How The World is Shaping The High-Value Domain Industry

Today’s high-value domain names account for only 1% of the 150 million domain names that are available on the world wide web. High-value domain names are the sexiest commodity: they are scarce, brandable, easy to remember, all-encompassing, and normally have only one word in them.

Back in 2000, someone had the vision that these names could be worth a million dollars today, and they were right. As Page points out, in the last three years, the industry has seen a huge increase in English dictionary one-word domains becoming million-dollar domain names. 

“The Domain Name industry is still optimistic about the market growth, and that high-value domain names will sell for higher prices in the future.”

Page Howe

Many of the High-value domain names today are still being held by their original buyers. These individuals bought those names more than twenty years ago, and clearly know the value of the assets they possess. Yet today, as the host insists, there is an increase in the supply of high-value domain names. Investors are starting to sell, new inventory is becoming available, having more options than ever.

But this brings new rules to the game. Have you heard of HandShake Domains?

According to BusinessToCommunity, Handshake Domains is a decentralized network domain naming protocol, also called HNS, that is aiming to fundamentally change the internet’s domain naming system landscape, by using blockchain technology. Their main objective is to build a more decentralized internet. 

“Handshake hopes to fundamentally change the landscape of the internet. Their mission by decentralizing the Internet is to give users more freedom, privacy, enhanced security, and more.” 


One of the main benefits of Handshake Domains is that they are selling top-level domain names that companies can build a registry behind them. This allows the owners to sell unlimited subdomain names from it.

“It’s like buying the cow that produces milk every day. Handshake offers an unlimited supply of new top-level domain extensions”

Page Howe

But Handshake Domains have a downside: these domains do not open via mainstream web browsers, so in order to access them, an additional set-up is required to be installed. 

Even if new domain naming protocols seem to be threatening the traditional domain name market, these emerging solutions can’t be compared to the security and solidity of .com.

So why should you keep investing in .com domain names? Here are three key reasons for you:

  1. It works on the mainstream internet: .com domain names give investors security since they are proven to work in all existing internet backbones and infrastructures.
  2. .com has a history of policies and procedures that back it up. 
  3. The .com ownership is easier to track: the process of owning and transferring domain names is still protected from mistakes, errors, and fraud, and can be traced back.

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    Million Dollar Domains – EP14


    Hey, everybody. Welcome into million dollar domains for Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022. Or as I like to call it three twenty three twenty two. Sounds like a locker room combination.

    I guess I’m not dating myself to think back when we first moved in to [00:01:00] the decade of the two thousands, which I believe started in the year 2001, but that’s a whole different story. Um,

    and now we’re in 22, holy cow, almost a quarter of the way through the center.

    It’s crazy and we’re still buying and selling domain names the same way we were at the turn of the century. We’re still buying and selling million dollar domain names. The same way that we were at the turn of the century in the year 2000. Every once in a while, although it’s happening much more frequently, we’ll hear about a private sale.

    Different brokers will announce that they’ve sold names for millions of dollars [00:02:00] and some great researchers. And the domain industry will search 10 K sec reports, press releases another data. To dig up million dollar domain sales. Now things have gotten a little better. We used to use and now we have and we have

    Marketplaces are the same Seydoux and after Nick.

    We have some new marketplaces, like squad help and brand bucket. And I think they’ve done for sure. A hundreds of thousands of dollars names priced at hundreds of thousands of dollars and maybe even a million dollar domain, [00:03:00] but in general, after 20 years we’re buying and selling million dollar domain names.

    The same way we work 20 years. Yet, in my opinion,

    somehow we’re still optimistic that the market’s going to grow and these names are going to be worth more in the future sold for $10 million in 1999. could sell for $10 million today. But I think the biggest change that’s happened in the last 20 years has happened in the last three, which is brandable single word, domain names, where some people had the vision back in 2000 to think that they should be worth a million dollars.

    It’s really been the last three years where we’ve seen one word English dictionary words [00:04:00] become worth millions of dollars in doctors. So, anyway, welcome into million dollar domains. I’ll let everybody get seated here. Let me invite a few more people. I’ve posted the link for some of the notes on today’s show and I use a site.

    So somehow that’s what it’s showing up as. Let me click it and see if the link actually worked. Let’s see.

    Nope. All right. Let’s see, let me fix my link.

    Let me fix my life.

