great use case in any event that you can think of can be brought into the metamours.

    And so we work with. To really think about what their business strategy’s going to be specifically around events. Um, but then also ideating what their future, their business go look like outside of events, but specifically in a metaverse. And so there’s a lot of advancements that are happening with the technology itself, the different platforms, um, cause you know, there’s not one place to go into the Metro versus many different places.

    And so, um, Facebook, AKA Mehta has their own version of horizon worlds. You have platforms called spacial, which I like it’s essentially in sandbox. I mean, there’s, there’s literally hundreds of them. Right? And so I think that for anyone who’s here, the first step is just trying to really figure out how your business or your work could be worked into the amount of hours by looking [00:32:00] at examples that already exist.

    So just even Googling something simple metaverse plus whatever it is that you do, we’ll start giving you an example. Oh, what you could, um, start thinking about and start creating in the space. But for those of you who want event ideas, or you can definitely go to my profile and download every week, but I can get you started at least.

    Oh, that’s awesome. All right, Vincent. Uh, do you have a question for Jared or a thought on this topic? Uh, yeah, quite a few. Um, one sec. And let me get this music turned off.

    I thought that was pretty good. It was your intro music, right? Um, they said smooth. No, I just hit the mute button. I’m going to go outside. Um, well, no, I just listen to chill music, man. Um, so I’m really, really, really new to the metaverse we’re talking like week one. Uh, but the thing is. [00:33:00] A lot of the things that go into the metaverse, uh, I’ve been working on the real world that, um, are directly applicable to the metaverse and it’s a kind of a, kind of a trip really.

    Um, so I’ve been building a business that I called the audacity. Uh, it’s a startup I’m about to launch that, uh, very much is about well giving equal opportunity to everyone. I don’t, uh, I believe business has been conducted wrong and I want to give it to the level playing field in which it can be conducted.

    And like the only way someone has an advantage over another is if they’ve done hard work to get there, you know, um, not money, not power, not influence, but really put in the ground. And, uh, yeah, uh, Bianca, I just wanted to talk, uh, in the best channel I can hit you up. Uh, I see you do courses and I can help you, um, create those [00:34:00] via AI.

    Um, and just, you know, like whole curriculums, like homework tests, quizzes, just so you can share the information with as many people as possible. Um, because this is a place I’m starting to see is quite beautiful. Um, I’m really not in it for the money, but, uh, there, there is money to be made here, but I just want to make sure that people are doing it rightfully and not.

    Is it a lot of people going around buying it real estate in the metaverse and just putting it in their wallets, not doing anything with it. And that’s, that’s not what, why the metaverse was created. It’s created to be like, correct me if I’m wrong, please. Anyone I’m on stage. But, um, my understanding it’s.

    Very much kind of what I set my business. I have to be, uh, strategic partnerships, you know, like everyone working together rather than working for themselves. Uh it’s we it’s a Vincent, you know, it’s interesting. You bring that up, you know, this idea [00:35:00] of the collective good. Um, when the internet started at the nineties, literally everyone came together and I mean, physically and digitally, we actually started, uh, in Toronto.

    Um, a number of us started the Toronto internet exchange. Cause the idea was to share the data and make it free for everybody. And there was a lot of really good comradery and things that were done at the time in the nineties. It was just a very different time on the internet. People work together and it was just, it was idealistic.

    And hopefully again, will, that will repeat here. I think that. The metaverse has a way, we talked about democratization of investments, you know, in, in the blockchain using the blockchain. Uh, and we’ve also talked about Michelle mentioned, you know, could this help eliminate discrimination and, and other issues like, Jared, [00:36:00] sorry, sorry.

    But I was going to ask you at first, but how do you see that this could, this metaverse this web three could improve society? Yeah, that’s a, that’s a very deep question. Um, I mean, my hope is like, I’m very passionate about, you know, diversity in tech, but also diversity in web three. And I want to make sure that underserved communities.

    Uh, have their children on roadblocks, um, learning about the metaverse early and, um, you know, this, the way that education can be, uh, unequal based off of, you know, how much tax says that neighborhood pays. And therefore the schools will either be, um, you know, not as, uh, have as many resources as others and Richard tax brackets.

