AI Arms Race: How Can Startups Compete? 

As we’re watching the AI revolution unfold, a competition is emerging. It involves startups, the agile Davids of the business world, standing their ground against the Goliaths — the big, established businesses. Contrary to conventional wisdom, these seemingly under-resourced startups are not just surviving, they are thriving. This week, we discussed how startups are gaining speed on large corporations. 

The startups that continually innovate and refine their technology are the ones likely to stay ahead. 

Startups, and their naturally lean structure, have a distinct edge over larger corporations when it comes to implementing and capitalizing on new AI technologies. With no need for prolonged board approvals or balancing corporate bureaucracy, startups are quick to innovate and pivot, enabling them to seize emerging opportunities faster. Furthermore, startups are capitalizing on the power of niche markets. By focusing on specialized sectors and integrating AI into their operations, they’re scaling in these targeted arenas, outmaneuvering larger competitors who often overlook these specific areas.

Another impressive development is how startups are leveraging AI to lower the entry barrier into various industries. With AI, they’re driving down costs, creating affordable solutions that democratize technologies once monopolized by their larger counterparts. Add to this the inherent resilience of startups — their ability to thrive under pressure, innovate rapidly, and implement new practices quickly. This dynamism has proven a potent weapon in the competitive AI landscape. 

However, the race is not just about being the quickest, but for those who can endure. The startups that continually innovate and refine their technology are the ones likely to stay ahead. 

The AI revolution is providing a solid ground for startups to not just compete, but excel. Agile, niche-focused, innovative in cost reduction, resilient under pressure, and committed to continuous innovation — startups are proving they are the spirited contenders in the AI arms race. They are not just surviving, they are set to redefine the game.

Listen to the full session above to hear how your startup can use AI to its advantage!

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    EP106 Serial Entrepreneur: Secrets Revealed! AI Arms Race


    Today we’re talking about the AI arms race startups versus big corporations. Who’s gonna win this one? Or is, you know, maybe, maybe both sides can win this one, Michele. I don’t know. I don’t know. But what we have, I, I feel like there’s just so many opportunities and I, I’m really anxious to hear, you know, what our members have to say here.

    This is a really rich topic for sure. Yeah, I think we, we might spend the first 15 minutes or so talking about, you know, why big companies or, or the dynamic between the, the battle for the, um, for that space comes in. But, you know, I think the next 45 minutes we should really be talking about how we help startups.

    And, and you might have an idea, you might know of an app. I know that we’ve been experimenting with a lot of apps recently with Startup Club and we’ve actually got some initiatives [00:01:00] underway here at Startup Club to help startups. Uh, in this new AI arms race, it is truly an historical, historic moment in time.

    And here we have this opportunity. It’s almost like being 20 years old again when the first internet, like that’s when we launched our first internet business was in 1993. Michele, doesn’t that feel exciting to be part of history again and be part of something that’s very, very, gonna be very, very big for startups?

    Yeah, it, it’s pretty amazing and um, you know, it’s hard to predict these things, but my gosh, when they come up it can really just like change so many people’s lives. And I think that’s the incredible thing here, Colin. I think there’s so many positive things that will come out of this. So I’m super, you know, excited that I get to, even though it might be on the fringe, be, you know, a little bit a part of it.

    Yeah. And if, again, if you’re in the [00:02:00] audience and you want to share some of these, uh, new AI technologies or ideas that can really help startups accelerate, Augustine, I can see you’re, you’re there right now. It’d be great to have on again. You’re always well, very welcome. Uh, I wanted to start, uh, well first of all, before we jump into this, if you think this room is interesting, which I think it is, Augustine, I think it’s gonna be an interesting room, an interesting topic.

    There’s a, uh, an icon we hit the second from the left. I’m gonna do it right now. And you should just click on Share on Clubhouse. And if we all do that, we can get those who are interested in this topic coming to this session as well. And, uh, we can see where it goes cuz it’s going to, uh, it’s gonna be a very interesting day.

    Um, we, we have an opportunity here in history as startups to create things, to do things. And is it a great equalizer where the fact is startups don’t have the resources big corporations have, [00:03:00] so we can use open AI or we can use AI technology. Or is it the opposite? You know, is this a case where big companies like Google, Amazon, uh, Facebook, uh, apple, did I forget one there?

    Uh, in any case, Microsoft, oh yes, Microsoft. Do not forget Microsoft. They’re leading it. But is this a case where they’re just gonna dominate everything and startups are gonna be, it’ll be no need for startups anymore when these big corporations have this ai, you know, let’s kick that one off first, Michele and Auguston, and again, if you’re in the audience, you wanna start talking about this topic or you have ideas of how you can help start startups, please raise your hand.

    We’d love having you on stage and talking, and if you are listening to this in podcasts, Again, this is a show we do every Friday, two o’clock eastern. It’s called Serial Entrepreneur Secrets Revealed. And if you’re listening to it live today, uh, you can go to your favorite podcast channel and we’ve recorded [00:04:00] over 105 or 106 episodes with authors from Jeffrey Moore to Paul Hutchinson who, uh, you know, started a real estate fund, uh, a 48 billion real estate fund, uh, to Joe Foster, who started Reebok.

    We have so many great authors and innovators and entrepreneurs who come on the show, so if do check it out, it is incredible. Let’s kick it off. Michele. What do you think of, uh, startups? Do they have a chance here or are we just gonna, it’s gonna turn into Terminator three or Terminator four or whatever which one it was?

    I believe that startups absolutely do have opportunities. And I do believe that they have, you know what we oftentimes talk about here, they have first mover advantage. The thing that I find so interesting is it seems really quite, I don’t wanna say easy, that’s really overstating things, but the [00:05:00] tools that are available and the democratization of those tools, I mean, it’s really kind of unprecedented at Colin.

    Like I, I remember back when people started to build nice websites, we were easily paying, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars to get developers and agencies to build, you know, and it took years and years for many of those sites and e-commerce to take off. Um, I’ve heard projections anywhere from three to five years.

    It, it is incredible to me how easy it is, let’s just say, to hook up to some of these APIs, even using AI to code, if you’ve got an idea, um, it seems pretty feasible that you can, you know, spin up an app. So I am gonna say that it is completely accessible, and I do believe that some startups have advantages over, you know, large companies.

    Um, [00:06:00] I, I’m just, you know, I actually looked this up right before we got on the call here, but, you know, for startups, they, they’re not necessarily do, uh, bogged down with, you know, teams and political approvals and whatnots, like big companies, they can operate lean, that’s one. So they can get, get speed. And agility, right?

    They don’t have to wade through layers of management making decisions and approvals, et cetera. They could just get to it. Um, I think for, um, for startups, you know, you really, we all should be thinking of very specific problems and really hyper focusing on niche. That that’s, that’s, that’s where I believe that it’s at.

    Um, if you have an expertise, um, or even if you don’t, maybe you have a passion and a specific niche where you can actually solve a problem. I mean, the tools are out there and it seems rather accessible. [00:07:00] Colin, um, what are your thoughts on that niches versus trying to go wide? Yeah, I think, I think it’s all about your knowledge in a particular industry, that you can identify problems that others cannot.