    Voice speaking of some things that never change. I just got an inquiry on a name, social I haven’t known this name for 15 years and I had it parked on the traffic XE parking system [00:05:00] way back then. And somehow that inquiry page is still alive and I still get offers to buy this name. Uh, That’s crazy.

    All right, let me see if I can fix this link. My name is page how I, uh, host talks here on domain club or the largest club on clubhouse on the Wednesday show. We talk about million dollar in high value domains. Whether it’s names you think are worth a million dollars or in this case, multiple millions of dollars.

    And it’s a different combination than names. You might get to run a small business to use for your email to use for a small startup. Um, it’s different than names that you might get specifically tied to your own business. If I had page house, domain store, I would like that domain name. I would think he was worth money, but it wouldn’t really have a lot of value in the marketplace, much less [00:06:00] millions of dollars.

    There’s 150 domains out there. And what we’re talking about at the top 1% of the top, 1% of the top ones. I’m trying to currently figure out how many million dollar domains I think exists out there, but say it’s 50,000. I think that they’re probably being purchased at some rate, whether it’s 10 a month or 20 a month.

    Um, I think that there’s an adequate supply right now of million dollar domain names from investors who have held these names for 25 to 30 years. They have a very small cost in the names and each of these million dollar domain names, if you haven’t borrowed against them only has a renewal cost of $9.

    So you have a situation where people can hold million dollar assets, almost indefinitely waiting for the right price. Now you may say they’re [00:07:00] losing out on the cost of what they could do with the money if they sold the name, but they’re not in a situation where they’re compelled to sell. They can decide that they would rather get their ultimate price, then sell for less than their ultimate price and try to put the money to work in other investments.

    There’s still a lot of inventory held by these original holders. Most of them have had to say no to prices of a hundred thousand. And 300,000 and 600,000 and a million, two, and 1,000,005, and 1,000,008 buyers may think that they should sell for less, but they really do feel like they know what they have and they know what they want to sell it for.

    A lot of these sellers might only sell two or three domain names a year. Big companies have million dollar domain names, spend a lot of mergers and [00:08:00] acquisitions through the internet bubble. The second internet bubble web to the financial crisis, web three SPACs companies going public companies acquiring other companies, venture capital, private equity.

    You get a lot of names that are just owned by companies. They’re not sure what they want to do them authentically, but they know they’re not going to give them away. And it’s almost, it’s not just money that brings about them selling is that someone in the company is going to have to make a decision.

    And if you’re trying to buy a name from a company who owns a high value name, You need to understand that they’re the first thing they don’t want to do is make a mistake. So if you’re thinking, Hey, maybe I can talk them into thinking it’s not worth that much. They would probably just say no, rather than [00:09:00] wondering if someone’s going to look back and say, if you take the name and start a great company.

    Wow. They started the great company with a domain name. They bought from United airlines for $300,000. And someone’s gonna look back and say who the heck sold for $300,000 or something? But that inventory I think is coming available. I think the introduction of the new TLDs and the last five to seven years has at least increased the supply of domain names.

    Even if that supply is maybe not competitive with one word domain names, it’s increased the choices on the options as have the new decentralized namespace. Maybe that’s enough to create some ambiguity to pry these names out of old companies.

    And then you’ve got probably the source of domain names. That’s most ripe in my opinion, for turnover [00:10:00] in the next five years, which is you have companies that might be operating on a domain name and under underutilized. They may have owned it because their president or their CEO got in early and got a good one word domain name.

    They may be running a hundreds of thousands or million dollar business, and they might be able to do that with any number of domain names. If they don’t have global aspirations, if they don’t want to grow and grow and. And they may find that today’s prices than a million or a million and a half or $3 million is enough for them to rebrand, to maybe take a step down to a lesser domain name.

    You know, we always talk about companies stepping up to a better domain name, but some companies might step down to a lower domain name, pocketing. What they may see as the value of a [00:11:00] non-core asset to give them the money to reinvest in their business.

    But two of the things that happened is we review the news of the week and million dollar domain names. I thought I’d talked about upfront was we had a non, I came. Non I am a root de-centralized blockchain domain set last week for $750,000, which does not put it in the million dollar club, but it puts it darn close.

    And the strings, the reason I’m going to call it a string is it’s it’s more than just a domain name. It’s it’s a string in the H and S or the handshake domain names. And name cheap the registrar. And I don’t know whether that was the entity that did it, or whether it was their CEO bid [00:12:00] $750,000 at a public auction for S and when you think about a handshake domain name, I think it’s important, even though I’m, I’m very sanguine on the ultimate prospects.

