The Frequent Flyer’s Guide to Traveling

Are you a frequent flyer like our hosts? If the answer is yes, tune into our top tips and advice on getting around some tricky luggage limitations, avoiding overspending, and utilizing your travel time!

1. The water bottle issue

When you’re going through security at the airport, we all know you can’t bring your water bottle with you. But, if you’re a massive fan of Kaqun water like our host, Coach Yu, he recommends declaring the water as medicinal to take on board!

2. Forgot your ID? You can still fly, here’s how… 

At the desk, the staff will dial-up and call the HQ office, where someone will guide you through a range of questions from your name, DOB to the color of the roof on your house. They will ask you to name things like a park or a church near your home or a hospital. 

Once you’ve passed the quiz, you will get a ‘pat down’ and a luggage search, and you’re good to go!

Be careful, you can only do it three times before you get called out and stopped.

3. Finding the lowest airfares

Who is the dominant carrier? Try to fly into the airline’s ‘hub’ airport! 

Use the regional airport codes, e.g.: ‘NYC’, to search ALL of the airports in that area, it will save you from being overcharged, and you may even get an upgrade to business class for the same price as a direct flight to another airport! The smaller airports are a lot cheaper than, the larger, more popular airports.

4. Never book round-trip tickets!

The airline can’t price discriminate. The airline sets its pricing up to 365-days in advance; these are all classes of inventory. If you can book at least 21-days in advance, you’ll get a much cheaper ticket! It is cheaper to buy one-way tickets just in case you need to change up your itinerary. 

If you’re unsure what date you want to fly, book three flights, fly on the one you need, and get a refund from the other two! 

5. International 

Make sure you check the expiration date on your passport! Some countries won’t let you in if your passport expires within six months!

6. Uber over rentals

Getting to and from the airport can be stressful; a cheaper and more efficient way of getting from A to B is booking an Uber or a Lyft. Be sure to check what the names of the taxi companies are before arriving at the destination and download the app in preparation to have a quick and easy booking experience.

By using Uber or Lyft, you can utilize your travel time by working on the go!

7. Companion Pass

Southwest Airlines allows you to bring a friend for free because they don’t have a first-class option. It’s a buy-one-get-one-free option.

Listen to the full session above to get even more tips!

  • Read the Transcript to the Audio: Episode 18 The Frequent Flyer's Guide to Travelling

    BLOG: Coach Yu: EP18 The Frequent Flyer’s Guide to Travelling (10.21.21)

    [00:00:06] I think tonight it’s going to be a sky high show, right? You’re going to take us, take us for a flight. We’re not going to go as far as my friend William Shatner went, but, uh, we will talk about flying tonight, right?

    [00:00:19] Exactly. I had a 6:00 AM flight this morning from Baltimore. And I landed in Phoenix at eight 40 this morning. And I’m here in Phoenix today and I’ve just hit, I have a hundred thousand Southwest miles that I’ve earned just through this year. So I’m coming up on five and a half million miles air miles.

    [00:00:47] So I thought I’d share some cool. Tidbits that will help you. Next time you fly stuff that you didn’t know, and this shows of course being recorded. So you guys can listen to it or watch it later. I’ll start with one. Did you know that you can bring a whole water bottle onto a plane? I’ve done it many times at 1.5 liter gigantic bottle of cocoon water.

    [00:01:09] You know, how

    [00:01:14] you declared as medicine declared has been. And then what they do is they take the bottle and they come to their little inspection area where they had the little strips to detect, you know, bomb, residue and stuff. And they look at it, they mark it and a little notebook and they hand it back to you. And I’ve done it multiple times because I’d like cocoon water.

    [00:01:35] And sometimes I’ve had a lot of it. I will check it, but sometimes if I have just a couple bottles, I’ll bring it with me as a carrying on and only one time did the TSA lady get mad at. Well, other friends have done the same thing to just declare it is medicinal. I’ll give you another one. So one time I was, it was one of those 5:00 AM flight things.

    [00:01:54] So it was dark and I was tired and I wasn’t thinking, and I left my ID and credit cards and all that kind of stuff at the house. And by the time I got to the airport, I realized, oh crap. I felt from my pockets like, oh crap, I don’t have any of it. And there’s not enough time to go back to the house and back because the flight leaves in 36, So I was able to get on the plane.

    [00:02:17] You know how with no ID, no nothing. Except my phone, all I had was my phone and my backpack and whatnot. Nothing else. What did you do, Dennis? How did you do it? Well, You go there and they’ll ask you, do you have any ID? And you say, Nope, they’ll say like, yeah. Any government ID, a driver’s license, state ID passport, and like, Nope.

    [00:02:40] I have nothing. How about a credit card, social security card. Something with your picture on it? That’s government issued. I said, no, I got nothing. I will. How about like a utility bill? Like I don’t carry around utility bills and things like that with me. I have nothing. I do not have anything, any kind of ID to identify me.

    [00:02:59] At this point, I know that you’re supposed to get the little TSA phone over here and ask me the question. So let’s do that. Right? So then they do that. They call a supervisor who brings over some old Motorola flip phone thing, which they use to dial some number in DC. And then some, they identify themselves as agent 1, 2, 3, 4 in Dallas, and then they pass the phone over to me.

    [00:03:25] And then they start asking some questions like, what’s your. What’s your social? Where do you live? What’s your all questions. Anybody could just imposter and memorize and that kind of thing. Then they ask you. Oh, okay. So you live in 13, 10, north blue Marlin drive in Gilbert, which is where I am right now.

    [00:03:43] What is the color of the roof on the house? So, you know, there’s zooming in on Google maps and seeing like, oh, it’s. It is a mix. It’s a Spanish tile, brown, you know, red tile, you know, orange kind of tile, like, okay, cool name, a park or a hospital that’s near where you live. Oh, there’s a, or church. They’ll say like a church.

    [00:04:04] And I was like, ah, there’s a Mormon church, half a mile away. And I don’t know what the it’s, you know, it says LDS. You know, Jesus Christ or whatever. Like, no, what’s the actual name of it. I don’t know. They all say the same thing. They say LDS church of latter day saints, you know, church of Jesus Christ. No, no, what’s the actual name of it.

    [00:04:21] I don’t know. Are what about a hospital? Okay. Let’s see. There’s some kind of hospital that’s right off the freeway mile away. I don’t know what the name of it is. Okay. Well, how about a dog park? Right? What’s the name of that dog park near you? I’ve only been there a couple of times. I know where it is. I know what it looks like and describe it to you, but I don’t know the name of the dog.

    [00:04:39] So then they’ll go through stuff like that until you can recognize something near. And they, they look for like public sorts of things like parks and, you know, the hospitals and stuff like that. And as long as, you know, one of those things they’ll let you through and they’re like, okay, here’s or, you know, um, you know, be on your way.