    Big corporations cannot. And if you can figure those problems out, those challenges, those bottlenecks in a particular industry, and you can apply AI correctly, you can, I think you can make a huge progress. And, uh, you know, already there are numerous apps that have come out with AI technologies to support startups and, and, uh, and, and others too.

    And, and quite frankly, they’re, they’re taking off very quickly. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s almost like, it’s, it’s almost like a wildfire in a way, you know, it starts out small and then just goes quickly, very, very quickly. Augustine, thank you again for coming on stage. Wanted to get your thoughts on this one.

    Thank you for having me and I really appreciate, this is a great topic. Um, I, Michele [00:08:00] couldn’t have said it much better, you know, being lean, speed and agility. Um, coming from the corporate world, uh, I see the variances that impact both sides. Um, in corporate America, I remember, uh, working on projects, you always went through a waterfall method and then all of a sudden we start to do sprints.

    That change impacted. There was a lot of bottlenecks internally, so the advancement that you get in one area gets crippled on another area because of all the bureaucracy and, uh, all the safeguards in place, which I don’t wanna say they’re not needed, but they are needed. However, when you are in the. You know, startup, you have the opportunity to use different tools.

    One of the things that we’re changing in, in, in, in our company to support our clients is in the past we had like templated bank of responses based on queries and questions. We’re taking it to the next level. We’re [00:09:00] integrating, uh, chat g p t approach in order to search our own internal database and provide the responses to the clients, not just sending them, uh, a URL or, uh, a link to solve their answers, but provide them in layman’s term.

    Really, this is the feedback and response. Uh, by doing that, not only you, you know, get a firm response. You use the response timeframes within SLA periods, you don’t delay the process and you create consistency at the end of the day, uh, which at the end, When we look on our landscape, and you mentioned, uh, Michele, when you said, you know, before you used to have people making websites out there and doing development work and they would have a hefty price.

    It was a brand new thing. Then we moved into having companies like Wix that, you know, you can actually create a nice looking [00:10:00] website overnight and it doesn’t take that much effort behind it. Obviously you’re gonna have your ups and downs. I mean, when individuals before used to consulting, they used to be individuals and then the large, uh, consulting companies came in and of course they hire individuals.

    But I still see a trend of indivi, of new consultants being specialized in different areas, helping out to move forward with those topics. So really it becomes like a time to market, time to revenue scenario where a startup is actually positioning themselves to actually have. Much ability to get to the finish line, if that’s where we want to head to than a larger company where their own internal bureaucracy, their own technology teams and all that, is going to slow down the development.

    Uh, the only scenario here that we have to take into consideration is [00:11:00] your funding. You know, in the corporation you have projects and you have to fight for the funding allocation, but it all gets pulled from different resources at the end of the day. However, the new technology for a startup, you may reduce that initial barrier of cost because a functionality of chat G P T, for example, and that’s the one I’m, I’m focusing, uh, on right now.

    We have different advancements out there and if you use them accordingly and correctly, ensuring that your data is, um, No good data, good information, then that actually positions an opportunity. And just like chat g b t, we see a combination of different tools that are in the marketplace that you could use, uh, for tracking like Reich, for project management and other, uh, software applications that are readily available that if you try to incorporate that into a corporation, you still have to [00:12:00] go through all the approvals.

    You still have to go through the validation of software compatibility and, um, adoption of the product and services in a large organization. So having said that, just through a couple of, um, scenarios where I have seen both sides of the equation and I do see the opportunity for a startup to jump and yes, I think within the next three to five years are gonna be critical that the market will change again.

    That the big ice may come on top. Uh, that’s all dependent. We’re moving at a very quick pace right now and we have more opportunities. Thank you. I like, I like the way you say that cuz speed sort of serves the startup. Well, all startups have a need for speed cuz they need to make cash and they need to vote.

    Go quickly and they need to innovate. And big corporations tend to sit back and analyze a little bit too much. Right? I know her. You’re up next. Be glad to get your, uh, thoughts on this [00:13:00] whole arms race between, is it, will startups, will Microsoft control the world, or will startups have an opportunity here to contribute and, and use AI to make a difference in this world?

    Well, I, what I see is startups being the main hub of business and information. And the reason why I say that is these large corporations have been able to do what they’re doing simply through the, the process of dominating information. Okay? Google can on goo, Google could only do what it was doing because it dominated information.

    Microsoft could only do what it’s doing because it dominated information. What’s happening now with AI is the open source community and the open source community is far more powerful than any corporation. And the reason why I say that is we’ve got GitHub and we’ve got hugging face, right? [00:14:00] So these are individuals who throw up.

    Programs who throw up ideas, who put things out there to 30, 40, 50,000 people to duplicate what they’ve done. There’s no corporation that can do that. So what’s gonna happen is that the corporations are going to be somewhat of a support system while the startups and the small businesses are going to be the main objective.

    And I think that’s gonna happen for at least five to 10 years. And then we’re everybody’s, I mean, you know, humans are gonna get into a trend and then people are gonna follow the company that has the trend and then everybody’s going to give their their freedom away to that one company like we always do.

    But until that time comes, we’re looking at a large amount of independent people becoming millionaires and billionaires. I really see that. And second, People aren’t really paying attention to [00:15:00] what’s really happening. If you look at the blockchain and then you look at AI and you look at cryptocurrency, if when AI becomes a neural network like.

    And, and becomes decentralized. Now you’re looking at a brain. I mean, the brain has like 86 billion cells. There’s 8 billion people on the planet. If we had 1 billion people, each person having an AI that connects to the next, that connects to the next, you’re looking at a system that is independent of itself that has no con that that has no regulation.

    So when that happens, there’s no telling where it’s going to go. And in closing, we’re in a time cuz I’m 49 years old, and I remember when the first computer was created. I remember when the internet came out. I remember having to take my phone out and put it on the little, uh, cradle and, and listen to the, the sounds.[00:16:00] 

    And so what’s, and we’re in that stage right now. And so what we’re looking at is, The opportunity for some really, really powerful startups and an opportunity for people to take some of their power back, because now at this point in time, all it is, is how big is your imagination? Her porter? How I, I love the, that you said that her, that that was good.

    We’re only limited to our own imagination, and my gosh, I didn’t, I, I really can’t remember a time where it was so accessible to really just execute on that. Thank you. All right. Or AI’s Imagination or Chat, g PTs, imagination all. I’ll let you, yes. All right. Well, I think next up we have Giuseppe, Giuseppe.

    We’d love to hear what you have to say and you can share with our members.[00:17:00] 

    Um, hi, we’re Michele about, uh, topic about what, sorry. Yeah, we’re just chatting about how startups can be competitive in the AI arms race against big companies. Okay. It is my topic because, you know, I was a startup when, uh, 2006 I started to my business now in real estate in usa. And, uh, how you can be competitor with a big company if the company is your competitor.

    You can’t work in the same way. This is exactly what I did any single time. I started in India, Brazil, Dubai, Argentina, when I started to flip a property in, uh, in Florida. Everybody, everybody say the best place is Miami. Are you sure? I’m small? [00:18:00] My competitor. Were big, big, big, big competitor. No. The best way is to give different, give a different product, give different services.