    There’s certainly trading profits to be made because of the attention given in handshake. But I think the thing to remember where handshake I think is quite a bit different than unstoppable domain names and ENS domain names. The one thing I will give handshake is they’re really selling you. The top level, domain name, like something that could become net or org or horse or luxury that you might be able to build a registry off of.

    So, as Andrew Allaman talked about, when he talked about [00:13:00] dot S the owner of S could operate a registry.

    When an F there is more universal acceptance of the handshake system and be able to sell sub domain names, like friend dot S, which would look like friends and baseball card dot ass, which would look like baseball cards and maybe page dot S, which would look like pages. Now, whether that’s. S whether the symbol before the S is a slash or a dot, it looks like they’re following the same format and making it a dot, I own an H and S string dot nom, nom.

    And I’ve sold third level domain names where people can buy. You know, USA dot nom or, uh, [00:14:00] travel dot nom. And, and that’s what was appealing to me was not only like with unstoppable, can I own page dot crypto, but I could own, you know, unstoppable owns dot crypto and they get to sell all the domain names underneath that crypto.

    But with handshake, you had the opportunity to buy a name that you could build a registry on now. Most of the trading in handshake names. I believe people are just buying and selling them as the single domain name. Um, almost like what’s called a dot list, domain name, where if I bought page, I could write.

    Somehow envision my web presence would be page, um, that my wallet address would be page. I’m not necessarily thinking that I would have to create or or all these other ones. And I think people are just reaching to buy something to own it, but I think they see a H and S string as a [00:15:00] single property.

    But if you think about the 750,000 paid for DOD S and if you think that you’re going to charge 20 bucks a year, then if you sell a thousand sub domains each year, that’s a thousand times 20 that’s, 20,000 a year. So say you sell 10,000. Dot S sub domains. That’s 200,000 a year, and you can start to see how investing 750,000 adding a registry technology.

    And if you can market it sell $200,000 a year or more worth of domains. All of a sudden makes that investment look a lot differently than a speculative buy of a single. It’s like you’re, you’re buying the cow that produces milk every day, you know? And then more importantly, when you launch, they could tomorrow be selling a huge number of [00:16:00] third level domain names under dot S now, because I never want to present an, an overly optimistic picture of these new strings.

    Just like when the new Nutella TLDs came in. Everyone is trying to apply principles of scarcity, which we see to these new spaces that by their very nature are unscheduled. When the new TLDs came out and they said, we’re all going to be just as good And you had that site and that website and that club and, and that horse and,, and you had everything.

    I think they all thought, well, there’s going to and there’s going to be us, but I don’t think what they realized was the competition was going to come from all the other streets. You know, do you [00:17:00] want to be or or Um, you know, you have a lot of competition there. And if you think about H and S they’ve created an unlimited supply of new top level domain extensions, and they’re still trying to get scarcity pricing

    as if they were rare. But there’s an unlimited supply of names and combinations of names and numbers. And it’s true. The best ones, like a single letter or a single number should be scarce. But if you think about it, it kind of gets them right back into the same situation we’re in with dotcom domain names, which are there’s 150 domain names, some of the best cost, one to 10 to 20 to $40 million.

    But I will say your investment in an [00:18:00] domain name gives you something that works on all the existing internet, backbone and infrastructure. It does have a history for whatever you think about ICANN of having policies and procedures around it. And what I like to call a hybrid structure. A lot of the processes to own and transfer a domain name in the I can, I am a structure are similar to blockchain and that they happen automatically.

    If you have an authorization code and you submit it at the right time and the right place, you can accomplish the transfer of ownership of a domain name for one registrar. But the reason I call the existing system a hybrid is there are still protections for mistakes and errors and fraud and nefarious [00:19:00] activity when names are stolen and as good as a decentralized system might be many times a transaction that happens in a decentralized statement system is locked.

    And even though it can be tracked and traced, It can always be identified with the person, much less a person or a company in a jurisdiction, much less a person or a company in a jurisdiction where you could identify assets if you were victimized. And I think for most of us, if you’re using a domain name in your business or as your email address, or it’s the name of your company or it’s how you do your marketing?