    [00:04:58] Oh, when they do that, by the way you pass the little quiz, then they give you the full pat down and they go through all your luggage to make sure you don’t have any bombs or things like that. So that’ll cost you. Five to seven minutes, depending on, you know, how many people there they’re getting their stuff inspected because they accidentally have a water bottle inside their luggage.

    [00:05:17] But I’ve done that a few times. Supposedly if you do it more than three times in a month, they won’t let you do that anymore. But I’ve been in a pickle before where I didn’t have anything and they’d let me through. So hopefully that’s, that’s good for you guys. If that ever happens to you or to a friend, you know, that you can get through TSA in the United States with no.

    [00:05:37] That’s pretty interesting, Dennis, where I thought you were going to go is, is have them look you up on the internet because as a, as a, as a relatively public figure, you know, if you can say you’re someone and they can see you and see, you know, videos of you speaking at events and stuff with your name there, um, that would be another way that they could arguably that’d be a little bit more secure than whether you could memorize something off of a Google map, you would think, but the whole time they never did any sort of facial recognition or look at me.

    [00:06:06] You’re right. They should have just Googled me or they could have used the most evil company on the planet called Clearview. The one that law enforcement and the government agencies used to be able to match people and look them up, look them up at stadiums on social media and that kind of thing.

    [00:06:20] Consumers don’t have access to it. But this company, New York times said that the most evil of all the evil companies, but they certainly could do that. And I’m sure they are. But in this case, they’re not, I was once stopped coming back in the United States. I think I was coming back. Either Asia or it’s coming back from Saudi Arabia or something like that.

    [00:06:37] And they helped me in detention coming through customs. And I sat in this room for two hours and I thought maybe I was a terrorist or something. They wouldn’t tell me why. No, sir, you need to sit here and wait, you know, while we do whatever they’re doing, right. Making me wait in this room. And when they let me go, I said, okay, well, what was that all about?

    [00:06:58] He said something like, oh, well there’s someone else who had the same name as you. And we just need to verify that, you know, you weren’t this other dentist, you that, oh, okay. Well, that’s, that’s a little bit weird. Hey, you want to a tip on how to find the lowest airfare? We do. I used to work for American airlines twenty-five years ago and I’ve played both sides of it.

    [00:07:20] So I built the website for American airlines. I know the native Sabre command. So I. And I’m a little rusty, but I’m sure if you put me behind the saber terminal, I could do the command line and price, different flights that, you know, we could say San Diego to Baltimore and it has to go through Dallas.

    [00:07:36] Like I could figure out what those flights are, but here’s the thing that airlines were deregulated in 1984. I believe just like the bells were deregulated mob bell right at and T, but they were deregulated in the wrong. Because the regulators, like the government said, oh, well, let’s just, let’s bust up these airlines and let’s let you know, but they didn’t, they didn’t realize that airlines are actually regional monopolies.

    [00:08:04] So you have in Chicago, the main one is United in Dallas. You have American airlines and in New York in different parts, you have Delta and Atlanta is a Delta hub. So you have these different hubs. And what the airlines do is they try to. Maintain at least 70% market share in the hub. So when I was at American airlines, my colleagues in revenue management, which do all the pricing, they would say, okay, you know, we have three flights a day into Atlanta, which is in the Delta territory three, and let’s add a fourth flight or let’s raise the price from, you know, on, on 360 D C 365 days out from 1 29 to 1 49 and then upload these prices three times.

    [00:08:46] Into a joint database owned by all the airlines called arc iota airline reporting corporation. And so if we raised our price, then the Delta agents who are able to see the fare changes three times a day would say, Hey, Hmm, they raised the price. Let’s see, I can raise my price too. And then if so, then the price change would stick.

    [00:09:03] And the Delta people didn’t raise the price. Then we would lower our price back down to what it was before, because the airlines operate in perfect competition. Pretty much. I know people say I wouldn’t fly United anymore. You know, miss treat pets and big break guitars. It’s not true at all. I can tell you, you know, having flown a lot and being on the inside, it doesn’t affect demand at all.

    [00:09:22] So it’s, it’s a game of kind of cat and mouse. So depending on what the city is, you want to know who is the dominant carrier, because they’re the ones who are setting the lead for everyone else. So if you’re in a major market like Los Angeles, lax is the big airport, but you have orange county, which is NH.

    [00:09:42] Long beach, LGB, Ontario, ONT Burbank, which is bur. And those are the main ones. There’s a couple little ones. And let’s say you want to have a flight to Hong Kong. Right? So what most people would do is they’d go to Expedia or Priceline or Hotwire, or, you know, any of these other sorts of places, Travelocity.

    [00:10:04] And they would type in lax to HKG because all the airports have three letter city. It’s funny, like, you know what all of them are like gig is Rio de Janeiro. And why do I see is Vancouver or his account Calgary? Right? Why VR is Vancouver? We used to play a game, like, do you know all the three digit letter codes of all the airports, including the private airports, which is tougher.

    [00:10:25] But anyway, most people would say, okay, lax, H K G. And here’s the price? 7 99. And it’s on, you know, United airlines or whatever it might be. But did you know that a lot of these booking engines will let you use regional code? So if you do Q L a, that stands for all the regional airports. So instead of searching from orange county to Hong Kong or Ontario to Hong Kong or Burbank to Hong Kong or whatever it is, what search ultimate once isn’t that kind of cool.

    [00:10:55] And I was in China a couple of years ago, and I need for various reasons I needed to get back right away. And it turns out the cheapest flight was, was going from, it was Beijing into. Burbank Burbank, right? Bob hope, airport Hollywood, right? Hollywood international airport, not lax. And so, wow. It was way cheaper.

    [00:11:19] And I had business class for the same price as a coach class ticket. Plus you don’t deal with all the nonsense of lax, which is just a disaster. It’s a zoo, you know, trying to get in and out of lax, you can use regional codes like in New York NYC. So there’s New York, LaGuardia. There is JFK and. There is Newark DWR, right?

    [00:11:41] Those are the three main, I mean, not Teterboro and these other ones like private airports, but you just do NYC and it’ll look at these different airports. And sometimes depending on, let’s say I was in New York, whatever, three or four days ago, and I was meeting a friend in Soho, so I could have just as easily, it would have been the same distance to go from LaGuardia or from Newark.

    [00:12:01] Actually, it might’ve been slightly closer, I think from Newark to get to Soho. But if my meeting was in Queens, Obviously, I want to fly in LaGuardia because that’s way closer. Right? So you can often find cheaper flights and then direct flights, which is way better than having to connect through like Chicago or Dallas or Denver.