    You need to be unique. You need to understand that if you want to sell the same product and your competitor, it’s big. If you want to offer the same proper, uh, product and your competitor, it’s big, you have a big issue. Why? Because you don’t have the technology. But the most important thing is not everybody talking about, hey, he like his Santo gra, but how you can use, Hey, he, it’s great.

    No, hey, he is great. I’m so sure that you understand. If you don’t have the right knowledge and absolutely experience, no. Hey, hey, you can’t use to give a greater advantage for this. Most important thing for me is if you are a startup, you want to win with a big company, try to be different. Try to do unique What?

    They start in the big club. In the big [00:19:00] city, for example, start in the small city, build a new target. Don’t follow target the big, compare the big company. Have a more experience of you. You can win it. If you can build a new target. The most important things you need to understand to be honest. Hey, it’s magic for me.

    For what? I’m Italian. And if I tell you this, you now understand the value of the Ahe. Only 10 years ago for each email, 100 email I sent about my project, my project is the same. I update my project, you know about the target, the market, the, the inflection, the recession, but every one other email I sent only 3%, they hands me.

    Because you can pay the best translator, have a professional, but if they don’t have the right knowledge about your target, your market, okay? They didn’t use the [00:20:00] technical language, the business language, and that is how magic is a, because today the same approach, 100 email I sent 80%, they answer me. It’s not positive, it’s not negative.

    Absolutely. But the same thing is I have an I important update about my experience and I can use the the ae. Yes, absolutely. I give this example. You want to jump in the real estate is my world, but you want to jump in the restaurant. You want to jump in the baker if you want. I’m in for loder now. Okay. If you want to open in for Lauder, and in one one minute you can ask, okay, what is the best hire to open a battery?

    Why I need to open a battery here? Where is, uh, you know, multi-office space because people not take a breakfast and lunch outside the home. All of these things, when you have a, the final ware from [00:21:00] T ask for example, they give you 10 point. Listen, be persuasive 0.3, five and 10 and t help you to understand why you need to open here.

    You need to looking for the open here, the battery. And that is exactly how everybody can be a great competitor for a big company. If you are a startup, how you can use hehe is not a, the power, how you can use a power gi Back to you calling. Hey, Giuseppe, are you said you’re in Fort Ladale? Yep. I’m leaving Bocaraton and uh, now I need to check, um, office space in, yeah, so then, yeah, I don’t know if we talked about this, but we have, uh, you’re looking for office space.

    Okay. Well we have an incubator in Fort Ladale. We’d love to have you here. Um, but I wanna pl talk a little bit about your th thesis here and, uh, a little bit about the experiences that I’ve had in technology adoption curves. Uh, we had Jeffrey Moore who wrote Crossing the Chasm on this show, and, uh, I’ve read his books and I’ve lived his philosophies for [00:22:00] many, many years.

    It’s all about this. This idea is all about how do we catch a wave? How do we catch the next big thing? And it’s about positioning yourself around that. Now, one of the key concepts, and I wrote an article for Forbes about a month and a half ago, two months ago, uh, where startups called startups flocking to ai.

    You can just Google it and or Google, colon, c Campbell, Forbes. And the whole premise is that those who can deliver the fastest in any one market will win in a tornado. Now, Jeffrey Moore defines a tornado when an early majority begins to grab onto a technology. So let, so let’s be clear here. Uh, AI didn’t start just so you, so everybody here knows did not start in October, November.

    That’s when new versions came out and the early majority loved it and grabbed onto it very quickly. In fact, the first day I was 1956 and I [00:23:00] was, uh, listening to this show about this particular topic. We’re not gonna go back into the history of ai, but the fact of the matter is, there are periods of time when there is a lot of distance between here and the early majority.

    You can see that playing out with meta in web three, but AI is taking off very, very quickly. And I just want to like share a little experience here. Back in two thousands, I was running a publicly traded company and we sold that company to a Fortune 500 company, and we had innovated, we became the leader of hosting and email services sold to telecoms like Vodafone, at and t, telecoms all over the world.

    And we sold this company, uh, for a nice premium in 2006. And I had agreed with the CEO O there to work for three years at this Fortune 500 company. And I reported directly to the c e o once a week we had a meeting and, uh, got to sit on the executive committee with all the executive strategy, strategy, planning sessions [00:24:00] and everything.

    So here I went from startup mode, although it was 600 employees at the time, what we sold, but from startup company to working for a Fortune 500 company for three years. It was absolutely fascinating the differences between the two. Yes, startups are much quicker. They’re much mal, more mal, more malleable.

    They’re more, they’re faster. They, they know that the startup founders can identify opportunities. They take bigger risks. In this particular company, we would spend days in committees and discussions and topics. And I began to understand that Fortune 500 companies, fortune 1000, fortune 5,000, the fact of the matter is that innovation in these companies do not exist nearly as much in startups because if you are a, an entrepreneurial minded individual working for a Fortune 500 company, you’ve probably left that company to run your own startup.

    And what I discovered that those individuals within that [00:25:00] company, within that large enterprise who actually stuck their necks out, who actually came up with some ideas, who actually said, this would be a great plan. They would do it and they, they might succeed two or three times, but when they failed, once they got their head chopped off, and the political environment, I won’t even go there.

    So the fact of the matter is corporate America is based on two concepts, big corporations and startups, and the startups sell to the big corporations. And this very same story. We had the opportunity to, Michele and I and a few others. We launched a company Was alternative Dot

    I went back to my, that original corporation, this is after I had left and said, are you guys interested in launching this domain extension? Because, you know, they technically had the, the, the, the, the rights to do so before I, and they said, no, it’s too risky. We launched that domain extension in 2012 and in 2021 we sold it to GoDaddy [00:26:00] for a huge multiple.

    Again, enter the entrepreneur. That’s what we’re dealing with right now with ai. Enter the entrepreneur dimple. I know you’ve been patient. Thank you for allowing me to share my story. Uh, dimple, do you want to, uh, take it from here? What are your thoughts? Yeah, no worries. Thank you so much. That was actually, I’m just enjoying the conversation and everyone shares, um, you know what, what I think is the people in terms of like whether it’s a startup or, or a bigger company, but I think the ones that are going to be the most innovative and also provide more so a all-in-one solution are going to be the ones that are going to succeed.

    Cuz right now, every single day there’s so many new AI tools and platforms and websites popping up and I can guarantee that the majority of them will not survive. And what will happen is out of all of those. The best of the best are going to be weed, you know, are going to be recognized [00:27:00] by, by users like content creators and entrepreneurs, and people who are users and consumers of ai.

    And those are the ones that are going to make it. So I don’t think I have to agree with, with what hurt shared earlier, I don’t think it’s necessarily just going to be a big monopoly where it’s just gonna be one player. I think there might be one or two that stand out. However, I don’t think that they’re going to be able to do everything that we want AI to do because it’s served so many different purposes, so many different, um, uses and what it can do.

    I think that there’s going to be multiple AI platforms and tools that are going to be, you know, um, stars and they’re gonna lead the way and pave the way and the ones that continue to innovate and also perfect their technology. Right? Because I discovered a great AI tool the other day. Called Opus Pro, which in concept I love it, but it still needs work.

    But if they can get it to where it needs [00:28:00] to be, it’s like a game changer in terms of productivity for someone who’s taking content from long form content and turning it into short form content. So I think, you know me like I’m kind of a tech nerd, like I’m always looking for the latest AI tools and apps.

