AI Entrepreneurial Opportunities Up for Grabs!

ChatGPT has been a hot topic of discussion recently as it’s become more mainstream across various industries and generations. OpenAI and their ChatGPT technology are pioneering the revolution at the forefront of creating and making available this technology.

ChatGPT is trained on a large amount of data and can generate high-quality, relevant, and sophisticated outputs with minimal input.

ChatGPT is a chatbot that’s able to replicate natural language patterns using data from the internet. It is trained on a large amount of data and can generate high-quality, relevant, and sophisticated outputs with minimal input. Given its abilities and expanse, it’s a powerful tool that can save a business valuable time and money. 

Our panelists and members of the audience shared various applications of the tech to improve our current work, social, and entertainment processes. One potential use for ChatGPT is in customer service, where it can handle a high volume of inquiries and provide personalized responses. ChatGPT has already proven helpful with content creation, such as writing poems or articles and assisting with data analysis. ChatGPT has also been used for often repetitive tasks such as video editing, note taking, and simplifying workflows.

As is the case with all technological revolutions, it’s essential to analyze the consequences of integrating them into society. Users and critics alike have raised concerns about the potential negative impact on creativity and the need for ethical guidelines in the use of AI. 

Catch the full session above to hear more!

  • Read the Transcript

    Serial Entrepreneur EP87

    [00:00:00] New startup club. Today we’re talking about ChatGPT experts and, and startups looking for the next wave. Think about catching the next technology wave, the next big technology shift. You know, this is a show called The Serial Entrepreneur Secrets Revealed. It’s a live show and podcasts, uh, and it’s a special edition show.

    We normally run the show every Friday at two o’clock eastern and to, uh, today we’re running at Wednesday, two o’clock eastern because of the holidays, and quite frankly, because of the technology, this chat, g p t, is really going to be a huge game changer. We are talking about something that every startup that every company in the world will be using, and we’re gonna talk a little bit more about those use cases as we go throughout the day today.

    Um, our fellow moderators are [00:01:00] joining us right now on stage. Thank you. Jeffrey sas, Samantha Glover, Michelle Van Till Borg, uh, for joining us on Siri Launcher. Our secrets revealed, and I’m calling c Campbell. We’re gonna have some real fun today. Now, if you are an expert on G P T or you’ve tried it out and you’ve experienced it, we wanna hear from you on stage.

    This is, uh, this is a call out for the community to come together and figure it out. How startup. Can really benefit from this technology shift. We call this a paradigm shift. We had Jeffrey Moore on this podcast who wrote the book inside the Tornado and Crossing the Chasm. And I believe this is a watershed moment where the tornado is beginning to occur.

    The number of ideas and opportunities that can come from chat, g p t is absolutely phenomenal. So if you are in the audience [00:02:00] and you think this is an interesting topic or you know of others, please share the button. It’s a second button from the left. Share on clubhouse. I’m doing that right now myself.

    And if you also want to invite others into the room, I know I just invited Jared in the room. I know he’s very good at this kind of stuff as well. Um, if you wanna start inviting others in the room, that would be great. And hi, you Michelle. Colin, uh, I’m gonna call. What do you think of Taisha? Colin, I’m gonna call you out on one thing.

    This room says calling chat G B T experts. There’s no such thing as a chat G P T expert. This thing is so new, so fresh, so young. AI as a whole industry is still in its infancy. Um, no one is an expert yet everyone is learning, including the people who created the platform. So I’m just gonna call you out in that.

    We want people who are interested. And who’ve been experimenting with it, but I don’t think an expert in the true sense of the word even exists yet. That’s just my opinion. [00:03:00] I’ll ask chat. G p t what, what he or she thinks. C what do you think of the show before we, uh, we get going here? I mean, have you played with chat g p t yourself, Michelle?

    Yes, I have actually. I’ve used it for some content creation, specifically a blog. And I, I was just completely floored to realize like the capability that they’ve built up already and it was so easy to use. So I’m very excited to hear what people think the future is here and how they can use it in their business as well as a startup, because I really believe, um, you know, we’ve only scratched the surface.

    And, and I just wanna mention something before we start going that maybe we’ll entice some people to get up on the stage and talk. Here is, um, OpenAI, if you go to [00:04:00], open chat actually has started already investing in companies, including startups and concepts to help fund them. That are building businesses around this technology.

    Um, one of ’em I bet a lot of people here has heard of, which is descript. We actually use it here in the office and if you get a second, you should look at the kind of companies and what these folks are doing. Um, so you can get a sense of the power of this. And again, I, I believe it’s really just the beginning.

    So I’m excited to hear people’s ideas. I’m excited to hear from Samantha, who is our resident data scientist, um, very data-driven research marketing person as as well, cuz I, I wanna hear from Sam like how hard this is to implement and how hard it is to do business with. So I’m super excited. And before I pass it back to you, [00:05:00] Colin, I just wanna note that OpenAI themselves in a recent press release said they expect to make 200 million in revenue next year, which is 2023 and 1 billion in 2024.

    So, uh, clearly, you know, if, if I, I think you’d have to be under a rock, Colin con honestly, to not have heard of what’s going on in the space here. But it’s really exciting times and I think some really cool opportunities for folks. Thank you. Yeah. And so one of the things or opportunities. That may exist.

    And look, it’s all experimenting. You’re right, Jeff. There are no experts. Um, but we’re gonna to attempt to convert the transcript of this show into a white paper or a mini book. And if you want a copy of it, and it’s gonna be run through G p t, if you want to c copy of it, we [00:06:00] will send you a, uh, copy via email.

    Just go to and you’ll got, get not a, just a transcript, but a G P T written, uh, white paper on this topic. This is a time in history and it comes every few years. You get something really big. This is one of those times in history where entrepreneurs can move fast and quick and gain market share before the big companies begin to, to, to take to, to, uh, to move on it.

    All right. So Samantha, I know Michelle, you’re gonna ask Samantha a few questions. Uh, maybe the first question I can ask you, Samantha, I know you have a background in ai, um, but just can you just tell us from your perspective what this chat g p t is? Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. I’m so grateful, uh, to be here.

    Well, essentially, uh, chat g p t is what’s called a language model, and [00:07:00] it’s, you know, a, a what’s called a pre-trained transformer or a neural network machine learning model that processes language, and it has an intelligent comprehension of, you know, natural language texts sequentially using internet data.

    Although it doesn’t. Search the internet, as they clearly stated, it’s trained on a lot of data that’s on the internet. So depending on the circumstances, um, it really needs really very small input data in order to generate high quality, relevant, large volumes of sophisticated outputs. But much like Michelle, or I believe it was Jeffrey, that’s stated, um, there aren’t many forecast data sets, even though they have over a million users, uh, in regards to different types of use cases to adequately say what type of use cases are the most benefit, uh, beneficial.

    But the interesting thing about chat G P T and conversational AI in general, because chat G P T is a form of conversational ai, [00:08:00] um, is that the more data that you give it and the more you interact with it, it’s going to continue to learn and grow in its performance. And it, it has decision making skills.

    Uh, the ability to identify, uh, patterns. The more that you have interaction with it, or if you’re, you’re using, using it for customer service is gonna have, uh, more on that aspect. So I didn’t wanna get too techy, but, you know, it’s essentially, it’s a language model. It’s G P T 3.5 more specifically, and there’s other, uh, models that people are discussing about later on.

    Um, but language models, you know, they have the, you know, I won’t go all into that, but that’s specifically what it is. It’s a, a language model, uh, n l P model for, uh, a chatbot. , unless you want me to go more into it. No, no, it’s cool. I think that’s, that’s good. I like the fact it could write a poem, and I know this is, you know, hokey a little bit maybe, but one of the first applications I said was to write a [00:09:00] poem.

    And it was amazing. I mean, you put some hobbies in what they like and the dogs and the name of their dogs, and it writes the most amazing poem. And just in the back of my mind, I’m thinking, you know, I actually showed up to a birthday party with no present. This was like two weeks ago. Cause I left it at, in Florida.

    I flew up to Toronto and, uh, she’s been friends with us, my wife and I for 20 years. And, uh, and I, and I went to the party. I had nothing and I, so I wrote this poem and printed it out and handed it to her. Took me 20 seconds to write it and she, uh, she loved it. She like tearing up literally. And, uh, anyway, I just, it’s funny how this, it’s technology like that can do stuff that’s way beyond human capability.

    But not only that, Colin, when it comes to the, the creative things it can do, it’s, it’s got it’s persistent so you can do follow up, um, queries and it remembers what the last one was. So when you write your poem, and I’ve done this myself a few times, you can write the poem and then say, now make it. , that’s all you have to type in now, make it funny and it knows [00:10:00] what you’re referring to and it’ll go back and rewrite that poem and make it funny.

    Or you could say, now do it in the style of Shakespeare, and then it’ll rewrite the poem, um, with Thou and Thou Art and all the Shakespearean flourish that you could imagine. Um, so you can continue to revise the output without having to start from the beginning, which makes it extremely powerful. Yeah, it’s really, really cool.

    I mean, it just seems, you know, there’s no bound to it except our imagination, I would say at this point. So. Very cool. So, so Sam, here, here’s another question for me cuz I immediately go to, oh my gosh, how difficult is this? You know, is this something that actually could be done, like as a prototype or easily with a developer?

    I mean, so Sam, how, how difficult is it to like embed this into, let’s just say a [00:11:00] product for example, maybe one where we are, um, you know, I see a lot of people talking about using it for customer service apps. How, how difficult is it to get chat into, um, one of our products? Absolutely. It’s very easy and, uh, you know, it’s, you have very little to no engineering.

    um, for this type of product. And that was essentially their goal in order to make it, uh, very, not only user friendly for the consumer, but also for businesses where they can integrate it with their, uh, technology, their applications in order to implement customer service. So it’s something that’s gonna be very easy to, uh, adopt to your business model.

    That’s very cool. So I, I know I actually signed up for the developer’s kit. You know, I’m not a developer [00:12:00] myself, you know, I pretend to be one, but, um, I, I noticed that it looked pretty straightforward and there’s a lot of functionality and taps. So I, I’m curious from you, Sam, before we move on, and we, you know, we’ve got a great amount, some really cool members that are coming up here on stage, Sam, like using your imagination, which I know you have a very vivid imagination.

    Like what would you say is one of the top use cases that you think, um, chat g p t could function under? Thank you so much for that question. Uh, Michelle, well, I think one of the starter ones, uh, could be customer service because obviously you’ll, you’ll save on time. Um, you’ll also be able to, um, there’s, uh, so, so many data sets that show how consumers, there’s sentiment on how they feel about customer service, not only as it relates to bad AI chat box, but [00:13:00] also , you know, um, if the customer service is outsource, if there’s, you know, any types of, uh, maybe communication barriers.

    So the interesting thing about chat, chat, G B T and AI and in general, it’s easier and it’s faster to train a model than it would be a human being. And in most. Customer service reps, they’re reading from a script anyway. So being that chat, g p t has this wide range of data, um, you know, you can not only save on time, you can also add a form of personalization that’s cu custom to the customer.

    Um, if that makes sense. And then you also have EdTech and online education. There’s so much creativity, uh, where consumers, uh, or people that are purchasing, um, education, uh, online where they can have like a customized interaction to be able to ask questions and to have a form of education through, uh, the technology.

    Also, there’s market research. Uh, there’s plenty of use cases, uh, in the medical field as well. [00:14:00] Um, so I guess I’ll land it there, but the list goes on. Um, I didn’t wanna, uh, overlap what Jeffrey mentioned about poetry, um, blogs and articles, but there’s so many use cases. What about coding? Absolutely coding as well.

    Uh, being able to help troubleshoot certain types of, uh, problems. I ask the question regarding a particular script, so that’s also a great one as well. Oh, that’s crazy. Alright, so if you are in the audience and you have a G P T story, and I know you do, please raise your hand. We want you on stage. We’re really gonna make this interactive.

    We’re gonna move pretty quickly around the audience. If you have a question for Samantha, um, a, a technical one, or if you just wanna share your G P T. Again, please, please raise your hand. And the second icon from the bottom, there’s, uh, 15 people who’ve already shared this room. If you think this is an important topic for other startups or other people, you know, please share the room at the bottom.

    Let’s try to get to 30 shares by the end of this. And again, we’re trying to [00:15:00] create a white paper. Maybe this is the first time ever clubhouse. Take the, the transcript, put it through G P T and create a white paper or a, um, mini book. And it may, it sounds too good to be true, a mini book, right? But, you know, on use cases on what you can do to, uh, to, uh, use G P T, I’m using the short firm here, but G p t to help start a new business or within an existing startup.

    And I’m gonna just get tell you a couple examples. I was talking to a friend this morning and I told him about chat, G p T, and he has a press release company that he uses outta the Philippines. And Jeff knows who I’m talking about. He may be in the audience right now. Uh, but the Philippines, as you may know, they are often error prone.

    And so if you can take what they do, essentially the content, and have them rewrite that content, have ’em be a professional editor. And by the way, I’ve tested that out. I’ve, [00:16:00] I’ve gone in with some of my stuff and just had them edit it and it sounded amazing. That’s one use case. And there are probably a thousand use cases or opportunities for startups and entrepreneurs out there.

    This is a historic moment in time, and the entrepreneurs, the startups, the founders who move quickly on this technology can benefit from it greatly. All right. Let’s, let’s hit hit you, uh, up Ramona, on your thoughts on chat, g p t. We really want to hear if you have any stories or thoughts. I know I’ve got like four or five other stories I wanna share, but I don’t wanna honk the microphone.

    So, Ramona, I’m glad you’re on stage. If you could share with us your story or, or have a question for Samantha. Awesome. Thank you so much for having me calling and thank you Samantha. And those of you who p me in. However, I don’t have a personal story where I, I personally used it myself, but I have been in rooms where others have used it, such as Heather right here on the stage with us [00:17:00] right now.