    [00:12:18] Right? I mean, Denver is a hub for United and you know, you, you, you’re less likely to get stuck and you don’t have to get on and off and all that other kind of stuff. So it was just a cool little trick to use the regional airport codes. You guys use any of the regional airport coats? I haven’t done. Trick.

    [00:12:36] Um, but I do check multiple airports in the area often to see if there’s a better, a better opportunity. Yeah. Going from a different airport. That always makes sense. Yeah. And sometimes you don’t have an airport that that’s that’s that close, like Southwest flies into Louisville, but they don’t fly into Dayton.

    [00:12:55] They, I don’t think they fly in the Cincinnati, but they fly into a couple other cities that really aren’t very far from. No, Indianapolis is not like for example, two weeks ago, I was in Austin and I had meetings at digital marketer to record a bunch of training on the content factory. You guys should check it out.

    [00:13:14] Last Monday, created this big blog post on the content factory, how you create content at scale, we had a clubhouse session on that in fact, three weeks ago, I think. And, and so going into Austin, the direct flight on American airlines was ridiculous. I think it was. $749 as something. But then I found a direct flight from Las Vegas into San Antonio, and I thought, huh, well, that saves me a bunch of time.

    [00:13:42] And this flight was like $139. I thought I’ll just get on this flight. Plus Southwest gives me free bags and I have super duper status. So I have free wifi and I can get on a 16, right? Like one of the first people to get on. And I hung out with a friend who was in San Antonio in the next. I went to Austin and the train I think was like an hour 15.

    [00:14:02] So I didn’t realize San Antonio was really that, you know, it was that close and just merely often, you know, there’s, there’s all these trains and you can take trains like the Northeast corridor that, you know, the Amtrak is Selah or there’s trains like LA San Diego. So I, when I go to go to LA, I usually like to stop and see some clients in orange county and also.

    [00:14:27] And when I was there interviewing John Astor half, two weeks ago, I flew into San Diego and we hung out, but I also want to see some other people too. So what I’ll do is I’ll have the meetings there and then I’ll Uber to the Amtrak station and then like go all the way up the coast. And you know, one ticket will let you have multiple stops along the way.

    [00:14:46] I’ll have, you know, a lunch meeting, a dinner meeting, and then I’ll end up in Santa Monica for the evening. Maybe have drinks with a friend and then have meetings at night. In Santa Monica or different or Hollywood or other parts of LA. So I’m able to hit multiple cities, but on the same flight, cause that, you know, if I’m going to hit Boston, I’m going to have a bunch of meetings in Boston and maybe I’ll stop in New York at the same time.

    [00:15:11] The other thing, here’s another thing too, for, for those of you guys who, who travel even a little bit, you should never book round trip tickets. The exception is going to be international flights where it’s cheaper, where you booked. Because if you ever need it, especially like if you’re on business, then you ever need to modify any part, like, oh, you need to take off early or later for the initial leg.

    [00:15:35] Then that cancels the return leg. Right. Or is any way just book. Everything is one way. This is what I’m saying. Right. It ends up being the same price and it gives you flexibility. So if you change one thing, you don’t have to change the entire itinerary because sometimes if you change the itinerary, it will reprice.

    [00:15:54] Thing to be more expensive, right? Because the sooner in you book the thing, the more the price goes up. And the reason why that is, is because of airline regulations on pricing that go back to unions and the pilots and the flight attendants, where the only way to be able to hold these union pays is to have an I know I’m not saying it exactly.

    [00:16:16] Right. So anyone who’s in the airline industry, you could raise your hand and like argue with me, but I’m just simplifying for the sake of what we’re talking about here. They can’t price discriminate, except by how far in advance you book and when you travel and other restrictions on it and you know, like the back to back or, you know, over a weekend overstay, that kind of thing.

    [00:16:36] So what happens is that the airlines all set their pricing typically up to 365 days in advance. So you can buy a ticket one year from now, but usually not one year in one day from now. And so these are all different classes of inventory. You know, you’re looking at the booking. So the booking curve is what’s the price on that particular flight from LA to Denver at 10, 10:00 AM on each day, the week provided they have daily scheduled service.

    [00:17:03] So it’s not like frontier or spirit or Legion, but daily service. And you might see day of it’s going to cost. And then two days out, you know, and then one day out, or I’m sorry, one week out, the price goes down and two weeks out the price goes down a lot, three weeks out. The price really goes down a lot.

    [00:17:24] So that’s the seven, 14 and 21 day advanced purchase windows. Then it’s true for most airlines that if you can book at least 21 days before the flight, you’re going to get a much better deal. And the exception is going to be like leisure market. So, if you’re going to Hawaii or LA or Las Vegas, then the price is normally going to be pretty cheap except like indivi Agus on Friday night and out of Vegas on Sunday night, which is where there’s a lot of demand.

    [00:17:55] But if you try to get around, if you just try to book stuff, oh wait, oh, sorry. I’m, I’m having lunch at my favorite place. Cafe superhero in Phoenix. So. If you’re not sure exactly which flight you want to be on because your friend didn’t confirm or you have a business meeting and it’s maybe three weeks out.

    [00:18:16] What you should do is book the two or three different things that you think it might be. So book your flight coming in on that morning, book your flight coming in that evening. Book your flight coming in the next day, and then just cancel the other two, right? Fly the one you want and cancel the other two.

    [00:18:33] What I used to do this on Southwest, I would just willing to illegal. Book like 20 different flights. And then if I didn’t fly it, it would just refund right back into my account. So it’s like no big deal. But then a year ago, Southwest changed the rules where if you don’t cancel within 10 minutes of the flight, you lose the money.

    [00:18:48] So you gotta be more careful. Now the other airlines will, the other airlines also allow you to do that as well. Um, the, the cool thing about, oh, there’s one other thing that airlines have learned too, is that you can’t book. That are in your name at the same time. So if you book a flight that goes New York, LA at 7:00 AM, and you book another one at 9:00 AM, they will cancel the first one you booked because they know there’s because that first flight is still in the air.

    [00:19:19] So if there’s overlapping between the flights, they’ll nail you on it. Another thing I used to be in two places at one time. Exactly. But I’ve had it before with Southwest. Where, cause I, you know, I want to preserve maximum flexibility. So I’m booking multiple flights, but making sure that maybe the, oh, there’s no overlap, but they’re like 45 minutes apart from when one lands and the other one takes off.

    [00:19:39] Right. Because I was in, I was in, I was in Baltimore this morning and it was a 6:00 AM flight and it lands here what 8:30 AM. Cause it’s three times zones different. So it’s almost five hours of flight time. So I could book one that leaves just when this one. So, if it landed here, eight 30 this morning, I could book one at 8 45 this morning, which would be 1145 Eastern time.