    Even before AI was a big deal, I was always like looking at the app store, okay, what’s the latest app that can make my life easier, that can give me more productivity? So now, you know, I spend time sometimes on weekend just looking through different, um, releases and seeing what’s actually good. And adding it to my arsenal of tools to use or to talk about or to share with other people.

    Because if I’m gonna share a tool, I’m gonna try it out for myself first. I would never recommend using something that I’ve never tried, cuz I can’t really vouch for it to say if it actually works or if it’s good or not. So I will leave it at that, but thank you. Yeah, I, I’m like yourself, temple, like I just said at [00:29:00] night, just scrolling, looking through articles and lists and lists of all these super cool things people are starting to release and yeah, it, it’s really hard to keep up with it.

    There’s a lot of competition out there. Um, but I’ll tell you one that I particularly enjoy looking at. It’s a website called Product Hunt. I’m sure probably everybody on this, um, session has heard of it. They do a really cool thing where you can actually upvote and comment on, um, apps that are being released.

    So I find that’s useful and I actually found one today. I have not tried it myself. But we here at Startup Club, if you check out our website, we have tons of content and we’ve spent a lot of time doing these podcasts and you know, blogs and et cetera. So we’ve been wanting to at least experiment, for example, training, uh, you know, like a chat g p t against our own data.

    So that’s one that I thought was pretty [00:30:00] interesting and I’m sure there’s lots of other ones out there. But, you know, it just leads me to think of yet another way, another, you know, means that startups have, you know, could have some competitive advantage if they have an expertise in some particular area.

    And maybe for years, you know, they’ve been writing about it, like this is an opportunity for them to come out. And use those tools, I believe to create some really good, um, even better content. One that I saw that I’m gonna try on our website actually, is you could train, uh, a ap uh, AI app against your content.

    Again, because we are heavily focused on content at Startup Club to create little quizzes, which is something that we’ve also wanted to do. So, you know, I’m super excited. These are things that we have thought about and dreamed about and, you know, oh gosh, wouldn’t that be a cool project? And it just never seems to happen.

    I [00:31:00] feel like we’ll be able to increase the amount of value actually, because we do Startup Club, as I’m sure many of you know, you know, we don’t make any money on it, but we’re doing it. It really is a passion project. Of Colin, myself and the team. So I’m excited that we could possibly get even better tools and better content out there to the members.

    So anyone who knows Cool Tools always, um, happy to hear about it. Drop me aligned. Thank you. Yeah. And also, Michele, we, we’ve talked about two other projects. Uh, one is business plan ai, uh, which will be a free business plan creator. We just, we’re working on the prompt engineer and we’re trying to figure out, there’s some data that we need to connect in as well.

    Like, so it’s not gonna be as easy as we initially had thought, but we think that’s a cool idea where you can go to a website and just simply type it, answer words, and it can create a professionally produced business plan for investors. Uh, obviously something that needs to be vetted by your lawyers. I’m not gonna, [00:32:00] I don’t think we’re gonna come out with something like that, but at least it might help, you know, startups with something.

    And the other idea, oh, the other one, Michele, remember we, a couple weeks ago we were talking about this one at the, at the growth conference, the, uh, rhythms. Breakthrough Conference. We were talking about the idea of taking all these shows, taking everything that everyone here talks about, Giuseppe Herd, Augustine, Dipple, Eli and everybody, and just taking all the shows.

    We’ve had about 106 shows on serial entrepreneurs, sea Boat 110 on, on, um, the Complete Entrepreneur every Thursday at five o’clock. And taking that, take the book that’s coming out called Start Scale Exit Repeat, 458 pages, we that’s being published by Forbes and we, we push that all into this ai and then you go to Startup Club AI and you literally say, how do I exit?

    And something that Dimple said or something that Giuseppe said will actually come up and [00:33:00] pro produce an answer. It’d be interesting to, to get that, cuz I actually think that yeah, you can go to chat g p t and say that, but there’s something about the contents being filtered for. You know, it’s not a Get Rich Quick Club.

    Startup Club’s all about how do we help each other? How do we, uh, help startups? How can founders and entrepreneurs learn how to become better founders and entrepreneurs? How can they crack the code of what it takes to succeed at entrepreneurship? And I think a startup club AI would do pretty well. So, Michele, I know those are two projects we have not even liked yet, yet.

    But yeah, that chat bonk is what I’m going to, excuse me. BA bot Sonic is the one that I’m trying to use for that purpose. In other words, you’re training it on your own data set. I think there’s like a tremendous value. Just lying under the surface for those of us who have just been collecting [00:34:00] tirelessly, tons of content, creating lots of content.

    I know content creators are nervous, and I understand why, but if you have been creating content, I think you could, you know, train some models on it and have your own proprietary products, which is really rather cool to me. Thank you.

    Well, that’s great. Uh, we have an Eli, mj, you’ve been very patient. Uh, we have you there next up on, on this topic of, you know, who’s gonna, who’s gonna own the world, Microsoft or entrepreneurs, startups. Curious to get your thoughts on that. And if you have some thoughts or ideas to help startups with using ai, that would be great as well.

    Okay. Looks like, okay, here she is. You got you there. I’m here. I was just laughing. Well, uh, [00:35:00] can I say hello everybody? Lovely connection with you here. Um, the question which you asked, oh my goodness, is it entrepreneur or, um, is it start, um, entrepreneur or Microsoft is gonna kind of like hold, you know, hold the future or something like that?

    I would say, hmm. Um, Microsoft, they, you know, they are the top, I’d say they’re the top guys out there, however, What I think might happen is, you know, probably tapping into the entrepreneurs, uh, you know, session tapping into the, uh, cycle and looking to build something together, like collaboration. I would say, cuz there is, there is no Microsoft without entrepreneurs.

    Obviously whatever, whatever gadgets or technology or AI they bring out, if entrepreneurs don’t talk about it or they don’t use it or they don’t use it to teach their students, well, Microsoft [00:36:00] will software a little bit one way or the other, or probably increase their marketing budgets in order to, to advertise it to everybody.

    So, uh, I just think collaboration is a future and I think it is the key. So, um, yeah, I don’t think any of them will suffer. Yeah. And that’s my leader share there. But to top it up, I love the power of AI and, and I believe AI is the future. Yeah, we want it or not. It is the future. So that’s my question.

    Thank you Michele. Can I say something about what really say Absolutely. Go for it. Just, yeah, because um, I loved it. Yeah. That, um, I have a little experience about company new 2012 at the 100 company in the same moment is a lot of responsibility. You need to have everything under your control. But most important thing, everybody talking about collaboration is the future.

    I think so. Like when people say the number, the numbers sometimes liar. No, [00:37:00] the numbers can never, can’t be liar. Who reads the numbers is liar. Due diligence is important. Who made the due diligence? Not the due diligence. Important for this. No. I’m so sure that collaboration is important, but you need to have the capacity to understand who is this person to give the right value of the knowledge, experience, because sometimes we confuse the, the capacity to speak.