    Or it’s how you deliver your product or it’s how every aspect of your business that’s realized on the internet and that’s how you own it. You know, that’s how Amazon owns They own every part of the transaction that they accomplish. [00:20:00] Through different things that happen on, different resources on

    They can interact with any other company in the world, except if you’re in China or Iran, um, that has address and know that there’s instant, um, compatibility. If you think the amount of business development that’s been saved over the years, by the fact that I can start a website. And any other website in the world can link to a product or service on my website and I can pull a resource or an image or a file or a piece of content from any other unlocked or unprotected website on the internet.

    Imagine before, when, if you had old internet systems like CompuServe and Pathfinder and AOL, and every time you wanted to get access to something, Uh, platform, you had to strike some type of joint venture [00:21:00] deal. So when you think about these H and S domain names, cause I mentioned the $750,000 sale of dot S they’re painting a picture of what could be different in the future.

    And if the future happens the way they’re thinking, and if they develop market power in that future, then someone owning the rights to that single letter string. It could be, you know, extraordinarily valuable, but what you have now is much more just the potential of something in the future. Now, the attributes that would make someone pay 750,000 for a single letter, in my opinion, are one, once one person pays that much, the next ones are going to cost more to, I.

    Seems to have committed, to never issuing one character domain names. So there’s a chance that you’re [00:22:00] never going to be in competition with an ICANN TLD also named dot S so if you picture a world where the ICANN can TLDs and the decentralized ones are going to coexist. It is a measured bet that has reduced some of the risk of competition with icon that I can, we’ll probably never have a single.

    Now I can have some really good reasons for never having single characters. It’s going to be very hard for a lot of machines to parse a dot S domain name from someone simply having a period at the end of a sentence, not putting a space before the beginning of the next sentence. And having someone realize that that’s a domain.

    And for a lot of you that invested in new TLDs you notice that sometimes you’ll text and it’ll turn your text into a domain name because it happens to be the string of different TLDs. Anyway, there’s lots going on, but I thought I’d mentioned that almost a million dollars [00:23:00] paid for a de-centralized domain name.

    That’s part of the news of the week. All right.

    I got to find out why my link doesn’t work. Let’s see, see if someone can, uh, can hold the Baton for a second.

    There’s a question in the chat, but that question is much more skewed for Monday domains than million dollar domains. Let’s see, I do have a couple of hands raised.

    All right.

    Just gonna hold for a second here while I try to pin this link.


    Edit Penn link, just kind of put million dollar That’s great.

    I can put one link in one platform

    and everybody can see it. No matter what device. No matter where they are on the world. Let’s see if that’s better, but anybody can back channel me. If you can see that link, I would appreciate it. All right. Let’s talk about million dollar domains. Um, thank you for being patient last week. Uh, for some reason I couldn’t get Facebook to turn on last week.

    Uh, so I was ready. The team was ready. The resources were ready. And, uh, and we just couldn’t that we couldn’t get it going, [00:25:00] but, uh, but I’ve got a lot of the content. So what I wanted to share with you, if you go to million dollar domain names, I play the thing with my links and mentions. And what I’m trying to do is collect different things from all the various blogs in our industry, which are terrific.

    And I try to give good attribution and notification to each blog that comes up with this of. And I would encourage you to follow each blog. So you find out about this content as soon as possible. You may be in the middle of a negotiation where knowing a different story or knowing about a different keyword or knowing about a different company.

    May allow you to sell a domain name for more money. It may be the little thing that puts you over the top in a multimillion dollar negotiation, to be able to say, this is what just happened today, or this is the type of use that a company has found from a million dollar domain name. And based upon that, we may be reconsidering our price.

    Um, and, and so I think it’s important to stay updated. And so, [00:26:00] um, Elliot does a great and it’s a testimonial from stray goodness from I’m hope I’m saying that. Right. And they bought the domain name, When I say they bought it, they acquired it.

    I’ll say that from venture. And he does a really well-produced testimonial of, you know, how they were able to buy the domain name, how it was an easy process. Now, what does is they take their domain names that are half a million dollar or multi-million dollar valuation. And their theory is why sell the golden goose when you can receive income from the golden goose for life.

    And so they do two things. They make the domain name attract. To start working with for the beginning of your company. So awning was able to take a word that you might say is a very [00:27:00] small niche market relating to houses. But if you take this new trend of million dollar domain names of taking a single word and thinking about not the product name or the literal name of Ani, but what’s the role and the function of an awning, what is it?