    My hope is that, you know, with an Oculus and with, you know, programs, [00:37:00] underserved communities, uh, lower income communities can be educated on, uh, web three from a young age. So that is not something they’re trying to figure out and feel overwhelmed by it. But it’s something that is basically a part of their, their motion.

    So if that is the case, Which it’s possible for that to be the case. Um, I think could be great for society by evening, the playing field, um, to where you don’t have to necessarily go to college to become a successful entrepreneur because, you know, e-commerce, you know, the metaverse and therefore you can be very competitive and add a lot of value in that space.

    So it’s, it’s a big if though, you know, um, but right now I think. There is no barrier to entry for anybody to get into this space. You don’t have to have a certain amount of money or this or that necessarily. Um, it’s just really about just getting, getting knowledgeable and getting involved and like putting [00:38:00] on your Oculus.

    And there’s a lot of free places. You can build out a property. There’s a lot of free land you can take, you know, and get, get sharp on it. So that’s my thought, but I will, I’d love to ask Bianca, like, what are your thoughts on that? Do you think this could be helped for society and making things a little bit more, even across the different socioeconomic, um, you know, uh, areas of this country?

    Oh, absolutely. And I actually just had this conversation earlier. I was on a call with Deloitte and a lot of people had some really interesting questions. I think the. The myth that’s out there is that you only can access it, access the metaverse right. The virtual spaces, what I had said, and what I think is really cool about the advancement of the technologies that we’ve started to eliminate the digital divide, right?

    And so now longer, do you need a $600 headset and a $2,000 super computer. You literally can get on what your phone you can get on what your, um, your laptop. And so definitely [00:39:00] breaking down some of those barriers and the barrier to entry pretty much doesn’t exist anymore. So all of to what you said, and I think all of that lends itself that anyone and everyone can get in and kind of like, as Vince was saying, is that we have no more excuses, right?

    Like literally today, right? At this very moment, as you’re listening to this room, you could start building your enterprise, your empire, your courses, your classes, whatever it is, and the metaverse and, and is wide open. So yeah, this is good for all. Well, hopefully it can fix the education problem in the United States.

    You know, graduating with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt seems to be, uh, it just seems to be a little over done. And if the, if there was a way to do this education, uh, more efficiently, that would make it available to everyone instead of making it something that only the rich can afford, or you have to have massive debts that you’d pay for the rest of your life.

    Oh, I’m [00:40:00] so happy. You just said that. So, uh, one of the first initiatives I’m working on with my company is, uh, giving the world free A-plus accredited primary and secondary. Um,

    that’s awesome. And are you thinking about, you know, I mean, have you thought about doing that using the metaverse I’m just throwing that out there. We’re trying to work. As I said, as I said, I’m week one in metaverse, so I’m just trying to find out my place, my space and, uh, you know, uh, um, I’m an artist, uh, abstract acrylic artist, only three years into it, but I couldn’t even call myself an artist until November 5th and, uh, which is funny.

    Remember, I remember just at the November, the day that I started giving myself some credit. Um, but the thing is, uh, yeah, not only the metaverse, but the real world, [00:41:00] like it’s, it’s such a beautiful thing. This Mehta versus just four years ago, I started October 1st, 2018. And I’ve worked 16 to 20 hour days every day.

    Never. I haven’t taken a vacation, my mentor wanting to work with me until I take a vacation. Um, and, uh, it’s just so beautiful because this is the vision that I it’s close to, the vision that I set out to build. And I’m just so happy that I got, I’ve always said that like, if someone made it other than me, I’d be so happy.

    I wouldn’t even be aggravated, you know? Uh, I’m just happy to be able to be a part of it. And, um, yeah, it’s just, it’s, it’s incredible. I’m at a loss I’ve been, so we appreciate that. And we’re working on your business plan and hopefully we can get updates from you as time goes by. All right. We want to move on to another artist.

    Uh, Victor, I believe is [00:42:00] her name, is that correct? Or is it, um, uh, might getting that from your profile? Correct. Jordy Lefarge. Or Fabio either one of you, if you want to jump in there, um, to ask a question of Jarrett or a comment on the space, Fabio or Jordy. Yeah, Colin I’ll quickly just wanna just, uh, give obvious and props.