    [00:20:04] So I could literally do that and they would be fine with that. So if you’re planning on, you know, you’re not sure exactly when you’re going to fly back then just book, you know, book, the 6:00 AM, book 1145 and book 4:00 PM. Or if you just wait till the last. And you just book it until you get it confirmed.

    [00:20:21] Now, all of a sudden it’s, you know, you have only a one week advanced purchase instead of a 21 day advanced purchase. Now that ticket might cost as much as both of those cheaper tickets. And as long as you’re on top of what you have, then just cancel the one that you’re not going to fly. Right? So a lot of people think that I, that, that, you know, it costs me some crazy amount of money to travel because I stay in a lot of hotels and, you know, flying around all over the.

    [00:20:47] But my total travel bill is actually profit because I get paid to speak at conferences, or I get paid to fly to client meetings and things like that. And sometimes they’ll reimburse me in advance, but then I’m able to rebook for something that’s cheaper so I can actually make a profit. So I always get my travel pretty much covered one way or the other.

    [00:21:07] Cause maybe I’m flying to go speak at a university, but also in that city I have a client meeting, so I get the client to pay for the airfare. So I almost always get it. And I get it covered cheaper than whatever there will. And sometimes we’ll have per diem. They’re like, okay, you get $1,500 or you gain it’s international.

    [00:21:22] Okay. So you get $5,000 to be able to fly some. So we’ll say, okay, just send me the $5,000 and then we’ll book it. Sometimes they’re rude about it. Like, no, we have, you have to use our, our travel agency. I’m like, no, we really like to use ours. Cause we know we know how to book it our way and have the connections we want.

    [00:21:38] Earn points the way. And often they’ll relent. So then they’ll pay us the $5,000 or whatever. And then I’ll just book, coach. I almost always fly coach. Even I fly middle feet, coach international, which is crazy. People are like, oh, I can’t believe Dennis is flying coach. He’s he’s a baller. Like none. $5,000.

    [00:21:58] Shoot. If I, if I’m flying a $600 ticket, that would have been 5,000, that’s another $4,500. We could have used to buy a couple laptops for some of the people in our program. You know, there’s a lot, a lot more things we could have done with that money. Oh. But you’ll be so tired coming in that, you know, that’s the difference between having a good business deal or not?

    [00:22:16] When you’re alert, that’s why, you know, you want to get the lay flat seats when you’re flying international. I’m like, I never sleep when I am on these planes. I’m always working the whole time. Anyway, United as the best one. Going to Asia for international. So I’m working, I’m not watching movies. I mean, I’ll eat the food cause you gotta wait when you take off, then they bring the food and then I’m working the whole time.

    [00:22:35] Dennis, speaking of international flying, I want to share a tip too. Especially now as people haven’t been able to fly internationally for a while, your passport might’ve been in the drawer for a year. Um, when you take it out, make sure, and I didn’t know this till it happened to us. Make sure you check the expiration date when your passport and not to see if it’s still valid, but to know how far out it expires, because what we learned the hard way, traveling with Colin, in fact, Colin Campbell.

    [00:23:07] Many countries will not let you in if your passport is going to expire within six months. So even if you have a valid password passport, if it’s going to expire within six months, they won’t let. And we were going to Singapore and I’m from Hong Kong. And, um, when we got there, he could not, he could not get in, they wouldn’t let him on the plane to go to Singapore.

    [00:23:29] And he got stuck in Hong Kong. And I went on without him because his passport, which was perfectly valid at the time was going to expire within six months. You know, my passport expired in June of this year and I’ve been flying on an expired ID. And the last time I got my past. Was it the Minneapolis passport regional passport agency.

    [00:23:51] Here’s a little trick. So I had to go keynote in Oslo, Norway for this huge thing at a stadium the next day, um, my passport was expired, right? And so I’m not going to go to the post office and wait five weeks or eight weeks or whatever. I can’t go to an express pap passport service because even those guys will take a week or two.

    [00:24:13] I got to fly out the next. So do you think I’m hosed, right? What do you do in a situation like that? Let me tell you, because almost nobody knows this because there’s no economic incentive for anyone to tell you what I’m about to tell you. You go look at the regional passport offices. I think there’s 12 or 14 of them.

    [00:24:30] It’s a little harder now because of COVID to get an appointment, but you go online to their little booking system. Sometimes you got to do it through the phone and you choose a little window. So I went to, I think it was like nine. I got an appointment. I stopped at the Walgreens CVS thing and got my little passport photo made.

    [00:24:47] I happened to have my birth certificate with me and social security card. And my currently expired passport. I went in there, I showed him my proof of travel. Like here’s my plane tickets for tomorrow. I’m going to Oslo Norway. I showed him a letter or email from the conference organizer saying, yep. You know, we’re happy to invite you to come speak at the conference.

    [00:25:08] And I kid you not. Five minutes, maybe 10 minutes later, for me walking into that regional passport building, I walked out with the brand spanking new passport and a passport card. They literally just took my information, went into. Printed the thing out of the machine and just gave it to me right there on the spot.

    [00:25:28] And I paid an extra, like $70 in total. I think it was like $230. Cause it was a passport and it was what, like an $80 expedite fee. Plus I paid the extra what, 40, $50 for the passport card, which is really just going to Canada and Mexico. And you know, the funny thing, if you do a search like rush passport or expedited passport or expedite visa service or whatever those servers.

    [00:25:52] I really just standing in line for you at these other places. So people don’t know that cause why, why would the government run Google ads to tell people, Hey, you should come to the, you know, come to the regional passport office. So it’s so funny because these guys who are charging these crazy fees are using PPC.

    [00:26:09] So they’re dominating the search results. So people don’t know that you can go to a regional passport office. Isn’t that neat.

    [00:26:17] If you ever need a passport right away. All right. Hey, let’s open up the floor. What do you say to questions? People have, I have lots more tips to share on travel, but I want to hear, like, what do you guys think? Maybe you have a quick tip or maybe you have a question and this firm’s being recorded and the coach you show every Thursday, 5:00 PM Pacific.

    [00:26:37] So you got a good tip. It’ll be on the site. So let us know. There’s a hand raise button in the bottom center. And while you’re thinking about what question you have or what tip you have. Jeffrey and I will continue. Yeah. I, you know, you, you talked Dennis about taking trains in between, but also cars. It’s a little bit tougher now because car rental prices have gone up, um, recently, but sometimes, you know, when you look at the connection time, while you’re waiting for your connecting flight versus hopping in a rental car and just driving to that next location or the next city sometimes it’s time and cost-effective, um, I have family, you mentioned San Antonio.

    [00:27:16] I have family in San Antonio, and whenever I go to visit, I always. The flights to San Antonio, which has always at least one connection for me coming from Florida. And I also check flights to Austin because Austin is about an hour, a little over an hour drive away. But on, on many occasions, I found that it was not only less expensive.