    She actually, um, created a poem right there, live on stage. Just took a screenshot or information from my, I think it was my bio, I don’t remember whose bio she used. Took the information from the bio and it actually created. It did create a poem directly from that information. So for musicians, for example, who’s looking for different lyrics to add to music, I’m just thinking of all of the different ways, um, for us, like you just said, many books or eBooks, that that can be created in minutes.

    All you do is just put the title and some main subject matter topics in it, and then an ebook is created in minutes. So I wholeheartedly agree with you, Colin, that it’s going to be those people who are, who are awake right now, who are listening in paying attention. I had several rooms that I could have popped into right now.

    Um, women supporting women in all sorts, which is, which [00:18:00] is my lane of genius. But I saw this room and said, you know what? I’m popping into this room right now getting this information so that I now know for one, to stay on the cutting edge of technology and innovation two, so that I now know what is available to me and my businesses as well as those people who come to me for support and things of that nature and how I can better help them and take our businesses to a whole nother level.

    So that’s what I am here for and that is what you guys are providing. So I definitely thank you and appreciate you guys having me here on stage and able to speak on the topic. So I’m Ramona and I’m done speaking about to. Thank you Ramona. Like you really put it Well, there is, as I think most of us fill here, a lot of opportunity and I just wanna read off a few of the companies that chat Open AI has already invested in.

    One of them is Descript [00:19:00] and we actually use that here, um, at Startup Club HQ for video editing and a lot more, but they actually just introduced something called Storyboard. It is super cool. It’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in terms of video editing. You can literally do vocal, you know, by talking, do video editing.

    It’s, it’s really, I, I have to say it’s mind blowing and especially user-friendly. So they really are innovating using this. Another company they have invested in is called Harvey. This is super cool and I love this because it’s very different from what you hear people talking about right now. It’s an interface that allows you to, um, manage legal workflows through language.

    So a really, you know, high-end, cool way to manage [00:20:00] what is otherwise a very complex workflow. And that product is actually in beta, but already has gotten some of their. Uh, the next two are mem, m e m, which is also, by the way, around organizing workspaces. So, yet another way to put things into folders, retrieve data, like, I think that’s just amazing.

    I, I don’t know about everybody else here, but as much as I try to be organized, I never feel like I’m fully have, you know, wired that system or that process where things are so easily retrievable. So I’m looking forward to seeing men. Uh, the other one is called Speak Again, that one is around helping people learn new languages.

    And again, that’s super cool, and this is something that, you know, people have been trying to do for my gosh, like over 30 years. I’m sure a lot of you remember like [00:21:00] software called Nuance. I actually worked at a startup in LA that was, um, funded by, um, GE Capital actually, and we were trying to do this, oh my gosh, it was over 20 years ago, but the technology wasn’t there.

    So I myself am really looking forward to seeing this as well. And that company is called Speak. So without further ado, let’s get over to Hal. Yes, Hal, it’s great to have you back on Serial Entrepreneur. Tell us your idea or your experience. Cool. Great. And, and just to piggyback on what you were saying, Michelle, I believe they have another product called Wall E Open.

    AI has a visual editor. Um, so Wally, uh, check that one out. Um, the other night when somebody taught me about, uh, chat, G p t learned it about it at a clubhouse, um, literally stayed up all night long, never went [00:22:00] to bed, and, and. Some prompts and the, the point or the message that I’m sharing with you here is twofold.

    Part A is where do we get better training? Where is the list of the types of prompts we can and can’t use? And I’ve tried a bunch of different ones and I’ve broken chat g p t a few times with some of my queries. Um, and how do we output it? Is it literally just copy and paste or is there a way to get the queries in and out?

    Now what I’ve found that worked really, really well with a bunch of tweaking, um, because I am a domain investor and we have our portfolios on Dan Landers, and there’s an area where you can type copy for what your domain is. And you know, with thousands of domains, it would take forever to even create one lander and information.

    So I put in, you know, tell me about, uh, the options for this domain and then added some things to my, my query or my task, and I kept [00:23:00] upgrading the task. And finally now I got it to the point where I can just put repeat with blank domain and it prints everything out. That’s really great. I did it myself, but I know there’s gotta be some training to give me better use.

    So that’s my comments, my thoughts. Thanks for sharing the microphone. I cleaned and sanitized the mic and I’m gonna hand it back to the moderator. Yeah, I think it’s Dolly, right? Not Wally. Is that you said Wally? Um, how it it could be I’m dyslexic, but I know it’s of that I know it’s open AI and I know it’s a image.

    Um, AI creator. Yeah. And I, and then, and you start bringing this kind of technology into that as well, and it opens up a whole new, a whole new area. Um, so you’re saying with domain names, was it ADA helps you successfully pick innovative domain names? Is that what you’re saying? I, it wasn’t picking names.

    I’m using names in my portfolio. I’ll give you [00:24:00] an example. You can and it was one that’s hard to write a, a description for. And it came up with, based on the queries and the prompts, you’ll see it gave an introduction. It gave a couple of examples. It talked about the urgency of buying a domain name.

    Now, before it’s gone, it talks about my phone number, my email, the benefits of using that, um, premium domain I’m selling with their email, and then some hashtags. And all of that happens when I write rewr. With blank domain, it spits out the next one and the next one. Oh, wow. That’s so cool. It is co I’m just confirming it is Dolly, d a l l dot e.

    We have it Dolly too. It’s a, and that is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. I know I tried it with my King Charles said, king Charles [00:25:00] Spaniel, uh, on a, in Christmas, combines an image and creates, it’s absolutely phenomenal. I just do not have an app or technology to, to, uh, program my dogs.

    And maybe they can work on that one next. You could may hear them in the background, but in any case, I, I wanna, when one other story, I mean, you don’t always have to start a company. Uh, a few days ago I was sitting around it having a dinner and there’s a gentleman who’s worked in his industry for 20 years and he actually, um, pulled the company and he was leaving the company and he wanted to send a nation letter to all his staff and customers, et cetera.

    And I said, well, here, well, let’s write it right now. And within two minutes, or not even, I would say a minute, we wrote out some key points. You know, he, he really cared about the customers. He’s been there for 20 years, da that thought. We put it through chat, G p T, and it wrote out the most amazing resignation letter I’ve ever seen.

    I’m serious. Like this is, this [00:26:00] can be an individual application. This can help us write, uh, emails. Uh, I even did one for fun, just said, oh, you know, to my boss, write an email to my boss saying I won’t be in tomorrow cuz I’m sick. And I wrote all this really nice email and it adds a lot of extra stuff to it.

    I don’t know how it gets that extra stuff. Samantha, like when I did that with the, with the, um, just to say, you know, I’ll be sick the next day. It, it came in with stuff like, oh, I, you know, I would have a paragraph on and if there’s anything I can do, I’d be happy to reach out to you. Like, how does it know how to all add all this extra stuff to it when you just put a few words into it?

    Can you maybe talk to that Samantha, or, I don’t know how they does it that Absolutely. Well, uh, the model or, or the series of models are actually trained from, uh, uh, internet data. Um, it, it doesn’t, um, as they stated, they don’t, uh, actually search and they’re not looking to replace it. But there are so many different types of algorithms that could be used, [00:27:00] um, for these purposes.

    Whether it’s clustering, meaning people that are similar to you, um, whether they’re making assumptions about your personality, so many different variables. So clustering algorithms will pair, pair you or group you with people that are similar to you. And then pull and, uh, position data based on. You know, interactions would be between, in, in these types of scenarios, whether it’s the use of text, whether it’s the use of imagery in so many different aspects.

    So they’re trying to find similarities and they’re predicting, and then based on the feedback that you would give it, or any types of follow-ups that you give, that it would improve upon it. So it’s, it’s very, it’s complex, but it’s not as complex. But they have a wide range of data to pull from in order to be able to create these outputs that are personalized to you.

    So Sam, I, I’ve read a lot about this and [00:28:00] you know, there’s a lot of concerns about plagiarism, right? So do you think, and we’re not holding this to, you know, you to this, but shouldn’t we be running things through plagiarism checkers depending on what the context or the usage is like? I’d just be curious about what your thoughts are on that.

    Absolutely. Well, I tried to see if I can find any data on any sentiment that people have in general, a as it relates to that, or any public data that they wanna give on it. Um, but I think plagiarism could be a concern and then randomization, um, what you guys call, you know, creativity. It could be creativity or it could be mimicry where it’s randomizing these, uh, different outputs.

    And so it gives off a sense of creativity, but may not necessarily be creative. Um, but I think plagiarism is that, um, and I don’t see on their website or any of [00:29:00] their models to indicate if they’re not going to, you know, or if there’s a promise to not duplicate where it, it could give a similar response to other users, if that makes sense.

    So I do think, to answer your question, in short, I do think that it should be a concern. Um, and I personally think , I would rather rely on most of my own creativity. They did say that a watermark is coming soon. Yeah, I heard that too.

    All right. So, yeah, I mean, we’re not leaving our creativity at the door and letting our brain stagnant. I think. Yeah, I, I, I believe that we should use this to just amplify that and maybe get a better grammatical or more creative looking form. All right. So let’s go down to Tell us a little bit about your experience or your [00:30:00] idea,

    David. Yeah, I’m here. How are you? Everyone? We’re great. Well, uh, when, uh, when I see, when I saw the title of the room with, uh, Colleen, Jeffrey, Michelle, Samantha, it obviously drew my attention. I have been using it for over a month and a half, uh, probably an overall of, uh, no more than three hours. And it has been quite impressive because the quality of the responses are unbelievable.

    And I’m, and I’m talking from the perspective of languages. So I have used it obviously in English. I have used it in Italian and I have been using it in Spanish. [00:31:00] And the, the amount of time that is saved, putting together information and bringing out a response is, is incredible. So when, uh, responding into certain emails, that would require, uh, probably 15 minutes, 20 minutes to give a proper response.

    I, I have gotten the response within seconds, and I have probably have to change two, three words, added line and just send out the response. So today I was testing it specifically for outbound responses and outbound, uh, emails for certain, uh, domains that we have gotten inquiries. [00:32:00] And, uh, we have used it on four domains and we have gotten the people to respond on those four outbound emails, eh, two of them under steal, under negotiation.

    And two of them, they said they were gonna think and back, get back to us. And, uh, usually in the past when we would respond or send out outbound emails, uh, responses, were not that guaranteed or you wouldn’t get them to really, uh, convey their thoughts. So, Instead of sending a brief email with two three lines, I have one here that we sent this morning and the person already responded.

    It actually has 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, [00:33:00] 10, 11, 12 lines of what, uh, the chat G p T gave me. And uh, it was quite impressive. So I do see using this also for our regular business. We represent technology companies in Latin America and um, to produce information for our websites catalogs, it is a game changer. That’s what I have seen team.

    Now, I’m sure other users and applications are going to grow tremendously in the near future, but uh, it is really quite a valuable tool. I have used other products out there and, um, they are all providing a great benefit. [00:34:00] So it is more of listening to people exactly on, on their niche, on their application.

    I, I just see teachers from an article that I read the other day, I think in Business Insider or somewhere else that teachers are using, are using it to generate homework to generate their classes. And then I see students using it at the other end to respond to those homeworks. So I, I don’t know if at the end of the day people are going to use their brain.

    Like today you see people doing simple calculations with their cell phone calculator because their mind already is not trained even for basic eight times four. So I, I just see that a lot of people that had to put a lot of time into checking, uh, documents are just going to dump them [00:35:00] here and see the response from the application.

    So I That’s amazing. Amazing. David. It’s, it’s crazy what, what they were saying on the article that somebody went to a school and five, six teachers were all preparing their material with this. So , I dunno, it’s crazy. Well, I heard three things, or I heard productivity, massive improvements in productivity. I heard, um, it, it could be an equalizer, especially for those who can’t write quite as eloquently as Jeffrey sas, who’s up here, who’s probably the best writer I know.

    it allows anyone to potentially write a book and sound professional or an article or, uh, or whatever it is. Um, and it’s also a sales script. And I actually wrote a, a, uh, fun G p t while you were talking. Uh, but I don’t wanna do it right now. I’ll, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll talk about it later. I, I wrote a sales script and I was amazed at how, how, how, how good it came back.

    All right, Ron, we wanna keep moving around. Gotta keep moving here, right? So we’re [00:36:00] gonna call upon you, Ron, to, to Sarah, share with us your G P T story. Sure thing. First of all, thank you to, uh, Samantha, Michelle, Colin, Jeffrey, and all my friends in the room. Uh, first of all, I wanna wish you a healthy, happy, and fruitful, uh, holiday season in, uh, 2023 and beyond.

    And then n I’m gonna be very brief cause not unlike David. We actually been utilizing, uh, the chat g p t for about a week now. And we’ve found that the most, uh, uh, the most useful, uh, let, let’s say use case for us right now is the workflow in outreach. So we gonna be using that in-house for ourself with clients and also as, uh, separate web app, uh, and, uh, going forward in Q1 20, uh, 23, utilize that as a SaaS [00:37:00] model.

    So with that, uh, I appreciate your time, Toronto and I’m com complete.

    Good afternoon. All right. How’s everybody? Great. We’re gonna jump over to Heather next. Um, I was just in the audience trying to, you know, see, it’s amazing how many people we have in the audience today. And, uh, if you are interested in talking about your G P T story, please raise your hand and then we’ll bring you on stage.

    We, we really wanna make it a, a, a, a complete conversation on the opportunities that can come from G P T, whether it’s the smallest writing an email, or whether it’s as big as transforming an industry. Uh, Heather, we’re excited you’re on stage. Uh, really appreciate your patience. Um, do you wanna share us with us, your G P T story?

    Thanks Colin. Hey Samantha. Everybody else. Ramona, Ron. Hi everybody. Um, oh, fire ma’am. What’s going on? Um, so, hi. So [00:38:00] I have been writing captions for social media content for 16 years, and this has saved my brain from having to continuously create unique, relevant social media copy because this thing is mind blowing.

