How Outbounding Domains Can Increase Turnover

The domain market is made up of individual investors or companies dedicated to domain investment. Some of them are focused on reselling,  monetizing, or increasing SEO value. Normally, when a buyer is seeking a specific domain name, which can take up to 5 years. Outbounding accelerates these transactions to increase turnover for investors. Listen to the full episode above to learn more about these strategies.

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    EP04 Outbounding Domains


    All right. I’m gonna invite a few more people to come in and join us. Outbounding club led by page how the reluctant outbound or I know I should, but why don’t I, uh, [00:01:00] I’ve got an interesting take on outbounding today. My take on outbounding today. I got to wait to a few more people here before Sharon.

    I’m just going to invite a few more folks in. Thanks everybody for joining us here. And outbounding club outbounding club, as part of the domain club, you’re in clubhouse, you’re listening live on clubhouse. We love having you every week. If you’re listening to a replay, that’s great. A way to take advantage of the replays.

    If you’re listening to the podcast, uh, which means you don’t even have to have the clubhouse. Uh, to listen to it, or if you’re listening to the replay off start-up club. Welcome. And what we talk about here is outbounding domains. A domain names as investments are really e-liquid assets. And [00:02:00] most of the market is made up of domain name investors who make up the distribution system.

    And that can be small individual investors, or it can be companies. We have companies in our space. We have one company in our space that owns 3 million domain names. We have a registrar GoDaddy that owns almost a million domain names. I believe. I don’t know exactly. Um, we have other companies that own tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of domain names.

    And then we have some people that own five and 10 and. We have people buying them for resale. We have other people who buy them for their income that they make off a monetization. We have people that buy domain names for their SEO value. They may have links in the past that are still functional and people are still clicking on that can be a source of traffic and revenue.

    And so for all these reasons, uh, you have a domain name. [00:03:00] Even though there are some pretty good marketplaces out there. If someone is looking for an exact specific domain name, In many cases that could be a two to five-year. Wait. So without bending, does, is it increases the turnover in your domain portfolio as an investor, by trying to accelerate some of those transactions.

    And most of the time, the theory is you have to lower your price because you’re contacting a person telling him the names for sale. They can be very reluctant. So you might have to use price to be entitled. The goal of outbounding clubs since we started was to try to do the best we can by sharing different tactics and strategies to try to reach out to a future customer.

    But somehow try to regain that pricing, leverage that we all like when someone inquires that we have a unique app. That’s [00:04:00] singular and unique and it’s really hard to value and, uh, and really. You know, we’re looking for the buyer to, uh, commit such a large amount of money to own it. That it’ll, uh, it’ll shake it free from our hands.

    Now it’s again, hard to do that. An outbounding, you know, it’d be the same thing as someone called you up and said, Hey, Paige, you want to buy a classic car? I’ve got this rare car. And I’m like, sure, what you got? And they’re like, well, It’s a 64 Mustang, but it’s $3.1 million. And you’re like, well, you know, I got a lot to do today.

    I’m not going to spend that. So I think that, uh, price has been the thing that most people want to sell on. And the neat thing about that is when you’re buying domain names for 10 to 50, to a hundred, to $300, because it may take three to five years to sell them, and then you can sell them within two to three to five months.

    You can sell for six to eight, to a thousand dollars and make a [00:05:00] healthy profit return, 60 to 80 to 90% margins. Um, and, and it’s a great business. So anyway, that’s what we do on outbound outbounding club.

    Let’s see if we’ve got a group today. I’m probably going to cut it short about 35 minutes after the hour today, I’m actually got a personal appointment, but I want to delete off with.

    We got an interesting email from a company called woodpecker and Let me see, going to find this, um, they sell a service that manages your outbound emails to improve your deliverability. So I think one of the things about outbounding is you want to assess the different companies in the space that can help.

    Now, of course, they’ve got a business model that [00:06:00] most of the time is a flat fee model where you have to pay them. And they really don’t give a rip if you’re successful or not. Um, this would be true of companies that you can buy leads from. This would be true of companies that you can buy access to the e-mails of CEOs from.