    And you, and you start to be able to align the attributes of your company, um, with the word in a way that people can take a word that they’re familiar with and then instantly apply it to your company. And if you think about where companies had to go the last 10 years, To, to, to invest in made up names like honorable say, or, or, or my awning, our awning with three GS, you know, the ability to have it be a word that is known.

    Remember. And especially we’ll work on any voice to [00:28:00] text applications or any voice, internet, uh, internet of things, applications. What venture does is they allow you to get into a name like that for maybe thousands of dollars per month. Now you may never own You may always be paying a lease rate to.

    Or, I don’t know if in some cases they allow you to buy it out, but if you think about it, what does ownership really mean? And I had this described to me, uh, early in my career, I worked with a group that was a financial planning group. And we talked about what does ownership really mean with our clients?

    And we decided that it. You received the benefits, the rents of owning it. In this case, you are, you’re able to use it for your property and you get to decide who gets it in the future. You get to legacy it or decide which company or entity controls it. So even though they’re going to lease this [00:29:00] domain name,, they’re going to be able to get the economic rents, the benefits of being right away.

    And they’re going to be able to, as long as they keep paying your annual lease payment control, who is and what happens when anyone goes to the website and they can, you know, depending on the agreements, sell that onto another company can be acquired. So they’ve got a lot of the attributes of ownership and maybe instead of having to make a one or two or $3 million capital decision, they’re matching the expense.

    When they’re receiving the benefits. And as a startup venture usually allows companies to make a lower lease payment at the beginning. But what’s important is they can start with their branding from day one, instead of having to change later from being my and then saying, now we’re and that allows them to take the capital.

    They have it to [00:30:00] be. And use it to either be a cushion in case of up, you know, ups and downs to maybe let them spend more time on acquiring the right people or the right technology or marketing or advertising. But I thought it was interesting when you talk about million dollar domain names to hear someone talking about the process.

    Um, and, and I think it’s something that you can use. You could use this link when people are talking about a startup acquiring a million dollar domain name, and you can talk about the fact that they can buy it or lease it. What’s next article I want to talk about is this is a really good one. If, if you, uh, if you saw this link, it was on name pros, it was on, um, Uh, Elliot mentioned it.

    Um, it was actually done in a podcast that was related to So I know Collin was aware of it, uh, when we talked last weekend [00:31:00] and the link that I’ve put is to the, uh, the name pros post, which takes you right to this inner, this podcast with Jason Calacanis. And Jason Calacanis is an entrepreneur, an angel investor, but I think he’s kind of one of our crossover heroes for lack of a better word.

    He’s someone who has some roots in the domain space. Understands about domain names from early on, back in the turn of the century in the two thousands and has gone on to be a public figure. You, it was a CNC contributor for a number of years, he’s formed and run companies. And now he does a pilot. But if you listened to him who was, who’s talked about domain names for so long, what he says casually is very interesting.

    He’s just kind of talking about this company, who just acquired a domain name. And he speculates, they must’ve paid oh five or 5 million or five or 10 million. And he bases that because [00:32:00] he used to help, uh, it was either AOL or Yahoo, which are now. Um, sell off some of their domain names and they had a chance to sell and they ask him as kind of the inside expert, he said, oh, you know, let’s sell it for 10 million.

    And I think even though he’s doing it casually behind, that is quite a bit of experience and thought into the fact that yes, these one word domain names are worth this, and you’ve got kind of a public figure. Saying it with, with very little qualification or regard in this podcast. So one, we have another sale of, which I don’t think we’re ever going to be able to talk about a price for.

    But, um, but I think it’s another example of an incredible keyword. That’s now owned by a new company it’s off the market for anyone else that wants it. And the next time someone needs to buy a name similar to it. You know, you’re going to [00:33:00] have. People, you know, saying we think this transaction was this much money, so we’re going to one, at least this, um, For ours.

    Um, let’s see. I put a link in there to George Cara CO’s who does some great work. Um, and he found out that in 2004, the domain name credit was acquired for $2.75 million. But what was interesting is when he went through and looked at the other public documents, because when you sell a company, if you’re a public company, you have to provide all the information.

    About your company in public documents. So a public company has to have all their information given fairly to all public shareholders. And even though they can hold it confidential, maybe until they file a quarterly report, they’ve got to say it. What was interesting was even back in 2004, he references in their documents [00:34:00] that they had obtained a third party valuation for the domain name of $53 million.