    So, uh, he’s part of the leadership team of a metaverse environment called multi-verse. I R a dusty multi-verse and I’ll let him introduce himself, but, um, he’s definitely somebody that if you want to like pick the brain of somebody that’s actually working with brands and creating innovation within the metaverse and you can actually go to the, um, Google play or a apple app store and download the metaverse build an avatar and, you know, experience burning, man.

    Um, you know, what he’s doing is really, really dope. And, um, you know, I’m excited to be, you know, partners with Fabio in the sense of [00:43:00] anytime somebody is like, Hey, I want to do something in the metaverse. He’s one of my go-to guys. So just wanting to give him his flowers before he speaks. But yeah, Matt, uh, Fabio, please introduce yourself.

    And you know, what do you think the future web 3.0 is tell people about multi-verse, you know, give people your insight. Oh, thank you so much, man. That’s so kind, uh, what’s up everybody calling Jared, thank you for inviting me. Uh, we are just always back to back into meetings as things as you guys know, move Fastly, but thank you guys so much.

    Yeah. Uh, my name is Fabio Jamie too. And, um, I represent in this field clipper prolapse, which is a software house and design studio based in Silicon valley, San Francisco. But we, we are, uh, let’s say what, what, uh, basically I live in between Italy and the United States. I’m in Spain right now, but away. Uh, and we [00:44:00] produce it the largest virtual environment in history, which is S.

    Say it brilliantly, a virtual burning man, which as you guys know is probably, uh, the largest gathering of humans across a BlackRock desert once a year, uh, for a week. And we solve it. Um, the problem of the community, which couldn’t get together, unfortunately for COVID-19. So what we did is we completely, uh, re redesigned it.

    Uh, seven miles square environment and plug it into our technology, call it IAR, which is interactive, immersive reality, uh, three years, almost three years ago. And now all of that is completely decentralized it on our blockchain. We launch it C and F T, which is Cleveland Ft. And we call it metaverse as a service.

    What does it mean in a [00:45:00] web three word? It means like we are using. Amazon AWS, for example, to talk on clubhouse or zoom or other 2.0 app web too, because this is another problem to solve. We cannot get to a web three. If we don’t have a better web two, this is a point because we are still not there. That’s a lot of things and topics about it because mostly because of sustainability, you know, competition or power mining on the blockchain and all of that that’s energy that is going to be very, very, very consuming.

    We are working on different, uh, different fields. And let’s say we are trying to solve, you know, the most difficult and chattering processes to make a ready player. One reality. What does it mean? It means that, uh, in this decentralized future, the focus is on ownership. So [00:46:00] I heard Vincent and kudos to all the artists.

    I’m a leader artist myself as well. I come from the music industry and design. So I understand that we have so much to talk about it, but just a use case. For example, in the case of music ownership, you don’t need a distributor to sell your music as NFT and go straight to your community. You can build your beautiful metaverse, let’s call it like that.

    But I would prefer environment. For example, in the multiverse, you don’t have to pay for a flood of land. This is another game changer because mostly, uh, of the platform right now, going on, they want you to pay through their token for a plot of land, which is cool. It’s a business and it’s very, very well done, but you know, our approach is different.

    Uh, service for humanity and creators. So, uh, yeah, if you want to check us out, Jessica, my bio or [00:47:00] enter multi-verse dot IO or dusty multi-verse dot com, but I would recommend enter multi-verse dot IO so you can check out what we do. We have partnerships with big brands. Uh, one of our top clients is Cartier the jewelry company that we have Tesla.

    We got something for, for Nike as well. Um, we have the lube, uh, we, we did something for the loop museum fundraiser, which was really beautiful and. Oh, on top of that, we got so much going on. I’m very happy being here. And if you need something in the space, you definitely want to want to reach out to Jared because he’s one of the real OJI and he’s allegiance and serious person.

    And before on top of that, he’s a good friend of mine. Thank you so much, guys. That is awesome. Well, this is the first time I’ve ever heard multi verse as a service, uh, told us [00:48:00] metaverse it’s like the surface, but that’s best if you look at salt, so the acronym we’re going to have to go with this mess, right?

    Yeah. It’s like, you know exactly who you want to build a space and you need, you need a service to build that space, which might be a cloud or something like that. We did use difference that you can not, you don’t, you, you might not want to relay on, on, on private clouds because that’s going to be your class.