    There’s a lot of companies that sell that type of information. And most of the time you’re going to have to pay and try it before you see if it works. But the idea from is it says not just warm up, but also recovery, keep your campaigns running. Um, and so they, they talk about the words that we talk about in cold emailing.

    And that’s how I met the woman from woodpecker. Does the newsletter. She was on a. Uh, one day online seminar, I went to that was called. Cold email [00:07:00] success summit. And it was actually, so I got so much out of it that, um, but I ended up using the same platform for the domain show, my online domain conference, but she had one of the presentations and their business is to help you with email deliverability.

    So. I’m going to speak, frankly, the whole issue with email deliverability is all the services that say we can send your emails for you. They would love you to already have double opted in.

    And at the same time, when you talk about cold emails, you’re talking about someone that you haven’t reached out to yet. So I think what I’ve always appreciated about woodpecker is that they seem to understand that. And so, um, but anyway, they send out a weekly newsletter and it was interesting that the newsletter I got this week was titled will that leave a good impact?

    That [00:08:00] was the title and it got me to read it. And the woman Sandra says back in my freelancing days, I did my best to look professional. When I cold email people I wanted to work with, I tried to make the subject line as straight to the point. As possible. So she spent lots of time tweaking the message, double checking the grammar and, and she thinks that she did.

    Um, but she made a really interesting statement. She says in her newsletter, when she’s talking about cold email are the same thing that we might be doing when we’re reaching out to somebody and saying, I don’t have a prior relationship with you, but I’d like to do business with you and tell you about something I have done.

    So you’re trying to elevate yourself out of the area of spam, which is bulk unsolicited email, where you’re literally sending it to a thousand email addresses. Um, and you, you have no idea who you’re sending it to. You’re just sending it to everybody [00:09:00] and hoping that you catch somebody. And there’s this sense that people that try to say, they’re not doing spam will say the cold email is more of an introduction and maybe unsolicited.

    Um, but, uh, and you may be safe by sending them one at a time. And then you say to yourself, well, what if I want to send them one at a time, but I want to do it at scale. You know, I have a list of 25 people that I want to send a single one at a time message to. And I think when I looked at doing outbounding, I felt like I could squarely live with myself at night in this category of being individually.

    Cold. Outreach emails. I just wanted to manage them at scale. So I used woodpecker for awhile and I think they did a good job, but I never really got integrated with them. And I’m hoping that maybe over the course of this year, some of you that do more outbounding [00:10:00] than I do may learn what they do, how they can make a difference.

    And your email success. But right now I’m just focusing on the fact that Sandra, when she sends out our newsletter and you can sign up for that, it would She talked about this idea of trying to make a good first impression. And then she made this comment. And whenever someone tells you something that they learned, I think it’s really good to listen.

    And she says this comment, she says, I focused way way with 400. Way too much on myself and not enough on the value I could provide. And I just really thought that I wanted to take that sentence to bear. I focused way too much on myself. And not enough on the value I can provide. And we started heading this direction last week, when we started about that grabber attention line, that was going to [00:11:00] be you just lost a lead or here’s a lead for a sale, or take somebody into the flow of earning money from the benefits of owning a domain name.

    And it’s the exact opposite of the high. My name is Paige Howe and I’m selling a domain name, which if you think about it is could be focused way too much on myself. And even when we get the spam phone calls to build a website for the domain name, we just registered. We hear it when someone. Takes up your time to call you and you take the time to answer your phone and you hear, hello?

    My name is so-and-so. Well, first they say is this Joe, because I have a lot of my names under Joe domains, they say, is this. So I’m like, well, first of all, you’re hitting me with a question to have me tell you something. And I don’t even know who you are. So, you know, it makes it easy to [00:12:00] hang up. But then after I say yes, then it becomes, I am this, this is why I’m calling.

    And I know that that’s important to them. And they probably have a sales manager who said, But I thought it was interesting was when the Sandra woman who writes the newsletter for woodpecker says I focus way too much on myself and not enough on the value I can provide. So that made me think, how can I focus more on the value I can provide?