    So when I talk about the. Inconsistency and the uncertainty and the confusion of the market for domain names and the inconsistency and the confusion of what domain names are worth. I think all that benefit has been going to the buyers because here you have a case where. The word appraisal, if you think, you know, what would a willing seller and a willing buyer agree on in terms of value?

    You have a third party appraisal of 55 or $53 million. And the transaction was 2.75 billion to somehow account for the fact that people just weren’t sure a buyer just wasn’t sure I can’t pay that full appraisal. It just doesn’t feel right. I don’t know. And a lot of the growth and the value of domain [00:35:00] names, big one word domain names has simply been a slow reduction in the uncertainties as to whether these domain names are really worth.

    What I think are the tens of millions of dollars that they’re worth, even though people have been able to acquire them for one to two to five to 8 million. So anyway, I thought that was interesting. Let’s say the next link. Uh, Elliot has another great article, which is a Q and a was Carl Hancock. And he was the recent purchaser of and they announced it on their Twitter page on March 8th.

    I only get, as he does, you know, for the good of the industry, he reached out to the founder to ask him and, and he wasn’t able to share a lot of details, but Elliot did a great job of saying, he asked Carl, this is on domain [00:36:00] You’ve got the link there to read about it and follow Elliot’s blog says, I asked Carl if he could share why you felt it was important for his company as secure.

    And this is what the founders said. We spent the last 13 years building gravity forms as a brand and within our niche, people commonly referred to us as gravity when talking about our product. And you can imagine that, Hey, you got to gravity for that. Send that to gravity. Use our gravity, put that on gravity.

    Can you gravity of that? He says, ’cause. I never thought the opportunity to acquire the domain name, whatever actually happened. But when it presented itself, we had to jump on it because it was a no brainer from a branding and marketing standpoint. If we didn’t acquire it, someone else would have. And the likelihood that it would have truly be gone forever.

    Would have been the likely scenario. So it was [00:37:00] now or never, then he says, can’t wait to put it to use building the next 13 years of our business. So now he’s able to grow from being a forms company into a robust data management platform. The name had been owned by and Verizon and different companies like AOL.

    There’s no idea what the price was, but. If you think about what this company CEO is saying, without hesitation, without equivocation, the opportunity was available and we had to take it. I think you can use something like this when you’re talking about domain transactions. If you think it’s the best thing for your company to do, to buy a domain name for your company, and you’re having trouble getting other people in the company to get on board.

    I think it’s good to have other testimonials from other company founders, to be [00:38:00] able to share that information with, I think if you’re wondering yourself, you know, people really think this is just something page talks about a million dollar domain names or do founders really think it makes sense to have the one word domain named the best describes their company.

    And I think you’ve got these type of, of resources to go to and to quote,

    let’s say, uh, James Isles reported on They paid around a hundred thousand dollars for the domain. Uh, a serial entrepreneur, mark lore, latest startup launches on It’s the man behind. This is from Andrew Allaman on domain. They wire man behind diapers, jet acquires, for his latest startup.

    So now you’ve got someone who sold their company to Amazon for [00:39:00] $545 million. Then they went back, uh, did another. Venture acquired from Gary turnoffs, net income. But yeah. Um, so that Walmart for 3.3 billion now is coming back from a third startup. And you would have to say, if you were in a courtroom judge, that a serial entrepreneur who keeps repeating the same playbook, there must be something to the playbook of getting a great short one word, domain name.

    Still having to build a good company, still having to have good technology, still having to have good relationships and partners, but he’s and he’s going right back to a short, easily recognizable prestigious domain name. And I think that’s, what’s happening out there. Now, the information and the business and startup community is so disjointed.

    That [00:40:00] there’s no way to just tell everybody at one time, this is what companies are doing. Most companies will probably only realize this, looking back and looking back, they’ll realize that right now in 2022, they may still have had a chance to buy their perfect domain name. But I do think a lot of them are going off the market.

    Let’s see, I’ll finish up here a little quickly. Um, launched. Thank you. Andrew element, domain name. Uh, James Isles reports on James’ name, greenhouse software upgrades to Thanks to say two founded in 2012, greenhouses raised $111 million. They’ve got a valuation of $820 million.

    Greenhouse had been sold in 2007 for $500,000. It may have been under contract with, uh, Uber broker media options, uh, on the [00:41:00] marketplace. And then it looks like it was transferred to a say-do holding account, meaning they probably helped facilitate this transfer. So you have a company worth almost a billion dollars.