    Um, I’ve used it to write. Instagram reels scripts, TikTok scripts. Um, I’ve used copy for YouTube, metadata and titles, website, meta titles, meta descriptions, keyword research hashtags, um, short form copy, LinkedIn, long form copy. You can get really specific with it. So you can tell it to write you five unique tweets on the topic of social media.

    You can tell it to write five long form [00:39:00] LinkedIn posts about the utilization of search engine optimization and social media. There is so much you can do with this from social media copy. And this is stuff I’ve done. I’ve been on this for about two and a half weeks. I first saw it on TikTok and it blew my mind.

    I’m already utilizing it within my business. Um, it has streamlined my business significantly. Um, and I will say one thing though, it is not good with emoji placement. Um, if you try to tell it place emoji after, um, punctuation or between sentences, it won’t do that. It’ll put it either at the beginning or the end.

    So you really want to add a human element. , uh, before, you know, publishing it or utilizing it across platforms, um, because it’s not really good with the emoji placement. Hopefully it’ll get better, but it does churn [00:40:00] out topical emojis, so you could ask it find, you know, uh, write 10 emojis that have to do with food and it’ll just type it for you.

    Um, the mundane tasks, you know, I have to write out, you know, I have a client that has six, um, caption documents. Uh, this client has six restaurants and they each have their own caption document for the entire month. And I have to write out Sunday, January one, Monday, January two, Tuesday, January three. So I told it to write that for me.

    Like that. These little things are, are definitely helping streamline the processes, um, but just make sure that you are adding a human element to it, uh, and proofreading as well before utilizing it across the internet. So this is Heather. Thank you so much, Colin. Yeah. Do you think you could actually write title tags and metatags for a website?

    It can. Yes, it can. I’ve used it, it can actually do that. Um, so I asked it to write [00:41:00] me first, the meta title. So write a optimized meta title for the website, Heather Cox codes for the services page. Um, you really have to be like, really like, like niche down on. Really specific on what you tell it. You can ask it to write a optimized meta description about Heather Cox Codes located in Delaware for the about page on the

    You could ask it to write, um, write me 10 optimized keywords that have relevancy to the restaurant hospitality industry. Um, so really getting specific on asking for what it, what you want, and like really nicheing down on that specific topic because you wanna go [00:42:00] as minute and micro as possible when asking something in relation to keywords, SEO or social media.

    But is it possible? Is it possible? It could be taking you out of a job? Is it too good where it, you know, a small business no longer needs your services, we can just go to. chat, g p t and, and type in title tags and metatags. And I’m being a little bit fun, fun here. I’m playing with . I mean, it could, but the thing is you need somebody to implement these things.

    Um, you know, I’ve implemented it in my business for my clients and, you know, I, I work with busy restaurateurs, bi, you know, busy real estate agents, brokers, um, you know, influencers, investors, and, and they don’t have time to be doing this stuff. They’re out in the field making deals, cutting checks, um, and, you know, they don’t have time to be fiddling with a, a chat G p t to make their social media content.

    They outsource that stuff so they don’t even have to think about it. So, you know, I, [00:43:00] if you don’t use the tool and add it to your toolbox, then you’re just the tool who’s being replaced by the ai. Yeah. I’m with you on that. I think we can all agree on that. These paradigm shifts, the more you hide from them, the more you’re gonna be, uh, at a business.

    You gotta embrace ’em or, or else. Right. Um, this is great. And just to reset the room, we’re talking about chat, G p t and what it is that it can do, uh, to help your startup, or you might be a new founder and you want to come up with a new business idea. Um, there are times in history when big changes happen.

    We saw it with the dial-up internet, with broadband and cloud computing and social, and we saw it. Um, uh, you know, again, with the electrification of vehicles, we, we see these. Paradigm shifts and they come, you know, every couple years we saw it with social audio chat about a year and a half ago or two years ago, uh, it began to just really explode [00:44:00] and opportunities around these big changes.

    There are a lot of them, and that’s what we’re talking about today. Just to, to let you know, this is actually a live show and podcast. We’re on the, this is the 88th episode on, uh, the Serial Entrepreneur Secrets Revealed. And, uh, we’ve had some incredible authors from, uh, Verne Harnish who’s, you know, one of the top, uh, consultants in the world for scaling up to, uh, the founder of Reebok.

    Uh, on, I think a couple weeks ago we had the founder Reebok on, and, uh, they’re just incredible. If you really wanna learn about more about your startup, you know, this is, uh, a podcast you can check out and we’re gonna attempts, uh, and I say attempt cuz we already did some early, um, attempts to convert entire transcripts into white papers and mini books.

    But we’ll, we’ll, we’ll chunk this one out so we can actually don’t break the servers or whatever you call it, overload them. Um, but we’re gonna attempt to make, uh, this an ebook as well. And if you want a copy of it, please go to [00:45:00] And Michelle, maybe we can pin the link. And just sign up that email list.

    We’re gonna send out copies of this next week. It’s gonna be all done through G p t, the transcripts, and we’ll anyone who’s on stage. Just to let you know, we’ll have acknowledgements at the bottom of the, uh, the ebook as well for your contribution. Thank you very much. All right, we’re gonna jump to, uh, Stefan.

    Stefan, welcome to Startup Club and to the G P T discussion. Can you share with us one of your stories? And Stephan, you’re not there, we’ll pick you up later. See. Oh, here he is. Sorry. I got it there. I You got it. You got it. I jumped on. I move quickly sometimes. Okay. Really quick. I work with the homeless community here.

    I was doing some Christmas shopping past one of my friends who was flying a sign. That means he had a sign out there. I actually was in a room on, uh, AI and G P T at the time, and heavily into the possibilities of what this is doing. It changes the whole world to everybody. Everything changes. [00:46:00] And I thought, well, what if I could get.

    Lee and AI to come together. And I asked Lee how much, how he was doing today. He said, not very well. I said, well, can I get you to help me with something? Of course, I, I paid him for this. I wanted to see if we could rewrite the sign, the cardboard sign that he was flying using ai. And I’m gonna tell you all, when he understood the possibilities of this, it was enormous.

    I also asked him, um, if he would take me, I’ve been to his cabin that he built by his hands in the woods. Nobody knows where it is. Um, he lives back there. I wanted to go back there and then teach him about ai, have him download it into his stuff and talk about his life. And I asked him, um, I wanted to tell his life story, uh, from his viewpoint and let me see if I can find it here.

    I wanted it from his viewpoint with all his personal stuff that he can put in there. But I wanted it written in the pros of a New York Times [00:47:00] journalist and um, uh, 1000 word essay in the prose of a New York Times, uh, journalist using the story of Lee. And, um, y’all, it’s unreal. It’s unreal what it, um, spit out in two minutes.

    He was laughing, he was laughing that, um, this is possible. And, um, Well, I’ll just put it there. I’ve also written, uh, a children’s book, two other periodicals, two courses, and working on some other projects right now. So it’s a game changer. Thanks. All, all from g p t. You, you’ve written these books like I know all from G P T.

    Yes. I entered, I had books that I had already started and I put the information in there and I kind of get the idea of how to ask the questions. If you don’t get what you want, how to rephrase the questions and man does it do, it even gives you the ideas for the illustrations. You just have to, it responds when you put in exactly what you need.

    Also with my domain names, [00:48:00] uh, it’s, I’ve never been more productive in the domain industry than I am right now. And it’s because I figured out some secrets of how to use it and then I went on and, uh, taught a couple of people that I work with in fiber, how to use it, and it is amplified my work by, uh, employing someone and having them use it to do what I’m looking for.

    So I do have, uh, some time to do some other things. See, I don’t think we need those English classes, you know, we could have just, we could write like garbage now and it’ll produce masterpieces. , right? . I’m teasing, but interesting. Very fun. Alright, CK you’re up next and we’d love to hear your. We’re getting so many great tidbits.

    I love this CK Thank you, Colleen. Thank you everyone. Uh, just to give my background, I’m into the chat, the chat bot building from last, like, say 2017 onto different platforms, uh, using like Microsoft and Google and all. So, [00:49:00] and, uh, while pursuing my, you know, development and all, I was also, I started one of my, you know, thought on the startup, which is currently into the building stage, and that is with respect to the bots.

    So while I was, you know, building up the bots and all with the different ideas and all, one of the bot idea was to, you know, kind of a generalized bot where, you know, you can, uh, user can, you know, uh, just speak and the speak is converted into the text. And text can either search from the, uh, web, uh, internet basically and provide us the, provide the user, the, you know, the information and everything.

    It has got its challenges and lot many things. So I’m actually working on those things and then kind of, and, you know, further moving into the embedded system with different devices and all that stuff with the automated or, you know, in the future kind of building the Rob model and [00:50:00] connecting with Thes or something like that.

    So a month ago I came across with chat, G p T Open ai, and I found it very, you know, first of all, interesting and, uh, very much comprehensive results as the challenges I was facing while retrieving the information from the internet and then stack ranking with the exactly the data I was getting, uh, like, you know, because most of the time the data, which I’m getting from the internet was not relevant.

    What, what the user have asked or multiple results was there. So it was not that comprehensive. So when I, you know, start using the API from the, uh, open AI. . So, and tried to integrate it and you know, also started using the chat G P t uh, console to, you know, put up the questions and all it has given me the answers.

    I have been using it for, you know, I do write my blocks and all, so I thought let me, you know, check out what are the [00:51:00] different options, you know, the kind of the use cases which I’m not understanding or not, you know, I’m not able to think can it provide me. Yes it do has provided I’m into the blockchain technology also where I was trying to see, okay, I want to hack smart contract.

    It has not provided me the answer because that is something, you know, the chat bots, uh, this Jeep Chat g pt understand what is somewhere is the le difference between the legitimate data or the legal data or the non-legal data. That’s my understanding when I was there. But on the other hand, when I saw, uh, when I put up the query, like, you know, how can, uh, you know, you can break the, uh, you can break the smart contract.

    It has given me lot, many different answer. And then I ask, okay, can you give me the example of reenter C model or, you know, check onto my smart contract. And very beautifully it has, you know, given me the code of smart contracts, the code, which is wrong, and then [00:52:00] told me that, okay, this is the issue with the code, and then you can write up this code.

    It’s excellent. That’s what we needed. Yeah, there’s a lot of applications there, cki, but I do want everyone to get a chance to stay on the show. Yeah, this is a special edition of this show. We’re actually, yeah. For two, uh, for two hours. So we do wanna give everybody a chance to speak, um, but really appreciate, uh, all of that.

    If you, if you have 30 more seconds and maybe close it out CK Yeah, so the only challenge, which I feel is with respect to the model and, uh, like they’re using the chat G p T three model. So what about, you know, these models are not updated with the data we are getting onto the internet today. If I put up the post onto the, you know, onto web blogs and all, it’ll be available onto the internet in couple of days or a couple of hours.

    And so, but in the chat g pt, that information may not be available through the chat g pt, because these models are pretty much, uh, build up old. So [00:53:00] that is where my thing, uh, concern is like, you know, how, uh, uh, how these models will be, you know, updated in the future. And the second thing is with respect to the, uh, legality of the data, what we are being using either in the form of creation of the books or I am passing it, the information generating from the chat g p t to through the tools to the others.

    So how, yeah. Thank you. So these are, yeah, I think that two things, you’re opening up a whole new question about legality, right? Yeah. That’s something that, uh, we helped have another show with just the lawyers, but let’s have some fun air at startup. Let’s not go down that path just quite yet. We know it’s there, we know it’s coming.

    Right. But, um, we’d like to hear from you, uh, a Miller. I’m trying to grab your first name there. Sure. . Hi. Researching your profile. Hey. Hi, uh, my name is Ashanti. Uh, nice to be with all of you guys. But yes, I think this is a great, great, great resource. And I think you asked about how this can be [00:54:00] used in business and I think there are so many use cases, but for me and what I see is it can really become one of the most effective consumer predictability and retention tools.

    Um, and the reason why I say that is because I feel like this tool really helps you to create the best solutions because you have to ask really great questions. And if you have to ask really great questions and really niche down, then that’s gonna give you a better solution and possibly better implementation and better strategy and all of that.

    And also I think it’s great because it really kind of empowers collaborative thinking, but in the most productive and effective way. So when you think about business in general, That’s what we’re in business for. We’re in business to be the best at providing solution for our particular client. And if you can do that consistently, even before that, they know that they have a problem, then that’s when you have that sustainability and client retention.

    Um, I think when you think about like, where will [00:55:00] this go? It’s really cool because I see the way that they’re building this is almost like a human being. And I spoke about this in another room in a sense of, you know, when you have a child or when you have a baby, the first thing that you try to get it to do is learn how to talk, learn, like, teach you how to say mom, dad, like if you speak another language, how to speak other languages, how to communicate with other people and sometimes how to protect themself, how to share information.

    But then you teach it how to walk, you teach it how to contribute to society without direction, using its own instinct and its own intuition. And I think that’s where this is going. Um, I don’t know what form it will take, but I mean, just by watching movies and things like that, it may be like this walking tool that you can kind of take with you and it’s your own intellectual property, but it’s built based off of collaborative nature, which I think is really cool.

    And then, uh, just to be quick when it comes to use cases or utilization this morning, after spending like four hours in this room that [00:56:00] there was last night, I think it was like from. 11:00 PM to like two in the morning or something like that once I got out of there. But I sent this over to one of my client who’s a principal at an educational institution in Texas, and I told him just to look over it, I gave him the essential tools, like how to utilize it, the disadvantages of it.

    We spoke about the plagiarism side because he is a principal, um, and he’s using a school server. Um, so I did speak to that about him and just a security aspect and all of that. But what I really wanted him to pay attention to was a collaborative measure that this really spoke to. And then lastly, I felt like it empowered students to be able to be taught from where they are.