    And I think that there’s a fine line between hyping a domain name. By saying, I want to sell you a digital wireless asset that can add customers to your company daily, weekly, and monthly. And the fact that they’re going to be like, oh, it’s just a domain name, but at least if you can get to that, Then I think sometime letter later, you can say who you are and what you want and that you want to talk to him.

    But then she also [00:13:00] said something, Sandra, and this newsletter that she sends out about cold emailing every week and you can sign up for it. It would Peck, redact co I have an affiliate link. I didn’t think that far ahead anyway, email me if you want my affiliate link and I’ll make a dollar or two, if you sign up.

    Um, but she also says this, I didn’t even use an email signature. And she says, what a wasted opportunity that was. I could have made myself look way more professional. Um, and, and I thought about it and I said, you know, the email signature is interesting because the reader of your emails. We’ll look for your signature on their own, which means that.

    Kind of interested kind of like someone checking you out, checking out what you’re wearing, checking out your credentials, checking out things about you in a real world situation. Um, you know, if you go into a store and you see a sales person, you may [00:14:00] check out the way they’re dressed or the way they present themselves or their, their bags and their title or where they work, what is their work area look like?

    So. She makes the case that the email signature is, could be, it’s not the most important part of your email, but. It could be one of the elements that helps you make a good impression on a potential customer. And so if you sign up for their address, or if you ask me to forward you one, she has an interesting little tool, and it’s called a free email signature generator.

    And you can get some templates to make your. Um, signature and the reason that she felt this was important as kind of a technical reason. And I’d be really curious if anyone has any input on this, but you know, a lot of times when the spam filters are reading the emails. They’ll look at a [00:15:00] lot of HTML code as a negative sign.

    And so to the extent that you’re trying in your signature to make something be bold, or have an image or use some HTML aspects, some people will say, don’t do it. It’ll hurt your deliverability. Um, and I think that, that she says that if the HTML code is too long, when compared to your text, uh, spam filters might be suspicious.

    Um, but again, this is why I stay familiar with this company woodpecker, because they’re dealing with this issue for thousands of customers and they say about their own email, signature generator. They say, and since we’ve seen this issue, come up with our customers, we made sure that signatures generated with us won’t affect your deliverability and a bad one.

    And, and then she says, I’ll, contrare you, you can even get a signature. That’s going to help you build good [00:16:00] deliverable deliverability when you’re warming up your account, which is something we talked about earlier and when you need to regain a good sender reputation. So anyway, um, Let’s see, uh, email me, uh, if you want me to send you this signup link, uh, sign up for domain club this week, and anyone who signs up for domain club, I’ll send this free email signature.

    It is from a company woodpecker that is going to try to sell you something. Um, at different times I may have affiliate links for woodpecker, but woodpecker basically will host the, the outbound email. Of your messages, um, where you’re not doing it off your computer and your IP address. And I don’t know enough technically as to whether they’re awesome, whether they’re good, whether you can do better on your own, but I just know it’s an issue.

    And especially for someone like me, who’s a [00:17:00] reluctant outbound, or it’s easy for me to say, well, I got the 30 or 40 leads. I set out the emails once. I didn’t do any follow-up. I didn’t do anything else. I tell myself it’s the internet fall. All my email messages went to spam that said I’m not going to do it.

    And I knew it was rigged. And then I don’t do outbounding. And let’s see, I’ll finish up here in a second. And then I do want everyone to share with me any thoughts you have on it? Here’s my outstanding, here’s my outbounding club domain thought for the day. You ready, everybody ready? Stop what you’re doing.

    Here’s my thought for the day. It’s surely going to be thought provoking. Most of you will figure out, I think you’re dumb to do outbounding. I don’t think outbounding makes sense at all. I got into domain name, [00:18:00] investing to search for domain names on my computer. And whatever domain names I find other people should buy.

    And I shouldn’t have to do any effort. I should sit back and let the money roll in. Cause after Nick is my friend and they’re going to wake up every day, trying to help sell my name for me. And so were all the other marketplaces that I haven’t listed by name. But they know that I have my name and they know that that they’re going to try to help sell my name.