    And one of the things they’re doing with their hard-earned money. Is moving up from being greenhouse Capitol to and just think when you apply that to the whole world, to all the companies that are going to be upgrading, and now any other company, that’s greenhouse advisers, greenhouse, um, holdings, uh, greenhouse and environmental company.

    They won’t be able to be greenhouse. They’re going to have to be my greenhouse, a greenhouse LLC, or or greenhouse study eco, but they’re not going to be able to be the, the best domain name and the reason that being the best I think is so important. When I think about million dollar domain names is when [00:42:00] your second best or third, best or fourth, best or fifth best.

    It’s easier to figure out how much less you are than the top company. But when you’re the top name that’s possible, and there’s nothing to compare you against. If your greenhouse. Maybe you can say, but in this case it doesn’t make sense because the company is called greenhouse.

    You can’t really calculate. It’s like, if you say Tom, Brady’s the greatest quarterback of all time. Well, how much better than everyone else. You don’t know this, he’s not competing against anyone anymore. He’s in a class of its own. He’s in a world of its own. So by buying the domain name reason, I’m so passionate about domain names and about the industry.

    So whether you’re buying a million dollar domain name for a huge [00:43:00] company, or whether you’re buying the perfect domain name for your local business or your local marketing, You’re putting yourself in the rain where there’s nothing to compare you against. You’re simply the best name company. And you got to remember a domain name is your brand, and it’s your address.

    You get the functional benefits of a short and easy to remember address and the branding benefits of someone instantly elevating you because of the prestige you get from having the best domain. You’re not second best. You’re not third best. You’re not constantly having them think, oh yeah. That company has got the ninth best domain name.

    Hey, I’m so happy. I’m doing business with the number nine company. So I think that that’s the thing that’s always going to be appealing for these one word domain names. Let’s see. I have one more. Oh, so when you, the other thing I wanted to do. [00:44:00] As I looked at names that had been recently listed on Dan and.

    And you can use some of the publicly available data services. And so I just went through and I put some links of name and price. And then I put the number of extensions that the, that the string was registered in just to see what’s coming up for sale. Now this isn’t a bargain basement bin. This, this is people that, that want the great price for their domain names.

    But I think where the opportunity exists and what I hope to highlight a million dollar domain names as the years ago. Is that for companies in these businesses, for companies that can use these names to generate tens of thousand dollars of revenue each month. Right now, these names are being prey priced by many times domain investors who are just picking a price or imagining.

    So I even looked at a company like prime, digital, a domain name, like prime, digital [00:45:00] $35,000. Now most wholesale domain investors would want to pay about a thousand dollars for this name, maybe 2000 and then you buy it and then you put it up for $35,000. But if you had a company and you want to do in your companies called prime digital, or you wanted a great name to name a company, you could do a lot worse than prime day.

    Um, so an interesting name for 3000 So I didn’t you name for 18,000 wine And whether that’s one word or whether that’s two word, I mean there’s bottles of wine that costs $18,000 and you can be wine for 18,000 euros, um, blockchain school for $13,000. Blockchain is big.

    You’ve. If you’re a blockchain developer, you can make a lot of money go to blockchain school, or it could be a school running on the blockchain. Then [00:46:00] I saw soccer shoes and I put it on here for 1.1 million and a couple of people that looked at this list last week. Commented. But Richard who’s been with us from the beginning, uh, at, at local search marketing.

    He said, he says, that’s rings a bell. So I noted it. He says, he says, didn’t, wasn’t there a shoe name that’s sold for $700,000. And I looked it up and there was in 2011 running shoes sold for 700,000 hours. And again, if you think back to the dot S that I talked about at the beginning, where you take the million dollar purchase price, and you say, how many.

    You know, domain names. Do I have to sell a year? Well, think about it. If you’re a shoe company and you’re running and they paid $700,000 and say their margins are $20 a shoe. So you’ve got to sell, you know, 3,500 pounds. 300 pairs of shoes a month, more than you would, if you weren’t running and all of a sudden you’re paying for the name and anything [00:47:00] better than you do is all profit.

    So I think when I talk about the fact that the value of domain names is uncertain and we’re just picking prices out of the year, it’s because we really are as a seller because we’re not going to get in the running shoes, but. Anyway, the other one I saw, everyone’s talking about XYZ these days, and I saw money that XYZ for $69,000.