    So you know how you have these curriculums to where it’s like, okay, this is one curriculum and we teach these students in this way, but I think with this particular technology, it helps to see the student. And as a student is asking questions and feeding [00:57:00] information into this tool and to this technology, then it can learn based on where they are, based off of the feedback that this tool actually gives a student.

    Um, and then lastly, one other one. I was in a Lyft last night and you know, my friends and I, we just got finished working and this particular Lyft driver was hearing impaired and he created this luxurious environment and this beautiful Escalade. It smelled great. He had minced all these different things, but once we got out of the vehicle, There was no way for me to communicate my, my thankfulness and my gratefulness to him for really creating a great environment for me and my friend prior to dinner.

    And I think this type of tool could possibly create a way to communicate and break down those language barriers. And instead of a person being known as hearing impaired now, because we have this tool that translates through all of that using human behavior in a sense, then we’ll be able to connect more [00:58:00] effectively.

    And people won’t be seen as like weird. They’ll just be seen as different. So I really think it’s cool and I’m looking forward to utilizing it more. Geez, I wish I had that technology when I was dating back in college. . Oh my gosh. . You’re giving me ideas here, right? But that’s amazing. Yeah. You really good analysis of it and uh, really appreciate that.

    Um, yeah, just keep moving forward. We want to keep moving. We have a lot of people on stage. Um, and I know a lot of examples and a lot of thoughts about G P T. So ead, do you wanna take it away next? Hey Collins, Chad? Um, yeah, uh, we, I think we’re talking about the stories, uh, for us. Yeah. We’ve been trying to build a thing called e Corpse Electronic Corporations back in Indiana 25 years ago now, Cal Dow.

    So we’ve been calling ’em AI dials on domains. . And so for us, this is, um, we’ve been looking for this and we’re trying to create a game called a G P D challenge. So we’re actually trying to use the [00:59:00] G P T systems to create its own game around it, play Playto. Um, and so that’s kinda how we’re involved with it.

    Um, but what I wanted to talk about people is G P D three and G p D four, G D four is coming down the line in like three months and it’s already being tested by those open AI companies that they’re already investing in, that are doing even next level things with this application, these applications. And so where we’re seeing is like just the bottom of the barrel of what’s already hit in the market.

    Couple months. So, so yeah. Get on it. So yeah, Chad, we’ve known you, uh, as an entrepreneur and really on the leading edge with your, um, I, I’m trying to remember the name that you had, the crypto name that you had with, um, that was, you know, based on that story before they even had it. Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, well, eShares E Corp.

    E corp. You had E Corp, right? E yeah. And then we have eShares and then Carta had to change their name [01:00:00] from to Carta. Yeah. Cause we’ve been, we’ve been tokenizing domains for five years. Yeah. So you’re really on the edge, like you really have a good understanding and, and you, you seem to be at the party a little earlier than most, and, and it seems like you’re interested in this.

    Um, just tell me why you think it’s so big. Gonna be so big. Yeah. Well, well, blockchain was an important part to increasing the value of a domain because it has a different architecture of how business is done. So, um, again, and so we are a domain focused business, and so everything wraps around our domain to our blockchain added that programability at the edge into like a distributed application structure.

    Now, again, but that doesn’t necessarily build the asset. And so now when you can put an input output and then place that on a URL and measure that, that’s what AI does as that kind of, that next level of creating a really autonomous, um, entity, um, that really runs itself. So kind of like Bitcoin, [01:01:00] but Bitcoin inversion, like whatever you wanna call it.

    So, uh, so for us it’s how do I teach my kids now knowing that this is here and you’re trying to actually disrupt the humans? And so five years ago we are, we had, we tokenized the assets. So contributors i e humans could, could be measured value into a domain like fashion is one, whatever. And so we built for humans, but then the more we keep working with humans, the more we just wanna work with the AI systems because like they mentioned earlier, you can train it to how you want much quicker and it will act that way every time.

    And so the humans are really at like, I don’t know, they’re really at a disadvantage unless you start learning how to use these tools to. Um, measure and create value. So it’s, it’s, it’s interesting times, but this is scary. Yeah. We just know that G p T four is coming and what you’re seeing now is, is really, uh, just a small part of it.[01:02:00] 

    Oh, it’s great. And it’s just insane. Like it really is a historic moment in time. And I don’t know, Samantha, I don’t know why, like three weeks ago I heard it for the first time and then since then I had like 30 people reach out to me and tell me about it, even though I already knew about it. And, um, actually it was one of my companies that I’m on a board of directors of did, they did a demonstration of it and, uh, it was phenomenal what they were doing and showing me, and I’m like, man, you’ve gotta like go quick on this and you’ve gotta ramp it up on Shopify and everything.

    But Samantha, why, where, why is it that just all of a sudden instantly became this thing that everybody in the world’s talking about? Do you have enough, do you have a thought on that or is it sort of off your area? Oh, absolutely. Well, from my understanding it, this was once a, uh, private company or it was a nonprofit company.

    And actually Elon Musk has some sort [01:03:00] of, uh, association. It was an original backer and. Back in, uh, 2020, they received around 1 billion in funding from Microsoft. So they were more widespread. So that’s my guess, uh, as the reason as to why it’s being more widespread at this particular moment, because they’ve been around for quite some time, I believe, as early as, uh, 2015.

    And I believe Elon’s involvement was around 2018 and originally at that time they were nonprofit, but now they’re like a hybrid of profit and nonprofit at this time. And then they got that big funding back in 2020 by Microsoft, and now they have this product that people can use more freely, um, you know, as a use case or beta testers.

    So it’s, I guess they’re now ready to transition and become more, uh, widespread than what they were. Um, do you mind if I comment on that one? Sure. Uh, sure, go ahead. We’re, we are trying to follow an order, but real quick, very briefly. So the billion dollars, Microsoft is from [01:04:00] cloud credit. It’s almost like having a credit card, but it’s only used on being able to use their compute resources, open the eyes, main resources, just spending all that money on compute time.

    It’s very, very expensive for them to run it free like this and will probably be only open for the next couple of weeks before they start putting up a paywall, uh, because it’s so expensive to run for them. The economic, sorry, the economic value is incredible, right? Indeed. I mean, you, you can, you can see the, the, the amount of time people can save, the amount of money, the productivity.

    Everything. So 10 bucks a month, 20 bucks a month, 50 bucks a month. The value, yeah, they might have something here. And very briefly, the value provides for itself. Um, so on the other, uh, there’s like three or four chat G p t rooms actually opening just right now with things. There’s also a chat G p T club here on Clubhouse.

    That’s amazing. Um, I come from the, the, the, the round, the clock room we’ve been doing in the other, other session. One of the things that we’re doing right now is we’re actually working on a white paper exploring the economic implications as an advice for policy makers. Uh, if people would like to chime in during the week with things, we, we [01:05:00] have a, we we’re pretty much running around the clock and there’s a lot of things we’re discovering how to do about the system and how to push it to its limits, which is a lot of fun.

    We’ve, we’re doing a lot of documents and a lot of things that are help people push it to the limits with personas and such. So there’s some, it’s some really good experiences getting to see some of these things. So what’s the name of that club? It’s the Chat Chat G p t Club. So there’s a chat G P T Club, that’s one’s hosted by some PhD researchers that, that have a lot of technical expertise.

    Um, we are doing one without like an official club name. We might call it chai or something for clubhouse ai. Uh, we we’re still experimenting with some things, but we, we have friendships with a lot of groups that are experimenting in the space. So, um, I host one of the main ones, uh, over that’s, we’ve had about 20,000 people over the last week or two just come through the room with stuff.

    Uh, it’s, it’s amazing essentially how much of attention is, is being put into this space. Yeah. And, and don’t forget us, you know, million Startup Club members. If you, if anyone here who’s an expert in chat, G P t, uh, wants to run a, a weekly show or, and, and, uh, we do recordings of it, we sometimes syndicate them into podcasts.

    But if you’re interested in doing that, you know, we’d be so [01:06:00] happy to, to, uh, make you a leader and, uh, let you run with that too. We can’t do everything ourselves. We open this room, but you know, we really can’t. So if you’re interested in, in becoming a leader and running some shows on Startup Club and how it can impact startups, the G P T revolution or whatever we’re gonna call this, we’d be happy to have you on.

    Good. Have friendship. We’re gonna come down to you again. Hopefully you’ll stick around Chris for a little while. I’ll be in and out. Um, but we’ll get to you in Yep. And, uh, we have Brandon, I believe. Yeah, Brandon, catch your name there. Right. There you go. Brandon, you’re up next. Hey, how are you? Good afternoon.

    Thanks for having me. Um, just to be brief, um, yeah, I’m a photographer out in New York and, um, I’ve been beta testing, um, and open AI for, um, like I say, nine months to a year maybe. Um, and I had to get a edit in for my first cover issue and I’m pretty proficient in Photoshop. Um, actually very proficient and, but the turnaround time, I wasn’t gonna be able to edit that image the way I needed to edit that image.

    And, [01:07:00] um, after trying for about an hour, I was like, oh yeah, lemme just put it in Dolly. And, um, Dolly had it done in 15 minutes and it’s the cover issue of this month’s, uh, Bella Magazine. So that’s my, um, story. Like it definitely, um, I guess the most relevant use case for me is like, as a photographer, like it can definitely solve problems in my workflow.

    Can you just talk a little bit more about that story cuz it’s, it’s Dolly’s new to us as. . Right. And, um, you are saying that you were able to take, instead of doing the Photoshop yourself, you took a photo and, and put it through Dolly, can you just explain that process again a little bit better? Yes. So, um, I went into Dolly and then you have to upload your image.

    And the image that I took was, um, of a certain dimension in order to get the typography, um, placed properly. The image had to be extended, um, on the top and on the left side. And there’s also [01:08:00] like a blur in the image. So in order to actually extend the image on the top end and the left, and we’re talking about some very complex editing to get it to blend appropriately and look unedited.

    And, um, Dolly did it to where like, you can’t even tell it was ever edited. And um, yeah, it kind of just definitely saved me a whole lot of time and stress. So how many hours would’ve it taken you? It’s cool, Brandon. How many hours would’ve it taken you without doing it through Dolly? Um, it would’ve taken me about maybe two or three hours more to get that done perfectly.

    Um, just because it was there where the, where the crop is on that image, you just, there was no way to get it the way that I needed to get that image. I, I don’t think I could have done it actually, to be quite honest. So I, I’m curious Parker. Like, I don’t know that, um, Colin knows what L Magazine is, but first congratulations if you got a cover on L Magazine.

    No, Bella [01:09:00] Magazine. Bella Magazine. Bella? Yes. Okay, well, well, I wanna look for it. Cause they’re all what month? Yeah. What month would that be? Like? This is fascinating having, you know, being somebody who works with art a lot. That’s really super cool. You’ll, we’ll have to see how that looked. Yes. It’s, um, this month’s issue.

    Um, so it’s the end. So January issue of Bella Magazine, the wellness issue, and, um, it’s on, um, Instagram right now is my last post. Oh, wow. All right. Well I’ll check it out. And my mind is running wild. You just like, we haven’t really talked much about the image aspects. That’s really cool. Thank you for sharing.

    Maybe you can back channel it, maybe you could back channel it to Michelle and you and Michelle. You can post pin it. Yeah, I would like to see that. I’d like to see it and uh, we can share it Yeah. In our little white paper that we’re working on here during this session. So very. Yeah, exactly. Priscilla

    It’s been a long time, , [01:10:00] it’s been a long time. I’ve been so busy, but I’m so glad to see all my friends. Happy holidays. So glad to be here. I’ll be pretty quick cuz I, I’m very, um, conscious about everyone’s time. And again, great seeing each and every single one of you. So I am Priscilla, for anyone who doesn’t know me, you could learn more about so I’m gonna stop right there.

    But my experience comes from being an AI engineer, researcher, and as Chris was mentioning, uh, there were researchers on board. So I’m one of the researchers that had started a year after, so that was in 2016 at the University of Michigan for conversational ai. So again, specializing in AI language models and I am so.

    Static to see how involved everyone is and now really getting an [01:11:00] idea of an overall picture of the magnitude of what chat g p t can do. So , then lemme just throw that out there of, I’m also currently working on creating a comprehensive guide for this whole new era this, this whole new excitement surrounding about chat G p T.

    So if you do need help, just let me know, Colin, everyone. Samantha, Jeffrey, Michelle and Is and Care. So if you guys want me to talk on it, I could talk for hours about Chap g p t. One of the things I do wanna bring up, and I think it’s really important because, you know, we share about like the voice search marketing side that has so much to do with language and your meta description, right?

    That is what I think Heather was in here earlier, she had mentioned, so that is right up my alley as well. But I think that, um, as an AI en engine engineer, we need to speak more about [01:12:00] the optimization techniques that startups can use, right? So there are so many different things that can be used to optimize, like machine learning models, um, including weight pruning, quantization, and model compression.

    So these are all things that once, you know, engineers and, and developers really understand how to maximize and optimize the use of chat G P T with even virtual machines, the sky is the limit. So that’s what I had to share with you all today. Glad to be here. No, and I think the excitement you’re seeing from everyone is because something switched with G P T three, something happened.

    The, um, inside the tornado began, the Jeffrey Moore’s tornado began. Entrepreneurs, startups, founders, we’re all recognizing the opportunities that G P T can do, can [01:13:00] do, and, and the, the, the money that can be made, quite frankly. I mean, where’s money? People will flock to it. And this is an opportunity, it’s a moment in history, and just the fact that we’re all on, you know, talking about this and you’re in this room or you’re listening to this podcast, you’re ahead of the game because this is new.

    This is brand new. I know AI’s been around for a long time, um, and we’ve had basic, you know, basic ai, but this is something different. This is something that’s really going to change productivity. It’s gonna be an equalizer. It’s going to unlaunch, it’s going to launch so much innovation in the world and, uh, and, and move this world forward.