    Makes sense. Yeah. So what is the burning man? So you told, you mentioned that you had an event who was a virtual burning man. You do it annually. Is it annually that we can go to yeah. The real event, but what’s real at this point, the real event, it takes place by the end of August until the first week of September.

    And for this year, we have the very first NFT environment becoming a physical stage at the physical Playa in burning man, 2022, which is salvation. [00:49:00] And it’s, uh, the first Tennessee valley, which probably I designed it. And it’s going to be, for example, you call in our Hong Kong, right? Jared is in LA I’m in Italy.

    How can we gather if we cannot go to the player we gather, we gather specifically going on the multiverse, you don’t. And I just want to say another thing as well. You don’t need an Oculus to join the metaphor. You know, elbow multi-verse is designed. It pretty, pretty, pretty well for VR, but you don’t need the Oculus.

    You just need to download the free app, which is a web to app decentralized manual. So it’s web three going to the app store or Google play, but also Oculus. I repeat just with your smartphone in, join it and live in it because many folks are talking about it. So be aware of scams and something like that, but nobody really has it.

    We have it. This is a huge difference. And since we are in a [00:50:00] virtual environment, we can still get naked and stoned at the same time. Am I right? Okay. Okay. Okay. Say it again. Sorry. I was a, I said, I think when I say it, I’m gonna get in trouble for saying at once now I’m going to get in trouble for saying it twice.

    I said, because we’re in a virtual environment, we can still get there. And stoned, correct. Well, you know, that’s up to you, that’s, that’s a human problem. Nobody, in terms of security, you, you put it up a very important issue. And we are also very education working very, very, very aligned and also with governments, uh, and, and other folks very, very oriented for security because let’s not forget the kids are the ones that are more experienced it despite us on this.

    So we need to protect kids and need to guide them and follow, follow the everything with them. And, uh, just making sure that everything gets in place because you know, another huge difference is, you know, you’ve got a blockchain and you got the, the, [00:51:00] the, the, um, the ludic part of the thing. So we are trying to solve those to this problem.

    And for the record, we totally support what you’re saying, Fabio, about being responsible for, you know, laws and shelter. And so thank you for, you know, no, but it does bring up an interesting point because you know, back on the streets, you know, grow up saying, oh, don’t talk to a stranger, you know? And then all of a sudden, the internet comes about, and they’re saying, well, be careful who you talk to online now, web three comes out and you’re, you’re, you’re dealing with a whole new set of security issues and your kids and how they interact and could it could, could it lead to a suicide?

    Like there’s so many issues, bullying, all this other things that we haven’t even thought about when it comes to this. I mean, we’re talking about startups. We do dedicate the show to that and the opportunities here, but that’s an area that we haven’t even thought about. And actually there probably is operating.

    For startups that [00:52:00] want to provide security for these types of services. I don’t know if anybody else wants to on the panel here wants to jump in and, and, and, and talk a little bit about that. Uh, if I may, uh, Fabio, uh, it sounds like we have lots of, uh, similar values and I think we can do some incredible stuff.

    I, I do AI, uh, generative art as well. I’m just getting into it. Uh, that’s interactive in live, so people can go to these NFTs and buy them and just by clicking their mouse on it, it generates. Interactivity it’s, uh, they could speed it up, slow it down, different variables. It’s so amazing. Um, if you haven’t heard of that, uh that’s uh, uh, something, please make sure you’re free to DM me or with links and stuff or Instagram.

    Okay. And J and J and Jared to that’s amazing. I can’t wait to check it out. [00:53:00] Vinson. Kudos. Yeah. It’s not mine. It’s not mine. It’s just something. Uh, I’ve been very blessed. Uh, see you say the great thing it’s for everybody. That’s the huge difference. Let let’s talk about community for exactly what I keep saying is it’s not me.

    It’s we? Yes. And the thing is just like, um, I don’t see myself as above anyone, if anything, I see myself that the low everyone, so I can help lift everyone up together. I see that, uh, many people have tried to buy me out just to like, stop what I’m doing. They’re like here, just ditch the product and walk away, never look back.

    And that was the, probably been the biggest, uh, like people trying to invest in me. Uh, but that’s not what I’m doing. I’m not about it. I’m not influenced by money. I’m more influenced by, um, I, I’ve made a couple mistakes in my life that have actually cost me my life once. And then someone tried to [00:54:00] take it once or two people.