    Great. I have met other 100 people from KBAs, and I hope you understand my feel, okay? Because I’m so sure that sometimes people understood myself about my English. It was not a right. Great, fantastic. Like an idiot. But we need to be careful of for who? He’s great to speak about something. Uh, who is great because he has experienced knowledge.

    Because if you have the right knowledge, okay, you have the right knowledge, right? Yes. Okay. Why you don’t have a result. Knowledge plus extra equal results. You will be great in the real life for the results, not for the [00:38:00] knowledge. You can be the, the best knowledgeable person in the world. You can have the best education in the world.

    To give this example, in university, when I was in university, I was a disaster. The three best student ever in the b Milan, they were my employee. I never was them employed. That is when you need to understand the difference. No start up big company. You need to have a specific knowledge. Hey, you need to have people with general knowledge that work with you.

    No, for you, with you. That is very important. You need to have the capacity to choice who can have the value of my company. If I need to pay you and you need to add value on my project or my company, but I need to use my time to teach you what you need to do. This is Bill Gates, not ze. In his book, he explained exactly step by step how he chose people that work for mic, Microsoft, Google, you know, because when I need to choose you, [00:39:00] you need to add value of my company or my project.

    If I pay you, I need to teach you, I need to use my time. I lost my power. You know, you don’t have value, you take off value of my time or my company or my project. And that is really, uh, hope you understand my field, that very important not. The collaboration, it’s important what value can add, who can build the collaboration in your project, in your target.

    And you need to have the capacity to understand what miss I need to jump in Airbnb space. I’m for, to meet some of people. I need to know that arbitrage, it’s my white point. I need to meet people. They show me, don’t they tell me I can do that. They show me the result and I trust in what they do, not what they say.

    to you, Michele. Excellent. I I think that’s a great point. And um, you know, for us, at our companies, we’re looking to use it so that we can focus on [00:40:00] our priorities more and be more strategic rather than being in the weeds so much. So that’s always kind of a challenge when you’re running startups. All right?

    But I agree with you, you have to do it with a purpose. So, We have about 20 minutes left of this session, so let’s just go popcorn style. I think Colin, and still there’s an opportunity for people to come onto the stage and speak as well. But Colin, why don’t we throw out a few questions and just have our, um, members up here on the stage kind of help us move the conversation along.

    I’ll let you go first. Yeah, and I’d also, and I’d also like to know from anybody on the stage if there’s a particular app that you’re using. Uh, Michele mentioned one already and we can put this in the blog. So every, every time we do this show, it’s, it goes to the podcast network under Siri, entrepreneur Secrets Revealed.

    And we also, uh, write a blog. We do it the old fashioned way, Mimi Ostrander, uh, actually reviews it and puts the blog [00:41:00] together. Uh, I know we have to be using AI a little bit more to help us put this together, but the fact is we do, and it’s nice to have those. Apps that can help accelerate your startup. So if you have an idea or you know of one would be happy to hear from you.

    If you’re in the audience, uh, and uh, you know of an app that can help startups, that would be great. Michele, you mentioned one already that can do meeting notes and stuff and I know Jeff Sas, who sometimes comes on here and co moderates. He also had a good app out there as well. But, um, if anybody knows any apps out there right now for startups, that would be great.

    I know I just downloaded one today and this is just maybe a silly one. Okay. I have to actually look at my phone. It’s called Call Annie. It’s freaky. It’s like that movie her, you ever watch that movie? Her, it’s like she knows everything and you start talking to her and, you know, so I don’t know. I’m not [00:42:00] suggesting this can help your startup, but maybe this can help your, uh, Uh, I don’t know, something else.

    Well, I don’t know. Call, call won’t feel so lovely, right? That’s exactly, I was gonna try to be nice here. Yeah. We don’t wanna replace, replace our spouse here, do we? No, just joking. But, um, you know, if you have an idea for an app, let us know. There’s one, I have not tried it yet, so I can’t vouch for it, but, um, it’s actually spelled, it’s called Strat, so it’s like S t R A T and it’s actually a startup idea generator tools.

    So it can help you generate ideas for, you know, for a startup and actually generate, um, endless potential solutions. So like, for example, like a sample idea. You know, the, it’s, it’s demonstrating this, the pain of managing multiple subscriptions and remembering to cancel unused ones is a common frustration among [00:43:00] consumers.

    It’s easy to forget to cancel a subscription and end up wasting many on services. They’re not using market size. Then it says the global subscription economy is expected to grow from 4.69 billion in 2020 to 789.5 billion by 2025 according to market and market. So I haven’t used it, but it seems like it could be interesting for a startup idea.

    Well, that’s awesome. I also have one from Jeff, the one that, uh, I was trying to remember the name of. It’s called and it also will, uh, plug into Zoom. It’s a plugin for Zoom. It listens to the actual conversation, creates summaries for the conversation. And actually creates action items based on the conversation.

    It’s almost a little too freaky. And so yesterday I, I saw a demo of it, uh, Jeff was showing me and I said, well, can you edit that? Or it was like, no, you, of course you can edit it. So if you don’t like what, what it comes out with for action [00:44:00] items, you can obviously edit it. But you know, that’s, that’s, that’s a game changer potentially, because it really can improve the productivity of meetings.

    Uh, that was one that we came across here at the incubator.

    Yeah. I’ll just jump in. Again, I haven’t used this one, but one that stood out to me is Guy, it’s G u i d d, like G guide D with two Ds. And what I thought was really cool about this, their thing is that, um, they create videos. For very complex kind of processes or projects that are, I’m guessing, word base.

    So I love that because, you know, a, a picture’s worth a thousand words, right? And if you’re always kind of constantly trying to explain or dissect, um, you know, a [00:45:00] complex kind of whatever operations or fulfillment process, I thought, wow, that could be really cool and help, um, other people. So I’m gonna check that one out myself, Colin.

    Yeah, I know the most obvious one is chat, G p T four. Now do we actually, I’m curious like just those on stage, do, do, do you pay for the pro version? I know I pay for the pro version. I encourage all our employees to get the subscription set up because I really believe that you can get a lot of, you can improve your productivity just by having a paid subscription.

    I’m just curious. Anybody else on stage dimple, do you pay for the subscription as well? Yeah, absolutely. And it’s worth it. It’s only $20 a month. Even if it was more, I would pay more for it. I use it every single day for so many different things. I mean, it makes my life way easier. And even, like, I used it the other day to do a social media post for one of my clients who’s, um, a lawyer and, and she was like, oh, this post [00:46:00] is so cute because it automatically put emojis and it was written in the tone of an award-winning, you know, content writer.

    And so she, you know, she loved it. And for me to sit there and come up with something like that, I can, but it’s gonna take me a long, a longer time than 30 seconds. And that’s how long it took me to do it in chat. G b T is 30 seconds. Yeah, I know. It’s, it’s, it’s interesting. And I, I actually, um, had submitted the, uh, final book to, uh, Forbes, uh, in November of 2022.

    To be published October 3rd, 2023. That’s how they have quite a, a, a, an amount of time that goes by. But in February, uh, we had to come up with the inside cover. So I took the introduction to this book called Start Scale Exit Repeat. I, I took the introduction and I put it into chat, G P T, and I said, write out 10 reasons why somebody would wanna read this book, [00:47:00] just simply based on the intro.