    And, uh, I think it’s, it’s just a very cool moment in time and really appreciate you, uh, you sharing that with us, Priscilla. All right. We are going to move to, Dimple. Dimple. Is that your real name? A marketing expert, ? Yes, it is my [01:14:00] real name. Absolutely. Thank you for having me. Um, so yeah, I am blown away by, you know, by this thing.

    So the Saturday spent like two or three hours using it and I created so much content. So some of the things I tested with it, you know, and from a marketing perspective was, let’s say I am launching, um, a couple of new podcast shows and I wanted it to come up with the titles of episodes or even subtitles.

    It did that. I was, um, I’m helping a client. Um, you know, client said, okay, we wanna launch a podcast, let’s do it. And so I used it to help come up, you know, with different titles of the, of the podcast name or even a podcast with subtitles. I created a bunch of content in terms of blog articles and gave it different directions to see what would work.

    And I was blown away by how quickly it produced content. Content and just like the knowledge was on point, it was like, it was more on [01:15:00] point than, you know, I’ve paid people to write content and the only one thing that, um, I tried to do that I wasn’t able to do, and I don’t know if it’s a limitation right now, which it could be because I don’t, it did say doesn’t have data, um, in there that’s before a certain year.

    Um, yet, so for example, I said go to. You know, this podcast and write show notes on this thing. So it did show notes, but it wasn’t able to pull the exact, um, information because I think that, from what I heard, information is stored and, you know, they have to store the information there. But I was blown away.

    I mean, the amount of content it produced and the quality of content, like if they have a paid plan, I would literally pay like $200 for it. It would be so worth it. So those are my thoughts. All right. So don’t give Bill Gates to Elon Musk. Get any ideas? Yeah, let’s, let’s maybe 20 bucks. Let’s not, but hey, hey, I noticed that, um, you know, we’re not doing [01:16:00] p t R here when we’re going around, so I kind of wanna go back.

    There’s a couple people that look like they might have got missed since we’re going in order. Sure, sure. Take it away, Michelle. But I do wanna, Michelle can say something quickly on that last point is I did, I did take, um, the transcript for one of the shows and podcasts and I put it into, um, and I asked it to write a, a white paper ebook and it, and it didn’t work.

    And I, and I know we’re gonna try to do that with this show by parsing it out, like bringing it down into segment sections. But, um, what it did do though, uh, was that it produced show notes and a summary, and then we’re starting to think, wow, could we, in startup club, could we actually encourage all the leaders.

    To do a podcast, grab the transcripts, write the show notes, and then sort of automate a lot of the processes of going from Clubhouse, li [01:17:00] Clubhouse live show to podcasts and get a lot more ampl amplification for the leaders. And, and that’s possibility. We, we never thought that could actually occur until G P T came in.

    Michelle, I’ll let you, man, I’ll let you manage the room for the next little while. Absolutely. I’m messing things up here. Yeah. All right. Well, let’s go back a little bit here and, and fo other folks that have not gone fair. Not, we will get to you and if you feel like we’re not, just flash your mics, but I wanna go to Gary Henderson next.

    Um, Gary, like you’re huge, you know, marketing, social media, author, you name it. So I’m very intrigued about what your thoughts are here on this new technology. Yeah. Well, great to see everyone. And what a fascinating conversation. Uh, I’ve been playing a lot with chat G P T. We have a website that ranks extremely [01:18:00] well online in the influencer marketing, personal branding, digital marketing spaces, digital

    We’re one of the top like 55,000 websites on the internet. We write content, we write blogs, and I, I published a blog on chat, g p t, and I used chat g p t to write the blog that we published on chat, G p T. And if you go to Google, I’ll post a link to the blog in the chat here. But if you go to Google and you search for chat, G p t Content creation, our blog that was written by chat, G p t actually ranks number three.

    So we, it’s getting us about 70% of the way where we want to be with content. So we’re taking chat, g p T, and you can see the example I put in the, um, the back chat here. We’re taking the chat G p T content, which is really, doesn’t have much personality, it doesn’t have much character. It’s, it’s pretty bland and we’re rewriting it in our voice.

    We are then adding in supplemental [01:19:00] content. So supplemental tweets, supplemental TikTok, supplemental, um, YouTube videos. Our, this piece of content’s already been picked up. The average organic search visitors spending 23 minutes on this page consuming this content. So clicking around, looking around, going in and consuming the other pieces of content that we’re linking to.

    So that’s what we’re using chat G p T for today. Um, I do believe it’ll be a, a monetized system. I believe they’ll use a credit system, which is the way they monetize most of their other systems. Um, it becomes quite affordable. Um, it’ll be integrated into a lot of other, um, platforms, but I, I think this is the opportunity to shortcut the process to get you started.

    We’ve used it to do Instagram carousel. And it’s actually told us what the image should be on the carousel with the words that go with it. It’s got us 80% of the way there, and then our designers put it together and our, you know, our, our team of writers has been able to look at it and, you know, tweak it into our language.

    So I think it’s just amazing to shortcut your process to get you maybe 70, 80% of the way there. But I [01:20:00] wouldn’t go a hundred percent, which at G P t I would still go back and I would still rewrite it. I would still read it, I would still, um, put your personality and your language on it. Then you don’t have to worry about any plagiarism.

    You don’t have to worry about having redundant content with anyone else because it is truly yours. You’re just short cutting your process just a little bit. Thanks for letting me share today. My name’s Gary Henderson. Hey Gary. It’s interesting you, you bring that up. So, I, I, uh, recently put into the chat G p t, um, please edit this section of the book.

    We’re we’re, we’ve submitted a, a book to Forbes, uh, advantage for Publishing. It’s coming out October 3rd. It’s called Start Scale. Oh, that’s awesome. Congrats. Yeah, it’s come, it’s called Start Scale Exit Repeats. Um, and it’s really a compilation of 50 experts and, um, authors and serial entrepreneurs who come on this show and podcast and some experiences that we’ve had over the years.

    But, uh, I, I put it through the system and, and it, it sort of dehumanized it a little bit. Now, [01:21:00] don’t get me wrong, we’ve already had it professionally edited by, you know, Forbes writers as well. So it’s something that, um, you’re right, there’s a human element to. and, and the, and then and chat. G p t, Samantha Chat.

    G p t is very program programmatic and it’s doing everything correctly. So if you want good business language, it, it, it connects well, but if you really want to humanize it, it takes a, it, it may not be quite there yet. Am I right or, or am I wrong? Well, from my perspective, Colin, um, I tried to search for data sets on this because I wanna make sure that the information I give is accurate and based on data.

    Um, but, uh, from my understanding, um, you know, it’s gonna take a while to get there. And as much as mu uh, Heather mentioned earlier was a dimple, the more you interact with it, the more that it’s going to learn from those interactions and improve upon itself. And as mentioned, out of the 1 million users that they [01:22:00] have, I did try to search for data sets specifically to use cases from the company itself to show how accurate it is, how, um, specific to different types of categories and the process that it will take in order to, uh, get to the level where it’s very usable as a use case.

    Um, but based on data and based on actual facts, um, there isn’t public data, uh, or information that can forecast that at this time. But I’m pretty sure they’re going to give more data to show, uh, more specifically probably those timeframes and different use, uh, based on different use cases. Hey, Colin, real quick.

    We actually entered the human experience, make this very personal and very human actually entered the request that we made. And we did this when doing, uh, Lee’s story. This was a homeless man who told his life story. We did it in the, um, verse in the pros of a New York Times journalist. It really made his story human.

    So, uh, it’s very moving and it’d be kind of hard for [01:23:00] someone to know that, um, chat, G B T did this. Thanks. Hey Stefan. Uh, just a quick question. Did you specifically give the instructions to do it in a New York Times journalist prose? 100%. That’s exactly what I did. Okay. I I did it this way. It says this, I’m a homeless.

    Uh, I am homeless, living in a small cabin, uh, that I built myself in the woods. I’ve been here for a couple of years and get my water out of a creek. I have a couple of solar panels and cookland fire. Sometimes we bring in propane. No one knows where we are located. It’s a very unique life and hard at times.

    I’m disabled and I wish people knew. That was the reason that I have to beg. Please write a 1000 word essay in the persona of the style of the New York Times journalist. Please be as human as possible. That, um, really did something pretty amazing. So I was as detailed as possible. Thank you. That’s fantastic.[01:24:00] 

    And really just unlimited potential. Thank you for sharing that with us. All right. I really don’t wanna forget anyone here that’s on the stage, and we’ve had some new folks actually join us. So thank you for joining. And I just wanna mention that we actually have started a house and we’re inviting people to the house that come onto the stage and participate.

    So give us a week or so, but everyone here on the stage, I, I’ve taken note of who you are and we will invite you to our house. Um, it’s something we’re, you know, testing and playing around with as well. So, um, I think Mr. Slum Gods, I don’t think that we have had you speak yet. Have you spoken yet? No. No? Okay.

    Uh, no I haven’t. All right. I’m sorry. I didn’t [01:25:00] see your first name. Yes. Okay, Mr. That’s all right. Tell us what your thoughts are and, and what you’re experience in place. Um, um, I’m blown away just like everybody’s been saying, and, um, I’ve been using this. So it’s, it’s, um, it’s an awesome tool. Um, I’ve been writing books, structure for my business, um, steps that I need to take, and it is been just mind blowing.

    Let, um, emails. It’s crazy. Um, prompts for art has been amazing. So, uh, I think I’ll just echo everything. Everybody’s insane. It’s an amazing tool and it’s a beautiful time to be alive. So without taking much time in the room, I’ll just pass it out to the next person who wants to speak, speak on it. But, uh, shout out to give, shout out to everybody in the room and, um, anybody who’s still looking to get into chat, G P three, I think it’s time for you to go see the [01:26:00] possibilities that are out there and just get familiar with it.

    Two. Absolutely. All right, Chris, you’re next. Okay, well thanks for the stage here. Um, so yeah, uh, very briefly. I’m Chris. Uh, we’ve been hosting some chat G b T rooms for the past week or two, um, and having a lot of really good conversations with people coming through. We’ve wanted a lot of techniques for being able to get the full amount of the engine.

    there’s a certain persona that is happens when you load the engine up for the first time we called. Uh oh. I’m just a little old language model. It’s the defaults. What’s amazing is when you can push past that and tell it to essentially adopt personas of other characters, writers, uh, musicians, mathematicians, et cetera, you start really starting to see where the capabilities of the engine are.

    One of the reasons we’re starting to hear so much about this thing right now is it’s winning over the cynics. We basically have been having weeks of trying to break this thing, bringing experts from all sorts of different fields, from programmers to scientists, to [01:27:00] engineers and all sorts, and we’re literally throwing some of our hardest problems at this thing.

    And it’s coming up with like, oh yeah, here’s the thing, and you, here’s how you can do the thing that helps your lab. And we haven’t been able to break it. I think the most challenging thing we’ve found so far, we haven’t figured out a solution for this kind of like a TBD is writing, uh, rap lyrics that really, really match certain character artists of the 1990s with things.

    But I mean, aside from that, it’s the only, only task. We essentially, we’ve been able to find everything else from nuclear physics to chemistry. This thing is just, just, just mind blowing. You’re gonna be hearing a lot more about this, probably under other names in the near future. Expect an open source version in the next few months.

    You saw a similar version where we heard about Dolly, Dolly, Dolly, and then you started hearing about Mid Journey and Stable Diffusion and all sorts of other ones expect their chat, t p T or types of things like it tentatively they’re called large language models or LLMs, but whenever have a new technology that’s changing very quickly, there will be many names for these things, but they’ll tend to cluster again to settle back down again for a little bit.

    So it’s an exciting time to be in the space. [01:28:00] There’s a lot of people here on Clubhouse that are very excited to explore this and, uh, just kind of wanted to reach out to fellow club and say hello and, uh, yeah, say we’re friends and have some fun. Ab absolutely. And I saw, I saw seeing you speak as well. I think I listened to you for an hour.

    You listened to a club room for an hour. And, uh, just the more we listen, the more we learn, right? I mean, I mean, the, the, if we, if we stick on Netflix and we’re watching, I can’t even watch a show right now. I just wanna learn everything I can about this. Like, when crypto first came out, I, I used to listen to crypto radio and so now, I mean it’s, now it’s chat, G p t and, and what are the opportunities, you know, this is, this is a moment in history and those who moved the fastest.

    Now, Jeffrey Moore talks about the, that those who can deliver the fastest or those who move the fastest when there’s a tornado will be the ones who, uh, win the, uh, win the prize, who make the most money. and there will be some fascinating spaces with this, with the regulatory infrastructure. So this space is focused very much on the commercial side and on on the startups and such.

    One of things that we’re focusing our [01:29:00] space on is, is preparing some policy briefings for some, uh, policy makers specifically because we’re anticipating it’s gonna be a very heavy shaper in this space. This stuff is amazing, it’s extraordinarily powerful, and there’s a lot of players that essentially are interested in shaping how that technology becomes.

    So we’ve got some really interesting opportunities to help, uh, spread some good words and good information. So, uh, if people have some time with stuff, I’d love to see you, uh, sometime this week with things and, uh, we’ll send some people over here next time you guys are hosting another room on this. Yeah, absolutely.

    And again, back to the lawyers and, and, and regulators. You know, you bring up this idea of a persona, you know, let’s, can you write this in the style of Earnest Hemingway? I’m just throwing that out there, and then all of a sudden, you know, we’re now sort of using his talents, um, and producing work. Is that right?

    You know, should there, like in the matrix, It’s like neon the matrix where he is saying, it’s like, I know kung fu and it like downloads all of its brain power into it. It’s really quite impressive to have it go from, well, I’m a little language model. I couldn’t possibly do [01:30:00] that. That sounds controversial and I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

    And then you say, all right, you are now a skilled mathematician with skilled knowledge of leg geometries and topology frameworks. And it says, of course, I’ve always known how to do this and now let me teach you the wonders of math . And then, okay, don’t translate into a five year something, a five-year old can understand it.