    [00:27:36] In other words, the, the flight to Austin plus the car rental was less expensive than the tickets to San Antonio, but time-wise, it was faster because there was a long layover in. You know, on the way to San Antonio. So renting a car sometimes solves that problem too, both for time and money. Yeah. Use any sort of combination.

    [00:27:58] I like to use Uber as a way to bridge these things too, which is my equivalent of renting a car. That way I don’t have to rent a car and wait in line at the thing and then return it and make sure I fill up the gas and get there early enough. And often the rental car center will be not near the airport.

    [00:28:14] So then you have to take their bus to the airport, which takes another however long. It doesn’t, you know, it doesn’t go as often as you like. So the car rental thing can take you more time to, especially if you are, I mean, it’s not necessarily better or worse, you just have to look like if you are, if you’re in San Diego and you’re renting a car and you’re going to a convention at the convention center, I think the parking there is 55 bucks.

    [00:28:37] And that’s it, the convention center, the hotels, it’s also like 50 to 60 bucks a day. So at that point, just Uber it. Right. So I do tons of Uber. I took the Uber from, and when I say Uber, I mean Uber or Lyft or whatever the ride share is two. So today I took the Uber from the Phoenix airport back to my house here in Gilbert and.

    [00:29:00] First looked at it. I think it said $38 dollars. And the price went up because there’s this hidden airport surcharge tax thing. Like I was in Chicago whatever week and a half ago. And I was at Perry Marshall’s house, which is like 12 minutes from the airport and the thing’s like 28 bucks. So I’m like, well, how is that?

    [00:29:14] Right. It wasn’t surging it’s because they added all this extra tax. But then I went to Lyft and I saw that it was $27 right today. So I, I went on Lyft and I got that one. And yesterday when we were meeting a friend. My friend was looking at it on Uber and I looked at it on Lyft and like, whichever one’s cheaper, it’s not that anyone is necessarily, always cheaper than the other, but you definitely should check it out.

    [00:29:39] Often. The prices are very different. Like I was in New York and things were no, wait, what was it? Oh, I was in San Diego, right. Two, two weeks ago. Was it three weeks ago for traffic and conversion summit. And just to get from the convention center to little Italy, which is not even a mile away, cause it was surgeon was like 50 bucks, but then.

    [00:29:58] A few minutes, it’d go back down to eight bucks, which is nuts, right? So I’ll often just wait a couple minutes if I have the time, I’ll wait, because I’ll work a little bit. Sometimes I gotta plug my phone back in or charge my laptop back up. So I want to get that extra time. So that way, when I’m in the Uber, I’m able to work instead of my laptop and phone being dead, which is that’s, that’s using up real time versus a lapsed time.

    [00:30:20] My face, the whole thing, everything I’m doing with travel hacking is making sure I’m, I’m using. On the flight or, you know, in transit. So the elapsed time could be five hours. Like it was five hours this morning from Baltimore here to Phoenix. But yeah, it’s five hours elapsed time, but I didn’t use up any real time.

    [00:30:39] Cause I was working the whole time. I mean, the wifi was a little bit slow today, but you know, you see what’s going on. Hey, if you have Southwest, did you know that if you log in, if you have a list preferred, you get free wifi and then you can log. All you want for all your other people and for all your devices.

    [00:30:56] So I’ll often log in like five times. I think the max I’ve ever had is five to five devices because I’ll be traveling with two or three other people on the team and each of them has a laptop and a phone. So maybe it’s six devices and the system doesn’t seem to care that one person’s logged into all of those.

    [00:31:11] So if you ever do that, that’s a cool little trick. You want to know my favorite trick Jeffrey on travel. What’s your favorite trick, Dennis? It’s called companion pass on Southwest. And Southwest is the only one to offer this because they don’t have first-class all the other airlines have tier matching, meaning that, you know, when you reach platinum, you get this many miles and this, these kinds of upgrades and that whole kind of game.

    [00:31:37] But because Southwest has only coach, then the only way they can have a quasi tier matches to say that they’re platinum version is they let you bring a friend for free. And I think they have a thing going on right now. Maybe it goes on for another week or two. If you fly two round trips, don’t quote me on it.

    [00:31:55] Just go to the website. If you want to look, if you fly just you yourself, fly a couple round trips next year, they will allow you to bring anyone that you want on your companion pass. Meaning they can fly for free. You can be flying on a free ticket and they can fly for free. You can book a regular ticket and then they fly for free.

    [00:32:12] So I have probably easily gotten 150, $200,000 worth of travel off of. So that’s why you’ll notice when I traveled to different places, I usually have one other person with me because it’s always nice to have someone to take notes and be an assistant and just manage the logistics and things like that.

    [00:32:30] But they’re also traveling for free. So while I’m finding these great hidden cities or other sorts of things with Southwest, like flying to San Antonio instead of Austin or whatever that other person’s flying for free. And so it’s really buy one, get one free. Almost all my flights are buy one, get one.

    [00:32:46] And because the COVID Southwest has reduced the number of miles or points you have to earn to earn companion pass. So I’ve already earned companion pass through the end of 2022, but you only change it three times per year. So if I’m bringing other people, I mean, they’ve let me change it four times just because it’s old, please, please, please let me change it one more time.

    [00:33:05] Cause I want to, you know, bring another friend to another conference or, you know, whatever it might be. So I’ve seen a lot of friends do this. If you get the Southwest credit. They’ll often just go ahead and give you 70,000 points and it’s one 10 to get companion pass. And sometimes they’ll just go ahead and just give you a companion pass.

    [00:33:22] So a travel hack for people who are listening, who want to save money, Dennis is just to figure out where you’re going, that they need to go to and offer to be your companion. Yeah. In fact, if there’s anyone here that’s listening that wants to help do video, uh, wants to help turn these things into interactive, choose your own adventure videos using Tolstoy and the other things that we have, you can see examples that have been.

    [00:33:44] Then you get an opportunity to meet some really cool people. I’ll give you an example. The last, the last 72 hours, here’s who I’ve been with. Um, last plus eight, two hours ago, I was with the top Keller Williams agent in the United States. He sold $3 billion of real estate. Last night, I was with Chris mechanic who has a $10 million agency and a hundred employees lunchtime yesterday, who was.

    [00:34:14] I forgot. But the night before I was with Andrew Anndum, who is the top seller in real estate and Maryland. So he sold a billion, some dollars in real estate. Anyway, it’s just basically like that. It’s every day it’s meeting people like this and filming videos tomorrow I’m tomorrow morning at 7:00 AM. All of these guys really just want to nail it to me.