    And it was absolutely amazing. It was phenomenal what it produced. It understood it was a book cover. It understood. It was a, it, it was just absolutely amazing. And it would, would’ve taken so much more time to have done this on my own. I mean, I don’t even know if I could have done it to be quite frank.

    I’d have to hire somebody, uh, a marketing person, et cetera, et cetera. But the fact of the matter is, it, it really was incredible and. Another, we had another session on Clubhouse and we were talking about, you know, mottos for Startup Club and we had a marketing lady on and a gentleman, and they came up with some mottos.

    And this probably wasn’t very nice what we did, but we said, okay, can you come up with some mottos for Startup Club? And they came up with, you know, an all inclusive community. I’m not saying they were bad, they were good, but they just weren’t very memorable. Um, and then we asked Chad g p t to come up with [00:48:00] five mottos for Startup Club.

    Barely, uh, it barely knowing what Startup Club is, it came up with, um, some really cool ones including FU Fuel, your Startup Journey, which I thought was really simple, short and memorable. And here we have like a 20, 25 year marketing veterans, two of them. And they couldn’t beat chat G P T on coming up with the slogan.

    Look, I know that human creativity. Uh, we’ll always be there. And I know, and we don’t want to go down that hole I presume, but the fact of the matter is chat g p t can help you with a lot of your projects, um, and it can make a difference. Michele? Yeah, I, I wanna mention something. I know we’re kind of, I feel like almost down on big companies, but there are a lot of existing companies, platforms, products, that are already starting to embed [00:49:00] AI features.

    And, um, I, I’m gonna say that’s how I’m using it, probably the most productively at this time. And I think it’s really cool that they’ve started to do this. So one of them is Canva, which I’m sure everybody’s heard of. Canva’s doing some really cool things with ai. And I thought it was really, um, amazing that they are adopting it so quickly.

    It’s already part of our workflow. On our, our e-commerce company, meowing, we have a massive social media following. So we spent a lot of time and money trying to create, but I was impressed that they already starting to add these tools, just sprinkling it through the application rather than, um, you know, trying to wait for some big release and change the whole platform.

    There’s a lot of companies doing incremental improvements. Another one is Clavio. Which is probably [00:50:00] one of the top email platforms. They have a really cool thing where they’ll suggest subject lines. And I’ve been really impressed. I mean, we’ve been doing this, you know, content, emails, et cetera for about 10 years on this company.

    And the suggestions that we get out of the AI little, you know, tool embedded have just been, you know, quite honestly, quite astounding. And then the third one that we’re using a lot, we use it a lot on startup Club here for our website, is Descript. Descript is starting to do some really cool thing with voice, um, in AI as well, totally embedded in their system and smart editing systems.

    And in fact, a little fact that maybe some of us don’t know is Open Eye AI actually has like a little incubator kind of, uh, vc, um, Program and Descript is one of ’em that they help fund. [00:51:00] So I’m, you know, every program I’m going into now that’s like, you know, marketing especially that’s maybe around creation and content is really starting to sprinkle these things in.

    I encourage people to at least try it out. It really just helps you, um, up your game. At least it has helped us up our game. Um, another one that I just saw on Product Hunt, and the name eludes me right now, I’m sorry, is, um, one I saw somebody release where you can do some really fast, smart ab testing, you know, on your website or on your content.

    So I’m, you know, it’s, I’ve never seen, you know, Depel, Giuseppe, Augustine hurt, Ellie, I’ve never seen a technology be embraced at such a rate. Um, You know, in my days I, I’m not super young, but I’ve never seen such a useful technology really be embraced by companies of all sizes. And I think that’s the power [00:52:00] of the usability and the convenience of this whole kind of generative AI systems, which is just amazing.

    Thank you. Yeah. Merf is another one that a friend of mine told me to use, and that’s allows you to, uh, edit videos and, um, really create a lot of content that’s a little bit more, uh, visual and like based on listeners from your content. It, uh, look, there’s just so much. It’s, there’s so many out there.

    Michele. Uh, I Googled it for you. There’s a company called Dynamic Yield that does AI powered AB testing. There’s a company called, um, I mean there’s like three or four or five, six different companies out here. And, uh, it’s, it’s pretty interesting just so to set the room, uh, I know cause we’ve sort of bounced around a lot, uh, but we’ve been talking about the AI arms race.

    Will big corporations win and we have a terminator like ending to this [00:53:00] story? Or will startups thrive in this new environment? And then we’ve also said, if there are apps that you know of that can help startups, we’d love to hear from you. And we have a couple more people on stage. CJ Daria, I don’t know if I’ve actually come in contact with you before, but you look absolutely fascinating and I, I love the fact your life is all about connecting people.

    Well, how about connecting us with your thoughts on ai. Gladly, Colin. So one thing that comes to mind, especially when you ask about it being an equalizer or not, one, we have to be aware of the data that larger companies have, that smaller companies don’t. The second thing is, in a world where content can be edited, created so quickly, uh, content is no longer an advantage.

    Personal relationships are, but content is [00:54:00] not how deep your advertising budget is. So, for example, we often look at, you know, what are advantages and disadvantages of being smaller and nimbler? One of them might have been the type of content that you’re creating, but now with the advent of ai, that’s no longer really a massive advantage as we go forward.

    But if you’ve got the advertising dollars to make sure that that AI generated content reaches the eyeballs of your desire, then you don’t have a problem. And that’s where the biggest difference lies. A lot of people are looking at AI as this great equalizer, but the people that benefit from it most, one, are the people that actually know how to use it and have the data to leverage it appropriately.

    Not, not just us [00:55:00] that are starting to enjoy it and play around with it and, and use it in all these fun ways. And then in terms of the AI arms race itself, A lot of us are looking at these add-ons versus the underlying language model companies, right, that are actually coming out. We’re seeing, okay, this chat, G P T, yes, that’s a great one, right?

    Open ai. But then we’re looking at all these like ai, P R M, et cetera. These are all just mini add-ons to the ai and as it evolves, it won’t meet them. We’ve seen this happen in web design and development. We’ve seen it happen with Facebook. We’ve seen it happen with many softwares where you get kind of an add-on business and then it literally just gets integrated in.

    We technically should have seen it with clubhouse and club deck, and we kind of did cuz they tried [00:56:00] making the lounges, uh, web friendly. So you see this add-on business kind of form. And then it gets gobbled up. Uh, Facebook has had quite a few of those over the years as well. Oh, that’s where my head is at though.

    That while a lot of people are thinking of as AI, as an equalizer for their business, actually the opposite is true, especially when it comes to the content generation space, even the way it impacts a CO and so on. It’s, it’s a very different game, uh, when it just becomes anybody can create this content or go, you don’t really have an advantage unless you have the ad dollars to make sure your content is the one that is being seen.

    So, CJ earlier we talked about having your own data set. Like for instance, startup Club. We’ve recorded hundreds and hundreds of episodes. Uh, we have a book that we’re gonna put into a data set, and we had this idea, I’m curious, [00:57:00] cj, you weren’t here for this idea. It’s Startup Club ai. So you basically take your, you’re taking that, uh, technology of the AI and you’re creating a data set, sort of creating a box around it so that the AI can answer questions based on the philosophy of a particular organization like Startup Club.