    And if you look at some of the XYZ is that are selling for a lot less or for in the tens of thousands of dollars. I or money that XYZ and I thought money is a string might be in the top 50 strings that exists.

    And I think the idea of million dollar domain names says I’m going to buy bigger names. You’re going to invest in bigger names. Cause when you’re right, could be a million dollar domain name?[00:48:00] 

    The web three community seems very interested in money. They seem very interested in trading. Now it’s not cheap, this isn’t bargain day. You know what I mean? This is $69,000. I have no interest in this name. I have no, um, a relationship. I haven’t got my affiliate links working, although I probably will at some point in time with Dan, but anyway, it’s $69,000.

    Could that be a five to one or an eight to one? I even looked at it as a syndication candidate. Can I take money that XYZ and sell 60 shares or the thousand dollars? I would probably take a twenty-five percent overrides the general partner, uh, do some incremental build out [00:49:00] might be able to do it with money that X Y.

    They say, oh, they wouldn’t do it, whatever, but they could. So I think that’s the different mindset that you need to come with when you’re talking about million-dollar dollar domain names is that it’s not about buying names at a discount. It’s about trying to determine just how much upside exist when you’re talking about having the best domain name in some small.

    And it’s really hard for us and bobbin. Uh, uh, I always say his name wrong. uh, talked about this on start-up club on Friday. He said, entrepreneurs seem very good at picturing what can be done in a year.

    But he made the comment after being involved with a lot of startups that [00:50:00] entrepreneurs maybe also are really good at what it takes to make something worth a million dollars, but it’s going from a million to 10 million or 10 million to a hundred million or it’s it’s, it’s taking a company from year two to year 10.

    And how much possible growth exists. At these huge levels, getting bigger and bigger and bigger that for some reason, he is found it’s hard for us to get our, even our entrepreneurial mind around the middle and late stage growth that happens in big companies and seeing that at the beach. Now there’s a lot of domainers that don’t have this problem.

    They buy a domain name and they pay a thousand dollars for it and they make a case why it’s worth 20 million. In fact, 20 million is too cheap. It’s really worth 50 million. You know what? It’s really worth a hundred millions. I’m not saying everyone has this problem, but, um, I thought it was interesting.

    So I put money that XYZ on the list. Just to talk about it a little bit. [00:51:00] And then I put one more on there. Oh, when you think about the new TLDs, one of the most registered strings that exist is a BTC. I think it’s taken it over 650 extensions, and I have no idea what S R L is, but if you somehow think that.

    Th that you want to own things that are registered in a lot of extensions. There are a lot of extensions out there that you can possibly buy. Um, so if there was a value play on the list, uh, it would probably be that one. Anyway, that is my show for today. If you listening on the podcast, thank you. Uh, follow our club in clubhouse.

    If you’re been part of the studio. Uh, I appreciate you listening through it. I’d love to hear your comments. We may start using some of them in our testimonials. Um, we won’t put your name on there. We might just put your initials. So any comments you can send me in the back channel, I’ve appreciated those who have [00:52:00] shared with.

    You know that they, that they liked the show and it does, you know, it does help if you’re listening to this on the podcast, um, you know, you may want to consider joining clubhouse, uh, getting the clubhouse app, being part of our, uh, family here at domain club, uh, coming up on stage, uh, if you’ve got a million dollar domain name that you’re, that you’re shaping or you’re staging or you’re selling.

    Or you’re looking to buy or you, or you want to talk about it with other million dollar domain investors. That’s what we’ll do more as the year goes on, but that is the show today. Let’s see, what’s been going on in the chat. I do want to focus to chat on million dollar names. Um,

    Mike Gaffney’s breaking some news DNH academy acquired by Godin.


    Congratulations to both. I’m assuming that’s what Mike means by that. I know that they’ve used the academy for a lot of their people along the way. There we go. Kevin’s got a to go daddy by DNH academy. Fantastic. Congratulations to both. Um, That’ll be terrific. All right. Well, if anyone has any questions about million dollar domain names, uh, I can take a couple and if not, we’ll probably wrap up about five minutes early today.

    So thanks everybody. Join us every Wednesday at one BMEs turn from million dollar domain names here in domain club.

    I led Jeff up. But, uh, anyway, thanks for those things. For those of you that, uh, that shared your, [00:54:00] your thoughts. Alrighty. Well, good luck everybody. We’ll see you next week.

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