    [00:34:39] I’m with the founders of customer hub and we’re going to be in Chandler. A course on how to build a course and interactive course. So Kyle Levitt and Dawson Creek total evening, I’ll be in Vegas Saturday. I will be with Jonathan pendulous. Who’s the founder of a chocolate company. Who’s doing very well.

    [00:35:01] Monday, the founder of the origin protocol, which is one of the blockchain crypto coins. We’re having bats and cocoon and Vegas. So every day we get to hang out these really cool people. So what an opportunity to get this kind of networking, right? What else would you be able to meet these sorts of people?

    [00:35:21] I think that’s why the young adults there are gravitating towards this cause they want to meet the people that they basically see in YouTube videos, but now they get to hang out and have meals and learn from them and an exchange. It’s an incredible apprenticeship to learn, you know, what is it like?

    [00:35:37] What’s it like being around Juno and Jake Paul or whoever it might be. Okay. Creating content together. So if you are one of these sorts of people, normally it’s young adults because they have the flexible kind of schedule. Like Andrew’s got three little kids and, you know, Chris has got two kids, so it’s tough, you know, happy wife, happy life, but I love this stuff.

    [00:36:00] This is what I live for. I love hanging out with people like this. We’re creating jobs, we’re creating videos to train people. Really cool. So travel is a, some people say, are you, are you tired of traveling? Cause I get tired. Just looking at how many cities you’ve been. And I’m like, well, I never really think about it as travel.

    [00:36:18] I think if it is I’m building relationships the best way to do that in person, especially with COVID, I’ve flown more in the last 18 months in the United States than I have basically in my life, even though I’ve not left the United States in the last 18 months, which is crazy. That’s not happened to me all.

    [00:36:36] But I’ve flown a lot in the U S because it could be like a Jake Paul or a pit bull or someone like that, where they’re normally out traveling and doing all kinds of crazy stuff. But you know, the big stadium events, aren’t what they used to be, but they’re still slowly opening up. So these people that would otherwise be traveling around they’re at home.

    [00:36:53] And so they love to hang out and meet up. So this, I think now is a, is a crazy. Amazing time to do travel arbitrage. Now, if you have a health condition or you want to stay home or whatever that, you know, that’s good for you, but for those of us who want to go out and meet people and we’re healthy, this is fantastic, right?

    [00:37:13] If COVID didn’t happen, Jake, Paul wouldn’t have spent all that time with me building this program. We’re about to launch, he’d be out doing Jake Paul kinds of stuff. Right? So travel is in this weird zone right now. It’s easier to meet people. So instead of meeting people to these big events, you’re meeting people and one-on-one more intimate kind of situation.

    [00:37:35] So I really liked that really having quality time with people. Okay. And that’s true. Even Dennis, even for events, what a trend I’m seeing a lot of events, live events. That are starting up again. They’re still starting up smaller than they were before. Um, because a lot of people still are not willing to travel.

    [00:37:56] A lot of companies have cut back on sending employees out on trips. So the events are becoming smaller. The exhibit halls are becoming smaller and they’re becoming more of networking opportunities and more of an opportunity to spend more quality time with fewer people than chasing people down in a crowded, um, convention.

    [00:38:14] So if you can go, you might get more value out of it than you. Yeah. And the original internet marketing conference called webmaster world is going to be in Vegas and a couple of weeks, but now it’s just held at a pub and they’re going to have 50 people instead of, you know, 2,500 people or 3000 people.

    [00:38:33] So, two weeks ago, I was in San Diego for traffic and conversion summit at the convention center. And Ryan Deiss told me a couple of years ago, this was before all this nonsense happened, that he was planning on having 10,000 people because he was at the Marriott Marquis before. 5,000 people. And then they’d want to do 7,000 people and get to 10,000 people because digital marketing is growing, but they had only 3,500 people, which I she’s still pretty big, but you could see the, in the big, big room for the opening keynote where they’d have, you know, Martha Stewart and people like that.

    [00:39:04] Speaking, it was kind of sad because this room, the room’s kind of empty, right? The room set up for like seven, 8,000 people. There’s only 2000 people in there and in two thousands, a lot of. When it’s in the convention center and they’re expecting way more, it’s kind of empty and it’s kind of sad. The energy level is kind of low, but then again, it’s so easy to meet the other industry people because they’re at their booths or whatnot.

    [00:39:28] So it’s easy to hang out. Like I spent quality time with Brendan king of Adesta Sean Clark of high level Marcus Murphy. Right. He was the BMC of TNC. Andrea Vall like all these other people, John John asked her RAF was there. There’s just, there’s fewer people. So it’s easier to spend time with them. So if, if you’re able, I would encourage you, you know, go to these conferences, it’s safe.

    [00:39:51] Um, they, the one I went to a TNC, they required proof of negative COVID within 72 hours or something like that. They didn’t even ask me though. They just asked me, do I have a negative COVID I’m like, yeah, I hear you. You want to see it? And I was starting to pull it out and then the non I don’t need to see it.

    [00:40:08] So like, oh,

    [00:40:12] Another thing that I see people mess up on in travel is hotels. And if you want to know something about hotels, look at what Roland Frasier says and how he’s able to get an upgrade. So he’ll say like, yeah, I’m saving 83%. I saved $8,000 on that room last night plant. Yeah. It was a $10,000 room and I got it for only 2000.

    [00:40:34] Okay. Well, I guess that’s a great deal, but I don’t want to pay $2,000 for a room if it’s just. Right. What am I going to do there? I might’ve been whatever. So what I do is I go to Hotwire. That’s my favorite place to go. It’s not as good as it used to be. And Hotwire, you know, we’ll show you these, like, here’s a four-star hotel for $79 or something like that.

    [00:40:54] And normally it’s, you know, 1 59 and they will hide the name of the hotel for you. But if you look at the reviews, they’ll show you the trip, TripAdvisor reviews. And if you see the number of reviews. And you do a search for the property. You think it might be, or often they’ll show another property, which will be actually that property that’s named.

    [00:41:15] And if you look it up, you’ll see like, yep. It’s that one. And sometimes they’ll show a picture of the room. So you click on it. Oh, click to reveal a photo of one of the rooms. It might not be your room, but it’s a room from the property and like, oh, that’s the embassy suites. Obviously it is right. Or it says this hotel is guaranteed to be one of these two.

    [00:41:33] And the one that, or it’ll say the last person staying here got the Marriott. Right. And 90% of the time, the one where it said, oh, they got that one. That’s the one that you’re going to get to. So I thought I’ve stayed in Hotwire rooms so many times I can pretty much figure out which hotel it is. The exception is in New York because New York has so many hotels.

    [00:41:55] It’s just, you know, whatever, but LA airport, Chicago, San Diego. Dallas. Mostly I can pretty much figure out what, what hotel it is with just a minute or two, because if they show the picture, I’m like, Nope, that’s the holiday Inn. I recognize what that, what those rooms look like. Right? So hopefully that’ll, that’ll save you a little money.