    So I, can you just comment on that idea? I’m just curious cause you’re just saying no, open AI is just gonna take everything. And you’re right. You could go to open AI and you could get answers from open ai, but the fact of the matter is we have a different sort of criteria here. You know, we’re not a get rich quick club.

    We’re a how do you strengthen your entrepreneurial skills club? And there’s a different data set that goes into, into the, the entire internet versus. Just a club. I’m just curious if you, if you have some thoughts about that, that’s very interesting and I do like it, but I’ll counter with this one. Who’s going to buy a [00:58:00] clubhouse and therefore have access to that data anyway, or who may already have access to that data.

    Secondly, uh, nearly everyone that has voiced their opinion on Clubhouse Insights Startup Club has probably also done so elsewhere on their blogs in their YouTube, this, that, the other, so that data is already available elsewhere along with many other business leaders that may not have been on Clubhouse Insights Startup Club.

    That doesn’t mean, and that’s not to detract from the value that putting the a, giving the AI system, let’s call it that for a moment, the data from Startup Club and allowing it to kind of use it as its own framework for answering things. Could be really cool, but at the same time, it also already has access to a much [00:59:00] deeper data set than that for giving the same kind of advice.

    Yes. Maybe, you know, like it can be a branding thing, it can be kind of fun, but is it really gonna give higher quality data than, you know, maybe Harvard Business data, for example, in terms of answering the same question along with all the other universities, all the professors, all the business people that have provided information on those topics.

    Then it sounds like to me, the content and startup club would actually be more limited as opposed to necessarily a better data set. And it’s the same thing like I was talking about, like advertising and leveraging ai. When you take the language model, right, and you apply it to, for example, credit card data sets that most smaller companies don’t have access to [01:00:00] that breadth of data that, for example, Walmart might have in terms of buyer habits, everything.

    There’s a distinct like, uh, lack of competitive advantage. Wow. I think you just popped our startup club bubble. I’m joking. I’m joking. This is what it’s all about. I like push back on that. This is what it’s all about. Okay. Yeah. Go pat, hurt. You got my back dog. Joking. And the reason why I wanna push back on that is because in the past we’ve had, we’ve had corporations pretty much telling people what they want.

    We’ve had people advertising and forcing something like. An advertisement, uh, psychologically you have to see something seven or eight or nine times before you wanna buy it. That means you never wanted it. With ai, people are going to be able to request what they want, which means advertising and corporations are going to change the [01:01:00] way they do what they do because now, I mean, pretty soon you’re gonna be able to say, Hey, Siri, I’m doing a a and, and Gary Vick talked about this, so I’m just saying what he said, but I’ve programmed some, some of my ais to do this, but it’s.

    It’s like, Hey, Siri, I’m doing a dinner. I’ve got two vegans. I’ve got one lactose intolerant, and I’ve got one guy who needs to eat healthier. Give me a recipe or a list of what I should cook, or give me a list of restaurants that I could go to to have them deliver to me the food that I need, and then Siri’s just gonna go out and find those restaurants.

    You’re no longer gonna ha you’re no longer, excuse me. You’re no longer gonna have to look and try to remember, oh, what was that Chinese place? Or what was that? No, you’re just gonna be able to say, Hey, this is what I’m looking for. This is what I want. Remember, [01:02:00] Amazon became large because Amazon started giving people what they wanted and everybody else started taking off.

    Taking that idea over Target is one of, is, is very predict with what people want by their shopping methods and by their shopping moods. So what is coming down the pike is that people are going to become more selective in what they want and they’re gonna start rejecting what they’re told to buy and start asking and requesting for what they want.

    And that’s what I see. Go ahead. Cj. Herb. I mean, I, I I would counter with the exact opposite. My friend. Here’s the thing. One, who owns that ai? Second of all, uh, where’s that? AI getting its data from? Now thirdly, it, the, the power of, for example, ai, even something as simple as unbounds, right? Which optimizes a landing pages copy, uh, positioning of the [01:03:00] CTAs, et cetera.

    Now, you add to that, that larger companies have access to data that smaller businesses don’t. Then you look at ai, uh, replacing, for example, the search engines, right? You’ve, you’ve seen what Bing did. Now imagine Google adds it to, so immediately the AI answers for you versus humans answering for you, which ultimately, yes, there’s s v o in place and there’s those algorithms that make a difference as to who ranks.

    But now it’s the AI answering you. It’s no longer the blog article I wrote about how to clean a carpet stain. It’s the AI giving you the answer, so it puts you further away from the actual human, uh, generated content. On top of that, you add another layer, [01:04:00] and that’s the power of iterative influence, okay?

    Priming, for example, uh, overcoming pre rejection bias by pre priming you to a particular belief about yourself. AI can do that algorithmically if someone has the ad dollars to apply to basically a method of influence to convince you that you want something. It no longer even needs to advertise. Now we see this, for example, in government contracts, right where a spec is built out for a bid that realistically only one or two companies can actually qualify for.

    We know about these things most people do. It’s the same kind of thing. If I prime you to value the following five things, and I have an AI that can convince you that those [01:05:00] five things are of value to you, and then I show you my product, which features those five things, guess which product you buy? You wouldn’t have seen one ad about my product, but I would have run those ads to you to educate you on.

    Those five key things to look for in a product. This already happens at, um, at a different level that most people don’t realize. A lot of the stuff you consume is, that doesn’t look like an advert, is actually an advert. It’s helping change your mind to be interested in a particular product due to particular features.

    And then we show you the ad of our product with the features we prime you. But bigger companies have the resources, the financial resources, to really do it [01:06:00] even more effectively than someone like me. A lot of people don’t even think about this, right? Like, but it happens. It happens every frigging day.

    Yeah. And I just wonder if, you know, we’re gonna see. Niches or, uh, let, let me use the example here of magazines. Originally there were three or four magazines and then there were thousands. Originally there were three or four TV stations, and then there were thousands. Originally there were three or four domain extensions, and then there were thousands.

    I wonder if we’re gonna see, uh, ais begin to niche out Edna. I really, yeah. I’m sorry if you’ve been patient Edna. Um, we’ll, we’ll, we’ll get to you in a minute here. But I just wonder, CJ, if you’re gonna see that, uh, different ais answering questions differently, and I don’t want to get political here, but I could almost foresee a, uh, [01:07:00] a sort of Fox news style versus a CNN or MSN BBC style ai and they’re each answering the questions differently and we go down that path that we’ve seen the human race do so many times, which is nicheing.

    Or separating instead of communicating together and coming together. We seem to bifurcate. I don’t know. Is that a possibility? One? 100%. And actually that’s, it’s interesting that you mentioned politics. So for example, one of the key things in politic advertising, right, is first I convince you that you care about a particular cause issue, whatever.

    And then I present to you with the candidate that stands for that. It’s like political advertising uses that extremely, extremely well. And it’s, first I get you to care [01:08:00] about that thing and I teach you as to why to care about that thing. I’ll give you another example with, for example, tilapia. Right, A fish.

    There are three companies in the US that predominantly supply the market for it. You will come across a lot of content, a lot of recipes, et cetera, that are sponsored by people that will not mention which brand or whatever, right? It’s not an advert, but it’s conditioning you to use that particular food item, which you can only buy from one of two companies, for example.