    It’ll just teach you, it’ll give you code bases, it’ll help you write marketing copy for it, anything you want. It’s just basically just telling it to adopt that those personas like a superpower. It’s amazing watching it. And action how much the skill upgrade happens, but at least to a hilarious split when people are talking, um, about the, uh, the program.

    Cuz you don’t know this trick. You’ll walk away with a, oh well this is pretty cool. It’s not quite ready for prime time. You know, other people do the magic words and they’re going, holy crap, this thing is amazing . So it, it’s pretty fun to hear the conversations about it. All right. So Chris, thank you for coming on.

    What, what is the name of your club again? Uh, we haven’t really formed a club just yet with things we’re thinking about calling it chai or clubhouse ai. Cause it’s a nice, fun, fun little, uh, name right there. But, uh, there is a chat G p [01:31:00] T Club here on Clubhouse that we have friends with that has a bunch of, uh, PhD folks that actually build these algorithms.

    And we’ve got a room that’s running around the clock in the, uh, kind of just in the, in the hallway with things. So we’re still getting our stuff together. We’ve been around for a week or two and, uh, yeah, just having. . Very cool. And you’re always welcome to come back. Um, would love to have you come back on another show while we dive deeper into these opportunities.

    Thank you. So thank you for joining. You’ve given, uh, me all kinds of ideas, so thank you. So let’s go off to Mari. Mari, I don’t think you’ve had an opportunity to speak yet. Hi, Michelle. No, I have not. So why don’t you tell us your experience or question or ideas like, um, let’s talk about chat. G P T I jumped into the room not knowing what.

    This was about, and the more I listened, the more I realized how exciting it is. [01:32:00] I am currently writing a book, and then I had a meeting with my team yesterday in regards to starting a blog. And the overwhelm of being able to create content for both was a little bit a, a lot for me. And then, um, because I have to have that be, it has to be at my words, my knowledge, and it has to come out on, onto the word, onto the, um, paper.

    And I, a few months ago, had to refuse an offer I got from a magazine to write something every month for them because I couldn’t create enough content on my own. And to be able to know that there’s something like this out there that can help me and take, uh, pressure off of my shoulders and off of my plate, it, it’s, I’m really excited.

    I’m looking forward to trying get out and to playing with it and I, listening to everybody and getting a lot of really nice ideas of just adding a little bit of my own words afterwards and [01:33:00] making it mine and have it be tailored to what I’m trying to specifically talk about. It’s even more exciting. So I’m just really looking forward to trying it out.

    Yeah, I mean, the implications are massive. Right. In terms of, you know, this might be interesting to look at, Samantha. . I don’t know how this could be done, but it almost seems like the amount of content could just be just multiples of what it currently is on any and every subject. It will be interesting how this affects the amount of research and content that like so quickly could become accessible to people.

    It’s, it’s really, um, mind blowing. What do you think, Sam? Absolutely. And I think as we get more data and we can understand how to improve upon these models, but I don’t think it’s going to completely replace, um, [01:34:00] you know, certain things. Um, but I just think we need more data, uh, on the actual use cases, uh, to make more accurate forecast regarding, uh, the usage of these different personas and how, uh, you can scale out those models.

    Yeah, it’s, it’s gonna be very interesting for sure. All right. I think that we are now at j j Macy it, it’s massy, but thank you. Tell us what your experience, thoughts, or ideas are for chat G P T. Well, right a, at this moment I wish I had, um, measured my heart rate before using it today, and now I’m watching it literally.

    A very detailed video outline based upon a few key words that I put it. This is ridiculous. And then I also wrote a poem to my [01:35:00] mom in Old English of course, and sent it to her . Jeff, you inspired us. We love the poems. Kj, could you read the, what you put into it and what the poem is? Is that two or is it two personal?

    Oh, the poem? Uh, no. Where did, let me see, where did that go? I also made one, one, I wrote one to my employees as well, cuz I thought, Hey, why not? Uh, cause I, I thought I would be funny. Where did it go? Uh, there it is. Hmm. Go ahead. No, what were you saying? No, no, go ahead. Go ahead, go ahead. Yeah. Um, well, okay, to be clear, what I I what I originally typed is said, I said write a 2000 word poem, telling my mom that I’m glad we have a better relationship with her today.

    Using, uh, using old English. And then the first version I made it, uh, it started talking about staring into my mom’s eyes. So I was like, no, not that version. Um, and then what it came back with after I got rid of that, it says, uh, dear mother of mine, fair lady [01:36:00] of your dar out to blessing a joy and more through the ages are Bond hath grown from loves tender shoots to a full fledged tree known in day.

    I mean, it’s good, but it’s literally a thousand. So we, we don’t have the time for that, but we, there’ll have to be a chat G p t poem room, and we can all share the poems that we come up with and how, you know, when I did it for my friend, it was 10 seconds I spent on our 15 seconds. Oh, I really amazing. It, it, it felt like I, the moment I hit enter, it started typing.

    I’m like, what are you, what is this ? I like, at least make it look hard, man. So, yeah, no, I’m, I’m excited from a content creation standpoint, course standpoint video, just, I, I’m, I’m beside myself right now. Like, uh, I know Christmas is coming at all, but, um, I’m not waiting for Santa, that’s for sure. He’s been here, done that.

    Right. [01:37:00] Awesome. All right, Jackie. Jackie, you’re on mute. We’d love to hear from you, your experience or ideas on chat, G p T, Jackie. Yeah. Hi. Thanks so much. Um, I have used it and found, um, it incredible. But I did put in, um, with regard to a new company that I’m involved in, I, I just put in some words looking for, saying, you know, I’ll see what it, how it can make up a mission statement for me.

    Um, now it was okay, but it wasn’t, um, what I would. Use if you like. So obviously I have to give it more specific information, and that was something that I learned. So, you know, especially if there’s a new name or, or, or something involved that isn’t widely known as such. But overall, um, I thought it was [01:38:00] fantastic.

    Yeah, I’m really looking forward to using it more in the future. And thank you so much for having me up here, Colin and Samantha. And Jeffrey and Michelle. Thank you so much. I’ll pass back to Bhutan. Thank you. I, yeah, I think we’ve just scraped the surface and I, and I love hearing people’s stories and how they input their requests.

    I mean, really, it’s a lot broader than I had originally imagined, so, uh, I think we’ll all learn as we, you know, play with that tool a little bit. And gosh, I hope they keep it open and I hope they keep it open for free. I’m a little bit nervous about that, so we shall see. Right. Okay. Yeah, and I think, uh, this idea of, you know, write a mission statement for my company or my startup or my life, I think that is going too far.

    I think you’re right onto something there. Jacqueline, Jack, how do you pronounce your name? Jack Jacque. It’s Jackie. Jackie, okay. [01:39:00] Got it. Perfect. Yeah. Colin, um, uh, I, I think a mission statement’s too much, but you know, something like a job description, for instance, for a particular position in a company and you.

    you can say some favorable things about that company and have it right, that that might be a use case we haven’t brought up here. What do you think about that? Yeah, I think that’s a great idea. Um, I, I think the more that we explore it and, um, I think it’s very good at generalities, um, rather more than specifics for me right now, but, um, some of the things, the other things that I did work on, um, some material and some, um, you know, pulling information together, I found it very, very useful.

    So, um, I’m just looking forward to me, me learning to use it properly and to knowing what, um, the right phrases, the right, um, information to put in so that I can get the proper, um, results back. So I think that’s important as [01:40:00] well. It, it’s, you know, we can only ask it so much, so we have to be, um, more intentional about what we ask it to do.

    Thanks, Colin. It’s, yeah, it’s Jackie passing back to Batam. Samantha, do you have any thoughts on that about how we interface with the ai, this new ai, this new chat g p t about? Like what’s the input, whatever you put in is what you’re gonna get out. Can you talk a little bit about that? Absolutely. Um, I would love to create, um, you know, A P D F, uh, next time to kind of, uh, showcase some of these models.

    But initially, um, as it relates to, uh, what you put in, if what you put in is an original and the plagiarism issue, of course it’s going to build based on that foundation. Um, but from my understanding, based on the, the, the information that they make available to the public, um, I, I don’t wanna get too techy on in regards to how it works, but the user interface is very simple, very simplistic, [01:41:00] and easy to use.

    But of course, the more data that you give it and the more that you interact with it, the more that it’s going to personalize the experience and personalize the outputs that it gives you in return. So I think it’s great, but I don’t think it’s a cure all. Um, you know, and as mentioned earlier, it’s meant to be conversational AI so it doesn’t serve, you know, all of these other different purposes.

    Um, so I just wanted to kind of point that out, but I can give more, um, you know, precise models and any data around it. Um, if you guys want to know that for the next time so that I can make sure that the information is straight from the source and, um, what they position and the information that they give to the public.

    Excellent. Yeah, I think, like you said, and the good thing about this is it’s going to continue to evolve. , you know, again, it’s just getting in there and just doing it and [01:42:00] not limiting yourself, right? It’s, it’s only your own creativity is gonna limit you as I understand on this tool. So I think we all look forward to getting in there and trying different, um, use cases.

    So Anton Anton, thank you for joining. Anton is a regular moderator here on Startup Club. Anton, love to hear your idea about, or thoughts on cool ways that folks are members. C js chat, g p t for startups. Thank you. Thank you very much for that, Michelle. And thanks for bringing me up, Colin. I was actually planning to be a free rider tonight and just listen.

    Um, which, and then I realize that is something I hate very much when I do these four regular rooms that we do every week helping startups or founders or trying to help founders go from startup to scale up. And they’re five [01:43:00] 15 to six 15 UK time, by the way. I personally think Michelle and Colin and everyone else here, this, not just chat, G P T I e, uh, or open AI model, but all this technology in general, it’s going to have a bigger impact on our lives than the um, smartphone has when it, when it first came out.

    And then after that, it’s literally going to blow the world away in, in, in terms of how we do everything and, and anything for that matter. Now, imagine this, we’ve got that today. Um, imagine Google coming in. Imagine, um, Hospitals around the world. For example, the NHS here in the uk, it’s the biggest health provider in the world.

    Now imagine somebody coming up with quantum computing and 5G and put in all the NHS data in there. It’s literally [01:44:00] going to change our life as we know it. And I was actually hoping to get Miam moti, which is the CT O at OpenAI. I dunno if you remember Michelle and Colin and some of the others here. I sometimes try to do this in conversation with, um, once a month where I invite politicians and stuff like that to talk about what they’re doing to help startups.

    And I was hoping I could get Mirati open ai CTO to come and talk to us on, um, startup Club, but haven’t quite got a confirmation yet. So if anybody here can help, and I was hoping there might be somebody from Clubhouses here who could help. So if there’s anyone who could help us get that, I would be very grateful.

    Now, in terms of how to use this, I have gone and done all sorts of searches. I’ve even, um, asked it to give me what are the best tutorials on track G P T. And one thing I can see at the moment, um, [01:45:00] the best use is. Education. There’s so much stuff that, um, students and other people who want to learn in general that they can use this for.

    Um, and the rest, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, you know, as, as big as you want it to be, but at least with education, it, it, it’s something well never seen before. And sorry if we’re going on, uh, for too long

    this analogy, you have a couple things, interesting things there, but the analogy of smartphones, you think that G P T could be larger or open ai, we’ll call it that, that, cuz you know, there’s Dolly as well, we talked about, but this could be a larger, larger than smartphones. And there were literally millions of millionaires minted because of the smartphones and all the different businesses and startups that occurred around that.

    The ecosystem of, of, [01:46:00] of the way we began to communicate and interact with these, these devices called phones or, you know, the Android or the iPhone. And so is this a situation, Anton, where you think that we’ll see millions of new startup. . Absolutely. I mean, think about it, Colin. You’ve got, uh, so thi thi this technology just for everybody in the room.

    It’s called generative pre-trained transformer. And the focus, the emphasis is on two things, generative and transformer pre-trained. Obviously. It’s the, the, the, the data that it’s fed to, to come up with your answers. So when you think about it, imagine somebody who’s got access to, I don’t know, gazillions of data, and on top of that adds, um, faster computing.

    So, you know, things like quantum computing or with a new data, um, stuff that we expect to come like 5G and [01:47:00] 6G and Seveng and what have you. You know, anybody could start up a, a, a business, um, provided a product and or a service of their choice based on how they manage to manipulate this and what we’re seeing, although at the moment open AI is the.

    Or the queen out there on this field, at least publicly. You know, Google is not just going to sit idle, other businesses out there are not just going to sit and watch. They have to act and they have to act soon. Because I can guarantee you if Google doesn’t do anything by the new year, that will stand up to uh, uh, uh, uh, um, open ai, mark my words.

    Google will become what Yahoo became because of Google. And it won’t take long. It’s, it’s interesting. I mean, , they must be nervous. They must be really, really nervous about this. And I know it’s, you might use Google for a different use case, like you’d use radio versus [01:48:00] television. Right. You know, but, uh, there are a lot of things you can do.

    For instance, I was just, you know, even Alexa, you know, you think about Alexa, but I, I asked it for a recipe and it gave me what it’s thought was the ideal recipe. Whereas, you know, Google would find different options in different groups and different companies that could provide recipes. Um, that, that’s interesting.

    It’s, it’s, it’s gonna be a very interesting time and a good opportunity for, for businesses. Um, absolutely. And, and, and so Sorry to keep No, go ahead. And, and think about, you know, it, it’s sort of adjacency to Microsoft cuz the way Microsoft is, they can even afford not to let to, to have people pay for this.

    because what what’s going to happen is people are going to be using this more than they, than we use, or, or if not more, at least as much as we use various social media out there. So imagine if Microsoft says, you know what? [01:49:00] I just want Colin and Anton to come here, talk to us all day long. Why? Because they will be in our system and by using this, they will then use X, Y, Z service that we have, X, Y, Z package that we have.

