Below is a list of movies that helped me become a better entrepreneur. Some of the movies inspired me and other movies taught me what not to do:
- The Social Network (2010)
Synopsis: The rise Mark Zuckerberg and how launched he launched Facebook one college at a time to eventually become one of the greatest social media sites of our time.
Key Lesson I Learned: Idea’s are worthless. Acting on them is the key. Just ask the Winklevoss twins.
- The Greatest Showman (2017)
Synopsis: P.T. Barnum’s rise from poverty to start what became the traveling circus. It’s a story about relentlessly following your dreams and embracing what makes us different.
Key Lesson I Learned: Even when things go really bad you can rebuild. It takes a village or community of diverse people to raise a startup.
- Steve Jobs (2015)
Synopsis: Apple co-founder Steve Jobs rebuilds Apple
Key Lesson I Learned: Don’t be shy about how you launch your startup. Be bold. And believe in your vision.
- MoneyBall (2011)
Synopsis: Billy Beane, Oakland A’s manager, uses data and analytics to win.
Key Lesson I Learned: Everyone has innate bias. Focus on the results by your people and not how quirky they might be.
- The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Synopsis: The rise and fall of Stratton Oakmont, a stock brokerage, and their founder Jordon Belfort.
Key Lesson I Learned: Don’t piss off the regulators. And creating a sales playbook with scripts for your sales people works.
- Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
Synopsis: Follows a sales boiler room and the personalities that succeed and fail in that environment.
Key Lesson I Learned: ABC – Always Be Closing!
- Jerry Maguire (1996)
Synopsis: A sports agent quits his job and reinvents himself
Key Lesson I Learned: Success depends on focusing on what matters and following your why.
- Wall Street (1987):
Synopsis – Explores ambition and what can go wrong when you go too far.
Key Lesson I Learned: Integrity over money – It may take longer to get rich but doing with integrity will get you there and in the long run make you even more money.
- The Founder (2017)
Synopsis – The story of McDonalds and how Ray Croc was able to build to become a global success.
Key Lesson I Learned: Consistency and creating processes matter. Replicating those processes is key for scaling a business.
- Catch Me If You Can (2002)
Synopsis: A true story of Frank Abagnale Jr., a con artist who forges checks and always seems one step ahead of the law.
Key Lesson I Learned: Confidence is key to success, but arrogance can lead to failure.
Bonus: Iron Man (2008)
Synopsis: A billionaire uses tech to become a superhero.
Key Lesson I Learned: Technology can be a game changer for startups. Strap on that AI suit and change the world.