    And then lastly, if anyone wants to buy my name, they could just go to my landing page, which has some parking ads on it. And they could look me up on the, who is and find me. And that’s all I’m willing to do. Outbounding is the worst thing you can do in the world. All it’s going to do is bring you more [00:19:00] sales.

    I didn’t get in this business to sell more domain names. I got in this business to have somebody pay me a huge sum of money for a domain name that I picked out for reg fee. And that will validate me as being a good person. Outbounding sucks. This is page that I’m done talking.

    I sarcasm sometime page. I heard it works. I think I went beyond sarcasm, but that is what I’m saying to myself every day that I don’t outbound right. Every day that I don’t outbound. I’m saying to myself, I don’t want to sell more names. I don’t want to sell my lesser quality names before I don’t renew them.

    I don’t want to put any effort into it. [00:20:00] What a numbskull, my cashier out outbounding this week. Um, it’s a mixed bag. I’ve been doing some and, um, yeah, I, I. I’ve been doing some and I, I got a few, you know, semi, you know, call you back, discuss with somebody else kind of thing that hasn’t happened or whatever yet.

    And, uh, I just have other things going on too, but I don’t feel super successful with it today. Thanks for asking. Hey Jeff, how you doing? I know you’ve talked about having some sales, like. Uh, in the three figure range. And I think that that’s another strategy besides outbounding is to bring your names down to two outbounding, like prices and, and hope people find them, um, that I misread what you’re doing lately.

    Putting [00:21:00] some of your names in the three figure range to get sales or from outbounding you’re right. Page. I mean, that’s what I’ve done. I’ve taken some other re realistic approaches to it. Um, There was, oh, first of all, I like your sarcasm that you just shared a second ago, man. I think it’s a spot on, uh, for us to really, uh, gravitate exactly around what you just said.

    Um, and get away from this lazy and, or I’m not speaking to anyone, I’m just speaking to myself, get away from this lazy, um, way, uh, domain investing, just waiting for someone to come spark your own far, you with some of these great names that you got in your portfolio, and that’s what I’ve been doing. Um, I could by name each day, I got two names I’m getting ready to buy right now.

    Um, I see a potential buyer for them, and I happened to see that they was available. They just dropped in. It’s still available, but I had to do a few things today and I haven’t been out to bat, but I’m hoping it’s still in [00:22:00] the, um, in the, uh, list for me to be able to take in by, but yet I am dropping my prices.

    Um, and the considered reach of making some communications with individuals. Um, I started outbounding this morning. I think I emailed out about 18 emails. And I made five phone calls all before 12 o’clock this morning.

    Whoops. Couldn’t get my mute button on. That is awesome. The one thing I’ll go to my grave with is the best way to do outbounding is to do out there. Right. Just do it, just do it. I mean, it is great to learn tips and tricks, and I’m appreciative when people bring in different things that they do. But man, there’s nothing better to be a successful outbound or than to do outbounding.

    Um, and I, and there’s someone down below who have, uh, who’s doing exactly that. And I shared with him in another room, the same thing. Um, [00:23:00] Hey, Danny, how you doing? I’ve used your quote about QR codes quite a bit and mentioned you by name after you shared that with us, but no way that is, uh, that is humbling.

    Uh, that, that you’ve quoted me out there. That’s uh, that’s interesting. Um, I do have a question, but before that, I wanted to just mention this and a few people here just, um, celebrated your sarcasm. I wanna, I want to echo that, but I also want to highlight the beginning of that monologue, man. That was. I mean, that is probably one of the truest, most digestible, a quick few minutes on the explanation of what domaining is and the angle that you took.

    And I just want to say that you’re probably one of the brightest minds that I learned from on his room besides a bunch of others. But, um, I just wanted to follow up with that with a question. Um, and, uh, maybe a comment. So. [00:24:00] It’s listing as I’m learning right about abandoned outbounding is listing domains on certain marketplace considered outbounding yes or no.

    And why. Well, Danny, thank you. Um, I appreciate your kind words. And, um, I, I do, I appreciate them. And I tried to take what I’ve learned from doing a lot of domaining and benefit everyone else. And then I hope that spurs on innovation from other people, uh, that will eventually come back and help me. So thank you.