    And on top of it, guess what we’re doing? We’re getting all columns and Anton’s data for free. And that is going to train and make our, um, g P T even better. So if they wanted to, they could even afford to do that. I don’t think they will. I think they’ll start charging. But Microsoft is literally sitting on a gold mine here.

    And, and, and, and the opportunities are just endless. And, and then we’ll see Jay’s poem for his mom. We’ll see them insert a little advertisement in that poem. Oh, no. Well, absolutely. Yeah. Right. . Exactly. Jay’s Palm is sponsored to you by No, it’ll, it’ll be product placements, Colin. There’ll be brand mentions in the content that will be surreptitious, um, [01:50:00] paid, uh, inserts like in movies and tv product placement.

    Absolutely. I know we have Ramona, you’ve been very patient, I believe. You’re, you’re lost to speak here, or if you’ve already spoken, we can go popcorn style. I did want to share a script with, uh, the group here that I just typed in a few minutes ago around a sales script, creating a sales script. But Ramona, is there anything, any other stories you wanted to share?

    I think you started, actually, no, there aren’t any other stories that I would like to share, but I am definitely enjoying all of the major value and all of the other stories that are being shared, and the questions are all definitely, um, helping, helping me to actually find out more information and getting my own questions answered.

    So that is why I’m sitting so quiet right now, just intently listening, taking notes as well. I have two whole pages of notes, by the way. And if there’s any one of you who are, who have or get in contact or access any [01:51:00] other AI beta, um, software that comes out, um, that rolls out and you want someone to test it, I’m here.

    That’s awesome. Feel free. I would love, and you know, I, I, I would love to be a test a tester. I’ve followed everybody on stage and, and a number of people in the audience and those who are followed in the audience. Um, there’s so many interesting people today that this community has really come together and this is, it really demonstrates, you know, what clubhouse and startup clubs really all about.

    So I typed in, I typed in the gp, I went to chat G P T and I said, write a sales scripts. And I, and you know, we all know what scale sales scripts, right? They’re very hard. , okay. Write a sales script for getting people to sign up to Startup Club. It’s free and you learn a lot about how to run a successful startup.

    Almost 1 million members strong, and here’s what it put out. Hi there. Are you ready to take your entrepreneurial dreams to the next level? If so, I’d like to introdu introduce you to Startup Club, the premier destination for [01:52:00] aspiring entrepreneurs like yourself. Startup Club is a free community of almost 1 million members, strong, all united by a shared passion for entrepreneurship.

    By joining, you’ll have access to a wealth of knowledge and resources on how to start and grow a successful business. You’ll learn from experienced entrepreneurs attend exclusive events and workshops and connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals. But just don’t take, here’s where it gets interesting, Samantha, that human partness, but don’t just take my word for it.

    Here’s what some of our members have to say about their experience with Startup Club. Now, this, I don’t know about the ality of this part. Okay. Quotation. I’ve been a member of Startup Club for over a year now, and it’s been an invaluable resource for me as I work on launching my own business. The workshops and events are always top-notch, and the community is a full of supportive, knowledgeable individuals.

    Here’s another member. I joined Startup Club a few months ago, and I’m already seeing the [01:53:00] benefits. The speakers are always engag. And the networking opportunities are fantastic. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to start their own business. So if you’re ready to take the next step in your entrepreneurial journey, join Startup Club today.

    It’s completely free and you’ll be glad you did. Thank you for considering Startup Club. We look forward to having you as a member in helping you on your entrepreneurial journey. Isn’t that fricking crazy? You know, like, and I liked the way it did, like, like the way to humanize it, right? Amazing. That was bloody incredible Collins.

    Yeah. But now, incredible. Take, take that same paragraph and just in the chat feature, just write, rewrite with less urgency. Rewrite with more urgency and watch how it changes the words. Well that’s cool. And you know, I just wanna mention cuz they’re, you know, been batting about things, I, I’m sure most people have seen this, but it does say [01:54:00] on chat, chat G P T, the limitations they do say may, may occasionally generate incorrect information, may occasionally produce harmful instruction or bias content in its limited to knowledge of the world and events after 2021.

    So just like anything else, and we’ve talked about this, you know, it’s still requires your creativity and you know, your. So I, I just think everybody should be aware of that and then just really harness the hell out of this in, in a very positive way. And I think there are so many positive ways to use it.

    Thank you. Yeah. And you, it took be 15 seconds to, you know, write that little first little script, you know, a couple facts about the whole situation. And it just came up with this, you know, amazing, amazing pitch for, for people to join. And it, it, it’s really going to change a lot of [01:55:00] things in a lot of the way we do things.

    Um, but I do agree that editing it as well after the fact is a good idea because we do want to add that more. We don’t want it to become and sound too perfect, you know, I is there too. Perfect. You know, sometimes you’re in these lectures and they just come across too perfect. And then, you know, you go to another lecture and it’s like they’re joking around and this, that and the other.

    And again, it’s those human parts, Samantha, that you talk about. They’re getting better and better and better at doing and sort of mimicking human behavior and maybe doing it better than all of us. We’re, we’re popcorn style now, so if anybody wants to jump up or you know, absolutely talk about anything, go ahead.

    I would absolutely love to add something now that you just created that document right here. Real time again, I was listening intently to how it was formulated and I was very impressed. Like everybody else, you heard the wows and the oohs and ahs. What I definitely saw, room four was exactly what you just honed in on, which was ad-libbing going in, for example.

    I think I heard a one year. I’ve been with, [01:56:00] I’ve been with a startup club for one year. I, I would definitely personalize that in terms of maybe I’ve been with them for five years. So you can go in and definitely change the timeframes and things of dates and things of that nature. And, um, one other thing that I would say that you could actually, um, add is to personalize it anyway, is a little bit more personal background or history.

    So I started out, uh, initially in this particular area, um, and now have, have, um, trans transferred my expertise, knowledge and skill into this particular business or area, et cetera. And I’m just really shooting from the hip right now. But, but those little things, and then taglines some, most business owners or entrepreneurs have some sort of a tagline, um, it that, that goes along with their mission and vision and business.

    So they can also, you can also add that to personalize it as well as what I’ve just come across in, in my, in my initial, [01:57:00] um, listening to, um, how it’s formula. May I contact, please, please respond to that. Please do . Okay. Whoever typed the query into chat beat G P T only, type the following words. Repeat with either less urgency, more urgency.

    Just repeat and change the words. Let’s use chat g p T as it should be, and learn the prompts so you’re correct with your edits. But chat g p t will make those edits. And now we gotta let learn to better craft our questions. And that was the point of my original content when you welcomed me up on stage, is we now know what it’ll come out with, but the better queries we ask, the more likely the content we want will be the result.

    Thanks again for this room. It’s been wonderful. Okay. I don’t, I don’t wanna read it all out again, but I just did that [01:58:00] repeat with more urgency. All right, so I’ll read the first paragraph. Attention Aspiring Entrepreneur’s exclamation mark. Are you ready to turn your business dreams into a reality? If so, now is the time to join Startup Club, the premier destination for anyone looking to start and grow a successful business with over under, with almost 1 million members.

    Strong Startup Club is the perfect place to learn from a, you can see it did bring in, yes. A little bit more urgency at the beginning there, right? Retype repeat with less sales or less. Less sales. Yeah. Repeat with less salesy. Uh, try it. Uh, I just typed in. Yeah. Repeat with less sales. Hello. Are you interested in learning more about entrepreneurship and how to start and grow a successful business?

    If so, you might be interested in joining Startup Club, a free community of over 1 million members. Strong, all united by a shared passion for entrepreneurship. Yeah, you’re right. Rewrite it just totally went a different direction. Rewrite for c e o, uh, repeat for c e o. [01:59:00] Yeah. Repeat task for c e o or, or maybe you have to give it more words, but repeat task for a c e o, um, to read or just try repeat for his c e o.

    Yeah. It’s still writing the old one. Okay. It’s, it’s, but, but that’s, it’s still writing the old but room. We got the point. I think we all got the point. I don’t wanna like Yeah. Re you know, thank you rehashing this, but we all got the point and I think that was a really smart, uh, suggestion. Don’t just settle for a generic, ask for, add a bias to it, or not a bias or a, how do you describe it?

    A different angle on it so it delivers something that, what you really want for your members. Collin sometimes. . Yeah, sometimes it’s not just about, it’s not about copying and pasting and using and editing. Sometimes it’s very useful just for inspiration. Um, we put in there, you know, uh,, we sell dog products.

    We’re coming out with a new, uh, full leathered dog bed, [02:00:00] and I just put in, write an ad for a full leather dog bed. And it came out with an ad that was really good. Um, very similar actually to a lot of the content we had already created, but it added one or two descriptive words like durable, which when I looked at our copy, we hadn’t mentioned that the bed was durable.

    So while we didn’t take the whole copy that chat g p t created, we were inspired to revise our own existing copy and adding some features that we hadn’t thought of to use for the product that were appropriate. So it, it’s also just an idea generator and really something to give you some prompts to help you with your own writing, not necessarily to edit and reuse what it creates itself.

    Um, the other interesting thing I wanted to mention, experience I had with it too is for translations, right? You know, Google translate translates what you’ve already written, but what’s beautiful about chat g p t is it can do both the writing and the translation at the same [02:01:00] time. Um, so it’s really saves you a step.

    So I have a relative. Who owns some properties and, uh, rental properties and the tenants speak only Spanish, and my relative does not speak any Spanish. And they had to serve them a notice that their rent’s gonna be increased in a period of time. And we literally just put in to chat g p t, you know, write a note, write a letter in Spanish, write a letter in Spanish to let our tenant know that in 60 days their rent is gonna increase to $2,100.

    Right. That’s, that was the only prompt. And the letter it wrote, not only was it in Spanish, but it actually added the reason for the rent increase it made. It said something about, you know, our costs have gone up and blah, blah, blah. So it, it literally crafted a letter with more information that we gave it in the prompt that made perfect sense and it was in perfect Spanish.

    And, uh, so, you know, it becomes a tool to help you in so many different ways that we’re not even thinking of yet. And everything that was discussed today is fascinating, as it [02:02:00] was, is just scratching the very tip of the surface, the very tip of the iceberg of what this is gonna be capable of. Can I just, before I leave, can I leave with a suggestion for the lovely people of startup club, the people that manage this beautiful club, perhaps, I understand you offer doc club, um, uh, domains.

    So how about like a challenge on LinkedIn, for example, where the person that has written the question. To, or, or, or has given a, a, an instruction to chat. G p t in the longest characters about Startup Club gets a startup club domain for free. Sorry, domain for free of that choice or something like that.

    I hope I’ve explained that well. I guess I’m, no, we love, we love the idea we don’t own Doc club anymore. GoDaddy Day GoDaddy registry, but, uh, but I love the idea of doing a prize on that one and bringing more gamification into [02:03:00] Startup Club. Yeah. Like, right, like somebody to do. I love it. To do it on, on like LinkedIn, whoever writes the longest query in terms of characters, uh, asking chat g p t to say, or write or whatever, something about Startup Club will get a free domain or I don’t know, something else that you could, but the, the, the trick is they have to tag Startup Club, um, on LinkedIn for example.

    Or, or, or on whichever. And the one that has got the longest one, they get that price. Otherwise, I’m gonna leave you and love you. Thank you very much for bringing me up and keep up the great work. Very good. We appreciate that Anton, and jumping in on, and, and doing everything you do for a startup club.

    You’re, you’re probably one of the most active leaders we have on Startup Club. We really appreciate that. And I dunno if you know this, but we are going to attempt to put the transcript here, Anton through, um, Chat g p t to create a mini book or a, uh, ebook or white paper Wow. On [02:04:00] all of this. That’s beautiful.

    And we’ll try to clean it up. How are you planning to do that, Colin? So I already tried it once and it crashed, so, but we’re thinking of if we can break it into segments. Babe, I think I just gave it too much. So if I can break it into, if we can break into segments one of our staff members and feed it and have it write an actual quality, you know, documents versus just a transcript that captures the ideas, et cetera, et cetera.

    And then we’ll publish that and if you, uh, want a copy of it, just go to and sign up to our email list, um, on And, and not only will you get a copy of that, but you’ll also get a, um, a notification when we have rooms like this coming up that really can be impactful and or an author or serial entrepreneur.

    So do sign up to that email list on Absolutely. Actually, if you don’t mind explaining how I or others can get maybe like show notes on, on, on, on the rooms that we do or something like that on tag G P [02:05:00] T rather than Yeah, I, you know, it’s um, we’re gonna experiment with it, Anton, but what I’m thinking right now, we actually use DS script, which actually also uses chat, G P T, I think, um, we’ll probably look at the transcripts and you know, we’ll go from there.

    Actually, we need you to. It’s called D Script. It’s a, it’s a, you know, a subscription software. It’s pretty freaking amazing. Uh, I highly recommend it to anyone who does podcast or who needs recording or video editing. They actually use it for video. Um, they actually use the open AI technology for, um, visual video, um, sound and visual video editing.

    It’s a very, um, you know, it’s a game changer for that people doing that type of work. But that’s what I think. We’ll first try it with, I, I don’t know what the end solution will be, but [02:06:00] that’s where we’ll go. Oh, you guys are super amazing, man. Thank you very much. And you know what, can I be shameless and quickly plug in the forums?

    We do. Uh, we’re gonna start back absolutely, by the way. Perfect. Um, we’re off, uh, now during, uh, Christmas and New Year’s, but we’ll start on the second week of January. We’ve been doing these since the 29th of March last year, and we do four regular rooms per week, helping founders go from startup to scale up on Mondays.

    It’s talent. So how and where to find the right people and how to keep them. Tuesdays is how to build your early stage, um, product or tech. Wednesdays it’s how to grow your business and Thursdays it’s fundraising. So how to get investment. They’re all five 15 to 6:15 PM UK time. And the panelists are only people that have got, um, startup track records.