    [00:42:16] The only time you’re not going to do this hot wire kind of thing is if you are tied to a loyalty program, you know, for example, you’re a Hilton honors member or you are starting. Premium, you know, uh, platinum. So you, you know, you get the F the, the free upgrade. If they have a suite available, that’s kind of cool.

    [00:42:35] If you’re traveling in a group, then you get this how of get to suite or it’s, you’re traveling for business and company’s paying for it. Someone else is paying for it. So you don’t really care. Are you just going to go wherever you get the most points or whatever place you like to stay at? That’s closest to the thing closest to the event or closest to where they are.

    [00:42:52] So I find that the hotel game is more interesting than. Then the flying game because you, you have more time to, to play around. So you can actually, I normally don’t book hotels until the day of, or the night before. The only exception is going to be, you know, in Las Vegas where it’s some big conference in the rooms, you know, we’re going to get sold out, but like airlines, you have, you’ve gone.

    [00:43:17] You want to book them 21 days in advance hotels to book at the same day. You just need to know what’s available. It’s not on Hotwire. My second go-to is hotels to. Then I look at price line, then I look at Google hotels, right? So Google maps, then they’ll show you the different hotels for flights. I like to look at slow Skyscanner and skip lagged and Google flights.

    [00:43:49] And directly on Southwest Southwest, you have, there’s only two places. You can get the price on Southwest it’s on Southwest directly. So the app or the website, or for some reason they’re on SkipFlag, but Southwest doesn’t show up on Expedia, Travelocity, Priceline, any of the TPLs, which are the third party logistics or to what’s the word?

    [00:44:12] What’s the word for these? Third-party what’s the word? I can’t remember the industry term, which they are. But Dennis, while you’re thinking of that term on the hotel side, I would be remiss in my role as, as a co-founder and COO domains to not mention site for hotels,, George George redo site.

    [00:44:33] Yeah, I’m a member too. And so George is able to get unpublished prices because it’s a club. So the hotels will offer certain prices only to certain clubs and organizations. So you pay a nominal monthly fee or you could pay it annually. And literally if you use it one or two times, you’re going to earn back more than that.

    [00:44:53] Membership fee was in the savings. Great prices. I think a huge number of hotels all over the world. I use it all the time. Yeah. I thought it was too good to be true. And then I tried it a few times. Then I forgot about it. The last three or four months. Cause I went back to my. Yeah. I’ll consider this a reminder.

    [00:45:12] Yeah. I won’t tell George you forgot about him. Yeah, actually it was ju it was George who introduced us actually, right? Yeah. Yeah. Mr. George, he’s going to be out in Vegas, opening his cannabis testing laboratory. That’s just outside of Vegas. I think it’s like needles, California or something. Pretty cool.

    [00:45:34] Yeah, George is a great entrepreneur. Um, and just as an aside, If you don’t mind a domain of sight about George. So he’s he, I met him through the domain industry and he has a portfolio of some very good domain names. And back when I first met him, which is now almost probably seven or eight years ago, he was telling me about a domain name he owned, which is visit

    [00:45:55] So he owns visit, which back when he bought the name. That didn’t mean anything. No one was doing it. And look where we are today. Um, with what’s happening with commercial space flights, um, with civilians going up there. So I think he’s going to do very well with visit Yeah, that’s incredible.

    [00:46:14] It’s the new real estate. Isn’t it. All the domains. And it’s the new form of travel. Wait until we have, you can submit a spaceship on Uber. You’ll be giving travel tips. The next time we do this clubhouse room in a few years, it won’t be flying tips. It’ll be space flying tips. Oh, man, that’d be crazy. Elon Musk is going to own the world and the universe for that matter.

    [00:46:40] I’d love to hear what questions do you guys have on travel? I’m not necessarily some super pro, but I certainly have enough experience that I’ve flown and traveled and used every form of, you know, private jets or cruises. I’m happy to share any expertise. I have answer any questions that you guys have

    [00:47:02] also happy to share you weird stories as well from travel. Plenty of those. Plenty of those. All right. Well, we got, we have a fair number of folks here, but nobody wants to raise their hand. I wonder why that is. Are you guys just like on the treadmill listening and this is sort of like listening to the radio.

    [00:47:25] Oh, we have a lot of our friends here. Sandy’s here. I’ve known Sandy for many years. Local stuff. Steven goo is here. We’ve seen him a few times. She just took off. Now. Sandy is a good friend of mine, Dennis, once again, our paths cross. Yeah. Oh, there’s Steven. Yeah, I think Sandy, we met in Miami like 10 years ago.

    [00:47:44] Oh, she took off too bad. I wonder if. Hey, Steven, how you doing? Good. Good. Hey, this is, I’m going to ask some like a nine,

    [00:47:56] what kind of question? And none trouble related. I don’t the trouble, but I thought, I just want to know. I mean, I prefer to, because we’re turning into a blog post that’s on this topic, but you know, I think we’ve got an AMA that’s coming up and then if you’re a member of office hours, Which is where I answer all your digital marketing questions.

    [00:48:17] You can message me for that. I answered everyone’s questions personally. Yeah. Okay, cool. A hundred dollars a month. It gets, it gets you access to all the training that we have. Okay. Yeah. So Jeffrey, when are you coming out to Vegas or LA or someplace where we can meet? We missed each other in Vegas a few months ago by about a day.

    [00:48:40] Um, I was in a Moab, Utah last week, which was fun, actually fun, fun travel thing. I think that was probably the smallest commercial airport I’ve ever been to. The baggage claim is outdoors. The baggage claim is literal and it’s not, there’s no rotating conveyor belt. It’s literally just a, there’s a sign on offense.

    [00:49:03] It says baggage claim with an arrow pointing down and kind of a flat thing. And they just. Bring the bags over from the plane and dump them on this flat thing out, outside the, the terminal. That’s the first time I ever experienced that the most efficient baggage claim, speaking of baggage claim was in Berlin.

    [00:49:21] When I flew into Berlin, they had the baggage claim at each. Which was genius, the efficiency, the German efficiency. So when you get off the plane, you just stay right there where you get into the terminal. Right at the gate. Each gate had its own little conveyor belt of baggage claim. And that way they just go from the plane right there.

    [00:49:41] So it’s much faster. You’re not driving all over the airport to get the bags to baggage claim and you get your bags and you walk out and you go outside and you’re done. You don’t have to go walking down the terminal to baggage claim or any of that stuff. Extremely efficient. I love that. Wow. That is very cool.

    [00:49:59] Oh, what airline did you. When oof, which Moab I flew United. Um, I believe, yeah, flu that’s very cool. Awesome. Well, any other questions guys on travel? One of your, some horror stories.

