Speak on Clubhouse
Ready to Host a Startup Club Room?
We appreciate your flexibility and understanding while our team works to respond to the high volume of requests. We’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.
Create your Clubhouse room. Be sure to include the complete title and description along with the moderators and speakers that will be running the session.
Email us at hello@startup.club or complete the form below with the following:
A link to your room
Your Clubhouse handle (example @username)
Wait for approval from an Admin – up to 5 days.
*Do not change your room schedule, description, title, or moderators without confirmation from an Admin. Once the room is finished, please promptly close the room.
Open Conversations
Startup Club is a space to talk about all things startups. If you want Startup Club to host one of your events, bring your best topics and be ready to learn and listen.
Share Don't Sell
Sharing experiences, learning from others, and building a community are the main goals. Do not pitch your business or sell your products, unless asked directly. Don’t ask people to follow you.
Respect & Appreciate
Respecting others and being kind is a must to be part of Startup Club. Respect and appreciate other people’s time, experience, and knowledge, stay in the room the entire time.
We love and appreciate our speakers!
If you’d like to speak on Startup Club on Clubhouse, let us know your idea and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible — usually 5 business days.