    Um, now for an hour, anybody can come in and ask questions [02:07:00] and that’s me being shameless. Thank you very much. God bless you all. Have a great.

    Great. Do we have any more thoughts from the, the group on stage? We did cut off the, uh, audience, uh, asking questions about a half hour ago so that we could give it a little bit more time for those who are on stage, if they just had any last thoughts. Yeah, this is ple. I have a quick question. Oh, sorry about that.

    Go right ahead. Ple. Yeah. I wanted to go back to, you know, Jackie’s comment about her searching for mission statement. So I have a recommendation on how to do it because I did something similar and it worked. So when you’re gonna ask it to develop a mission statement for a company, you want to tell it a couple of more details, detailed information, what type of company or business it’s for.

    You also want to tell it things like, um, you know, a mission statement that conveys female empowerment and blank and blank and blank. And when you give it like more direction, the more like detailed you can be with the prompts, the better the [02:08:00] output is going to be. And sometimes you’ll get something back and maybe it’s a little too general.

    You can go back in and you can say, um, and also include, you know, details or include content about blank, blank and blank. And, and if you try it that way, Jackie, like I would be curious to know what you get because I can, I can pretty much be sure you’re gonna get a much better detailed result. Cuz I mean, I probably produce like 30 pieces of con, I mean, I was on there for three hours this weekend, but it was like very intentional and it.

    literally, like I was able to produce content right away. But do do it with more details and intentions every time you say what is like, you know, the thing that you want it to convey, what even type of writing style do you want it to write? Do you want it to write in a conversational style, a professional style, a style that is, um, has a little bit of humor in it and it understands that, you know, this technology is so superiorly intelligent that it’s [02:09:00] gonna pick all that up.

    So I always suggest like, be as specific as you can, and then if you don’t get what you want, you can try to be less specific, but be more specific. You’re gonna get a better result.

    Ramoni, I saw you, may I chime in or Go ahead. Actually, the descript, um, somebody just mentioned that Descript was another, uh, form of AI technology that is available. And I believe someone mentioned it in another room before, but is it No, it’s It’s meant for podcasting. Um, and it has a lot of interesting, you know, features and functionality, but it’s very, very different from, from chat G P T very different.

    Yeah. It’s leveraging, it’s leveraging the APIs from Open ai. Open ai. That’s right. It’s, it’s an editing platform for both video. Audio editing and other content creation where it, it takes away the traditional, um, non-linear editing format. And you can edit [02:10:00] video and audio by editing the text. So it’s like editing a w a Word document and that makes the edits in audio or video, and it’s got a lot of really great features.

    It can replace your own voice. Some people use it to make some of the deep fake, uh, videos. Uh, but it is using open AI’s technology behind the scenes. Yeah. And specifically on the functionality that’s called Storyboard. Awesome. Thank you. I just wanted to try and end the very quick and, uh, first of all, thank you.

    Uh, Michelle, Samantha, Colin, Jeffrey, for an amazing, uh, startup, uh, dot club, uh, session. I think what we’ve discussed today is unbelievable, but I think it’s, uh, 0.0001 of what we can, uh, uh, come up with in the future. And again, we are fortunate to be in this space. We are probably amongst the 1% and [02:11:00] partake in this opportunity.

    Just like Colin said in the beginning. Uh, make sure everybody in the room and everybody who listens in, in the replays, this is no, uh, walk in the park. This is a time where it’s a paradigm shift. Uh, you know, the world, uh, economies are changing. . And this is an opportunity for each and every one of us to take time and, and have, uh, literally a billion dollar app in everybody’s fingertips as long as you utilize it and take action.

    So I appreciate, again, I appreciate everybody’s time and I’m looking forward, uh, uh, to the, to the content and, and to be more, uh, participatory, uh, this year and 2023 and beyond. Thank you for everybody. Hey everyone, this is Andrew. Is it okay if I hop in really quick with some observations? Yes, please do.

    Hey, thank [02:12:00] you very much. Uh, I’m speaking on stage in this particular club. So thank you very much for, uh, Samantha, for pulling me up during here. So over the past week and a half, I’ve had a chance to, uh, work with Chris, um, and a number of people through the rooms, like really deep diving into some of the nuances of the software and how it’s going to be impacting the future.

    And this, and, and I am in absolute agreement with what Ron just said, this, there is a paradigm shift that we are about to experience with this, but I wanted to give like a, a tip, something that I found very useful. And if you are looking at, um, generating, say, different data sets related to something that you’re interested in, one of the tricks that you can do that can make that data more useful is once it produces the initial list, ask it to put it in a.

    Now all that’s gonna do at first is give you this little bit of formatting where it’ll sticking in the table. But now once you’ve done that, one of the things that you can ask is Now please add an additional column and then you can put something in [02:13:00] that column that’s related to the data that you want to.

    So let’s say the list that is created is, um, A possible set of outcomes if a decision is made. And then maybe you can ask it in the next column to provide, provide like a reasonable analysis of the likelihood of this event occurring, um, or whatever. Use that logic, basically kind of use that logic in place.

    And what it will do then is it’s now gonna be looking at the data with a different, through a different lens. And that also is something that can make it a little bit more usable for you as well, because now you’re looking at the data and it’s giving an additional analysis of how that data could be useful.

    And it doesn’t have to just be a percentage, it could be whatever you would like, but it is also now recognizing that data in relation to other, other metrics that you see as being important. And then, um, in an, and then in addition to the personas, one of the other things that has been very useful, and I don’t know if it was mentioned in the [02:14:00] room earlier, cause I came about halfway through, ask it to adopt personas of different analysts or different individuals in the industry and ask them to critique what was written.

    So say it’s, um, say it’s something that is related to your business startup and say, you know, adopt a persona of, um, George Soros or Susan Decker and provide six specific pieces of feedback regarding. Regarding what is written, and then you can ask it to rewrite this with that feedback in mind and this type of logic, the, the, what’s interesting is that this logic is not firmly set in a specific spot.

    It’s put in a position that allows you to look at the data and analyze the data based off of what you believe is most useful for it. And because of the way the language is used in it, it can follow along with that logic. So I’m really looking forward to when the API of this comes out, because I’m, when my startup launches [02:15:00] in, uh, q1, I’m gonna be very interested in utilizing portions of this, not just into my workflow, but part of the overall user experience.

    But the big thing is if you can make the data into something that you foresee putting into a table, have it put in, into the table ahead of time, because then it’s gonna analyze it differently. And I found that to be very useful. Thank you for giving me a chance to come up. My name is Andrew and I’m done speaking.

    Wow. I I love that. I had never thought of doing that. I love critiquing. That’s, that’s amazing. From a particular voice. And, um, I, I think I heard you say you were waiting on an api, but um, there is an p i out for this. So when you sign up, it asks you, are you a developer? Are you a content creator? You might wanna go back and do it as a developer so that you can see the implementation.

    That’s a good point. Thank you for letting me know. Before I crashed, I had heard about, put it in the table and I just wanted to let [02:16:00] everybody know I was actually, my phone crashed, what I’m back in. But I put that whole startup club pitch, sales pitch into a table just for fun. And it set up two columns, it set of benefits and description, and did a really cool table that would work really well on a website.

    Um, access to experienced entrepreneurs is the benefit description, learn from experienced entrepreneurs, you know, and then it did, did 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 benefits and then five descriptions in the table. I, I, amazing. Like that was a great tip. I don’t, who was it? Andrew, who, who gave us that tip a minute ago, Andrew, that was really good.

    That was really cool. Yeah, Andrew, and I don’t know if you heard it, Colin, he talked about asking it to critique you from a particular person’s point of view. It was really an, uh, I think an awesome suggestion. Awesome. Thanks for that. That’s great. Great tip. That’s why we, we wanted to give a few more minutes here and I knew, we know we have to close this down in May, you know, within 5, 10, 10 minutes.

    But let’s just keep going. [02:17:00] Popcorn. That’s great stuff. I have to head out for now. But thank you for giving me a chance to come up on stage. Everyone have a wonderful day. Hey, let’s just remind everyone that, um, We will not be having a session Friday at 2:00 PM but you know, I, I don’t quite know how to do this, but I’m thinking, Colin, that maybe we should replay this session.

    It’s been such an incredible session. No, I, I like, I like that idea. Um, nah, it, it, this is, this is a moment in time and I keep talking about these moments in time and it happens over and over again. Um, over the last 30 years where we’ve seen entrepreneurs and startups and founders launch new businesses around a new technology shift.

    And, and this is it, you know, something happened between G P T two and three, I’m telling you, there’s something, it just moved, it moved the dial in a very big way. And we’re seeing the [02:18:00] opportunities that exist now for, for everyone. Um, what a great show it’s been. Uh, I feel like we’re winding down. Samantha, did you have any last words?

    I know we started with you as our, our resident serial expert when it comes to ai. , did you have any, uh, final thoughts? Oh, no, sir. I put everything in the chat. Well, I always say I never label myself as an expert. I would say that I am, I have a lot of knowledge and I love to learn, and I always wanna come from a place of humility that I don’t know enough.

    Uh, so I’m always learning and I love sharing the knowledge that I do have and, uh, the professors and, uh, different people that I work with that have helped me along with this journey. Uh, so I appreciate this conversation and I just wanted to state to please look to the source of information, just much like with the Metaverse or Web three and other new technologies.

    There’s a lot of emerging talks regarding the technology, but please do your research and look at the source of the information, um, so that you can be protected and you can be [02:19:00] well educated, um, based on the source of the information so that you can have the correct information. Thank you so much for having me, and I look forward to continuing, uh, continue to learn and to, to grow with Startup Club.

    That was awesome. And, uh, you know, I, I worry about editors and translators and marketers. Are we hitting, is this the singularity? And that’s the worst word to use. My, my daughter tells me that. She says that the, uh, you know, a lot of people use that, but are we getting closer to the singularity where AI is now?

    taking over and, and is this, is this the beginning, Samantha? Well, I actually did a study on AI and different jobs that will be taken over by jobs. Um, don’t quote me on the exact number, but it was somewhere around 58 million jobs, but they didn’t factor in, um, chat G B T. They didn’t factor in. They did factor in automation, but it wasn’t clear as to how layered their data set was.

    Um, and they didn’t factor in the metaverse. So, but there’s [02:20:00] also prediction models that show actually have it the other way around. I believe it was around somewhere around 70 million jobs and 58 million new jobs that will be created as the result of it. So jobs will be replaced, but it’s an opportunity to create new jobs and to upskill.

    Um, I can actually send that to you, to your email, the research that I did on that as well as the sources, uh, based on the different studies. Yeah. We really appre we really appreciate that. And again, we appreciate your time and, and, and your knowledge. And I know you’ve done so many great shows on Startup Club as well.

    And, and, and, uh, like Anton, you’re, you’re a very, um, valuable leader on, on, on this club. And we, we all appreciate your knowledge and your.

    Yes, sir. Thank you so much. I appreciate you guys so much. You’re one of the first that has actually given me an opportunity. So I care a lot about, uh, the value of the content, the accuracy of the content, and, you know, just making sure everyone is [02:21:00] protected. Yeah. And so I’m gonna close it out. Now, you’ve been listening to believe it or not, a live show.

    If you’re listening to it in podcast, it’s a live show we have every Friday at two o’clock eastern. Today. We did a special edition because of the holidays. We ran it at Wednesday at two o’clock, but we run ’em every Friday at two o’clock. And if you wanna come on stage, you’re welcome to do so. Just join us on Startup Club and join any of the rooms that, that are opened on Startup Club.

    And, and we’re, we’re always very happy to have people on stage today. We demonstrated the power of the community. What a phenomenal, uh, group of individuals who kind came together and talked about opportunities. I know I’m gonna go back and, and listen to, uh, a number of them and just really try to remember them all.

    Um, the name of the podcasts, uh, if You Are Live, is Serial Entrepreneur Secrets Revealed. And we’ve done 80. This is 80, 88 episodes. This is the 88th. And we’re gonna attempt to take this episode, edit it through chat g p t, and create a mini book or ebook, or white paper, whatever you want to call it. And, uh, we’ll [02:22:00] acknowledge any of the speakers who did speak today in that ebook.

    And it’s gonna be free. You can just simply go to We will be sending out the ebook in about, uh, a week or. To, uh, any member who wants it. But I think we had, we learned a lot today, at least. I know I learned a lot and, and I’m certain everybody here did as well. And we appreciate you listening to us and participating.

    Any last thoughts? Jeff or Michelle?

    Yeah, go ahead Jeff. Go ahead Michelle. Yeah, just everyone have an amazing holiday with your friends and family. Um, be safe and we’ll look forward to seeing you back here. Not this Friday, but the following Friday. And I think what we’re gonna try to do is replay this session this Friday where we normally would do it live.

    So everyone be well and thank you. Yeah. And I just was gonna add that this was a, a really. You know, it’s [02:23:00] interesting. Startup startup club’s all about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. And by nature, entrepreneurs get excited, they get passionate, and I think it’s been a while since we’ve had kind of something new come onto the, onto the scene, so to speak, that generated that level of excitement and passion amongst entrepreneurs and amongst this community.

    And it was really great to have that feeling shared with so many great speakers on stage today. Um, as Colin mentioned, you know, this is a paradigm shift. These are the things that really get everyone’s entrepreneurial juices flowing, and I suspect there’s gonna be a lot more discussions of all different aspects of, of AI and chat, C p t in particular, um, here in Startup Club going forward.

    So it’s gonna be an exciting time ahead. And also on behalf of Startup Club, wanna wish everyone a very happy, healthy and safe holiday season. Whatever you’re celebrating. Hopefully you’ll get some time to relax with your families and loved ones. And [02:24:00] I think we only scratch this, you know, we’ll have to run the a show again on G P T in January.

    Thank you everyone, and thanks for everyone on stage. We’ll see you every Friday, two o’clock Eastern. Bye.

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