Branching out From Amazon

We love engagement on Ecomm Weekly and we welcome YOU to get involved and ask our speaker your questions every week. Last week we were joined by Brian Johnson to discuss making Amazon the minority and expanding your business to feature on other platforms. This topic got our host Norm HOOKED! We talk about testing out advertising on various social platforms to find where your company best fits and increase those sales.

Brian has put in his ten thousand hours into the Amazon space and has helped over twenty thousand sellers become bigger by expanding to other platforms. Brian is an advocate for not relying on Amazon as a sole platform for sales.

Why should Amazon be a starting point and not just your main source of sales? What is working, who is looking at what and where are you getting your sales from? These are important questions to ask yourself about your Amazon-only business.

Are you losing out on sales by having Amazon as your largest or main Ecomm store?

Don’t be narrow-minded and stick to Amazon, don’t rely on Amazon. Amazon’s system can screw up. A false positive can leave your company on the rocks and shut down. There are other ways of making money, so don’t just stick to Amazon, spread your wings, and launch on other platforms!

You can grow your sales from retailers to get a piece of the action on top of your Amazon market, and later exit your brand for silly amounts of money. But getting there takes time and consistency.

Let’s be honest, Amazon is a great starting point, it could even be the best starting point, but don’t just stop there! Let it be a starting point, keep at it, but promote your product on other platforms and launch your company wherever you can, if you want to raise engagement and sales.

So when is the best time to “pull the trigger” and expand from Amazon? and where do you start?

The best time to launch elsewhere is as soon as you understand your consumers. Know your audience and understand your community as well as your market, do your competitive research, and see how your competitors are doing, where have they jumped to next?

Norm recommends watching an eight-minute video on the Sparktoro app to target your audience and competitors. Listen to the full session above and gain more insights on where to jump to after Amazon.

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