    I do think that listing can be a form of outbounding one. If you do it everywhere, you can. As optimized as you can, meaning, you know, if you, the way I look at it is each marketplace, you know, in a perfect world, I might sell 0.8, 3% of my name’s through after Nick this year. And for [00:25:00] every time that my names aren’t listed when I think they are for every time that I think they’re at a registrar.

    For every time at the afternoon, system’s down, you know, it’s coming off that point a three to point a to 0.7, 1.62. If say two is going to sell 0.6% of my names this year and I don’t list half of my name. Then I’m down to 0.3. So I think the first thing would be the completeness in which you list your names and take advantage of every possible way there is to sell a domain name.

    And when I wrote my book, how to invest in domain names, uh, I literally that’s the way I sectioned out the book. Section one, how to buy domain names, section two, how to manage domain names, section three, how to sell domain names. You know what I mean? Put on a whole different. And how to sell them. And, um, so I think there’s a, there’s a completeness aspect to [00:26:00] outbounding.

    I mean, listing names as a form of outbounding, but there’s also a pricing aspect. The tools that end users have to buy domains from marketplace. Should be a lot better, but, but just something like the GoDaddy appraisal tool, it may be more likely if you listed a significant discount to your GoDaddy appraisal that that may make GoDaddy show your name more and their spinners.

    And so reducing price as your listing strategy could bring about more sales volume. I’m hoping we’ll have more innovation. There was companies like Dan to where we don’t have this dichotomy that you look at the sales each week and you go, I have names that are better than that. And I don’t get near those prices.

    You [00:27:00] know what I mean? So, yes, I think listing in bulk can be, can be part of an outbounding strategy. I think it can be it and that you want to be. And, and, and advertise everywhere possible. And then especially if we have. Companies listing our names. You could be like to gap where you could say, I’m going to have a 50% off sale for president’s day, and that should bring you more sales.

    You know what I mean? But I’m not sure our systems are such that if you marked down every one of your names by 50%, that you might not just get people that already were going to buy your name to only give you half as much money. So was that kind of what’s your out? That invent some, uh, Paige, thank you so much for taking my question and just dissecting it in such a way.

    So basically, uh, I’m also a, an analytics data [00:28:00] analytics freak. So I liked how you were able to quantify some of those examples that you shared. Also want to share that, um, sometime ago, maybe last year, um, when you came into my Raider, I was one of these rooms and you shared a document. I think it was a word document.

    Very simple were documented multi page, but on, on what to do once, once you get a domain name, right? So that was the plan of action. Right? So, so I, I did that in a, you know, I guess my own. Little way. And I said shit now I got to list someone’s domains in a bunch of marketplaces. But thanks to, to that in the, uh, collaboration of, of knowledge, uh, in these rooms, uh, I was able to sell, I guess my first significant domain and that I hadn’t registered for 59 bucks ago.

    Daddy, I went in a list. I listed it on Dan. Uh, this was back in may and, uh, but a month ago I got an email from Dan saying that I had just sold it for $4,500. [00:29:00] So, uh, you know, one thing that has helped me in my, in my journey, um, is this train of thought if I don’t do it, somebody else will, it might’ve been, you might as well.

    So that, that kind of, that kind of has driven me to take action even when I’m, when I’m uncomfortable. So I just wanted to share that real quick. My name is Danny and I’m done. I’ll jump back in the audience. Thanks a lot. Well, thanks, Danny. I really appreciate it. Um, there’s nothing like getting that message, uh, that your name just sold and it can certainly, uh, be great emotionally, uh, to walk around like the king a little bit, you know what I mean for a day or an hour, or depending on your renewal bill, 15 minutes.

    Um, but, uh, you know, I think it is important and. You know? Yeah. I definitely take a data approach from a thinking. One other thing you said, uh, yeah. If no one else is, if someone’s got to do it, it might as well be me. And I will say [00:30:00] what’s interesting about the things about listing your domains if this helps anybody, because I think domaining is an emotional thing and I think we’re all creatures of emotion and there’s green.