    And, uh, they tried to murder me for money. I wanted a casino and they followed me to my home and came in and we won’t get into that. But, uh, it, uh, they hit me on the head with the lead pipe and, uh, it caused my brain to have a more connectivity between the two hemispheres. And it’s given me more. Uh, it’s given me kind of a meta perspective on life.

    It’s I kind of just identify things in a way that people don’t immediately see. And, um, I just want to share my vision with everyone, um, because I think it’s, well, I think it’s truly, like you said, uh, you brought up the, you came up with the multi, you didn’t come up with the multi-verse. You were very, you were a pioneer in making it.

    Uh, my idea was to create a Metta system, which is basically the same thing and environment in which anyone and everyone can build. And, uh, we can help. [00:55:00] It’s just a, I’m sorry, I’m almost at a loss for words, I’m smiling so much. That’s great. You can still do it, man. You can do it and it will, but it’s just, it’s so great to hear that, uh, for a long time there’s people who very much said what I was doing was impossible.

    And I mean, I I’ve worked on October 1st. There’ll be four years that I’ve been working 16 and 20 hour days to make this possible. And I’ve done it completely solo by myself. In fact, I financed it with $20 in a broken laptop in 16 months, I turned that into $82,000. Listen, I understand you so much. You know why?

    Because I became director of strategic initiatives at Klippel and first director of talent just using. Like saying, man, this app sucks. You know, nobody’s talking, it’s like, we have almost 1 million. Our does, because this is one of our best capabilities to, to have simultaneously up to 1 million people [00:56:00] avatars and they respond and they offered me a job, you know?

    So I totally, I totally encourage you to, uh, to, to keep doing it. And maybe at some point we can plug it into the multiverse, you know what I’m saying? So it’s a totally, totally inspiring your story. And trust me, I’ve been there. I’m still there. I’m a nerd myself. I’m a hybrid as well as artists. I told them you understand so much respect.

    Well, that’s great. And I do wanna, I do want to jump down to the Tenda. We only have a few minutes late. Um, I also wanted to give Jared a, um, a chance to close here as well. But Lieutenant, do you have a question for Jarrett or a thought about the metaverse or the story we’re talking a lot about the metaverse, but really web three?

    No, I think, uh, five-year uh, thanks Colin for bringing you on board. Um, I think five-year just covered everything that I needed to sort of, um, here, [00:57:00] uh, because NFTs, uh, one of those, um, big things that are coming up, I mean, the unpredictability of it’s like an unknown territory basically as to where they’ll go, but I think the way that five-year-old, um, covered it and explain it, uh, yeah, I don’t have much to say.

    I think it topped it and, uh, I can feel this passion and I’m really excited for him and Vincent as well. Okay, thank you so much. Um, when it comes to NFTs, uh, I, I might have a thing or two to add some value to this. Multi-verse this beautiful thing that is coming up. And, um, when I said I was a hybrid, I’m not only a nerd and artist, but I’m also quite the seasoned businessman.

    And, uh, I just want to make it to where man, I’m 31 and all these kids, they listen to me for some reason. So I just want to make [00:58:00] sure my voice is being heard by the right people, because I’ve had many investors tell me that it’s my super power. So if I’m going to use my superpower for anything, I’m going to use it for good.

    And, uh, if you guys have something great that we can bring to the world, the metaverse, the multi-verse please contact me because I just want to help. That’s what I live for. That’s my purpose to enact positive, measurable change on this planet. Multi-verse wherever it may be. Just as long as I exist, that’s what I’m going to do.

    And that sound. No, that’s awesome. Very good. And we do a show every Thursday at five o’clock Eastern called the complete entrepreneur and your story and just your attitude about that and your plate as an entrepreneur, you know, you’d be a great guest on that show as well. So, Jared, did you want to close it out here?

    Any last thoughts about web three? You know, where does somebody get started? No, if they’re new to it, you know, what would be a good first. Um, yeah, I would just [00:59:00] say, you know, you know, it’s very cliche, but Google is a pretty good resource, you know, what is web 3.0, what is an NMT? Um, and the top, the top, the things that popped up for pretty good.

    So I mentioned if you want to get a deep dive into the virtual, uh, the real estate space in the metaverse, uh, definitely go to my Instagram and go to the link in my bio. And, um, you know, I definitely do rooms on the metaverse. So if you click my bio and check out, uh, some of my replays yesterday, I did a room on opportunities and web 3.0 spotlight.