    It like, there’s a lot of that that goes on, and yes, to that point we are going to become skeptical. We are going to realize that we are being brainwashed by AI advertising this, that the other, and obviously the political parties are going to realize that maybe one political party is [01:09:00] using it better to their advantage.

    So now we need to take them over to truth social. As, as an example, right? Because the algorithms on Platform X are actually waiting towards whether it’s because the paid advertising is better or for any other reason, is waiting better to the other party, for example. I do see that fragmentation being very possible to answer your question, Colin.

    Okay. Mike App, crasher. Sorry. No, that’s really good. I I Let’s not, let’s not go down the political route. We, we really go. We’re going over time. I know that, uh, Edna, you’ve been very patient, uh, who’s gonna win this battle? Big corporations or startups? What do you think, Edna?

    And if Edna are not available, we’ll jump down to a Okay. There. She’s, Hey [01:10:00] Collin, how are you? Hey, it’s been a long time. How y’all doing? It’s been a long time. We miss you. It’s, it’s been a minute. I know. I miss you too. It’s been, it’s been a hot minute. I love, I love the conversation. I love where you’re going with, uh, the, the AI for Entrepreneurs and Startup Club.

    I think it’s a, I think it’s a brilliant idea. I see where, where CJ’s coming from, but I also think that a lot of the answers that are out there are generic and it would be so much better and helpful. For example, you know, if we ran, if you ran chat j b t and you had a question about energy, man, I could answer those questions.

    And a lot of the stuff that you find on the internet is just very generic. So it’s better to get it from somebody who’s actually boots on the ground and has the experience and can speak to the subject matter, um, with, with an expert opinion and or provide solutions. So, love what you’re doing. I sent you a DM so we’ll, we’ll, we’ll catch up.

    That’s cool. And maybe delivered in a different manner, like maybe it’s delivered through the actual recording voice of the individual who shared that expertise, cuz not [01:11:00] everybody just wants generic texts. Sent at them, right? Maybe it’s, you know, what you just said there, Edna or cj, you know what he said, or anyone on stage said something and it comes back with, well, this is what this person said on this date, and it plays the recording.

    I don’t know, maybe it’s a format thing too, but we’ll have to play with that Octopus. Uh, thank you for coming on stage. I don’t know if we’ve seen you on stage at startup Club before, but welcome and, uh, we’re very curious about your thoughts on who’s gonna win this race, startups or big corporations, or we gonna be like Terminator style.

    Microsoft’s gonna control it all. Octopus. Uh, thank you very much, uh, for limitation. And, uh, I think, uh, as we are all, uh, learning, um, on AI and, uh, its futures and benefits, I think we, uh, the creators are actually, uh, going to be adding more, um, of what [01:12:00] we need to see out of ai basically, uh, across all sectors.

    If I’ll say, uh, the medical, um, sector has also been, um, Uh, sector being talked about here in, in the uk, um, across, um, you know, just taking, uh, example for, uh, your examinations, uh, with your gps and a whole bunch of, uh, consultations going on here. Uh, currently in the uk. Also, uh, looking on the, uh, FinTech side as well to seeing how the banking sector and, um, customers actually relate with the ai.

    It’s been a big, uh, talk and I, uh, for one, being a creator in this space is just about building communities, uh, around and seeing the futures we can actually help, uh, implement, uh, using AI on a day-to-day basis, uh, with this, uh, yield for now. Thanks.

    Uh, Colin, just, yeah, [01:13:00] I’ve been looking, I’ve been listening to what everyone is saying and everything has deep roots and. How we look at things, uh, the day of tomorrow, I think we’re gonna end up having a very nice ecosystem. And maybe the word nice is overrated, but they’re gonna be some big players.

    There’s gonna be partnerships. So it’s a cycle that’s gonna happen like it did maybe 10 years ago. And, um, one of the things that may bring the competitive level of startups is partnerships based on products and services and aggregators. At the end of the day, I have a company, I wanna offer a product. I don’t have a banking relationship.

    Maybe I’ll go use, uh, one of these, uh, banking companies or startups like unit and so forth, and integrate that into my business. And that gives me actually a competitive advantage. And again, the word [01:14:00] that you mentioned at the beginning was speed to get to the market, time to market, time to revenue, um, and then build value and attract users.

    Uh, so the potential is there, how it’s gonna unfold. Um, I think there’s a big question mark out there. Uh, but it won’t become a Terminator style, uh, if that’s what we may perceive. But I think a good aggregator, a good ecosystem is what’s gonna end up prevailing. Of course, you’re gonna have some winners and you’re gonna have some losers.

    Yeah. And Roland, uh, had back channeled me. I guess you missed coming. He missed coming onto the, onto the stage earlier cuz we’d cut off the speakers. But Roland, I thought it’d be best for you to, uh, to share your thoughts on this one as well. Thank you for, for coming up. In a nutshell, uh, thanks Colin. In a nutshell, I think both benefiting, uh, in different ways.[01:15:00] 

    Uh, ultimately the specific benefits will depend on the individual circumstances, but more importantly about who the decision makers are in those organizations and how well versed they are in their businesses, as well as ai. Back to you, have a great weekend. All right, and what a, what a good way to end the show.

    We, we really run the show. We normally end it on the hour, uh, but we’ve gone over by, by about 15 minutes. And, uh, if you, you might not know this, but this actually syndicated at a podcast and we’ve had over 105 recordings with phenomenal speakers who’ve come on, including the ones today. I think sometimes our best shows are, are those in the community who come together and create, uh, such an amazing.

    Uh, events and, and show. Uh, we, we, I learned a lot today and if you came in late, you might want to [01:16:00] catch it on replay, on Clubhouse, which I know by the way is tricky to find. But you can also search for this, uh, episode, uh, posts the following Wednesday on Serial Entrepreneur Secrets Revealed on your favorite podcast channel.

    We do this every Friday, two o’clock Eastern, and everyone who came on stage, I know I followed every one of you. And if you’re in the audience you thought they had valuable information to share, I think it’s a great idea to follow them as well. Uh, thank you very much. Any last thoughts, Michele, before we close the show?

    Yeah, just a reminder, you know, um, visit our Um, you can sign up for our emails. Um, we only send them out about once a week, letting people know of just cool speakers or topics that are coming, um, to the stage. So we really appreciate it and we hope everyone stays well and we’ll see you here.

    Same place, same time next week, Friday at 2:00 PM Eastern. Be [01:17:00] well. Yeah. Awesome. And Michele, I think we’re hoping to have the announcement out about the book, um, link by next week, I think. So the book is Start Scale Exit Repeats, A 30 year Journey as a serial entrepreneur, 10 years in the making, and over a hundred interviews from those on Clubhouse.

    Thank you Edna, for that heart. But it has been an an incredible journey, and that will be coming out October 3rd. And we should have an announcement out on the pre-purchase. And by the way, we’re gonna, uh, send out a special deal for those who do go to that email list. So if you sign up the email list at a certain point in time, we’re gonna send out something so that you can get that book at a much discounted rate.

    Thank you everyone. Giuseppe Dimple, cj loved it. Edna Roland, of course. Augustine, you’re our newest, greatest contributor. Hurt. Eli and Octopus. It’s awesome. Thank you all.

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