    There’s also fear. I found that listing domains. And I hope this helps you because I really believe it. And this is it’s helped me in, in bad times. And domaining when things were slow, you know, I needed to do, you know, 10 or 15,000 a month and I’m only doing eight, you know what I mean? So I’m, I’m behind. I find.

    Listing domains is one of the things you can do if it is two o’clock in the morning, and you’re looking at renewal bills, or you’re looking at having to drop hundreds of names, or why does everything sell or why did I invest so much? Or why did I buy too much, sometimes, completely and accurately listing your domains?

    You know, it’s, it’s hard maybe to outbound at two in the morning. It’s hard maybe [00:31:00] to outbound on the weekend. Although Bruce has shared a lot about making successful calls. Um, there are some things you can do to sell your domains at that moment. When it’s keeping you up at night or it’s just, you know, you know, you gotta do something.

    And I think listing is one of them. And I think the second one is the part about bounding, which is searching for prospects. Um, if you’ve got the energy, even if it’s coming from dagnabbit, I need to sell some names and I’ve got some energy. And what do I do? I think that making sure your listings are complete is a good thing to do.

    And I think finding prospects is a good thing to do. And the reason I say finding prospects is sometimes when you need a sale, the most that isn’t the best time to be responding really fast to emails or having phone conversations with people that tell you that you’re a [00:32:00] Cybersquatter and you’re again, I just need you to buy this name, but find.

    Leads and getting a group of emails or making a list of a group of usernames on Facebook or, um, you know, even if you just get the contact us form for a end-user and email it to yourself or put it in a Google. And you, you know, doing that type of chopping wood is what I call it. It’s like, man, I got to go chop firewood for the season.

    You know what I mean? There’s nothing exciting about it. I’ve just got to sit there and chop wood, you know, and just, just do a boring job. But sometimes when you’re most needing a sale, you’re most wanting to do something to divorce sales. You have the energy to do some of the boring things that we do.

    Which I think are finding leads and completely inaccurately listing your names. So I hope that’s helpful to someone out there.[00:33:00] 

    Yeah. Page eight to add on to that this morning, probably about two o’clock this morning I was prospecting for today. I haven’t gotten to this. Uh, outbounding with this name that I’m going to stop all boundaries. As soon as I finished eating my groups, I’m sorry. I finished eating my lunch, but, um, prospecting is so important and, um, it’s become pretty easy for me in a certain way because how I pass some considered native.

    Specifically towards the known who the intended by your arm. That’s how I think I’ve improved myself over the last year and buying domain names because one of the, um, because several of the considerations for buying a domain name is I need to know who the end user is. I want to be able to either call them on the phone, or I want to be able to email them.

    And I’m just, uh, just to, um, give a little bit [00:34:00] more value with this perspective that I’m speaking of. Um, I bought, and I’m going to ask you this question. I bought, um, average bagpiper deal, the date. Do you think I could find an average spot bagpiper to sell that name to, I think you should list it on afternoon and wait 10 years.

    You and your sack. Thank you page. Or, you know, what an amazing business we’re in, where you’ve got these tools where you can search the entire world for the 20 or 30 people. That, that, that think that that term is cool. Right? You don’t, you don’t care about anyone who just has heard of the term, right? You want to find someone who thinks that, that term.

    Is cool. Right. Or whatever they say in Scotland or Ireland, Ireland. Sorry. [00:35:00] Um, do they have bagpipers in Ireland? That’s the only thing I would ask you to consider. Cause sometimes those Irish and those Scots don’t always get along, but, uh, but anyway, if you can get over that hurdle, I think you’ve got one that, that, that you could find and then use.

    Well, it, wasn’t hard to be able to have a list this morning, two o’clock in the morning of 20 names. I ended up, I ended up getting 29. Uh, emails and the telephone number to average back bagpipers across the country who performs funerals and ceremonies and things like that there. And it was easy for me to acquire them because there are a few, um, company listing services like Angie lists and some other directory services, um, that helping promote, um, those average bagpipers right here in the Baltimore area.