    [00:50:21] These are about travel tips. I’ve got a million miles in first class on American airlines. So I would sit there and first class, I’ll tell you one last story. If anyone wants to raise their hand while until the story great, but I’ll close it out with one story. And first-class going from Dallas where their headquarters was to LA was $21 and flying coach was $7.

    [00:50:47] Cause we had to pay some nominal fee or whatever, like the cost of the incremental fuel for our weight. And so if there was a meal, I would do that otherwise, whatever. Why would I want to pay that extra to sit in for. But then after a while I decided, you know what I do kind of like first class, because of the hot towels they give you before you take off, and then they give you those nuts.

    [00:51:04] You remember those nuts, right? And then sometimes they’ll come by with little champagne and the longer flights still have a make your own sundae, which is kind of cool. And they have all these little like caviar things along the way. American airlines is I think the number one buyer of caviar on the planet, because they serve that stuff in first class.

    [00:51:21] I mean, who else eats when else do you eat caviar? Right. But you know, my favorite thing to do. And first-class besides take pictures and show everybody. No, I never did. That was, I would ask the other people in first class. So why are you in first class? Because this ticket costs way more than in steerage and coach.

    [00:51:41] You know what the answer was? What was the answer? Dennis, take a guess. Let’s play family feud because I’ve asked this question hundreds. I, I, you know, I look at the guy next to me, it looked like he was a businessman, or maybe it’s someone who looks like a celebrity or a rapper, I’m just say, oh, that’s cool.

    [00:52:00] What are you doing in first-class? Right. What do you, why are you hanging out in first clinic? What Tom, help me understand. Right. That’s pretty cool. You’re in first class, they have a relative that works for the airline. That is a common answer to, and so well, if, if the relatives working for the airline, they’re flying D three, which is standby.

    [00:52:17] So you’re not going to get standby and first-class, and. And sometimes employees will, which is a D to travel priority. So a one, so, you know, a one’s the highest priority. That’s an FAA inspector, a 2 83 as a pilot that needs to get to the next flight. So they get on their a six as management, which is what I was so senior management in American airlines.

    [00:52:40] There’s the B and C levels. And then D is airline employees and all the airline employees.

    [00:52:51] so D one is you are your employee. D two is like a spouse. T3 is another airline employee trying to fly. So you work at United trying to get on, you know, Southwest or whatever it is. But yeah, the airline employees are not going to fly first class, not since nine 11. So that’s that’s the last time I flew on fake miles are fake tickets, internal tickets, but, uh, yeah.

    [00:53:14] Who, who else said there’s people that have. There’s executives. There’s all sorts of people that want to fly first class. Right. But what, what other reasons would you, would you guess why people would fly first class?

    [00:53:29] Take a guess.

    [00:53:35] All right. I’ll answer it the most common. Oh, laying you have an answer. I have. Okay, because they want to rest very well. So when they land, we’ll be ready for the meeting business meeting on beat the important person. That is a very common answer. That’s in the top three or four. So the proximal answer.

    [00:53:55] Yep. What’s that? I have another case. I seen a full first class. Uh, probably 30% or 40% of them are automatically. I use the government law and that, you know, I’m going to free up. Yeah. They’re playing the upgrade game. Definitely just like miles and points and that kind of thing. That’s the second most common answer.

    [00:54:17] But you might think like, I would’ve thought, well, they’re doing it because they liked the bigger seat or because they’re getting better rest or because the food is better or they get off the plane faster, or they’re less likely to have crying babies or things like that. But about networking, networking is in the top 10 and it’s kind of related to the number one, answer the number.

    [00:54:38] And I I’ve asked so many people this, but by far the most common. ’cause I can, Hey Chris Chang, you should join us for the last two minutes because I can’t. So they don’t even rationalize it. So some of us, we have these friends that have their private jets, right. Or do they have their boats or they have some crazy house, which is, it looks like more like a hotel than a house.

    [00:55:01] Like, okay, you don’t even need a house like this. Why do you have a house like this? And the answer is because I can’t, so they’re not even trying to justify like, think about it. Right. So fine, they serve you a meal and first class, but is that meal worth another $600? I mean, how good could that meal be to be worth an extra $600, right.

    [00:55:20] For two hour flight come on. Right. And part of it was just, I know I’m a successful businessman. I’ve worked really hard to get to where I am and. I’m going to reward myself and I have zero shame in doing this and the people who are on their way up, they’ll say, yeah, well, I bought the plane because it was just better to, you know, than, than to rent it.

    [00:55:41] And you know, when you include all the costs and all the better, like, no, you’re not, you’re doing it cause you, because this is what you want to do. And it’s because you can’t. And I found that that was an interesting sort of attitude. It wasn’t an entitlement attitude. It was more. I recognize that all of these things are expenses.

    [00:55:59] And I don’t view them as a piece of my ego. I don’t, I don’t do it because I’m trying to show off to other people because I’m insecure. They do it because it’s what they like to do. I have a friend who has watches that costs as much as fancy. And he’ll tell everybody, yeah, that’s a fake Rolex. It’s not a fake Rolex, but he tells it to him because it reduces the risk of any bad thing happening of getting it stolen.

    [00:56:25] He knows it’s real. So he bought the Rolex for him or whatever, the fancy, I don’t even know these different watches, but I know like, you know, here’s this diamond encrusted watch. It’s a hundred thousand dollars like, oh, okay. Yeah. But tell it. But he tells everyone it’s a fake because it’s for him. And so these are the people that fly first class it’s because they can’t.

    [00:56:46] Isn’t that neat.

    [00:56:49] Imagine the balls of some 23 year old kid sitting in, first-class saying, Hey, I’m just curious. Why are you in first class? You know, when you could have been way back there for cheaper, because I can. All right, guys, I enjoyed spending time with you. Feel free to ask questions. It’s the best way to network and build.

    [00:57:11] Coach you show every Thursday, 5:00 PM Pacific. I’m so grateful for Mr. Jeffrey here for hosting. It missed him for the last couple of weeks. You got a topic every week for you. Yeah. And as a reminder, you know, you can find the recordings of this show and all the other episodes of the coach. You show

    [00:57:32] So you can hear the recordings there. You can sign up for a mailing list and get informed of other special events. Interesting speakers on the coach you show and otherwise Alright, you guys are awesome. I can’t wait to see you guys next week. Hit me up on the gram or on LinkedIn. Hit me up on the tick tock, which is my latest fascination.

    [00:57:53] And I’m grateful for all you guys. Let’s, let’s spend more time together. Let’s find ways to connect. I think people are under a lot of stress and it’s easy to kind of, you know, be in your own little thing, tied to your cell phone. So reach out and be human. Love you guys catch you guys next week.

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