    So highlighted a bunch of different job boards and resources where you can get educated and then also get employed, uh, you know, for the companies that. You know, building out the metaverse. Um, and if you scroll down to the beginning of the year, did some really long and, uh, really powerful rooms, uh, that it was, you know, the way I like to moderate rooms is bring up the experts and let them just share.

    And, um, so like [01:00:00] metaverse monetization strategies, things like that, those replays I think, are really, really solid. I would go back to, you know, earlier this year and check out some of those rooms, um, and then, you know, show up to the conferences. That’s where you’re going to really meet people that can, you know, kind of, um, show you the different resources and, you know, take you to different places.

    So, uh, NFT, New York city’s coming up, uh, right now, Matt consensus. Uh, there was NFTE LA. Our basil has a lot of great, um, you know, topics and conversations around. Uh metamours um, I think Afro tech is going to have a really great metaverse track. Um, I would say Twitter spaces and search the hashtag web three, hashtag NMT, hashtag crypto, you know, check out.

    Um, Twitter spaces is a really good place to be a fly on the wall. Clubhouse, um, has some good spaces as well. The startup club in particular, so definitely follow the [01:01:00] greenhouse and, um, you know, people like Bianca, uh, I can hold your hand and, um, you know, get you started. Uh, another place I would go to is, uh, there’s a woman named opaque, ope, and then her last name is M.

    Um, and if you search metaverse meetup on clubhouse, she does, uh, she has a club where she basically gives you tours and onboards you on to multiple metaverse environments. And she’s very patient. She makes sure you’re not left behind. And, uh, if you want to actually experience crypto voxels or decentral land or Altspace VR, et cetera, um, That those clubhouse rooms are really great places to be.

    And, um, you can get your feet wet and once you get your feet wet, you’re like, okay, this isn’t that complicated. And then, uh, you can, you know, go ahead and move forward with it, but I’ll be doing other opportunities in web 3.0 a [01:02:00] room on Thursday at 4:00 PM. Uh, Eastern time on Thursday. And then, uh, there’s an app called entree, E N T R E M.

    That’s a web three professional networking app. Um, I highly recommend checking that out. I’ll be doing a web 3.0 tech career for their June 15th, from six to 8:00 PM. Um, and so if you’re interested in entree, just send me in my back channel. I can send you, uh, the info. Uh, but yeah, those are just some random places I would definitely go, uh, to get your feet wet and then, you know, uh, YouTube, um, you know, there’s a lot of good tutorials around that as well there, but conferences, I would just, if you’re really interested in getting started, go to the conferences and check out the intro, you know, conferences and then, you know, kind of be a fly on the wall, the more complex conversations, and then just start understanding the definitions and, um, immersing yourself with people that are, you know, figuring out the [01:03:00] space.

    So, yeah, that’s awesome. Awesome. The reason why I invited Jared on was I was caught up into one of his sessions, like I got into it and I just started listening for like an hour and a half. And I actually have the session I posted on Twitter. I’m going to tweet it out immediately after this as well, and start up club we’ll, uh, we’ll we’ll, we’ll put it on the blog if we could this one Michelle as well, but it’s web 3.0 metaverse news opportunities and careers.

    And it was like a three hour session. And you, you bring on all these experts. And quite frankly, it was just, I learned so much from that one episode that I, and I wanted to, to bring you on here to help share with our regular listeners as well. Thank you very much, Jared. Uh, next week we are going to be talking about brands and domain names, picking the right domain name for your business.

    So we’re looking forward to that one. We have page how coming on, you does a regular show [01:04:00] on a domaining and he’s an expert in that. And, uh, we’re going to have some one with that. Thank you very much. If you haven’t already done so checkout, join that mailing list because then you’ll learn about the speakers that we have, the topics that we talk about.

    Uh, it’s just a great resource to understand what’s happening on the startup club. We’re going for a million members. So if you know anybody else who wants to be a member of the startup club, please invite them. There’s so much we learned from each other from Vincent and Bianca and Fabio. Uh, it’s been incredible show.

    Thank you very much, everyone. We’ll see you next time. I want to be a connect with me. I want to do some music. Yes. Thank you guys. Thank you so much.[01:05:00] 

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