    I got a listing of five bagpipe. Okay back, hold it back. That truck up. [00:36:00] You saying Angie’s list goes as deep as Irish bagpipes. Well, I’m sorry, let me rephrase that there. Uh, I was only using the type of service that, that as far as the directory of listing those types of professionals, I don’t know specifically was her, but I just can’t think of the particular name of several of the directories that I found that had listings of average bagpipers on it.

    But I’m just specifically talking about those listing services, similar to like an evangelist that lists those professionals. Well, I’ll tell you this, Jeff. I think there are millions of companies in the world that are producing products and they’re going out to sell them to make a 20 to 30% margin. Um, And we’re sitting here to try to sell something, to make a 90% margin.

    And, um, and, and I just think that [00:37:00] we’re in a great business for now. I think the other thing, and then I’ll get to Nathan that should encourage people to maybe outbound more now than ever before. I don’t know if you’ve noticed it or not, but it’s a little tougher to buy a resale domain name at auction right now for a friendly price.

    There’s not a lot of joy there in what you’re selling stuff for. And you know, if you used to spend six hours a day watching GoDaddy auctions and picking up close outs and killing it, it’s a lot tougher to get that stuff when you have a lot more lost docs before. So. You know, I think the other thing about domaining is it’s a business that you, that we could all easily do.

    And we could spend 95% of our time on buying 1% of the time, patting ourselves on the back for how good of a buyer we are. And 4% of our time selling. And when I say 4% of our time, I [00:38:00] mean, we get an email saying this name is sold. And then we complain about the fact that we have to. Submit the auth code.

    Oh my gosh. I’m making $2,000 and you want me to go get the auth code and then locked the name and then, oh, I have to go delisted from the other places that I listed it, but that, that would only make up about 4% of our time. So. One of the reasons I started out bounding club is I truly believe a year ago.

    And really ever since the domain show that we needed to move that equation to about 70, 30, 70% buying 30% selling. And, um, and, and hopefully outbound is a part of that. So I wanted to reach out that, Hey Nathan, how are you doing? Oh, good, good. Um, I really liked that Arash backpack as our bag caught, uh, D mind GF, um, My family, uh, heavily involved in, [00:39:00] um, the, you know, the Bains, the pipe bans.

    Well, I father-in-law is a one though. Swirled solo drumming championships. I think it was in 1984. And he’s wa he’s a world renowned judge of pipe bans. So Pipers and drummers. Nice. So, you know, uh, that name was available, right? Always be closing, always be, Hey, Samia, we’ll talk in the back channel, but I can have a chat with him to say, you know, there might be someone in our, in the Republic or in the north, um, that might be interested in.

    Cool. All right. Thank you very much, man. Uh, I’ll back down. You now. Alrighty everybody. Well, I’m going to wind down outbounding today. Uh, if you listen to the beginning of outbounding and I [00:40:00] talked about, uh, email signature, I talked about a point that was made in the woodpecker newsletter this week, and they help you manage cold outbound emails.

    And the woman who’s been writing this newsletter for five years, really. Watching it, maybe three say I exaggerated, maybe three years, she talked about, she used to focus so much, way too much on herself and not enough on the value proposition she was delivering. And then she talked about a signature tool that you can use to use your email signature, to, to bump your credibility a little bit.

    So I may do that. I may put on their page. We’re in a little different font. I may have a link to page I may have a story on page that talks about the success of domain names. And we’ll see if that helps, but, um, I’m going to end early this week. I want to encourage everyone to head on over to [00:41:00] Todd’s legal room that he does with another team.

    I think they’re talking to a UDR P panelists. And I think that no matter what you’re doing in domain investing, to be able to talk legal stuff with people that are. You know, it’s all fully disclaimed. It isn’t legal advice, but it’s coming from probably the same perspective you’re in. If you’re a domain investor.

    So I encourage you to hang out there. I’ll be back tomorrow for million dollar domains at one Eastern. Um, thanks for following us and domain club. Uh, you can sign up for our and a great seeing everyone today. And we’ll see you next Tuesday. CMI C a Jeff CNA.

    Take care of Paige. Nice talking with you about.

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